Star Soul 1

[burning bones]

After the finishing move attacks the enemy target, each time the target has a negative effect, the attack power will be reduced by 5%, up to a maximum reduction of 20%, lasting for 2 rounds.


Heluo was stunned immediately.

My adoptive father still did not forget to protect the team. Star Soul One actually has an alternative damage reduction effect of 20%. However, the triggering condition must be to activate the ultimate move. It is a little limiting, and it can be regarded as another debuff...

It's not too meaningful, it's a bit useless. This zodiac sign alone doesn't support everyone not having a survival role in the team.

Star Soul 2


When our target attacks an enemy trapped in [Shang Yao], 10 points of energy will be restored.

!!!Wori! Is it true, foster father?!

Heluo immediately lit up 2 souls to enter the map for testing, and was shocked to find that the energy regeneration triggered by teammates could be replenished normally.

As a strategy blogger, he understands what this star soul means.

When all players draw A, they will have the same energy return as when E is used. If the character has a combat skill with an attack effect, 40 points of energy will be returned at once, which greatly improves the cycle. Many characters can kick off the charging rope.

It's a pity that this effect conflicts with the talent. If you want each character to always recover energy, Zishu has to keep using single-layer ultimate moves to continue his death. He is a star that is of no use to himself and is very strong in assisting his teammates. soul.

But having said that... The Void Assistant has such a terrifying zodiac sign. There is currently no news about the five-star limited synchrony. How strong does it have to be?

Heluo looked at the next two star souls.

Star Soul 3


Combat skill level +2, up to level 15, basic attack level +1, up to level 10.

Star Soul 4

[star death]

When Zi Shu obtains [Soul Chasing], there is a 50% fixed probability of obtaining an additional layer.


The probability of winning or losing is not 100%, otherwise these 4 souls will go against the sky! A simple and rough understanding means that the stacking speed can be increased by about 50%.

Star Soul 5


The finishing skill level is +2, up to level 15, and the talent level is +2, up to level 15.

Star Soul 6


When Zishu attacks an enemy, each negative status of the enemy will increase the critical hit rate by 2% and the critical hit damage by 12%. Up to 5 negative statuses will be counted.

The 6 souls are surprisingly simple and unpretentious, purely adding damage. From this point of view, even if Zishu's 0 soul outputs a complete body, there is no poison point split by the core mechanism. The 2 souls greatly enhance the circulation of teammates, but he has to use him Change the layers of your ultimate move, well...

No wonder 4 Soul will give you extra stacking probability. It can be understood that 4 Soul Son Book completely unlocks the attributes of attack and assistance, assisting teammates to increase damage and energy recovery without losing your own output.

We can give a preliminary conclusion to the brothers. An adopted father is an adopted father. If a five-star person is trained as a C, there will actually be no qualitative change at full health, and the damage improvement curve will not have much fluctuation.

If he is trained as an auxiliary and has 2 lives to complete his body, of course, without these 2 lives, it will not affect the basic damage he can give to the team, which is already very explosive;

In general, I would call him the most conscientious character. He is well-deserved as a human rights card. Even if he is 0+0, he can be assisted or C. Due to his special output method, it is not necessary for him to accumulate speed, and there is no need to worry about losing defense power. For survival issues, just fill up the panel and that’s it.”

Oh, by the way, martial arts. I almost forgot to look at his martial arts attributes.



The following effects only take effect on [Void] life path

Say goodbye to the past and move forward

For every negative effect the enemy target suffers, the wearer's defense increases by 15%, and the critical hit rate increases by 3.6%. Up to 5 negative effects will be counted.

If the wearer's defense is greater than or equal to 3000, the effect's hit rate is increased by 24%, and the attack ignores 24% of the target's defense.

Obey the words of our Lord.

He bid farewell to Him.

He wanders across the stars.

He slept for thousands of years.

Finally, he woke up from his long sleep and said goodbye to his past self.

I have to say that this light cone of foster father is really handsome. I don't know how many female players will be fascinated by it. But the attribute is also really special. No one can use it except himself. Others can't even use it with 4-star Good Night and I can’t even beat Sleepy Face.”

Nice butt.jpg

262. Tingyun’s relics

He Luo also glanced at the voice and character stories behind.

It can only be said that there is information, but not much. We have to watch the subsequent plot to unlock some background and settings.

The improvement in martial arts is quite good, but if you guys have 5 stacks of Good Night and Sleeping Face, you don't need to force martial arts. If you have 4-5 effect hits in the sub-words, you can guarantee the probability of getting the debuff.

I still can't help but want to say one more thing, conscience, too conscience, the strongest 0+0 complete character is given away for free, but I guess Lao Mi will make a lot of money this time, the water in the pool can keep shaking for 150 hours. It is not a problem, I guess Zi Shu One person can occupy 100…”

Players who know the flow think it's quite reasonable. It sounds outrageous, but Zi Shu's popularity is so high that his full life rate will definitely be ahead of the other characters.

His zodiac sign has improved smoothly, which does not mean that the extraction is not worth it. More importantly, the wealthy Kryptonian man is willing to continue to pay for the sake of giving away 0 lives for free.

Tianbo Division.

Xing and his party walked into the main hall of Sichen Palace with the Tingyun relics handed over by Fu Xuan.

Looking around, everyone is busy.

However, Yu Kong seemed to be talking to someone, and the silhouette he was talking to looked a bit scary.

Judge Xueyi, how could you be so injured? Yu Kong frowned slightly.

It was caused by capturing the thief of King Yao's Secret. His body is damaged and he needs to go back for repairs. I came to Sichen Palace to bring a piece of news.

Xue Yi took out the planning documents that Zi Shu had searched and handed over the part about Ting Yun.

Tingyun, the chief of the Minghuo Merchant Group, was killed by a traitor from King Yao's Secret Traitor. Judging from the war report compiled by Fu Xuantaibu, the chance that he is still alive is very slim.

Yu Kong took the document and read it with an eyebrow, then sighed helplessly after a moment.

It was not that she didn't know that Tingyun had disappeared, but this planning document from the traitor of the King of Medicine shattered all the hopes in her heart.

Being thrown into a chaotic galaxy with backward civilization, and with the Destruction Order participating in the plan, Xueyi said that the probability of survival was very slim, and he was trying to be tactful.

There are countless chaotic galaxies with backward civilizations. Not to mention it is difficult to locate which one. Even if it can be located, more than two years have passed. How can Tingyun, who has only some meager self-protection ability, ensure safety without the six-bone stacked fan?

Not to mention, there are some chaotic galaxies where even the Immortal Boat Alliance is unwilling to intervene easily, which shows how deep the water inside is.

...In this case, please convey my intention to the Ten Kings and report Tingyun, the chief of the Minghuo Merchant Group, as missing.

Do you still have hope?

Until there is enough evidence to prove Tingyun's death, our Tianbo Division will not give up looking for her.

I will bring the news and ask the helmsman to express his condolences, Xueyi said silently, glancing at the group of people walking this way not far away, Since there are guests coming, I will leave first.

Yu Kong nodded and said nothing to the former. He turned around and looked at the guests of the Star Dome Train.

Everyone, on behalf of Tianbo Division, I would like to thank the train group for saving Luofu during the star core disaster.

Walter looked solemn, Lord Yukong must have heard about it, Miss Tingyun...

I know. Yu Kong's tone was a bit sad, When I saw four people leaving and three people returning, I knew that the battle report sent by Fu Xuan was true.

Xing Momo took out the damaged six-bone stacked fan and whispered: This is what Miss Tingyun left behind...

Seeing this extremely familiar item, Yu Kong's eyes turned red unconsciously.

To this day, she still finds it difficult to believe it, and she doesn't know how much she wants to regard that battle report as a bad joke.

The anti-matter legion appeared on the fairy boat. Is Tingyun actually the disguise of a certain extermination king?

It's really ridiculous.

How could Tingyun, who had worked with her for more than thirty years and had managed the affairs of the Tianbo Division with her, be a monster in disguise?

But...the facts are the facts.

After being framed by the King of Medicine's secret plan, where is she now, and is she still alive?

Seeing Yukong's silence, March 7 could not help but be emotionally infected, Miss Yukong... please express my condolences.

I'm sorry...I understand...I understand, I just can't accept it for the moment...

Yu Kong raised his head and temporarily put away the depression in his eyes.

Thank you for bringing Tingyun's things back to Sichen Palace. In this star core disaster, we lost many colleagues, brothers, sisters, children...

I would like to invite you all to be witnesses of this battle and to participate in the memorial ceremony held by Tianbo Division for the fallen. What do you think?

The mourning ceremony? Xing Yi was startled.

In the words of the short-lived species, it is a funeral. But for the immortal species of Xianzhou, what happens after death has always been a distant and rare concept.

Yu Kong explained to the three of them:

On ordinary days, before the signs of the demon body appear, there will be guides from the Ten Kings to bring the Immortal Boat people into the Hall of Cause and Effect. They will leave behind their life experiences and then die. People are used to using short farewells instead of complicated ceremonies. The burial…”

The only ones who value posthumous rituals are us fox tribesmen with limited lifespans. In this disaster, countless Yunqi died in the line of duty or fell into the demon body. The Hall of Karma had no time to record their lives, and they passed away;

All hasty deaths and unrealized wishes remind us that the life of the immortal species is still only an insignificant and limited moment;

I want those who have passed away to have a place to go. I use Tianbosi's method and the fox people's memorial ceremony to put the relics of the deceased on the star chariot and send them out on the fairy boat, sail into the stars, and shine with them.

Speaking of this, Yu Kong's face was filled with deep sadness.

This is not only to comfort the dead and the souls who can no longer speak to us, but also to comfort their blood relatives, close friends and all the residents of the fairy boat left in the world...

I wanted to use this ceremony to separate my subordinate from the Lord of Extermination who took away her identity and appeared in her appearance, but...

I still don't want to believe that she is dead. I will definitely find out Tingyun's whereabouts in my own way, but right now, it's me, I...the only thing I can do for her...

Listening to Yu Kong's words, the three people on the train crew felt bad in their hearts.

The people who passed away were not only the Xianzhou people, but also Zi Shu...

Except that Walter knew that Jing Yuan had taken Zi Shu away and said he would wake him up in a special way, Xing and March Qi still didn't know about it for the time being.

Ji Zi didn't know how long this process would take, so she simply didn't tell them for the time being, so as not to increase her expectations and her disappointment.

This is indeed the case. Xing's nose is slightly sore at this moment, and her beautiful and attractive little face is full of depression. Her emotional loss is no worse than that of Yu Kong.

How she hoped that Ji Zi, who was waiting at the Alchemy Division, could suddenly contact everyone and tell everyone that Zi Shu had woken up...



263. Gray mood

Originally, the players liked to mention the Five Star Book, and everyone was in a very high state of mind.

But those who started working on the main plot couldn't help but feel frustrated when the plot reached this point.

It seems that Tingyun is really unstoppable...

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