You mean...the information the headquarters concealed from us is extremely shocking?

...he is the herald of plenty.

Oh, the Order of Fertility...???!!


One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and all the nine kings were horrified. No one paid attention to the assessment situation. Their eyes were all focused on the darkness. They wanted to say something but it was difficult to maintain their composure.

They were not asking for orders, but they would be slightly surprised at most if they were told about the Heavenly Lord's orders.

However, the head of the Luofu Division now told them that the person who was conducting the assessment of the Ten Kings Judge was an envoy from the Ancestor of Misfortune, and he was also an envoy from the Medicine Master? !

Calm, calm, and calm?

All go (Xianzhou expletive)!

Are you crazy? This is...

Maybe I am crazy to hear such ridiculous words. If anyone is ready to take me down, I am afraid that I will fall into the devil's shadow in the next second.

The man was sent by Marshal Hua himself. A voice in the darkness came out. He is one of the benefactors of the Star Train who assisted Luofu. He made the greatest contribution and died in the battle. To this day, the Marshal took action to wake him up in advance.

The Nine Kings looked at each other, their lips moving and trying to say something, but nothing came out.

The conquests and wars in the underworld were not under the control of the Ten Kings, but the Ten Kings naturally knew everything that happened on the fairy boat and were very well-informed.

However, it has been some time since Huanhuang was defeated, and there is no news about the Envoy of the Order of Abundance within the department...

Thinking of this, everyone knew that Jing Yuan must have suppressed the news.

Isn't he afraid of pushing the Luofu Immortal Boat into the abyss of eternal damnation?

His courage is greater than the sky.

After calming down, the Nine Kings pondered in their hearts, why did the Envoy of Fenghuo choose to help Luofu Immortal Boat? Is there any conspiracy in this?

Everyone, you and I have cut off the bonds of the world and don't know where to go. We have forgotten everything. There is only the iron law in our hearts to defend until death. Under the emperor's bow, the marshal is revered. She is personally supervising this matter. I don't think I need to wait. Toil and worry;”

The Marshal's instructions must not be spread outside the Ten Kings. Regardless of personal enmity with Fengsheng or not, no thoughts should be touched without permission;

Since the marshal has approved it, and I think all the test results have been counted, it is just a formality to send the benefactor here, so that he can prepare in advance for the final certification before the judge takes office. And this - this is the sincerity of the envoy of abundance, and it can Say…warning.”

Be prepared for the highest treatment as a judge. Don't worry about whether others think highly of our things and privileges. Sincerity is relative. Your Majesty condescends to become the judge of our Ten Kings Division. Our attitude must be in place;

The identity of the Envoy of Fertility is more sensitive to the Immortal Boat Alliance than the identity of the Medicine Master...

But... he is a Luofu En. We must not regard him as a temporary existence. That is an insult to the Luo Fu En. Unless he intends to subvert the immortal boat, he must not be offended. I hope you will bear in mind the above.

The nine kings said in unison, We understand.

No matter what the identity of the Star God's agent, he is willing to leave a trace of his thoughts for the immortal boat to monitor, which is a great statement of attitude.

In addition to the great kindness he has to Luofu and the spread of Hate House and Wu's deeds, who would dare to establish friendly relations with the Immortal Boat Alliance?

fry? .jpg

248. It seems that you do not respect the Ten Kings.

The assessment results were not as expected by the ten kings. Zi Shu easily achieved perfect results and finally reached the front-end Jade Zhao interface for consciousness input.

When the ray of consciousness entered the terminal for calculation, the final conclusion made the ten kings' hearts drop.

The envoy of the Order of Fertility turned out to be the judge of the Ten Kings Division, and even they were shocked.

That’s it…that’s all.

Quan Dang gains knowledge on the long road of responsibility.

Even the Marshal and the Headquarters of the Ten Kings had no objections, so what could they, the branch managers, have to say?

Two hours later, Zi Shu finally completed all the procedures, collected the certificate representing the identity of the Judge of the Ten Kings, and walked slowly out of the headquarters of the Ten Kings Division.

Accompanying him was Yan Ou Xueyi, the judge in white who was responsible for the first two rounds of assessment.

I never thought that on the day you became the judge of the Ten Kings, you would be qualified to take on such an important task and travel with me as your partner.

I can't help it... Zi Shu smiled lightly and put the task document into his sleeve, I didn't want to accept it at first, but she gave me too much.

Hua gave him a strange jade omen, saying that he could use this jade omen to travel unimpeded on any immortal boat and enjoy the same treatment as an immortal boat general.

Dare to trust so much an envoy of Fengsheng who has a very subtle stance with Xianzhou. Zishu is not a person who only reaps benefits. A little help is nothing, just catching a little thief.

Maybe it can also secretly promote the subsequent plot and help obtain more benefits.

Giving... too much?

Xue Yi narrowed her eyes, expressing her incomprehension. Who was she that Zi Shu was talking about?

The technique used to create her body lacked precision and completion, causing her expression to look like she was dozing off.

I'm curious about the special treatment I received in the Ten Kings Division? Zi Shu said casually.

Xue Yi said bluntly, Yes.

Because I am familiar with the power of Fengfeng, I am suitable to follow you to track down the fish that have slipped through the net of the Medicine King's secrets. Besides, leaving the Ten Kings earlier will save those old guys from being worried.

...You seem to not respect the Ten Kings...

It's true that I can't say I have any respect. After all, I'm not working for them. Zi Shu smiled lightly.

Jing Yuan would keep his trust at all costs. If not for this reason, he would have to fight with Hua first to give the other immortal boats a warning.

To put it bluntly, it was the Xianzhou Alliance that was sorry for him, not him.

He understood why the Xianzhou Alliance was afraid, but that didn't mean he had to accept everything from their perspective.

Huh? Xue Yi's tone was stagnant.

In order to maintain a friendly and trusting relationship between the train and Xianzhou, I have to worry a lot. Those old guys probably don't like me very much out of fear;

It's nothing. They just know how to be careful and don't get in my way, so as not to make it difficult for General Jingyuan and me.

Xue Yi was even more confused.

Obviously, his assessment results were impeccable, and the last step of becoming a judge also showed that he had no dissatisfaction with Xianzhou, but his current attitude towards people is puzzling.

Did you choose to become the judge of the Ten Kings in order to maintain friendly relations?

I know you don't understand. I want the people behind me not to be implicated, and also to avoid unnecessary trouble for myself. It's best for me to be the judge. But fortunately, the Ten Kings have decided whether to do the work or not. It doesn’t matter, it all depends on my mood.”

Zi Shu casually took out a cup of Immortal Happy Tea and took a sip. His behavior was quite nonsensical in Xue Yi's eyes.

I still have some, drink?

He held out a glass.

...No need. I am a disabled person and don't need to eat. Please take it with your best intentions.

Why do I feel that he is a little unreliable, and his attitude is a bit carefree and nonchalant. There is no judge who is familiar with him who is similar to him.

What a weirdo.

I want to know who recommended you to be the judge of the Ten Kings. If it's inconvenient, pretend I didn't ask.

It might scare you to say it.


I said it was Marshal Yunqi of Xianzhou. Do you believe it?

…Do not believe.

Hahaha, you figured it out. It's actually General Jingyuan. I helped him clear the Jianmu seal and quell the disaster. For some reasons, the general pushed me into the Ten Kings Division. Do you believe me this time?


... Zi Shu turned his head and glanced at Xue Yi.

Is this the Sanwujiniang? It’s so easy to deceive. I wonder if she is like this from the player’s perspective.

Alas, since ancient times, true love cannot be retained, and there are always tricks to win people's hearts.

Telling the truth these days is so hard for people to believe.

Xueyi was a little unaccustomed to the atmosphere of such peers, so she brought the topic to work, What do you think about this mission?

I heard the general say not long ago that the Danding Division is in chaos because of the disappearance of Danshu. Since no report was given in time, it is probably because the investigators encountered resistance and trouble. Do you have that person's name?

Xue Yi: Long luck.

Long term good luck, good name.

Zi Shu didn't shy away from anything. He made a hexagram with his bare hands under Xue Yi's blank gaze. After a moment, he raised his eyebrows slightly and shook his head:

It's a pity that people don't live up to their names and are not just unlucky.

You actually know the special skills of Taifu?

It's not important. What's important is that Chang Yun is dead. The divination results tell me that he died in another conspiracy. A conspiracy that has nothing to do with him. He is an unlucky man.

...Please don't learn Fu Xuantai. Xue Yi's expressionless face showed a hint of helplessness, If you have anything to say, please make it clear at once.

To put it simply, Chang Yun probably ran into a scene that he shouldn't have encountered, so he was brutally silenced. The traces disappeared into a small cave connected to Dandingsi, an illegal cave.

Zi Shu gently rubbed his chin and said thoughtfully:

As for the entrance to the cave, I don't know yet. The suspect has to wait for the opportunity and take shelter from the wind. He will not leave that place for three days.

Xue Yi was surprised and said: How can the divination be so accurate? Don't you need to use Qionguanzhen's calculations?

You have been separated from the times for too long. Even Taibusi has developed the portable technology of Qionguanzhen. Zi Shu said with a blushing face and a heartbeat.

...Where is the entrance to the cave?

The ferry had been reached, Xue Yi stopped and stretched his arm towards the pilot compass.

Zi Shu: It's up to you to find me. Now you know that I am a fortune teller and not good at direct combat. The guy who killed Chang Lun is very dangerous.

Xueyi: ...

Not good at fighting?

He didn't seem to know that she was not the leader of the second round of assessment, but still one of the examiners...

His decisiveness and ruthlessness in fighting made her feel like she was no match even when she looked at him.

Just open your eyes and tell lies.

Considering that the reason why Zi Shu became the judge of the Ten Kings was not purely free, Xue Yi stopped talking and dispatched the Xingcha to board it, carrying Zi Shu to fly to the Alchemy Division.

After returning to Dandingsi, Zishu said goodbye to Xueyi confidently and leisurely found a quiet high point in the building to stay and sort out what happened during his death.

First of all, the popularity value is very explosive.

It seems that the players have been numbed by the knife. Their popularity has risen by more than dozens of levels, and they are reluctant to accept the prizes.

He found that after reaching each popularity level, the rewards given were very timely, such as the Futian Jueling Formation that a certain guy hated at the beginning.

Once the formation is completed, it becomes hazy and confusing.

Whether Lao Deng is dead or not, he will come out before he is dead.

Not long after he finished speaking, a gift box appeared out of thin air in front of Zi Shu's eyes, and a brown-red mask with a strange smile popped out of it.

249. Will be UP in version 1.3

Ohhhh! Mr. Lingshi, Aha's favorite, finally opened the coffin board!


What's wrong? Isn't Mr. Lingshi happy?

I was originally happy, but when I saw your gloating expression, I felt like I had swallowed a few pounds of flies alive. If you don't think about it anymore, why was I put in the coffin?

Well... Hey, Mr. Lingshi, do you want to know what happened to the little Lingshi of Destruction?

In no mood.

It's super interesting. The pendulum opened its eyes for the first time. The little commander was miserable. After being glanced at, he rushed towards the most terrifying star field of the dimensional distortion storm. Tsk, tsk, tsk, Aha guessed that if her life was not long enough, That’s incredible.”

It's miserable? I don't think it's enough. If you weren't looking for fun, she would have been ten times worse in my hands.

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