It's so real, brothers. Playing a game makes me feel like I'm watching a TV series of wits. My animation company was delayed by the game and I didn't run away. The two CG scenes of my adoptive father's battle with the phantom boss are the best.

[Don't say it, everyone was stunned by the knife at that time. Fortunately, it was his adoptive father. If it were anyone else, he might not have been able to take advantage of it. 】

[It seems that the adoptive father rushed to Luofu without stopping after saving Tingyun. It is possible that when he met him in Changletian, he had just arrived not long ago. 】

2 hours explosion version.jpg

268. How about rewarding him with an Otto?

Needless to say, we are inseparable.

Thalia's story ended here, and Sao Sheng clicked to exit the instance with a look of pity on his face.

I thought I could talk to Hanabi later and get some information about the worldview.

However, this plot is enough for him to make a research video of no less than 20 minutes.

After waiting for about six weeks after the plot of version 1.2, the wait was finally not in vain.

However... there is still a foreshadowing that has not been recovered, and that is the method and process of Zi Shu waking up from his deep sleep.

Sao Sheng rubbed his hands.

Like the audience in the live broadcast room, his expectations are still maintained.

Sichen Palace.

Zi Shu and Ting Yun also explained the process and what happened clearly, and everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

You are truly the nobles of our Luofu Immortal Boat. If it weren't for you, the losses Luofu would have faced would have been many times more serious. Maybe... far more terrifying than half of the people who died as mentioned by the Star Core Hunter.

This is the pioneering path of our nameless guest. General Jingyuan doesn't need to be so polite and solemn, right? Uncle Zishu Yang? March Qi's eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

One code equals one code, and Luofu will not give up the treatment he deserves. Fu Xuan shook his head.

Everyone, I will be waiting for your arrival at Shence Mansion to give back a gift of gratitude for the anonymous guest of the train group.

Jing Yuan smiled and then looked at the people from Tianbo Division.

Steward of the Sky, Miss Tingyun, I think you all have things to do and things to say, so you can go back first.

Both of them were thoughtful people and understood the meaning of Jing Yuan's words, so they nodded lightly.

My dear benefactor, once things are done here, the little girl will definitely come to thank you. I hope it's no wonder that important matters are involved at this time.

It's a small matter. Zi Shu smiled and waved his hand, stood up and said, Luofu has his own important matters to deal with, and we also have our own internal affairs, so I won't bother you for the time being and leave first.

I will send you all to the Yuchen Inn. Fu Xuan said.

Jing Yuan: Well, then I have Lao Fuqing to entertain all the benefactors of the train group.

No, you must have a lot of troubles now. We know the way, just go back by yourself. Xing declined.

It's okay. The general has recovered from his injuries and will be able to take charge of Luofu affairs. I have Qingque's child watching over me, so I can rest assured...


The corner of March 7's mouth twitched, so Taibu Si must be finished?

I think you have all misunderstood that child. Although she always likes to lower her sense of existence and find various ways to catch fish, she still knows how to deal with big things, right and wrong, and she must be reliable in her work.

Fu Xuan roughly understood what March 7 was thinking, and said matter-of-factly: So, I am currently one of the few idle people, and I am proud to take on the important task of entertaining all my benefactors.

Xing and Yue Qi secretly looked at each other, both feeling embarrassed.

The words responsible mission are a bit overwhelming for them.

Why didn't I realize before... that this Lord Taibu actually has such a smooth side?

Since Fu Xuan insisted, everyone could not open their mouths to brush off the host's kindness.

Xing's attention was mostly on Zi Shu. When he was leaving at the Yuchen Inn, he sharply saw Fu Xuan stuffing a jade omen into Zi Shu's sleeve robe.

Uh...what could that be?

Zi Shu didn't tell her, and she was too embarrassed to ask.

No one asked Zi Shu about his past, which made him relieved. After all, some things were too troublesome to explain, and he had to keep trying to tell lies, which made him panic.

March 7 was just curious as to why he became the messenger of joy when he raised his mouth.

This is a good explanation, and one sentence inexplicably turns into an emissary of joy as soon as you wake up. March Qi and Xing may be confused, but Walter, who knows more about it, feels that the reason is valid and even absolutely reasonable.

After all, that's Aha...

If Aha's thoughts could be guessed easily, all the individuals in this galaxy would not be fooled by him.

Aha is so honorable, how about rewarding him with an Otto?

Zishu: O_o?

March 7: So Zishu, you can contact Aha?

...I don't want to contact Him.

Okay, Little March. Walter coughed dryly, The Starry Sky Train doesn't ask about the past. There is no need to break the casserole and ask for the end. Joy does not mean absolute freedom of speech and action. The Lord of Joy is unpredictable. Sometimes He will ask you It’s not a lucky look.”

Slander, this is slander! Aha is angry!

Zi Shu: An ant has become a member of the Genius Club. Don't you want to go and see it?

What?! Is there anything about Jiang Zile? Ah Lai Lai!!

There was no trace of Nao Noisy Mask at all, and it was not known whether he was pretending or really running away, but Zi Shuer finally became clean.

Anyway, our pioneering journey has come to a successful conclusion. How can we not celebrate this great day? Let's go have a big meal! March 7th suggested excitedly.

Are you treating me to a treat? Xing raised his eyebrows, Aren't you afraid that I will make you poor?

Hey, we still have some savings. Is it just a girl like you who has such a small stomach?

Xing smiled faintly.

It seems that her title as the Big Eater of Xingchahai can no longer be hidden.

In the early morning, according to the system, it is already a new day.

Under the shameful gaze of the owner of the Yuchen Inn, Zi Shu went upstairs with a girl with red cheeks on his shoulders and a girl on his arm.

If you were a Xianzhou person doing this, you would have to keep an eye out to see if there were any minors among them, but these were the distinguished guests that Fu Taibu had personally dealt with, so they didn't dare to think about it.

Alas... Seeing March 7 throw the quilt book on the guest room bed, and cast a water purification spell and a calming charm, Walter couldn't help but said with a headache: I shouldn't have agreed to let them drink that kind of drink.

What kind of fermented tea is clearly wine!

You can't stop your curiosity. Everyone has accumulated a lot of fatigue during this period. Getting drunk and having a good sleep can relax your body and mind.

That's true.

After all, falling asleep is not a blessing...

Walter rubbed his eyebrows and said, Then I'll go back and rest first. Please take care of Xing.


Zi Shu smiled and glanced at the gray-haired girl who was leaning on his shoulder and mumbling.

It's a good thing that it's not in the main story now, otherwise the players would lose a sense of immersion when seeing the protagonist like this, right?

After sending Xing back to her room, Qingrou covered her with a quilt. Zishu gently tried to leave, but found that his arm was being pulled.

Looking back, he saw Xing staring at him with hazy consciousness and tearful eyes.

Don't go...don't leave me...


Damn Aha.

The sword player was a sword player, but he also accidentally injured friendly forces. When he made a move over the Bozuki Ancient Sea, he probably stabbed Xing's body several times.

Zi Shu is not blind, he can see the girl's trust and slight dependence on him.

269. Why is Bai Si a god?

It was easy to pull his hand away, but he finally relented.

Rather, even if we put aside the system and plot aspects, this straightforward girl has already gained his approval.

He truly regarded Xing as a friend and partner. Of course, so did everyone else on the train.

Thinking about it, Xing suffered a lot during that period of deep sleep.

I'm not leaving, just have a good rest.

...No, you swear you will never leave me again...


Okay, please, please... Zishu...

Silently feeling the true emotions coming from his palms, Zishu's face softened and he said warmly: Okay. didn't even swear...

I swear…

Don't lie to me...



Without the slightest precaution, Zi Shu noticed a force coming from him and suddenly pulled him onto the bed. He couldn't help but look slightly startled.

While he was distracted, Xing Zhen got into his arms and hugged his waist tightly without letting go.

Just as he was about to push her away due to conditioned reflex, his movement stopped.

Your smell...makes me feel so at ease...

No matter how independent you are on weekdays, no matter how mischievous your temper is, there will still be a soft side of women deep down in your heart.

Kafka erased her past memories and left her alone on the space station, which was a bit cruel from another perspective.

But, that's what has to be done.

It wasn't until Xing fell asleep that Zi Shu got up and left.

As soon as he returned to his room, a petite figure came directly from the window, leaving him speechless.

...You won't always stay on the roof of the Chenchen Inn, right?

Fu Xuan nodded and admitted.

Zi Shu: ...

No, you are the Taifu of Taifu. Do you need to be so sneaky when meeting someone?

Disciple knows that you like to keep a low profile and don't want to be entangled in trivial matters, so that's why you don't go through the main entrance... Fu Xuan's eyes wandered slightly, and he said somewhat uncomfortably: Master, master, you won't blame me for making my own decisions, right?

That's not the case. Can you just call me by my name? Master, it sounds weird.

Rules are rules. You are my mentor. I can shout like that in public, but not in private.

That's all, it's up to you. Zi Shu waved his hand and guessed casually: It's because the knowledge about Lianshan and Guizang is difficult to understand, right?

Yes, there are fragments of the Book of Changes in the ancient books of Xianzhou. Combined with the ancient books left by the master, the disciple has made some initial progress in this area, but it is difficult to understand the mountain and the collection. Fu Xuan's eyes were full of curiosity.

There is a saying that the mountains are connected like the clouds in the mountains. They start with the hexagram Gen and are like mountains that are continuous, so they are called mountains.

Zi Shu patiently explained:

Lianshan is headed by the Gen hexagram. Among the three Yis, it belongs to the Xiantian Yi. It mainly talks about the confrontation between Yin and Yang hexagrams. Beginners...

Although Zi Shu entered the role of a human teacher for the first time, he had attainments that were engraved in his bones thousands of years ago, and his speech was equally clear and coherent.

Bagua is a vast and profound art, and those who do not have that talent may not be able to achieve it even if they study hard for decades.

As a talented girl from Yuque Immortal Boat, Fu Xuan certainly has that kind of talent.

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