This was one of the methods that Jing Yuan thought of, and it was the fastest and most effective choice to awaken Zi Shu. As an envoy of Fenghuo, he was far more compatible with the power of Fengfeng than the people of Fengfeng.

He went to Xuling Immortal Boat to convene a meeting of the Seven Heavenly Generals. What he wanted was just an attitude from the Ten Kings and Marshal Hua, which had little to do with the other generals of the Immortal Boat.

The other five generals do not have decision-making power, and they know this very well.

Therefore, even General Fang Hu, who had never been very friendly with Luofu, could only verbally complain about Jingyuan.

The only ones who can really decide what happens next are Marshal Hua and the Ten Kings.

Jing Yuan initially did not and had no intention of convincing other colleagues, nor did he expect the entire Xianzhou Alliance to trust Zi Shu. He was only sure of maintaining a positive reputation of Zi Shu in Luofu.

This is the advantage of each fairy boat enjoying autonomy.

The Emperor Gong's edict has not yet come, and it is impossible to report the matter to Emperor Gong for his decision. So - as long as Marshal Hua agrees, even if half of the Ten Kings are opposed, it is not easy to deeply intervene in the affairs of the Yangjian.

Unexpectedly, the ideas of Shi Wangsi and Marshal Hua were much more flexible and tolerant than he imagined.

Seeing Zishu's old face gradually regaining its youthfulness, Jingyuan completely let go of his heart, put his hands behind his hands and waited quietly.

Luofu’s benefactor, it’s time to wake up.

On the other side, Taibusi.

After teaming up with Kafka to fight off Yan Qing, Xing learned many secrets from Kafka's mouth and felt that his brain was a little heavy.

The former may be true or false.

Xing did not expect that he might be an artificial body born to accommodate the star core. From the moment of birth, his destiny was to receive the star core at the Black Tower Space Station...

The reason why many memories were lost is because Kafka used special means to forget him before executing the Black Tower Plan.

Kafka smiled and looked at the star with a gentle expression.

Is there anything else you want to ask? I can answer two more questions for you. It's still the old rule, one is true and the other is false.

...When will Zi Shu wake up? Xing shook his head, his voice hoarse, What role does he play in your script?

Kafka suddenly showed a surprised look in his eyes, which seemed unexpected and complicated. After a moment, he slowly said:

We don't know when he will wake up. His existence is very special, so special that even Elio's script can't accommodate him. The fog of fate surrounding him...even the Star God can't get rid of it, but I can tell you, His destiny is entangled with yours, and it is not easy to disconnect.

…last question.

you say.

1+1 equals 2, is this answer correct? Star stared at her with burning eyes.

Kafka looked surprised again, and then said with a deep look in his eyes: The answer is's very smart, Xing, it worth sacrificing a question to prove whether the previous answer is true or false?

Seeing Kafka till now, Xing smiled softly for the first time and said without hesitation.


Kafka blinked and was about to say something when he opened the door and walked out of the house.

…can I go now?

The blade still seems to be in a bad mental state, but at least the demonic shadow is no longer agitated in his eyes. It can be seen that the demonic body has been successfully suppressed and the person is awake.

Yes. Kafka nodded casually, The demonic body is temporarily suppressed. Don't be too stimulated and don't see familiar people. It should be fine.

Sorry, Kafka, there is someone... someone I owe a lot to. I need to meet him.

That's up to you. Anyway, Elio didn't say anything about what happened next. Kafka took two steps closer to Xing and hugged her gently for a moment, Thank you for helping me, I'm very grateful... See you later.”

Before Xing could speak, Kafka disappeared into the night and lost his trace.

Ren looked at Xing thoughtfully and said in a low voice: I remember you... you used to follow Kafka, right? She was performing a certain mission for a while, and you were by her side. You were still alive after following her for so long. ,you are the first.

What do you want to say? Xingpu's eyes moved slightly.

Humph, everyone in the Star Core Hunters has made a deal with Elio. I don't know the contents of other people's transactions, but since Kafka agrees to be driven by Elio as much as I do, what she wants must be something special. Normally, everything she did came at a huge cost;”

She must have done a lot to allow you to live until now, little girl...

After saying that, Ren didn't give Hoshi a chance to reply and walked away.

Xing didn't care. Anyway, seeing that Kafka had received the confirmed news, judging from her tone, Zi Shu wouldn't sleep for long.

When you wake up... Zishu...


new day.jpg


Build a wooden cave within the sky.

A figure was suspended above the mysterious root, continuously swallowing the abundant power pouring out of the building, as if the body was a bottomless pit that could not be filled no matter how much power poured in.

However, Jingyuan and others knew that the time for Zishu to wake up was no longer far away.

Today, his face has returned to the way it looked when he first met in Shence Mansion.

He is young, handsome, and has an unearthly aura.

Looking at that face, one could feel the peaceful aura emanating from his body. Generally, no one would associate him with the Envoys of the Order of Abundance who were constantly killing, killing and looting in this galaxy in order to obtain the power of abundance.

How strong is he? It's been so long and he still hasn't had enough... The look of surprise on Hua's face became darker and darker.

Normally, one should be full even if he came over suddenly, but in front of him, Zi Shu still showed no sign of stopping his devouring.

It seems that the time required is somewhat longer than we expected...

Jingyuan thought for a moment and turned to look behind him.

Qing Fu will contact you soon. Dan Heng, you have important matters to attend to, so you can leave here first. If someone who holds the Ming Dynasty comes to you recently, please be careful of the Dragon Master. After all, the Ming Holder It’s not for me to interfere in internal affairs without reason.”

Dan Heng nodded silently, glanced at Zi Shu again, who was motionless, and was about to leave the cave.

If you plan to meet the contemporary Dragon Lord, you'd better ask Miss Shangxing to accompany you so that you can take care of her. She doesn't know about the things here yet. Miss Jizi asked me to give Zishu a surprise when she wakes up.

Ji Zi didn't need to say anything, Jing Yuan could also see that Xing was the person who cared most about Zi Shu's condition.

If Zi Shu could suddenly appear in front of her, her recent worries and worries would be wiped away.

…I see.

He did have the idea of ​​​​taking time to meet the contemporary Dragon Lord, not only to understand the past events, but also to make up for the regrets left in his previous life and settle the past.

If Xing is willing to accompany him, he can be his witness. Of course, he must be fully prepared for this.

The predecessor Dan Feng committed a serious crime, and many people among the Vidyadharas could not tolerate him. Naturally... they could not tolerate him in this life.

Hua and Jingyuan waited in the cave sky, and the whole night passed.

Sensing the intermittent interruptions in the surging power of abundance, the two men closed their eyes to rest and opened their eyes at the same time, focusing on the profound roots.

Can you still wake up?

Under the gaze of two eyes, Zi Shu slowly opened his eyes, which flashed with confusion for a moment, and then gradually regained consciousness.

Congratulations on waking up.

Jing Yuanlang smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

During this period of my sleep, I have troubled General to work hard for me. I can't thank you enough.

Zi Shu casually sealed the fertile power that came out of the building wood, jumped from the profound root to the ground, and stopped at the woman beside Jing Yuan.

She has a graceful figure and a young appearance. Judging from her appearance, she is undoubtedly a beautiful woman in her prime.

It's a pity that this is a fairy boat, and the specific age of a fairy boat person cannot be known from the appearance.

After thinking for a moment, Zi Shu guessed his approximate identity.

Building wood is taboo in Luofu and even the Immortal Boat Alliance, and even generals are not allowed to touch it.

But he was awakened by Jianmu's power, indicating that someone with greater authority gave permission.

It's impossible for Lan who is on the hunt, he's not that free.

There are only a few people who have a higher status than General Xianzhou, either the Ten Kings and the Ten Kings, or...

This must be Marshal Xianzhou. If he can wake up in such a situation, it seems that I don't need to worry about the Xianzhou Alliance causing trouble?

Hua, you already know my identity. The alliance should keep in mind the kindness of Star Train to Luofu Immortal Boat.

Under Jing Yuan's astonished gaze, Hua stretched out a lotus-rooted arm toward Zi Shu, with white and slender fingers.

Zishu. Holding the hand, Zishu said with a smile: Compared to the Star God's envoy, I would rather Marshal Hua regard me as an unknown guest in the development.

I do think so, but this will only work if I have to offend Mr. Zishu.

Please tell me, if it does not violate my personal principles, Zi Shu will cooperate.

Hearing this, Hua smiled slightly and didn't care about Zi Shu's insistence on leaving a flexible bottom line.

After all, Luofu Xianzhou was the benefactor, and they had not done anything to the Xianzhou Alliance. Xunxue had no reason or qualification to issue an imperial edict against it.

Therefore, he has the full right to refuse the arrangement of the Xianzhou Alliance.

The Xianzhou Alliance solemnly invites Mr. Zishu to join the Ten Kings Division and serve as a guest judge. You do not need to receive the action instructions of the Ten Kings Division, but you will still receive your salary. Of course -

Letting go of Zi Shu's hand, the smile on Hua's face widened a little and he said slyly:

It would be great if Mr. Zishu is willing to take over the tasks assigned by the Ten Kings.

It seems that I have no right to refuse. Zi Zhi's expression remained unchanged.

No, no, you do.

If you refuse, as long as I walk on this Luofu, even if General Jingyuan follows me every step of the way, the senior officials of the Immortal Boat Alliance will not dare to completely rest assured, right?

Zi Shu smiled lightly and said straightforwardly and accurately:

I agreed to join the Ten Kings Division as a judge and accept the assessment of the Ten Kings Division's previous judges. It must be this assessment process that the Immortal Boat Alliance values ​​most.

Hua Xiaoyin snapped his fingers.

It's easy to communicate with smart people. Well, the premise is that you and I are not in an antagonistic relationship. Otherwise, I may have trouble sleeping and eating.

I'm just an ordinary unknown guest. I just want to have a peaceful time and have nothing to do with the world.

Not to mention Hua, even Jing Yuan couldn't help but roll his eyes secretly and smile helplessly when he heard this.

It's not that they don't want to believe it, but the second-level identity of this terrifying existence doesn't allow them to believe it easily.

After all, behind them is the Xianzhou Alliance, and the responsibilities they shoulder drive them to put it first no matter what, without any slack.

Hua wisely chose not to answer his words and changed the subject: Now that Mr. Zishu has woken up, may I ask what your current plans are?

Take me to the Ten Kings Division to go through the process. Zi Shu said straightforwardly and calmly: The sooner the matter is resolved, the better for everyone.

Hua made a gesture, Please, I will personally lead the way.

Wait a minute, Marshal. Jing Yuan opened his hand to stop him, then looked at Zi Shu, In the name of General Luofu, on behalf of Luofu, I ask you to seal Jianmu. The price is a favor.

Zi Shu raised his eyebrows and said with great interest: I wonder if the favor the general mentioned is official or private?

Private. Jingyuan said without hesitation.

The corners of Zi Shu's lips raised, No problem.

Personal favors are much better than official ones.

Official favors can protect one's life wisely, but private ones are different. With Jing Yuan's temperament, he will not frown even in the face of dangers and fires.

For him, the advantage of having Jing Yuan owe a favor is not that he can ask him for help when something happens, but that he can stand at the commanding heights of the relationship between the two parties.

With this relationship, as long as he is not detrimental to the Xianzhou Alliance, anyone in Luofu who has any objections to his status as the Envoy of the Fertility Order must first go to Shence Mansion to have a drink with Jingyuan.

246. Arrive at the Ten Kings Division

Jianmu was a miracle left by the pharmacist, and even Zi Shu did not have the ability to destroy it. However, as an envoy, it was easy to seal its power.

It didn't take much time, and the four complementary formations began to rotate, sealing off the activity of the building wood and its inexhaustible power of fertility.

As long as you go here every fifty years and inject energy into the spirit-circulating array, you can maintain the Jianmu seal. Zi Shu retracted his sleeves with his palms.

Can I try the strength of the seal? Hua was a little eager to try.

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