But Zishu was not. After losing signs of life, everything about him disappeared from everyone's perception.

If he hadn't been able to touch it and his body hadn't been as corrupted as the deceased, anyone might have thought that he had never existed.

In about two months, Pinoconi's banquet will start. If Zishu can't wake up in time, you can stay in Luofu to accompany him. Walter and I will go, Ji Zi said.

But I'm greedy. I want to wait until Zishu wakes up and we can all go together...

Did you hear that, Zi Shu? Xing pressed his face against the back of Zi Shu's hand, If you don't wake up, we will miss a pioneering journey.

When the phone alerted him to a message, Xing thought it was Fu Xuan or Jing Yuan contacting him and took out his phone as quickly as possible.

The result showed that she was an anonymous person, and she was asked to go to a certain coordinate in Taibusi alone without telling anyone.

But the message was signed at the end—Yours faithfully, Kafka.

Xing's face sank slightly, and he immediately questioned the authenticity of the other party's identity, not wanting the other party to directly post a close-up selfie...

Although his face was not shown, his appearance was indeed that of Kafka, so she would not have mistakenly remembered this.

Knowing Kafka's purpose of contacting him, Xing couldn't help but frowned.

What's wrong?

Jizi was closest to Xing and caught her strange behavior immediately.

It's...Kafka contacting me.

Xing hesitated for a moment before speaking out. After all, she didn’t trust the Star Core Hunter too much, and——

Zishuhui today, the star core hunter who brought the star train to Luofu must bear some responsibility.

I want to bury my head in it.jpg

No fried chop D???.jpg

243. Method of awakening

After reading the chat history, Ji Zi was a little surprised, I didn't expect that she would still stay in Xianzhou...

What do you think I should do, go or not?

Xing couldn't make up his mind, subconsciously he didn't want to go, but he hoped to learn some contents of the script from Kafka's mouth...about Zishu's script.

I would suggest you go there. Even if you don't want to have anything to do with her anymore, it's best to make it clear face to face... Just looking at this information, she may really need your help.

Ji Zi noticed her hesitation and smiled:

As a member of the Star Dome Train, I don't want to have anything to do with the Star Core Hunter. However, she has a deep connection with you after all. Judging from past experience, at least she has no ill intentions towards you, and towards us... for the time being. Not at all;

If it were me who asked for help in times of crisis, I would really want him to appear in front of me, so - just do what you want, I don't think Kafka will hurt you, Zi We are here with you, so you can rest assured.

Hearing Jizi mention Zishu, Xing couldn't help but pursed his lips, gently put down Zishu's arm and stood up to leave.

Seeing her starting, Ji Zi looked at Sanyue Qi, Xiao Sanyue hasn't had dinner yet, isn't she hungry?

...It's okay if you don't tell me, but I really feel hungry when you tell me. There was a protest from his stomach, and embarrassment appeared on Sanyue Qi's face, I'm going to the market to eat something, and I'll be back later.

The two girls left the room one after another. The smile on Jizi's face slowly faded and became a little solemn.

Walter, do you feel it?

Well... Walter looked out the window and pushed the frame slightly, The Luofu Fairy Boat seems to be protecting Zishu and us, but in fact it means examining or... monitoring...

The commander-level imaginary number reaction in his body has disappeared. Even if he is happy, Luofu will not be wary of it.

Jizi thought about it and didn't quite understand.

She had known for a long time that Zi Shu had strength that was not part of the Star God's envoy, but she did not move towards happiness.

After all, since they met, he has not shown any signs of a fool. If he were an actor, he would still have some credibility.

However, Huanhuang said that he was a fool...

I don't know if it's an illusion, but during the battle with Huanhu, Zishu gave me a vague aura that sounded a bit like Fengfeng, but I can be sure that like Guixiang, it is definitely different from Fengfeng...

Walter thought deeply:

I can detect it, and it's even more impossible for General Jingyuan to ignore it, but he...

Sorry, you two.

A clear voice came from outside the door, Jing Yuan walked in with a smile, followed by Dan Heng.

The two of them glanced at Zi Shu, then looked at Ji Zi and Walter.

Jingyuan guarantees in the name of General Luofu: I have no harmful thoughts to Zishu or you. Although I am the general of Luofu, I still have no control over some things. I hope you two will understand me.

Walter and Ji Zi looked at each other, and immediately chose to open the skylight to speak.

I was not the one who helped the most in the battle against Huanhu, but for the sake of Zi Shu, Dan Heng and Xing, the general still can't reveal the motives behind it?

It's not that I don't want to say it, but Zishu doesn't want you to know something in advance. You also know now that he is an agent of happiness, but -

Jing Yuan closed his eyes and sighed, then smiled helplessly and said:

But Zi Shu's other identity is very involved and is quite special to the Immortal Boat Alliance. He left an explanation in advance because he didn't want to implicate you and the Immortal Boat Alliance.

There is another point that Jing Yuan did not say.

That is why Zi Shu dared to make such an arrangement and let the Immortal Boat Alliance guard his body, which was undoubtedly a statement.

None of the Seven Heavenly Generals of Emperor Gong, including the ten kings in the headquarters of the Ten Kings Division, are fools.

No matter what everyone's selfishness is, they can at least see the position that Zi Shu wants to convey. As for whether they believe it or not, that's their business, just Luofu Xin.

Jingyuan could not allow himself to betray Zishu's trust.

Others didn't know it, but he knew very well that the Order of Abundance all possessed the power of a pharmacist.

When he suddenly invaded Luofu, the previous general Teng Xiao killed him several times, but it was still difficult to prevent the former from resurrecting and making a comeback, until that day...

Recalling the past, Jingyuan seemed a little lonely.

In short, the Envoy of the Order of Abundance will never die easily. Even if he knows he is going to die, he can still protect himself at the last moment.

In other words, the identity of Zishu Fengrao's envoy was only something he deliberately let himself know.

Xianzhou followed the emperor's orders to hunt for rich and fertile creatures. It did not mean that he would kill anyone with abundant power when he saw one. That was not the true meaning of hunting.

There are many normal people in Luofu who embark on a prosperous life, such as——

Nowadays, Dragon Lord, who only has a name but no real power, has embarked on a prosperous life...

No one is qualified to define abundance as evil, even if the person being defined is an envoy.

Ji Zi and Walter have not yet touched this level, so they feel confused. Jing Yuan understands them, but there is no other way. The implicit explanation left by Zi Shu must be respected.

You may not trust Jingyuan and Luofu, but please believe in Zishu. He has always been thinking about the Starry Sky Train until he died...

Jing Yuan's heartfelt sincerity was not without effect. Ji Zi and Walter smiled bitterly and stopped asking.

How can he wake up with renewed vigor? Walter asked.

Luofu can help him, but the method needs to be kept secret. I can only guarantee that there will be no sequelae for Zi Shu.

Ji Zi narrowed her long and narrow eyes and asked the key, When will it be implemented?

Now... Jing Yuan smiled slightly and looked at Dan Heng, If everything goes well, the day when Zi Shu wakes up won't be too far away.

Jizi Walter's eyes were frozen, and he glanced at Dan Heng, who was showing the state of enlightenment, and nodded slowly.

Then I'll leave it to General Jingyuan.

Beyond Jianmu Xuangen, there is the entrance to the cave.

Returning to this emotional place, Jing Yuan and Dan Heng couldn't help but fall into silence.

A few minutes passed before Dan Heng urged, Aren't you going in yet?

Wait for someone.


Already arrived.

As soon as Jing Yuan finished speaking, Dan Heng's pupils couldn't help but shrink. A slim figure that didn't look like anything special appeared in his field of vision at some point.

It seemed familiar but I couldn't remember it until the other person turned around.

Seeing that portrait, the scene that affected the past life broke through the long river of memory and reappeared.

You are...Yunqi Marshal Hua!

I didn't expect you to still remember me, Dan...Heng.

Hua changed his words in time with a gentle smile, took two steps forward to look at the old man Jing Yuan was carrying on his back, and suddenly stretched out his two fingers to touch his forehead.

You spent everything... No wonder you would protect him at all costs. I can understand you, Jingyuan.

Withdrawing his fingers, Hua looked at Zi Shu with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

Squeezed till my hands tremble.jpg

Can't run away.jpg

244. Disobeying the ancestor’s decision

Seeing Hua being so calm, Dan Heng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Unlike the rest of the people on the Star Train, he used to be an Immortal Boat man, and he had noticed a familiar power in Zi Shu as early as Yaliluo No. 6.

After this battle, the identity of the Envoy of Fengfeng was revealed.

Star Train doesn’t ask about the past, and Zi Shu doesn’t tell, so he won’t ask.

But now, one can guess the reason why Zi Shu took the initiative to stay in Luofu and asked Jing Yuan to dispose of his remains.

Therefore, Jing Yuan came to ask for another favor, and Dan Heng agreed without hesitation.

He knew that Jing Yuan was a person who would never harm Zi Shu.

As for the purpose of returning to Jianmu with the book, we can also guess.

Let's begin. Hua said softly.

After receiving the promise, Dan Heng unlocked the temporary seal and took the lead in entering the old place of the bloody battle not long ago.

There was no danger lurking, and several people arrived in front of Jianmu Xuangen as quickly as possible.

Looking at the familiar Jianmu, Hua couldn't help but sigh: Still as stubborn as ever.

All the traces left by that battle have not disappeared. She could feel how brutal the battles in the past were by just glancing around her. While she understood Jing Yuan more and more... she also understood Zi Shu less and less.

Zishu is the Envoy of Fertility whose information has never been recorded in the Immortal Boat Alliance. There is no way of knowing how long he has been around, let alone his temperament.

But one thing is certain: Envoys of abundance like him are the first in the historical records of immortal boat voyages.

Compared to beings like Sui Hu, Zi Shu neither robs nor gives blindly, but is more like a pharmacist who refuses to pray.

How wonderful it would be if all the Envoys of the Envoys of the Envoys of the Envoys of the Envoys and the People of the Energizers could be like him...

But Hua also understands that that is not realistic at all.

The wisdom of intelligent beings is both an advantage and a disadvantage, and it is also the root of the conflict.

Jingyuan slowly placed Zishu above Jianmu Xuangen, then turned to look at Hua.

I never expected that we would violate the Ten Evils of the Immortal Boat for the sake of a fertility envoy...

A bit of self-mockery flashed across Hua's face, and he used a forbidden ancient technique to induce the abundant power in Jianmu to converge into Zishu's body.

He is the representative of fertility, how can we violate the ten evils? Jing Yuan said with a smile.

But no matter what, the ancestor's decision must be violated today no matter what.

Hua couldn't help but smile.

...You will find loopholes and find a reasonable explanation.

Jing Yuan's smile remained unchanged as he watched Zi Shu's body slowly levitate.

The building wood has not yet been re-sealed, and the abundant power within it will be regenerated continuously and is inexhaustible.

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