See for yourself. Zi Shu handed a copy of the planning document obtained from the secret room to Ting Yun.

It was okay at first, but within two seconds, Zingyun's eyebrows were furrowed tightly, and his hands were shaking, which then gradually extended to his entire body.

The big tail that was originally wagging happily became powerless and drooped.

This this…

Tingyun looked up at Ziyao in disbelief. His normally charming and smart blue eyes were filled with anger and confusion.

No wonder she fell asleep and woke up in a desperate land.

No wonder... Ziyao, who shouldn't be doing business, would find a reason to follow.

Seeing this, Zi Shu poured a stream of water that was cold to the bone on Ziyao's head, waking him up.

When he opened his eyes and saw a familiar figure, Ziyao wailed and thought he was dazzled until his vision became clearer...

You, you, Zingyun?! You can actually come back alive?!


His nails were dug into his palms, and angry words came out from the gaps in Tingyun's silver teeth.

Tianbo Division treats you well, and I think I have treated you well, and even saved your life. Why do you want to put me to death?! me? If you hadn't insisted on taking that interstellar route four years ago, Rongjia would have died?!

? .jpg



258.Execution on the spot

If she hadn't died, our children might have been born, instead of just me holding her body and crying helplessly, becoming a useless person who can't protect his own woman.

Which route do I insist on taking?

Tingyun's delicate body trembled violently, her eyes spitting fire.

Don't forget, when the fleet encountered the void rift storm, if we didn't take that route, everyone would be buried in it, and no one would be dead!

So what, at least everyone will be buried with her, not to mention leaving me alone to live in pain!

you you--

Tingyun didn't expect that the young man who used to be gentle, polite, and had an unlimited future would turn into such an unreasonable appearance.

Is the relationship with Rongjia more noble than the lives of the 948 people on the caravan ship?

Isn't it your dream to be the chief of Tianbo's business group? You are really crazy!

I'm crazy. I was crazy when Rongjia died. Do you know what she said to me when she was dying? She said she could no longer be by my side and told me to go on strong, haha...hahaha, I don’t—”

Ziyao seemed to have forgotten the pain coming from his body and said angrily:

I wanted to cure her and bring her back to life, but those bastards from the Danding Division rejected my request and even sent me to the Ten Kings Division's Hell Prison for a full year! Obviously I can pay any price...

So in order to resurrect Rongjia, you didn't hesitate to join the secret tradition of the King of Medicine, obey the bewitchment of Jin Miefu Ancestor's lackey, and resurrect Jianmu?!

Yes, only the great compassionate Medicine King can bring my Rongjia back to life and renew our relationship. For her, for our future, and for our eternal love, there is nothing I can't do. ?!”

Ziyao looked crazy and laughed:

So to show your sincerity, you must die, and your seat is the most suitable for that adult to live in. If that adult hadn't kept you alive for three days, I guarantee that you wouldn't have even kept your body!

Still in love with you forever? Just dream of your eternal dream!

Tingyun laughed angrily, Your heart is filthier than the garbage in the sewer. With Rongjia's temperament, if she sees your crazy look, she will definitely regret not seeing you through. She would rather die like that. I disdain to be with you!

You fart! She loves me unconditionally! How dare you, a bitch, question the love between us? Rongjia's feelings for me... How can I allow you to slander me?!

Tingyun's silver teeth were almost broken. He was not worth it for his cheerful and smiling colleague on weekdays, and he was not worth it for himself a few years ago.

The people of Xianzhou will not give up their comrades easily. They once took the risk to chase the interstellar bandits and desperately saved Ziyao who fell into their hands, but they were treated like this...

He is simply a hopeless lunatic!

Idiot. Zi Shu looked sideways and didn't even look at him, Did you let Rong Jia come back to life during those days when Jian Mu recovered? Why do I see you looking like a loser and only being incompetent and furious?

Shut up! Who the hell are you? How can you interrupt here?!

The veins on Ziyao's neck and forehead popped out, as if he had been poked in a painful spot or stepped on his tail.

You'll know soon enough whether I have it or not.

Zi Shu smiled playfully, made ripples of space with his bare hands and reached into it. He pulled it slightly and pulled out a huge glass vessel.

Inside, lay a fox-woman.

It looks like he is asleep, and his appearance is quite intact, but in fact, he has long lost the fluctuations that life should have, and he is too dead to die.

what you up to?!

When Ni Lin was touched, Ziyao struggled desperately and looked at Zi Shu with an almost gnawing gaze.

What to do? Then I have to ask about the rules of your fairy boat.

The corners of Zi Shu's mouth raised, and a fan suddenly appeared in his hand. He shattered the glass and fanned the people inside.

The raging fire ignited in an instant and swallowed the remains of the fox woman.

Stop, stop! Damn you! Are you deaf when I tell you to stop?!

What are you talking about? Can't you hear me? Didn't you eat? Please speak louder. As if he didn't like the flames being big enough, Zi Shu fanned twice more and the flames shot into the sky.

You son of a bitch can't understand human language?! Stop the fire!!!

You're right, I'm a human being, so naturally I can't understand what the bastard says.

The flames went out, but the figure lying there had been reduced to ashes.

At this point, Ziyao looked up to the sky and roared sadly. As his flesh and blood squirmed, his arms regrown at a speed visible to the naked eye. Pieces of armor appeared on the surface of his skin, and his whole person began to transform into a demonic body.

Oh my, it's just to send the deceased to transcendence. Why did you break the defense?

I care about your ancestors——

Poor child, you are acting like a spoiled child when you curse, you know? Zi Shu crossed his arms and waited with interest for the other party to complete the transformation.

Without being disturbed, Ziyao transformed into a form-refiner, raised his spear with overwhelming killing intent, and wanted to tear the white-haired man in front of him into pieces.

Thunder suddenly rang in the sky, and two thick thunderbolts landed accurately on Ziyao's head.

Zi Shu made a move, and the chain wrapped around the street lamp wrapped around it like a spiritual snake and hung it back up.

This time, Ziyao's mouth was also tied up, and the noisy curses were silenced.

Looking at Tingyun who was staring blankly at the ashes, Zishu flicked his wrist, handed the red-edged sword to her, and marked Ziyao's elixir internal organs.

You saved an animal's life back then, and now you take it back with your own hands. It's only natural and right.

Tingyun reached out to take Chifeng, but a wry smile appeared on his sullen pretty face.

Although the little girl hates him very much, she also knows that she must abide by the laws of the fairy boat. She can only hand him over to the underworld of the Ten Kings to be brought back for trial. It is against the law to kill someone for personal reasons.

That's normal, but you don't need to worry about that at this moment, because I am the law that punishes livestock.

Tingyun's palms trembled slightly. Even though she had some intention, her brain was urging her to act faster, but she had to consider her benefactor. will bring trouble to my benefactor...

Prisoner Ziyao has caused many unforgivable heinous crimes, including confusing his mind, trapping demons, killing his clan members, stealing secrets, breaking alliances, causing military disasters, and secretly forming a secret alliance to destroy lackeys and capsize the fairy boat.

Zi Shu called out a token and said indifferently:

In the name of the highest judge of the Ten Kings Division, I declare that the prisoner Ziyao will be executed on the spot.

Seeing the token in front of Zishu, Tingyun lowered his eyes, then raised them again after a moment.

That beautiful little face was no longer as lively as before, only filled with unforgettable murderous intent.

For the sake of her former friend Rong Jia, and for herself——

The long sword with flashing lightning arcs easily penetrated the sinner's core and deprived him of all vitality.

Until it turned into ashes and dissipated, Ziyao's eyes were still the same, full of hatred for the world.

Thank you so much, my benefactor, for taking the decision for the little girl...

There is one more unrequited kindness...

It's a small thing. It would be easier for that guy to die happily, but you have saved him before, so you have to worry about it... Huh?

Seeing Tingyun's body suddenly falling backward, Zishu subconsciously caught her and found that she had fainted.

Tianzun versus bombardment.jpg


I was so stupid that I got it all over her feet.jpg

PS: Pinoconi is about to open, but the preview said that the plot will last for 3 versions before it is completed. In fact, I can write it, but I am afraid that the book will be lost due to force majeure... As for the reason, ahem, refer to the part about Thalia Hanabi that was destroyed by Xiao Xiao Warning... I can't say any more.

I just started writing because I wanted the new plot to be almost complete, so I thought it was to prevent the impact of the huge backstab.

But in this case, some people may say that my plot is meaningless. After all, after the fairy boat plot is over, the main line will be stopped for a few versions...

I dug a hole for myself with the main plot, but I had to dig it.

If you write a branch plot, it has to be similar to Thalia's plot. It's an original part and it's difficult to control.

It’s difficult to do. The three versions 1.4-1.6 are all active plots, which makes people numb.

If I skip writing and go directly to Pinoconi in 2.0, the amount of plot in Pinoconi will definitely not keep up with my updated plan. By then, if I don’t want to go back and write the event plot and side plot, the book will have to be replaced. Forced to end…

I am very self-aware, and guessing the follow-up plot or originality by myself is tantamount to a bad ending, because there is a 100% chance of being backstabbed, so it is better to seal the pen while it is not broken.

Tangled, tangled, it’s still TM——


259. But if the adoptive father gives it to you for free, is that considered an exaggeration?

After a little inspection, the reason was found. Tingyun's consciousness was separated from the body for too long, and after reunification, his emotions were too agitated, triggering the body's self-protection mechanism.

Zi Shu had no choice but to pick her up.

There have been many subplots so far, and the only character involved is Tingyun, who is extremely rough. If it were someone with a weak psychological endurance, he might also fall into the devil's shadow.

Just because the fox clan is not prone to demon yin doesn't mean it won't.

What a bad fate.

After taking a look at the sky, Zi Shu lit Ziyao's corpse on fire, hugged Ting Yun and left without looking back.

Another timeline, the player world.

Version 1.3 has been launched, and countless people can’t wait to update the game and flock to the world of Star Railway. They eagerly open the prayer panel and stare at the unique character pool and weapon pool of Zishu.

Seeing the eye-catching words on the single jump button with Pass x0 and 1 jump free, I was so excited that it was hard to describe.

At the bottom, there are two lines of small text reminders.

[By performing this free jump, you will have a 100% probability of obtaining the limited 5-star character Yi Zishu (Void·Imaginary Number)]

[Note: This transition does not occupy the minimum number of times of size guarantee. ]

What does it mean to be far ahead? Brothers, I declare that I am the extra-large Qiong batch. What is the original batch? If you are not familiar with it, don't get involved.

Heluo held up the Zi Shu figure in both hands and placed it right in front of the camera, clasping her hands together reverently.

Sir foster father, I will be your eternal believer, Shumen!???

After that, he clicked the extraction button.

A special ticket flew out, and the afterimage appeared on the edge, gradually revealing red traces, which represented the gold withdrawal during this jump.

Seeing the portrait of Zi Shu in the picture, She Luo felt that her soul, which had been tortured by stinginess for a long time, was deeply comforted.

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