If you don't come out, I will use special means to invite you...

Still no movement at all.

Zi Shu shook his head with some pity, snapped his fingers, and a hallucinogenic barrier enveloped a mile in radius.

At this time, the sounds of quarrels or fights were heard one after another all around.

The hallucinogenic effect will amplify the most powerful desires in people's hearts. Some people commit Slaanesh, some commit greed, and some commit murder.

If the guy from the Secret Medicine King dies, let him die. He is not that kind to help others and persuade them to turn back. Adults have to bear the consequences of their own choices.

Zi Shu's pupils turned slightly, the joyful power in his body jumped up, and he suddenly thought of a bad idea.

He lifted the negative effects of some people and let them face the affected companions. Tsk...the time to test humanity has come.

In an instant, all kinds of unbearable sounds sounded.

Master Chief... Hehehe, I have admired you for a long time. I have wanted to ride under you so many times and express my love to you. Now I finally have the chance...

Qingyin, are you crazy? I'm not the leader. The leader has been missing for many days!

Give up your resistance, Lord Leader. Your power is too weak now. You might as well enjoy it in peace...

Get out... get out... ah - it hurts!

It's really unsightly.

Zishu clicked his tongue, ignoring the vicious and angry eyes of the woman on the ground, and moved his gaze to another place.

…It’s even more heavyweight over there, making people want to hum.

The chrysanthemums are broken, the ground is covered with wounds, your rectum has turned yellow...

Don't think I don't know you have Qingxu Huanyang Pill, give it to me! Give it to me!

You bastard, you really have the heart and courage to steal my things?!


Similar situations are happening everywhere.

At first, some people didn't understand why their companion suddenly went crazy. It wasn't until they caught a glimpse of Zi Shu walking leisurely in the courtyard, that a chill went straight to their foreheads, and they realized that his companion's behavior was definitely related to the snap of his fingers. .

Zi Shu dodged and got close to the two guys who were meeting each other. With a move of his hand, the chains flew out and tied them tightly.

The tied man on the left breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at his crazy companion with lingering fear before turning to Zi Shu and facing his smiling face.

Hei Zhi swallowed hard, her limbs trembling slightly with fear...

Where did this scary guy come from? His methods were scarier than the Yanou who broke into the branch area before.

you you…

It's up to you, you are yours. It turns out that you are a jerk. I will punish you first.

Without saying a word, Zi Shu caused thunder to fall from the sky and hit Hei Zhi on the head one after another.

At this moment, Hei Zhi's whole body turned into charcoal black just like the first character of his code name.

He fell to the ground and was twitching, but was forcibly hung up by the chains of the book. Black smoke was coming out of his head and his hair was standing on end. It was obvious that the electrotherapy just now made him want to die.

Are you comfortable? If you still don't want to say anything, I will give you a little more strength. Dangerous lightning arcs flashed from Zi Shu's fingertips.

Hei Zhi's face was full of tears, thinking that you didn't ask me, but he struck people with lightning when he came up. How could there be such an interrogation? He didn't say that he wouldn't give an explanation...

Of course, Hei Zhi never dared to speak these words, but instead frantically begged for mercy.

...Brother, please forgive me...I say, I say, I say, whatever you ask, I say, don't chop me!

How spineless.

Zi Shu slapped the side with his backhand, gradually manifesting his demonic state, and placed it on the roaring and crazy guy.

In an instant, his body turned into a pool of turbid pus under Hei Zhi's fearful gaze...

Very satisfied with Hei Zhi's expression, Zi Shu inadvertently patted him on the shoulder and asked meaningfully: Is my unique skill of bone-melting palm palm very effective?

Serious... awesome, awesome! Unparalleled in the world!

How dare Hei Zhi say no? In fact, Hei Zhi is indeed very powerful. He can kill someone with just one slap...

That's why I slapped you twice on the shoulder just now.

Ah? Ah!!!!

255. The reason why Dingyun was targeted

Don't pretend to be dead, it's just the chronic version.

Seeing Hei Zhi fall to the ground, Zi Shu raised his legs and kicked him twice, just enough to hit his waist.

Ouch--hero, spare your life!

Your life is like a candle in the wind, it will be completely extinguished in just half an hour...

I can do anything. You must have a loyal and obedient leader. I know the secret door of the Yao King Secret Headquarters, the secret room of the agency where top secret information is hidden, and I even know where the Yao King Secret Member Manual is stored!! I’ll take you there right now, please, please...don’t, don’t kill me!”

Hei Zhi knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing to Zi Shu, making clanging noises.

Even Zi Shu didn't know how to react after seeing that situation.

You are so afraid of death, how dare you join the Medicine King's Secret? Don't you know that becoming a member of the Medicine King's Secret requires you to go through the test of falling into the devil's shadow?

...Heroes don't know what they know. I was tricked into it...

Let's talk on the roadside, don't waste my time.

Okay, okay! Here comes the hero!

As if afraid that Zi Shu would go back on his word, Hei Zhi wished he could teleport to the target location immediately so that he could send this evil star away.

It's funny to say that Zi Shu used the mantra to confirm that what Hei Zhi said was true. He was really tricked into the secret of the King of Medicine.

Originally, this guy was just a foreigner who came to Xianzhou to treat terminal STDs. On the way to the designated free clinic, he was swayed by someone pretending to be a follower of the King of Medicine, and he was forced to become a member of the King of Medicine.

But it has to be said that Hei Zhi is also a talent in a sense. He has climbed to the position of deacon, and is only a little short of being able to manifest the shape of a form refiner, and his status will be promoted accordingly.

Even Zi Shu was curious as to what methods this guy relied on to become successful in the Medicine King's Secret School.

He asked directly. Unexpectedly, Hei Zhi's answer made the corners of his eyes twitch slightly.

...Return to be a hero, because I live a good life...The leader's two personal guards and maids are obsessed with me...The reason why the younger one can climb so fast and know so much is because of their beautiful words and gaffes...

Walk a six alone.

Zi Shu finally understood why Hei Zhi got an incurable STD and had to go to Xianzhou for treatment at a loss.

This guy is a Cowherd, and he is one of the top names in his planet. Coincidentally, becoming a Cowherd is also forced.

According to the state of his mantra talisman, he contracted the terminal illness after being drugged by a rich woman who was a biochemical mother to increase her mood. She was confused and had 13 attacks in one night without taking any measures.

In Yao Wang Secret, because of his excellent business ability, he enjoyed serving people, and sometimes even did some exciting things in confidential areas.

Why can a deacon who is not too core know so many secrets? Isn't it just because he lives a good life...

Apart from other reasons, he felt a little pity for this guy's unlucky situation.

Forced to be a steel ball model, I met the biochemical mother body. When I arrived at Xianzhou, I met the mother body called the secret biography of the King of Medicine. Tsk.

For the sake of this guy bringing some fun and relieving his boredom, Zi Shu planned to spare his life and then hand him over to Xue Yi to take him to the Ten Kings Division to deal with him impartially.

Whether he lives or dies depends on the severity of his crime.

Furthermore, Xianzhou's strict laws mean they are rigid, and judges are not allowed to arbitrarily impose capital punishment on suspects without reason.

For example, some worlds know that the murderer is responsible for the murder, but sometimes they still have to follow judicial procedures. Previously, a dozen guys were all dead, which may inevitably cause some people to criticize.

If an ignorant person were to use such trivial reasons to read a book, it would be the top ten kings and Jing Yuan who would be speechless.

Hero, we're here... Hei Zhi said with a flattering look on his face: I promise that I didn't attract anyone's attention. Judge... can you give me a chance to surrender to the Ten Kings Division...

I don't seem to have said what kind of judge I am, right?

A handsome and unparalleled man like you is not the judge of the Ten Kings. That can only mean that the Ten Kings are blind.

That's a good flattery. Don't flatter me like that next time. If it were a different judge, your poor head might not be saved.

Yes, yes... thank you, sir, for waking me up!

In front of the secret passage, Hei Zhi rubbed her hands nervously. She was afraid of Zi Shu but had to pay attention to his expression at all times.

My lord, please come this way. I'll take you into the secret room.

Although Danshu disappeared, her two personal guards and maids did not mess up and barely controlled the internal turmoil. This is why not all the remnants of the Medicine King's secret transmission were arrested.

Being able to lurk in Dandingsi for such a long time was not something that Danshu could do alone.

When the two maids saw that the useful plug had actually brought back a handsome and handsome man, their first reaction was that their eyes lit up. The second reaction was that he had crossed the line and brought people into a top-secret location at a sensitive time.

Just when they wanted to question them, the chains penetrated the space and tied the two of them tightly without even leaving their mouths open.

Sir 6666! Everything you want to know is in the dark room. I know all the passwords and secret cells...

Well done, it saved me a lot of time. Zi Shu nodded with satisfaction, Open it and get out immediately, giving you a chance to surrender.

Thank you, Lord Judge, for your mercy!!!

Hei Zhiru was granted amnesty. Under the vicious gazes of the two personal guards and maids, who were trying to peel off people's skin and stretch their muscles, he opened the dark room passage with great familiarity, and then knelt on the ground and kowtowed in seconds.

Hearing Zi Shu walking past his head without making a move, he was so frightened that he climbed out carefully.

Great, he doesn’t need to die. After all, he just used the back door of the King of Medicine to do nothing, and the crimes he committed are not worthy of death. If he behaves well, he might be able to gain freedom for a moment regularly for the rest of his life...

Zi Shu didn't care about that unusual talent. He swallowed the truth charm and was too weak to fake it.

He looked around and began to search for what he was looking for.

It didn't take long for him to find what he was looking for, and there was also an unexpected gain.

A burst of footsteps came from outside the house, and it became more and more chaotic, not heading inside, but heading outside.

Obviously, there was an emergency outside, which almost caused everyone in the lair to rush out.

Thanks to Heizhi leading the way through the secret passage, the information about the internal loss was not known to the remnants of the King of Medicine's secret message.

All they knew was that the cave was exposed here.

Without the alchemy, everything is in disarray...

Zi Shu returned his attention to the information in his hand and read it carefully. Soon he saw a plan and final report from more than two years ago, and his eyes froze.

Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that the reason why Tingyun was transferred was found here.

No wonder Tingyun was thrown into Talia without knowing it. His feelings were not caused by Huanwu himself, but were plotted by the secret ghost of the King of Medicine who was mixed into the Minghuo Merchant Group.

To be more precise, Huanlong needs someone who can act conveniently, who can keep an eye on Xianzhou's senior officials, and who can be relatively unobtrusive.

As a result, the mole who cooperated with him locked his target on Tingyun.

256. Seeking death

The large number of business groups in Tianbo Division also means that the population flow density is extremely high, which is greater than that of the Diheng Division, which is responsible for managing various matters in Xianzhou, including the resettlement of foreign residents.

If something happens to people employed in Tianbo Company, it is difficult to trace the source.

The business group contacted foreign envoys every day and had to go on business trips regularly, so they came into contact with even more people.

On the way back from the business trip two years ago, the inner ghost used some means to throw Tingyun to Thalia without anyone noticing, and left a path on her body that Huanhui could use to remotely steal memories.

As a member of the Suiyang clan, Huanwu has the ability to transform objects into shapes.

She specially sent someone to take away a six-bone stacked fan from Tingyun. The fan was something that Tingyun had kept close to her body for a long time. It had her strong aura, and it was so disguised that even Jingyuan didn't notice it.

This is the reason why when Huanhu appeared in the Taizhen Alchemy Room, what he left behind was not Tingyun’s body, but a six-bone stacked fan.

The truth that I didn’t have time to press out from Huanlong has now completely surfaced.

At first glance, Tingyun was really miserable.

When I went out to discuss business, I was doing well, but something unexpected happened.

If he did not get the six-bone stacked fan from the Impermanence Dice, and if the other six-bone stacked fan was not in Huanwu's hands, it meant that he could not detect the aura of destruction through causality.

At the same time, it also means that he will never think too much about it, let alone take the initiative to locate Thalia and go to that planet to find Tingyun.

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