Zi Shu gestured: Please do so.

The next second, the base of the Futian Jueling Formation suffered an extremely powerful attack, and cracks quickly appeared in the medium of the formation's eye.

Seeing this, without waiting for Hua and his two eyes to change, those cracks were repaired in an instant, faster than the abundant evil creature could heal its own injuries.

After personally testing the seal level, Hua looked at Zi Shu, and the deep-seated distrust completely dissipated.

Instead, there was a touch of kindness.

After the test of the Ten Kings is passed, I believe no one will dare to make irresponsible remarks openly.

And Zishu will also become the first and only Envoy of Fengfu to be treated as a guest of the Luofu Seat since the birth of Xianzhou General History.

It's hard to say that in the future... when the other immortal boats are in big trouble, they will be able to ask him to help.

The Envoy of the Order of Abundance is equivalent to the star god crushing the envoys of the Envoy of Abundance whose status is below him, and one person can suppress the riot.

Thinking of the benefits of being on good terms with Zi Shu, Hua couldn't help but glance at Jing Yuan, secretly praising his far-sighted vision and bold decision-making.

Perhaps Jing Yuan is not as good as Teng Xiao in terms of combat prowess, but in terms of courage, the two of them are equal, but in terms of resourcefulness, Jing Yuan is undoubtedly better.

Luofu is lucky to have this general.

After leaving Jianmu Dongtian and returning to Dandingsi, Jingyuan handed over and left temporarily, saying that he would continue to recover from his injuries.

However, Zi Shu could tell at a glance that his injuries were almost healed...

Could it be that he was shirking those important tasks that did not require him to deal with personally and went fishing.

But such a big thing happened in Luofu recently. How could someone without enough reputation and qualifications dare to handle it for the general... Oh, by the way, how could she be forgotten?

I guess she must have been so busy these days that she didn't even have time to delve into the divination methods he left behind.

Thinking of that petite pink figure, Zi Shu couldn't help but smile.

There is also Tingyun, who continues to sleep after her own death, but she is currently secretly on her way to the Ten Kings, so there is no rush to wake her up.

The Ten Kings are very mysterious on every fairy boat. Let alone ordinary people, most of them, even the senior officials of the Six Kings, do not know their specific location.

The immortal seeds on the immortal boat were deprived of the dignity of death, and the Ten Kings were about to transform into death.

This means that the Ten Kings should not appear in the public eye like the Six Yus.

In other words, as long as it maintains absolute independence, the Ten Kings can complete the mission it has been given since its birth.

Hua did not do any unnecessary things and went straight to the branch of the Ten Kings Division stationed in Luofu.

Who is Zishu? Those tricks used to hide the Ten Kings are useless to him.

Seeing a dark hall appear at the end of the field of vision, Hua said: According to the rules of the Ten Kings Division, envoys should stay here, and subsequent matters will be handed over to the judges within the division.

As a marshal, do you have to abide by this rule?

Of course, there are no rules.

The next second, Hua disappeared without a trace.

Zi Shu walked towards the main hall in a hurry. In front of the palace door, which exuded heavy oppression, stood a petite girl who looked like a fox girl in her late teens.

Seeing that the visitor was a young-looking man with a handsome face and a temperament that was incompatible with those of the Ten Kings, the fox girl couldn't help but feel friendly, and the obvious fear of life disappeared from her face.

H-Hello...my name is Huo Huo. I am the newly appointed judge of the Ten Kings Division. Um...um, I am here to introduce you to the Ten Kings Division for the evaluation of the position of judge...

His eyes casually glanced at the ghost-colored tail behind Huo Hao, and a warm smile appeared on Zishu's face.

Hello, I'm Zi Shu.

Little girl, as for me, I am a famous member of the Suiyang clan...

Tails! He's Tails!

Huo Huo held down the big tail behind him, and the fear of life that he had finally restrained appeared on his face again. He didn't say it, and his whole person exuded a timid atmosphere. He lowered his head and did not dare to read Zi Shu anymore.

Yes, I'm sorry...he is my tail, I hope I didn't scare you...

It's okay, little sister Huo Huo, please lead the way for me. Your tail is very cute and won't scare me. Zi Shu chuckled.

Cute? Tai Tai was stunned for a moment, and then his hair exploded, How dare you call such a ferocious uncle cute? Do you believe that I will eat you?!


Eat him? Zi Shu smiled dumbly.

Don't be afraid, Mr. Zishu, he is just talking. Uncle Tai does not eat meat, he is vegetarian...

Hey? You little coward still dare to slander me as a vegetarian!

Huo Huo's tail disappeared, and a ball of will-o'-the-wisp suddenly appeared beside her, glaring at Zi Shu fiercely.

I see that you look like a young man who has never seen much of the world, and I don't know why those guys would recommend you to take the judge's examination. Don't go on a mission for the first time, and your performance is not as good as this little coward.

You, please stop saying a few words, it will delay the assessment, and Master Jackdaw will cause trouble for you again... Mr. Zishu, please ignore him, he has a venomous mouth.

Hey, I'm not afraid of her!

Huo Huo glanced at the time, his expression tightened in fear, he ignored his tail and stammered:

...Oops, if you don't hurry up, you will be delayed! Mr. Zishu, please follow Huo Huo and don't walk straight in the passage...

Thank you.

The huge door of the main hall opened and slammed shut when the two people entered.

Following Huo Huo, turning left and right, Zi Shu looked normal, turning a blind eye to the restrictions that were no different from transparency in his eyes.

About a quarter of an hour later, he walked into a room illuminated by blue fireworks.

The furnishings inside are simple and there are not many people there, only two women.

Senior Xueyi, Lord Jackdaw, we're here... Huo Huo whispered.

The woman in white on the left looked at her slightly stiffly, looking at Zishu without blinking, and her voice was cold:

Judge of the Ten Kings Division, Xue Yi, according to the decree of the Ten Kings, is conducting the first round of the new judge's appointment assessment. I will only say the following things once, you can listen carefully——

1. The follow-up assessment is accompanied by considerable dangers. The Ten Kings will not provide any help. If you regret it, the Ten Kings will let you forget this memory and leave peacefully.

2. During the first round of assessment, all your answers will be verified by dream divination to confirm their authenticity. If they are false, you will be guilty of the Ten Evils.

Do you remember?

247. Because the Xianzhou Alliance is afraid that I will cause trouble

let's start.

Zi Shufeng Qingyun nodded calmly, showing no restraint, and sat down on the empty chair.

He let the strange power pour out of the chair scan his body, looking at Judge Jackdaw sitting opposite him on the same chair, and he understood clearly.

When Jackdaw enters the dream state, Xueyi takes out the jade omen to record.


Zi Shu.




I don't know either.

Xue Yi paused slightly while operating the Yu Zhao, then raised his head and stared at the book for about four or five seconds before moving away and continuing with the assessment.

What are you doing when your loved ones pass away?

No relatives.

...Why do you want to be the judge of the Ten Kings Division?

Because the Immortal Boat Alliance is afraid that I will cause trouble, but they cannot and dare not do anything to me, so they can only invite me here to evaluate the judges.

Zi Shu didn't care whether he could speak amazingly or dare to ask questions and answer questions.

The corners of Xue Yi's mouth twitched.

Although she is a weir, her thinking is not an AI purely based on data. She has the ability to think independently.

Zi Shu's words almost burned out the circuits in her brain.

How could someone who wants to serve as a judge of the Ten Kings have such a weird reason?

Even though she had all kinds of doubts in her heart, Xue Yi did not forget her duty and quickly returned to her senses to take the exam.

The question-and-answer session lasted for about half an hour and ended with some rude, rude or bizarre questions.

Zi Shu had no reaction to this. As the organization in charge of the life and death of Immortals of the Immortal Boat Alliance, the first round of assessment clearly focused on emotional stability in addition to some basic information.

Jackdaw wakes up from the dream divination state, and the pen in his hand dances with afterimages, writing the result of the dream divination.

A terrifying amount of information suddenly entered her mind. From the results written by her sister, Xueyi discovered that Zi Shu's answers in this first round of assessment were all false.

At the same time, a blue flame suddenly ignited under the handle of the chair Zi Shu was sitting on.

Looking at the two balls of fire, Jackdaw's expression looked as if he had only slept for an hour or two for a long time, and he could not help but feel absent-minded for a moment.

The bluer the color of the flame, the more stable the mood of the person conducting the assessment.

Such a pure color shows that Zishu's emotions have never fluctuated from beginning to end. They are so stable that one can't help but wonder whether he has lost his emotions as a human being...

Regarding the previous questions, to put it bluntly, no matter how hard-hearted a person is, there will be some changes.

The dream divination assessment was completed perfectly, and the emotional control was also perfect...

You passed. The second round of assessment will be conducted next. Come with me.

The second round of assessment does not have so many skills, and it can even be said to be extremely simple: killing.

Who to kill? The target was simulated through special means.

Most of the people fell into the demon body, and there were some other enemies among them, such as the rich people who had invaded the fairy boat, and people with familiar faces.

Zishu silently summoned the Red Edge Sword, flicked the long sword and divided it into five, and began the indiscriminate killing.

No... I should say massacre.

No matter who appeared in the field of vision or whose face they were wearing, a sword penetrated the elixir or fatal part.

During the assessment, the image is transmitted to several places. The judge responsible for the assessment can see it, and the ten kings of the Luofu Ten Kings Division can also see it.

Seeing Zi Shu strolling around in the courtyard, showing no mercy to his familiar faces, his eyes became more and more surprised and silent.

Some of the judges of the Ten Kings did not completely abandon the seven emotions and six desires of human beings. In their private time, many judges' living habits were no different from those of most ordinary people.

But... that man could chop Xing, Yue Qi, and others, including Jing Yuan Fu Xuan, into more than a dozen pieces with just a few moves.

Combat mood threshold monitoring: zero fluctuation.

Does he have no heart?

Since the Ten Kings established the non-sinful body assessment rules, no one has ever been able to maintain Gujing Wubo's mentality during the murderous karma assessment.

No matter what, they are the most concerned and important people. Even if you know it is fake, you still have to hesitate for a moment, right?

But there is no book of Zi.

Such a person can be said to be the perfect model judge that the Ten Kings need most, but he is also terrifying.

However, not everyone among the Ten Kings thinks so.

What decisions are the headquarters making?

I also don't understand that such a foreigner was allowed to become the judge of the ten kings of Luofu. There has never been such a case before.

There are countless judges in the Ten Kings Division, and there are all kinds of people, including normal people, smart people, sinners, and even inhuman judges, but there are no outsiders.

The identity is not transparent and the headquarters does not explain it. It is really puzzling.

In the darkness, a voice came out faintly, Do you want to know his identity...

Hearing this, all nine faces were startled.


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