[Hey, a pretty good female character died like this, it’s so sad. 】

[Let’s accept the reality. Tingyun is an ordinary fox clan after all. He doesn’t have any special abilities in his background. How can he survive the catastrophe of fantasy...]

[Yukong is unwilling to accept it, and neither am I. I still think Tingyun’s death is a bit wasteful, and the plot shaping is not even good. 】

【? ? You still want to be like Dao's adoptive father, right? 】

[One thing to say is that the adoptive father's knife is really cruel. The plot is Xu Huang's and the music is amazing. If he really died like that, he would be another Wuliangta Jizi. 】

Everyone, don't be so sad. You don't have Miss Tingyun anymore, but you still have me. Ran Ran comforted the friends in the live broadcast room.

And then...then a whole lot of question marks exploded.

【? 】

【Are you getting spicy? 】

[My backhand is a Star of Eden Liberation! 】

[It’s fun for me. It seems that Aran’s adoptive father Wu Lianwai, who has full life, is very resentful, and he doesn’t even generate electricity, so he just stabs the brothers in the chest. 】

[Hehehehe, retribution pinch. 】

Isn't this just a joke to watch everyone's paper man feel sad when his wife dies? I licked my husband and cracked several pieces of the monitor. The water below also dried up. I have to enter the sage's time to slow down and generate electricity.

【whispering sound…】

Unconsciously, the first-tier players in the main line pushed the plot to the part where they were preparing to put the relics of the deceased.

Yu Kong took the long bow from Xing, his fingers gently brushed it, his eyes full of complexity.

...Zingyun, she understands my pain, but I can't do anything else for her...

Xing and March 7 looked at each other and tacitly chose not to answer.

Yukong didn't care. Looking at the Jade Realm Gate that had been restored to traffic, he narrated in a hoarse voice:

Thirty years ago, I participated in a tragic war. I sailed with my best friends, but when I came back, I was alone;

After the war, as if afraid of touching the scars left by the past, the Luofu Fairy Boat has been recuperating along the route and carrying out trade...

I also thought that I was tired of flying and had lost the courage to shoot enemies with my bow, so I hid myself in the Tianbo Department's affairs documents, not wanting to look at the sky again...

March 7: ...Miss Tingyun, is she the daughter of your best friend?

Don't talk nonsense. Xing gave the former a nudge with his elbow, Miss Tingyun's family are still here!

How did you know?

Fu Taibu's casualty report contained information about the victims' relatives, and I happened to catch a glimpse of it, Xing replied.

Yukong's eyes turned red, and he sighed: Her parents are still serving as armed guards in the Tianbo Division. As her boss, I failed to protect her. Every time I meet her parents, I feel ashamed of the trust I had in them...

Don't say that, Miss Yukong, even General Jingyuan couldn't detect the conspiracy of the Great Lord of Extermination in advance...

Speaking of this, March 7 squeezed out a smile and comforted:

Isn't this just a fan that I found Miss Tingyun? Maybe she is still alive, and maybe she will suddenly appear in front of everyone soon?

March! Walter shook his head helplessly, reminding her to pay attention to the occasion when she said these words.

It's okay. Thank you Miss March for your thoughtfulness. Yukong smiled bitterly, After all, I also hope that she can come back suddenly...

Even she knew that this hope was extremely slim.

March 7 couldn't help but wonder, What kind of person is the real Miss Tingyun?

She...she is a natural businessman. She is my subordinate in her position, but she always likes to talk to me about business matters and give me advice.

As if remembering the past scenes, Yu Kong's eyes became even more sad.

She has never fought alongside me on the battlefield, but she is also a comrade-in-arms in another sense. Without the help of Tingyun, the others, and the business group, Luofu would not have been able to recover in just thirty years;

I once thought that times have changed, and so have the immortal boats. Talents like Tingyun are the future of the new generation of Tianbosi. She can bring prosperity to Luofu, unlike me, who can only run for blood and fire.

The three of them were silent.

The first day I met Yu Kong, she gave everyone the impression that she was a capable leader with great skills, but they never imagined that she also had this side.

Now, I realize that I was wrong. Before the pawns of the Anti-Material Legion are wiped out one by one, the Immortal Boat still needs me. It needs people like me who run in the sky for blood and fire...

Seeing a ship of stars flying towards the ferry, Yu Kong's eyes welled up with determination and he changed his voice.

The time has come. Everyone, the stars prepared for the ceremony are all ready. Let's put Tingyun's memorial on it.

Wait, wait for me!

Mr. Iwaaki?

Miss Tingyun prepared a gift for me before she died. We are both carrying the ferry, so I can't lose my etiquette...

Yan Ming took out something and said seriously:

I brought a paper kite. I hope you won't laugh at this meager kindness. Although it cannot be compared with the expensive gifts Tingyun sent, this return gift has its own meaning;

I heard that in the custom of the fox people, paper kites are used to comfort the souls of pilots who can no longer take off. Although Tingyun and I are not real pilots, we have been dealing with the starry sky all our lives. I think... if She should be very happy to be able to make Tingyun gain weight again.

As a number of memorials were placed on the Xingcha, everyone left the ferry and returned to Kunyu Terrace one after another, with sentimental expressions on their faces.

Yan Ming said in a complex tone: This time, we business groups don't have to compete for superiority. Let's go and fly to a farther world...

Xing took two steps back, turned his head and scanned the area.

Many familiar faces are there, and not far away you can see Fu Xuan, Qing Que, and even Jing Yuan...

Only, Zi Shu is not here.

Xing felt both lucky and depressed.

Fortunately, he has not yet reached the point of being mourned, but I don't know when he will wake up.

He took out his cell phone and was about to send a message to Ji Zi to ask about Zi Shu's current situation, but he found countless stars flying high in the sky, heading towards the Jade Realm Gate.

The mourning ceremony began.

The sky is blue, but the mood of the people on the ground is incompatible with it. If there is a color, it is mostly depressing gray.

Although the disaster has passed, I don’t know how many people have fallen into the devil and lost their precious lives...

Everyone stopped to look at the stars in the sky and mourned silently, so that the footsteps passing through the crowd could be heard very clearly.

These people turned their heads in confusion and found that a man dressed in white, with an outstanding appearance and temperament, was walking forward with a woman from the Fox tribe in his arms.

Jing Yuan had the strongest sense and was aware of the man when he arrived nearby.

He didn't feel anything at first, until he turned his head and saw the person in his arms, a look of shock appeared on his face.

264. Appear with Tingyun

Player perspective.

There are no characters speaking in the CG during the memorial ceremony. Only the group portrait camera continuously scans everyone, and finally shows the star in the sky flying towards the Jade Realm Gate.

Those stars carry the belongings of those who died in the disaster.

[BGM tear-jerking...]

[Salute to all the heroes who defend the fairy boat! 】

[Jingyuan finally came out, but...why do Yanqing and Fuxuan next to him look a bit like children? 】

[…The person in front of you, your words directly shattered the sad atmosphere. 】

【It can’t be broken at all! Personally, I like Tingyun the most among all the female characters in Xingtai. In the end, she received the lunch box completely, and what we had in our hands was a dead person. Sad? NO, it is grief! 】

[It’s really sad that I can’t hear the flattering yet vulgar voice calling my benefactor, 55555…]

[Here is Lan, help me! 】

[Brother, I’m not even thinking straight now. It’s okay if Lan doesn’t accidentally hurt you. If you still ask for help, you have to ask the pharmacist, right? 】

[The pharmacists are useless, how can a person who died without a complete body come back to life out of thin air? If I really survive, I will eat pig intestines raw! 】

CG ends.

Yanqing: General, the memorial ceremony is over, it's time for you to rest.

Jing Yuan: Wait a moment, our old friends are finally back...

At this time, the camera suddenly showed Jing Yuan's entire face, and the modeler restored the meaningful, surprised and even puzzled look so vividly that people couldn't help but secretly add drumsticks to the modeller's behalf.

However, the players quickly realized that after the memorial ceremony, why did he show such an expression?

The next second, the game screen announced the answer to everyone, and once again entered a CG.

The picture shows a pair of feet walking slowly, and the robe is as white as picturesque. The black mist floating slowly around the skirts and edges of the clothes contrasts with the ink style and adds a bit of mystery out of thin air.

At the beginning, most players did not react.

But soon someone was shocked and realized that Xu Wu Zishu's clothes were exactly the same as this one!

[Coming, coming, he is coming! 】

[My little heart is trembling. The most nervous moment in my life is my husband, right? 】

[Exciting moments are coming! Force, not the adoptive father, my Japanese fan! 】

The camera slowly moved up, and a pair of jade feet suddenly appeared in the picture. They were delicate and white, the favorite type of a certain type of foot master.

In addition, there is brown fluff, which seems to be... a tail?

It seems that I happened to miss some ceremony...

As a familiar voice sounded, the camera finally showed the face of the visitor.

This is the character that countless players have longed for, couldn't help but shed tears after experiencing the fantasy battle, and that the screenwriter has hidden out of context for a subsequent version for a long time——

Zi Shu.

I don't know how many players cheered involuntarily, but most of the cheers stopped abruptly in less than a second.

Thanks to the wide angle of the camera, everyone saw a woman in Zishu's arms.

That woman’s face is none other than one of the current main line mourners, Tingyun!

There was mist in the corner of Xing's eyes, and March 7 even took out the camera in his hand and dropped it to the ground. He involuntarily covered his mouth with both hands, his expression kept changing, and his eyes moved chaotically between the two of them.

This... this, this, this...

What is going on? !

Zi Shu woke up very happy, but Miss Tingyun in his arms...

There was a brief silence, and the stunned players began to react one after another. In response, the bamboo shoots exploded and the screen was filled with question marks.

Maybe it was the effect of the show, or maybe it was something else, but the host, who had a lot of popularity, jumped up from his chair with great understanding on the spot.

What's more, even the glasses he was wearing were broken.

As for the female anchors, almost most of them had the same reaction as March 7th.

[Holy shit, foster father! And stop the cloud! 】

[Mom, is that an illusion or the real Tingyun? ! 】

[It’s Huanhu, I’m eating shit, how could my adoptive father hug that bad woman! 】

[Tie Zhen Tingyun, forget it without wearing shoes, her clothes are not the same as before, indicating that she may have been imprisoned somewhere before, and then her adoptive father rescued her! 】

【woc! Really alive? 】

[Bad news, Xingtie has a knife, good news, it’s not a big knife, it seems like a happy ending in the end, no one died! 】

[Don’t be too happy too soon, everyone... What if the adoptive father suddenly says, ‘I found her body’ later? 】

【impossible! Absolutely absolutely absolutely - impossible! 】

Zishu...Miss Tingyun...

How could you...

Xing and March 7 each have one sentence, but there is no follow-up.

Walter and Dan Heng breathed a sigh of relief and were happy for Zi Shu's awakening.

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