In that case, if there were no other unknown factors to interfere, Thalia would become the burial place of Ning Yun and die tragically in the ruins of the city full of nuclear radiation.

No...I can't hold on to that moment even if I think about it.

After reading along the plan information, I found the information about the person who attacked Tingyun in the first place. I counted with my fingers and found that the person was still alive and in this cave.

Gently closing the document in his hand, Zi Shu waved his arms and directly put the contents of the entire secret room into the space.

The two Danshu's cronies outside wanted to know a lot, so they would just arrest them and throw them to the Ten Kings.

It's not just the Envoy of Fertility, he didn't eat them. The evil done by his colleagues is none of his business. He can do something to silence the restless people in the Ten Kings Division.

Xueyi walked out from the darkness of the street and blocked the last way out of a fox man.

The ten kings have been sagely judged, and the retribution of karma will be permanent. You have no way to retreat, so tie up your hands and execute me.

What, what?

Facing the judge in white who was slowly walking towards him, Ziyao's lips trembled and his high-pitched vibrato betrayed his fear.

Isn't it enough for you to catch those guys?

Xue Yi's face was expressionless and unmoved.

Starting with How to but not in a questioning tone means that the other party is well aware of the consequences that the previous people will face, and their uneasiness, fear, and avoidance can be captured from their facial expressions.

Her mission on this trip is to capture the remnants of the King of Medicine's secret secrets. If there is one, then there is one.

Don't even think about running away.

Focus on Ziyao's eyeballs, forehead, jaw, heart, elixir, lower abdomen...

In one glance, Xueyi located all the parts that could be effective with a single blow. Even if the opponent was a fox man known for his sensitive reactions, he could not resist the attack and opened the door wide due to fear.

It can be captured in one round...two rounds at most.

The dark iron chains inadvertently wrapped around his wrists and arms. Xue Yi turned into a white shadow and approached Ziyao. The two daggers in his hands flashed with cold light and stabbed straight into his lower abdomen.


The blow missed.

Looking at Ziyao, whose speed suddenly increased, Xue Yi's eyes were slightly curious.

Ziyao's body surface was like mice wandering up and down, his muscles undulated endlessly, and his eyes that were originally filled with fear were replaced by an emotion called madness. forced me to do this!

Ziyao panted violently as if he was suffering from an acute illness. Amidst a burst of uncontrollable pain, his body grew large areas of fine hair, and his limbs were stretched open by some invisible force.

Under the moonlight in the cave sky, a giant werewolf stood up.

From Xue Yi's clever perspective, the bright red outline covering the human body had burned into a wildfire.

Obviously, the other party's body is no longer pure.

You...this is asking for death.

The habit deep inside wanted her to sigh, but her body no longer had this function.

Taking the forbidden medicine secretly passed down by the King of Medicine will only hasten your death.

The madness in Ziyao's eyes became more intense, and his eyes did not waver at all as he roared:

From the moment I was discovered by you, I didn't have a few days to live. How could you, a bloodless and tearless thing like you, understand that I have a reason to leave here!

As if he felt that his strength was not enough, Ziyao grabbed the medicine bag on his side and poured more pills into his mouth like beans.

Xue Yi dodged his body to stop him, but what came his way was a huge fist, so big that it filled the entire field of vision.

She didn't react slowly. She shook her arms and stretched the chains on her wrists into a circle, trying to catch the punch and throw it off the ground.

Unexpectedly, the fist expanded again in just half a breath, and punched into the chest with astonishing force.

Terrifying force spread out, and cracks as dense as spider webs appeared on the ground where Xue Yi's feet stood, creating deep depressions.

There was no pain, only the soft sound of damaged mechanical organs.


Ziyao's hoarse laughter sounded like a wolf's howl.

Say a thousand words, there is an upper limit to the creation of ingenuity... It is far inferior to the body of our immortal species, and the potential is unfathomable.

Fortunately, he took away dozens of pills of the most precious elixir in the Medicine King's secret biography. Now it seems that he underestimated its effectiveness. He only needed to take one pill to easily crush the judge in front of him.

Ziyao smiled ferociously and wanted to withdraw his hand, but he didn't expect to be held tightly. Several circles of chains were tightly intertwined with each other, like spider threads entangled in his arms.

My Five Treasure Gods were destroyed by you, and some of the functions responsible for sympathy are a little weaker...


Ziyao clenched his fingers into claws and struck Xue Yi's chest violently, but a triangular spike penetrated his palm, and he couldn't help but howl.

Originally I planned to let you go to the underworld to be tried in full, without having to suffer the pain of having your skin and flesh removed, but you shattered my sympathy.

Stop pretending! Did you forget that your chain is connected to mine?!

Ziyao struggled violently, using his arms to hold Xue Yi into his arms. Every inch of his huge muscles responded to his anger, shrinking like a noose.

The heart-wrenching sound of clever dislocations rattled in the air.

Just when Ziyao thought he could squeeze Xue Yi into pieces, the iron bone of his hand came out of Xue Yi's broken right arm like a sharp spear tip and dug into the former's wolf-shaped jaw.

At the same time, two beams of cold light passed through the two, and the two huge arms that imprisoned Xue Yi fell off. The broken surface was as smooth as a mirror, and blood surged wildly.

Several Bagua spirit stones fell from the sky, depriving a space of gravity.

The slender and powerful legs turned into afterimages and whipped at the werewolf, knocking it away while grabbing the suspended body of the broken weir doll.

Huh? It seems I don't need to take action...

Pre-fried, yandere Taibu.jpg

257. The Xianzhou Alliance is really afraid of him

No, thank you for your help.

Realizing that her out-of-control body was free again, Xue Yi moved her grateful gaze away from Zi Shu and stared straight ahead at Ziyao, who was suspended in mid-air, struggling desperately but unable to land, and said coldly:

As you said, the potential of flesh and blood is unfathomable, but defeat is also caused by a weak point, which will hurt.

She wanted to bind Ziyao, but her broken body did not allow her to do it easily.

The skull, patella and spine were all misaligned, making movement extremely inconvenient.

Xue Yi reluctantly pushed the misplaced parts back to the correct position, but her broken left hand couldn't be connected, so she had no choice but to tie it around her waist.

During this period, Ziyao had completely passed out. As Zi Shu removed the eight formation diagrams, he fell to the ground like a dead dog, splashing dust.

My mobility is impaired. Please send a support signal quickly, call on the nearby Cave Heaven Judge to support me, and seal the entrance and exit of the Cave Heaven here.

Why didn't you post it in the first place?

“I sent it before taking action, but there was no feedback.”

Then it's useless for me to send it. The signal is isolated. I have to find something to block the signal and destroy it.

Zi Shu threw his chain towards Ziyao to restrain him, and clapped his hands and said:

But it's too late to destroy it. From the moment you started, some little shrimps have already taken advantage of the opportunity and slipped away.

Since you know, why don't you arrest him? Xueyi asked doubtfully, If you catch the most evil person, the Ten Kings will reward you accordingly according to the crime.

Those rewards are of no use to me. Xiao Xiami can just run away. Anyway, I caught the big fish. Why should I worry about whether Xiao Xiami can escape the punishment of the Fairy Boat Law?

With that said, Zi Shu casually dropped the two figures at his feet, naturally they were Danshu's personal maids.

These two are the people who know the most secrets among the remnants of the King of Medicine. They can be brought back to communicate with each other. Oh, by the way, I also persuaded a guy in disguise to surrender. With the confessions of these three people, King of Medicine's secret power has been exhausted. And, take these too;”

Some important information obtained from the secret room was thrown to Xueyi, including the list of Yao Wang's secret followers.

Plus this thing, if I still can't catch all the shrimps, then I have to doubt the ability of the Judge of the Ten Kings.

Taking the roster, Xue Yi flipped through it with one hand. The more he looked at it, the more frightened he became.

So detailed!

This kind of top-secret information is usually extremely difficult to obtain. Generally speaking, as soon as there are signs of being caught, the person responsible for hiding the item will destroy it without hesitation.

How did he do that?

Is this enough?


That's good. Remember to report my achievements in detail when you return to the Ten Kings Division. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first. Oh, and I took this guy with me. You can also mention it in the report.

...Didn't you say that the rewards from the Ten Kings Division are useless? Xue Yi was speechless for a moment.

Just because it's useless doesn't mean I don't want it. There are no rules. What's mine must be mine. Even if you don't ask for more money, it's good. You can't lose a penny.

Then this person... do you want to deal with it privately?

Well, don't mention anything that is not in compliance with the system. Just report it truthfully and no one will say anything. Zi Shu dragged Ziyao away, not forgetting to wave back, See you next time.

Of course, you have to deal with the characters linked to the sub-plots yourself.

As for the Ten Kings, the personal maid who captured the secret leader of the King of Medicine, and a guy with extraordinary abilities, even the Ten Kings didn't dare to gossip.

Xueyi: ...

Guan Zishu dragged the corpse-like Ziyao and disappeared under the moonlight. She opened her mouth and sighed slightly in her heart.

It can be seen that Zi Shu's words and deeds are indeed consistent, so what he said in the first round of assessment is true, not that there is something wrong, or he used some means to hide it from Jackdaw Mengzhan.

The Immortal Boat Alliance... is really afraid of him, but there is nothing they can do about him.

Please serve in the Ten Kings Division...a rather special judge, probably just for the final test of consciousness deduction and confirmation of his true thoughts...

Forget it, it's not something a little judge like her can have a hand in. Now it's better to return to the Ten Kings Division for business and repairs to avoid unforeseen consequences.

But before that——

Seeing the planning documents for the chief of Tianbo Division's business group, she might have to change her route to Sichen Palace after handing over the prisoner on the way.

Xue Yi looked at the two unconscious figures on the ground and glanced at the chains on their bodies.

Unexpectedly, Zi Shuren was so kind that he even helped her tie up the suspect so that he could be easily escorted.

However, as soon as the thought came to his mind, Xue Yi found that the chains binding the unconscious maid disappeared.


Helpless, she had no choice but to move her remaining hand.

The body was so damaged that there was no way to save it, so the only choice was to transplant the consciousness into a new Yanou.

She doesn’t know how Xiao Mei and Huo Huo will nag her this time...

He casually hung Ziyao on the street lamp, and Zishu concentrated on performing magic to bring Tingyun's consciousness back into his body.

It seemed that he had slept for too long. When Tingyun woke up, a deep confusion flashed in his eyes.

It wasn't until he saw Zi Shu's face that he realized something and smiled.

Long time no see, benefactor.

It's been quite a long time. I'm sorry for keeping you asleep for so long.

It's okay. My benefactor is also thinking about the safety of the little girl. I wonder if Luofu is currently...

The crisis brought by the Destruction Order has been passed. Don't worry. I think you should take a look at this person first. Zi Shu pointed to the guy on the street lamp.

He didn't say anything. Tingyun, who was a little happy to see Zi Shu after waking up, didn't notice that there was something hanging on the street lamp next to him.

After taking a closer look, he discovered that it was a fox-man who had lost his arms. Drops of bright red dripped from the broken wound and fell to the ground from time to time, bringing with it a faint smell of blood.

Although he was quite embarrassed, Tingyun quickly recognized that this person was the second representative of Tianbo Si Minghuo Merchant Group.

Is this what he is?

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