【I admit. 】

[I object to...those who don’t admit it, ahhhhhh! The little girl was going to the playground and shouted affectionately: I am Zi Shu’s dog! 】

【Father! True foster father! On the plus side, he is really not stingy with giving to the Trail Blazers. Not only does he give you all kinds of things, he even gives you his five-star self! 】

[What kind of adoptive father, no matter how big or small, is called biological father! 】

【Today I will act as a rebellious daughter to my father! 】

[It’s like I didn’t give you four stars. I won’t pretend to show off my cards anymore. I am Zi Shu’s most loyal believer, Shumen! 】

【Book Gate????】

253. Personal Prism Yanxi Transfer ① Group: 250828444

Danding Division.

Zi Shu had just checked Ting Yun's current situation and confirmed that she was fine when he was distracted by the excited voice of the system.

[Explode, explode, explode! My master, this wave of popularity is worth an explosion! 】

Don't be anxious, speak slowly.

[Simple summary: Your popularity score target for the entire 1.0 version is still 20 levels away from being reached. By then, before the arrival of 2.0, you will not be able to unlock rewards by obtaining popularity scores. 】


Zi Shu brought up the system panel and looked at the popularity that jumped hundreds of levels in a row, a moment of confusion flashed in his eyes.

Give one of your own five-star cards to the player for free, and actually...

In the words of Tudou: It’s so scary, it’s so scary!

Immediately after the rewards began to be distributed, Zi Shu felt a sudden swelling and pain in his head, as if something was being stuffed into his head continuously.

This is no longer a sign of weakness after receiving the popularity reward, but a trembling of the brain.

Too much!

Regular strength improvement, various formations, skills and moves to unlock, and a lot of miscellaneous equipment, rare objects, etc. Yanxi transfer ① group: 250828444

Comparing the 1.0 popularity goal to the Big Moon Card Pass, this wave is equivalent to only reaching the first 15 levels before, and then directly raising it to 30 by giving away five stars.

After a long while, Zi Shu patted his forehead and slowly opened his eyes, sorting out the extra things in his mind.

After a moment, he turned his hand over, and a strange-looking crystal appeared on his palm.

【Personal Prism】

[After collecting a certain amount, it can be synthesized to enhance the individual's status in the world. ]

Zi Shu already knew the function of this thing, but this was the first time he saw it in reality.

If the understanding of a path is deep enough and the individual's personality is improved to a certain value, it is the time to be promoted to Star God.

At present, he is still far away from that day, and there is no benefit in thinking about it.

After putting the bit prism away, Zi Shu turned to look at the gorgeous relic boxes in his backpack, as well as some miscellaneous game rewards.

It still has no effect on him. In the real world of Star Iron, the relic is at best a collectible. As before, it would be better to find a node where the main story comes to an end and give it to Star.

What a great harvest...

What big harvest?

A figure quietly passed through the night and appeared beside Zishu without making any footsteps.

It's Xue Yi.

Nothing. Have you found the entrance to the cave? Zi Shu subconsciously glanced at the sky to confirm the time.

It's pretty fast. As expected of a veteran judge from the Ten Kings Division, his efficiency is much higher than expected.

It has been found, but the entrance is sealed. Xue Yi seemed expressionless, but in fact, a hint of worry could be seen in the slightly pursed lower lip. If we force a breakthrough, the mastermind behind the scenes will definitely notice it.

Then what do you think now? Zi Shu asked casually.

No, we can only wait until the suspect loses patience and runs out on his own.

...This is too stupid. If there is more than one exit from the cave, wouldn't it be in vain?

If you have the means, just use it. You don't need to worry about the battle. I will take care of everything.

Do it now?

Yes, I'm afraid things may change later.


Zi Shu couldn't help but sigh, and said sorry to the little fox lady in his heart.

The original plan was to wake up Tingyun, who had been sleeping for a long time, and let her return to Tianbosi and return home to reunite with her relatives. Unexpectedly, things happened one after another after she woke up, and she couldn't spare any time at all.

[Warm reminder to the owner, this case can enter the secondary line. 】


Zi Shu knew that Xue Yi was a self-contained character, but he didn't expect that the branch plot related to her would come so soon.

“How relevant is it to the main plot?”

[Not low, it has something to do with Stop the Cloud. After the player world is updated to version 1.3, this branch will appear in some form. 】

Why are you still linked to Tingyun?

Zi Shu fell into deep thought.

She has no connection with the Secret Story of Medicine King, unless...

Thinking of a certain possibility, Zi Shu stopped procrastinating and motioned for Xue Yi to lead the way.

Dandingsi had already fallen into silence late at night, with only dim lights shining through the passages, and not a single ghost could be seen.

Not long after, Xue Yi stopped in front of a dead end.

The entrance is right here.

Xianzhou has countless caves, large and small, and billions of residents live in each of them.

In some areas, the caves are connected like a honeycomb structure, with varying numbers of entrances and exits.

Through the coordinate feedback recorded by the jade sign, both the Xianzhou people and the foreigners can locate the entrance and exit of the cave they want to go to. If they cannot locate it, it means that the cave has closed the positioning jade sign from the inside and prohibits access to the cave.

It is worth mentioning that Dongtian technology is not only mastered by the Engineering Department. This is the conclusion reached after the investigation after the Huanhui Rebellion——

The secret of the Medicine King has been dormant under the eyes for so long because someone has mastered the technology and created a cave that is not recorded in the relevant terminal for hiding.

The Ten Kings have a long history of existence, and they naturally have no shortage of means to search for illegal caves.

Previously, Zishu asked Xueyi to find it by himself, simply because it was most suitable to let professional locals do it.

You, the Ten Kings, have the means to search for illegal caves, but you don't have the ability to enter? Zi Shu asked.

Each judge is good at different methods. I am good at arresting but not locking. I still don't know which department you have been assigned to and what you are good at?

... Zi Shu was speechless for a moment.

He was just a back-door judge who went through the motions, and the Ten Kings didn't assign a department to him at all.

Everyone knew in their hearts that this big Buddha of theirs was not here to work for the Ten Kings, so they did not dare to push it. Instead, they had to turn a blind eye to some matters that did not involve any principles.

Otherwise, if one person is not happy with his work, it will only cause trouble within the Ten Kings Division, and I am afraid that the entire Luofu will be implicated.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

The leader of the Luofu Ten Kings Division looked calm on the surface, but in fact he was quite resentful and dared not express his anger. He had already secretly scolded the people at the headquarters.

You (Xianzhou expletive) have thrown such a terrifying hot potato into the mix, have you ever considered the feelings of the Luofu branch?

That was the Envoy of Fertility, and it could not be said that he was even more terrifying than Su Su. He was not just a cat or a dog!

If it weren't for Marshal Hua as a guarantee, he would have to unite with the ten kings of the branch to protest fiercely at the headquarters no matter what. Why not let the Envoy of the Fengfeng Order register as a judge in Xuling instead of coming to Luofu?

Why don't you make it clear that you refuse to take the blame? As the headquarters, you really have no responsibility.

...It doesn't matter what department it is, business is important, we are going in. Zi Shu thought for a moment, then changed his voice, By the way, how do you want to enter?

How to make an appearance...? Xue Yi was startled, then frowned and said, No matter what method, the fastest and easiest way is, this matter cannot be delayed.

彳亍, please take a few steps back.

Xue Yi did as he was told, and then saw Zi Shu clenching his fist and punching the space in front of him hard——

The space was filled with cracks that rapidly expanded and shattered into an entrance under her stunned gaze...

Even an idiot can detect such a big movement in an instant, so this is bad!

Mei? Underworld? film? .jpg

254. It seems that Aha has been raised to be a bitch

Regardless of scolding Zishu, he used the most arrogant method to break open the entrance to the cave. Xueyi turned into an afterimage and entered inside without saying a word, leaving behind an innocent-looking white-haired man.

[Skill acquired: Deliberate punching. 】

Wuhu~~Whenever Mr. Lingshi uses this move in the future, Aha can cheer loudly~~Mr. Lingshi's choice makes Aha happy as always!

Is it possible that your other two options are just too much?

Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Isn't it too much to be a pilot girl to open a lock? Oops, it's the same as Mr. Lingshi's previous Gundam. There's no difference. Why don't you choose it?

Aha was confident.

It's just that in Zi Shu's eyes, he is not rational but very strong.

Then, what about asking Zhensheng to shout to Xueyi, 'Let me see your body and help you check for faults'?

You were once the Supreme Good Envoy. Not long ago, you gave your five-star card to players outside the wall for free. You help machine girls check their bodies just like doctors do physical exams for people. How normal, so normal!

Really? That's not what the label at the back says, 'Keep the snow clothes and white silk secretly'...

Nothing. Mr. Lingshi's choice has now been completed. Do you have any evidence to prove it? No!

You have a really tough mouth. I just don't know if you can withstand it when Creeper gives you a hammer?

Come on, do you expect that idiot who only knows how to throw dust to beat Aha? Last time I stole the bricks from his wall to build a toilet, and that idiot didn't even bother to beat Aha!

King Amber did the right thing. Who would have nothing to do to step on a piece of shit?

nyaaaaa——Mr. Lingshi actually said that Aha is a piece of shit. Aha's heart at this moment is like the pain of a suffering man who saw his woman being made into an Oreo. It hurts, it hurts so much!

Are you done? I have to work. Get out of here.

Da baa yo, da baa da baa, Aha has not yet given Mr. Lingshi the skills of strong hand to split skulls, subjugation, and breathtaking skills. He is considered an adulterer. He must be severely punished by Mr. Lingshi. Find an opportunity to use these... Oh~~ I feel comfortable, Mr. Lingshi’s jio is so kind, aha, get out now!”

There were several black lines standing on Zi Shu's forehead, making his entire face a little dark.

Something is getting wrong.

No matter how you raise him, he seems to have developed Aha into a bitch, but sometimes it’s really hard to resist the thought of beating him.

It was absolutely none of his business, it was all Ahathana's self-orgasm.

Zi Shu comforted himself by being so calm.

Looking at the skills he got from Ahana, Zishu's eyes were dark and he didn't know how to evaluate them for a moment.

Of course, the skills he was referring to were small-print remarks.

[The damage to female targets is increased by 50%, and the damage to XXN targets is increased by 100%. 】

Let's talk about it, he doesn't resist the latter attribute just yet...

Xue Yi has disappeared, but she still left a special contact mark unique to the Ten Kings during her movement.

Zi Shu followed him in no hurry, and glanced around with a slight arc at the corner of his mouth.

Come out.

There was no movement in response.

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