Just be fine...

Everyone, I'm back. Zi Shu smiled gently, And I brought back someone you didn't expect.

This... Even Jing Yuan couldn't help but wonder, What's going on?

In the distance, Fu Xuan, who had just walked away for a short time, noticed the movement behind him. When he turned around, his body froze involuntarily. He quickly returned and stopped beside Zi Shu. His eyes trembled slightly and he didn't know how to speak.

He finally woke up!

Moreover, he actually held the ferry envoy from Tianbo Division in his arms.

The one who had the biggest reaction was Yu Kong. He unexpectedly heard someone talking about Tingyun, so he turned around and looked behind him, only to see the familiar figure whom he had missed day and night, lying quietly in the arms of Luofu En.

At that moment, she was also confused.

She is one of the few people who knows Zi Shu's sensitive identity, and she also knows that he died in battle, but the current scene...

He woke up and returned with Tingyun, who had been murdered by the King of Medicine and became missing.

Almost subconsciously, Yu Kong turned into an afterimage and appeared in front of Zishu with a gust of wind, his whole body trembling violently.

Is it really Zingyun...

In fact, she knew that there was a high probability that Yu Zishu would bring him back, but she was afraid that everything she saw was an illusion.

is her.

Although Zi Shu didn't know Yu Kong, he could sense her inner agitation and understood her feelings for Tingyun, so he signaled Yukong to take Tingyun over.

Taking the person he missed from Zi Shu's hand, feeling the familiar breath and the warmth from his skin, Yu Kong's nose suddenly sore and tears welled up in his eyes.

Alive, Tingyun is really alive...

Yu Kong has lived most of his life, but he has never been married. Apart from his adopted daughter, the person closest to him is Tingyun.

Now that he has seen her return safely, how can he hold back his emotions?

Without even a second's hesitation, Yu Kong held Tingyun in his arms and knelt down towards Zi Shu. No matter how confused he was, it was not worth Zi Shu's kindness at this moment.

No need to be so polite.

Zi Shu smiled helplessly and released a soft force to hold Yu Kong back.

As soon as he finished speaking, a gray figure ran into his arms, and it seemed to have the tendency to develop into a pear blossom with rain.

Thank God, you are finally back...

I said, even if you fall asleep, you will definitely wake up.

265. I used to like my adoptive father, but now I like him even more.

After learning that Tingyun in Zishu's arms was the real person, the players no longer cared about any spoilers and happily rushed to tell each other or hint.

In terms of labels such as reliability and security, Zishu has gone further and further in the minds of players.

Is there anything else that he couldn't predict?

So cool!

As the first local person he met after entering Luofu Immortal Boat, Tingyun, who is always a benefactor, is obviously loved by many players.

During the scene in Dan Ding Si, the scene of Huan Lu holding Ting Yun's face and twisting his neck at a 90° angle has almost become an indelible shadow for many people.

Not fear, but dissatisfaction and regret.

Why, why is my favorite character gone like this?

But now, it's a huge surprise to see your favorite character being brought out by a character you didn't like that much, or maybe you liked more.

[Now I have to cook Zishu. 】

[Good guy, as a four-star and five-star adoptive father for free, there are still people who don’t like him? 】

[Like is liking, cooking is cooking, they are two different things, I can understand. 】

[I liked my adoptive father very much, but now I like him even more! 】

[As you know, I have always been a loyal and devout believer in Shumen, but from the moment the benefactor appeared holding Tingyun in his arms, I realized that the benefactor was more divine than God! 】

[So what’s going on? I’m scratching my cheeks like crazy! 】

[I thought the old friend Jing Yuan was talking about was a star core hunter, but I didn’t expect...]

[Mi Huliu, you did a great job. Finally, you no longer hang on to everyone. The plot of 1.3 was completed in a short time and all the foreshadowing was completed without a knife! 】

【win! 】

[Shumen disciples came to ask: Do you admit that Zishu, the Savior of the World, has unparalleled personality charm and invincible beauty? 】

[I will kowtow directly and admit it! 】

[Thank you dad for saving your daughter-in-law! 】

[...What about your daughter-in-law, that is my adoptive father and wife! Claw! 】


Apart from the overjoyed players, those who love CP also seem to be celebrating the New Year.

In the past, Zi Shu and Ting Yun had no interaction in the plot, but there was still no shortage of people who liked their CP. There were many 18-related books on the pink mini software and the blue mini software.

The reason is very simple. The four-stars are so well matched and they are the fixed support and survival support for many teams.

Others provide opportunities for knocking through plot interactions, such as the Beloberg female keto team, but these two are one of the few who rely on teamwork, and they can be considered a very special existence.

Now many players are wondering whether Zi Shu appeared with Ting Yun in his arms intentionally to match the team compatibility.

Although Zishu is now in a five-star form and does not receive bonuses in attack power and energy recovery, he is one of the few characters who rejects Tingyun's support...

Originally, some players in two-dimensional games have a rather... special temperament and do not want their favorite characters to interact with the opposite sex.

However, this plot did not cause dissatisfaction among the players at all. The reason is simply that Zishu's popularity and portrayal are really top-notch.

He will solve the main uncomfortable points in the plot.

Whenever I encounter trouble or my life is in danger, he will solve it.

If there is any trouble that needs to be alerted to, he will solve it.

If there is a lack of survival assistance during the server launch period, he will solve it.

There is currently a lack of output and team support, which he will solve.

An ML type second game character, the art is not independent and caters to special groups, the plot is unremarkable, and it feels extremely reliable. He is an old father, a husband and a good buddy at the same time. It is hard not to love him!

The vast majority of people are just assholes, they love their families and their families, and they put the knife back into the role of screenwriter Mi Huhuo, so I would like to ask my adoptive father to pay homage to my son.

Sichen Palace, the internal discussion room.

All members of the train crew were there, including Ji Zi, as well as Jing Yuan, Fu Xuan, Yu Kong and other immortal boat leaders.

With Zi Shu's help, Ting Yun, who had been sleeping for a while, woke up and was recounting what happened that year while holding a cup of tea.

Coupled with the fact that Zi Shu took out the secret plan document passed down by King Yao, everyone understood why Ting Yun was killed.

No one said much about Ziyao being executed on the spot.

On the contrary, Yukong gritted his teeth bitterly, regretting that the beast died so happily and it was really easy for him.

Not to mention that Tianbo Division treated him well, Tingyun did not treat him badly. Not only did he save his life, but he also promoted him to the second seat of the Minghuo Merchant Group.

If Tingyun really takes over the responsibility of controlling the sky from her in the future, the Minghuo Merchant Group will most likely be handed over to Ziyao.

Who would have thought that this man was actually a lunatic who would do anything for his own selfish desires.

My child... I have suffered a lot in Thalia these two years... Yu Kong wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

She hadn't cried for a long time since her best friend died in Fang Hu thirty years ago, and she didn't want to be unable to control her emotions many times today.

Fortunately, my benefactor rescued me, otherwise... the little girl would never have been able to return to Luofu!

Tingyun looked at Zi Shu, his eyes filled with heartfelt gratitude.

If it hadn't been for him, perhaps dying normally in Thalia would have been a luxury.

Master... Fu Xuan changed his words consciously and asked doubtfully: ...How did you know that Tingyun was in Thalia? I can't figure it out at all.

Before the Star Dome Train goes to Luofu, we have just finished the journey of opening up a world and are in a short rest period.

Recalling the beginning, Zi Shu softly explained the ins and outs of the incident.

I accidentally got a strange object. I think you have all heard of it, which is the Wanxiang Impermanence Dice. By using this object, I obtained the six-bone stacked fan left by Tingyun;

Subsequently, through the causal chain involved in the fan, I learned that its owner Tingyun was involved with the Lord of Extermination, so I spent some time and money to locate Talia and went there to find Tingyun.

Tingyun nodded unconsciously, after all, she had already learned this from Zi Shu.

I still don't know something. At that time, the Star Core Hunters hadn't found you yet, and you didn't know that you were going to be involved with the Immortal Boat Alliance...

Fu Xuan asked curiously: Although you are... the envoy of Lord Chang Le Tian, ​​but it is not a wise decision to easily fall into the trap of Lord Juexie, right?

No, no, no, there is involvement. Zi Shu said meaningfully.

What kind of involvement?

Master Taibu, I have something to do with you. Have you forgotten? After all, that thing is in my hands...


Fu Xuan's face turned red, but this time he didn't feel ashamed or angry towards Zi Shu anymore.

After knowing that he was Aha's envoy and calming down from the humiliating encounter that day, he naturally put the blame on Aha's head.

As a Taibo, she has read countless records of joy-related events, no matter how absurd they are, stealing silk stockings is nothing...

Zi Shu is upright, and he doesn't look like a stooge. A fool must be a fake, and a forced actor is the real one.

Thinking about it, he happened to predict through his own possessions that he would have an alliance with the Immortal Boat and would have an intersection with him in the future.

266. Thalia’s subplot emerges

In this case, Chang Le Tianjun seems to have done a good thing indirectly?

No, more than one...

If Aha hadn't stolen her stockings, she might not have met Zi Shu and learned the lost knowledge.

Aha: Le, this little pink guy really knows how to figure things out on his own.

Zi Shu glanced at the mask on his shoulder, but did not speak out against him.

Little did she know that Fu Xuan mistakenly thought that he was looking at her, and that meaningful look made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Perhaps this is God's will. Luofu already owes Star Train a lot, but he didn't expect another favor. Jing Yuan smiled casually.

Next to him, Yanqing glanced at Zishu secretly, the embarrassment on his face difficult to conceal.

He is really not afraid of tigers as a newborn. He actually issued a challenge to a Star God's envoy before. No wonder he lost so completely.

The main reason why Ting Yun was found has been clearly explained, but Zi Shu did not explain the experience in Thalia too clearly.

The leaders of the four major forces are dead, and Hanabi will definitely not stay in Thalia, where the meaning of revenge has been lost for Tianboji.

It's okay not to mention the past. By the way, what ceremony were you holding before?

Everyone: ...

Although they knew that Zi Shu asked innocently, none of them were embarrassed to say that they were holding a mourning ceremony for the deceased, which included Ting Yun.

After all, Tingyun is sitting here just fine.

As the chief of the Minghuo Merchant Group, it is necessary to master the ability to see clearly. Tingyun guessed that the previous ceremony was a mourning ceremony, so he quickly opened his mouth to relieve the situation and cleverly moved the topic away.

The player's perspective is not so detailed. After the CG is completed and the conversation with Zishu is completed, a copy interface option will be entered.

The formation must bring the sub-book. The system provides a trial version, or you can choose the one in your own box.

Many people have experience with this and understand that this copy will most likely tell about Zishu's experience in Thalia.

Maybe, it’s still the first perspective.

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