Before speaking, Jingyuan reorganized his thoughts.

More than ten years have passed since the day when Xianzhou Luofu survived the disaster.

After the battle of Huanhu, Wuming Kezi Shuzhan from the pioneering star train died, Luofu and even the Xianzhou Alliance all have unshirkable responsibilities.

If the lurking illusion can be detected early, disaster will not happen.

The benefactor who helped Luofu at the critical moment died in battle. Although the incident was serious, it would not trigger such a huge battle——

The last time the Six Immortal Boat Generals and Marshal Yunqi of the Alliance gathered together was during the Drinking Moon Rebellion.

At this time, everyone came to Xu Ling, and the content of the discussion was about the unknown guest, Zi Shu, who was kind to Luofu.

In addition to his identity as the Envoy of Joy, he also has a sensitive identity that cannot be ignored for the entire Immortal Boat Alliance: the Envoy of Harvest.

Even Hua Du had never heard of the person who was blessed by two star gods at the same time.

When Jing Yuan woke up and learned the news of Zi Shu's death, he couldn't help but feel extremely sad, and almost triggered the evil spirit and fell into a situation of no return.

However, when he dragged his injured body to check on Zishu's body, he sensed the familiar imaginary energy fluctuations engraved in his soul from Zishu's body——

The fluctuation that only the Order of Abundance possesses.

At that moment, he was shocked and confused, and for the first time he couldn't find any clue.

Since ancient times when pharmacists blessed the Immortal Boat with immortality, the Immortal Boat Alliance has sailed around the world and been invaded by the rich people countless times.

To a certain extent, the Order of Abundance is a terrifying existence that is undoubtedly a greater threat to the Immortal Boat Alliance than the Medicine Master.

At the very least, the Medicine Master does not kill, but His emissaries do.

On one side is the benefactor who saves Luofu and saves himself from fire and water, and on the other side is the emperor's order, the fertility envoy who cannot be let go according to the iron law of hunting.

Two identities that are almost impossible to coexist in one body create a difficult contradiction.

Looking back on the Sudden War and the subsequent Drinking Moon Rebellion, Jing Yuan could not and could not turn a blind eye to this. This matter must be reported to the entire alliance's top management.

As a result, today's Emperor Gong and the Seven Heavenly Generals gathered in Xu Ling.

My opinion is-

Jing Yuan closed his eyes and took a deep breath and slowly let it out. His eyes were no longer lazy as before, and his sharpness and dominance were unabashedly released.

Zishu is Luofu's benefactor. If you want to touch him, you must pass the six barriers of Luofu and myself.

If it weren't for the help of the unknown passengers of the Star Train, the best ending in Luofu would have resulted in the death of at least half of the people.

Such a price is definitely the biggest loss since the Battle of Fanghu, and it is unbearable no matter what.

Luofu was able to survive the disaster and smash the conspiracy of the Destruction Order, and Zishu's contribution to cutting off the connection between Huanwu and Jianmu was a great one.

Even if he is the Envoy of Fertility, he has actually done something important enough to be respected by the entire Luofu.

Jingyuan couldn't do the matter of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, and he didn't allow Luofu to do it.

Oh? That's unexpected...

General Fei Xiao of the Yaoqing Immortal Boat crossed his legs and crossed his arms with a trace of surprise on his face.

The disasters that Luofu suffered from the people of Fengshuang were not as small as a square pot...

Unexpectedly, Jingyuan could put aside the warning given by the bloody history and try his best to protect a fertility envoy.

General Jingyuan, you should know the consequences if you look at the wrong person, right? Xuan Quan said meaningfully.

Jing Yuan naturally knew what the other party was referring to and said calmly: General Xuanquan thinks I was wrong about Dan Feng and Ying Xing back then?

Is not it?

Okay, there's no need to mention the past. Hua interrupted the vaguely explosive conversation between the two and turned his attention to the others, What about you?

Feixiao spread his hands and said, I don't care. If Luofu is killed because of this in the future, Yaoqing will help Luofu take revenge.

Huaiyan glanced at Xuan Quan, seeming a little dissatisfied with his attitude towards the name Ying Xing.

Each immortal boat has always been autonomous. General Jingyuan is a smart man. He knows better than everyone here what decisions to make, so I don't have to worry about it.

Hey... I support General Jing Yuan's decision. Yao Guang grinned and stopped his slowly turning pupils.

Everyone cast questioning glances.

The hexagram indicates good luck.


Everyone was silent.

Even though they knew that the method of divination could not accurately reveal the fog that shrouded the Star God's envoys, they understood and trusted Yaoguang's ability.

Hua's thoughts wandered, and finally he looked at the person sitting in front of him.

What about you, Youwu.

You can serve as the judge of the Ten Kings of Luofu.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Not only was Jing Yuan greatly surprised, but even Marshal Hua couldn't help but look sideways, with a flash of astonishment on his face.

The Ten Kings Division is in charge of matters such as the life and death of the Immortal Seed, guilt, and the demonic body, as well as major criminal events in Xianzhou. Its status is not subject to the control of the Six Imperial Guards, so it is considered a relatively special organization.

Becoming a judge of the Ten Kings Division means that you have the right to unconditionally coordinate the six emperors to cooperate. In matters under the control of the Ten Kings Division, you have great power.

For such an important institution, it is absolutely impossible for foreigners to be qualified to serve, even for the most peripheral positions.

But Youwu said that Zishu could serve as the judge of the ten kings. No wonder everyone was extremely surprised.

Hua narrowed his eyes, Do all ten kings agree?

The votes are divided into seven and three, and the minority obeys the majority. You should be aware that anyone who is appointed as a judge must record a ray of consciousness. If there is any dissatisfaction with the immortal boat, the ten kings will be able to detect it immediately.

Speaking of this, you looked at Jing Yuan.

As long as the fertility envoy agrees, this is the best way to deal with his sensitive identity. While avoiding making things difficult for you, Luofu can also avoid the reputation of repaying kindness with hatred.

After recovering from the surprise, Jing Yuan's expression returned to calmness, I will convey the matter to him when he wakes up.

As a judge of the Ten Kings Division, it is true that you can enjoy some privileges in Xianzhou, but it is also equivalent to installing a mirror in Xianzhou.

Once there is any unfavorable intention to Xianzhou, the hunting will be pursued until death.

But only in this way can Zi Shu gain the trust of the Immortal Boat Alliance as an envoy of the Order of Fengshuo.

If there are no objections, let's leave. I will go to Luofu to stay for a while.

After saying a few words, Hua stood up and left.

After hearing what the marshal said, all the generals stood up one after another and went back to their respective places without any delay.

Youhua takes it personally and doesn't need them to worry about anything else.

Miss Hanabi~hehe~.jpg

242.Current situation

Luofu, Danding Division.

A certain attic was guarded by a heavy army of Yunqi on the outside, and dozens of judges from the Ten Kings were guarding it secretly.

Zishu was placed in this attic.

Luofu was so nervous because of his sensitive identity.

Furthermore, even if it was for the sake of his safety, Luofu had to take it seriously.

An Envoy of Abundance is in a defenseless state of slumber. If the news leaks out, it will cause huge troubles that are no less powerful than the Phantom Crisis.

The body of the Envoy of Abundance, what a tempting word...

Very few people know about Zi Shu's other identity. Only a few people in Luofu know about it, and even everyone on the Star Vault Train doesn't know about it for the time being.

Xing wrung out the towel and gently wiped Zi Shu's face, with unspeakable complexity in his eyes.

When he fell into the sea, he could already see the port of Taizhen Danshi. What happened on the sea was happened to be seen by Fu Xuan who was waiting there.

The moment he learned that Jing Yuan was safe but Zi Shu was dead, Fu Xuan's face turned pale and there was no trace of blood.

When everyone was dealing with the funeral arrangements with heavy sorrow and settling down Jingyuan, Fu Xuan remembered the talisman that Zi Shu left for her.

In addition to the gift Zi Shu left for Fu Xuan, the talisman also contained his instructions.

‘If I die in the battle with Huanwu, please don’t be sad. I will not die completely easily. Please just hand over my remains to General Jingyuan for disposal. ’

When they learned that Zi Shu had made relevant preparations in advance and was still alive, everyone cried with joy. At the same time, they couldn't help but be moved by his behavior of saving everyone without hesitation even though he knew he might die.

In Fu Xuan's emotional words at the time, knowing his fate but still moving forward, even if he didn't change his ending in the end, wasn't he rebelling against the established?

At least, he changed others.

Axing, Zishu knew that he would not die so easily, but why didn't he let us take him back to the train instead of staying in Luofu? March 7 murmured.

Although Zi Shu left instructions, many days passed and he still showed no sign of waking up.

There is no heartbeat, no pulse, and it does not even have the fluctuations that every life in the universe should have.

No one knows when he will wake up, a month, a year?

Or ten years or even a hundred years?

Xing hesitated for a moment and then guessed: Maybe Zi Shu knows that only Jing Yuan can help him. After all... they are both Star God's envoys, and they may know some secrets that are beyond our reach.

Then he can just say it directly, so that we can feel at ease a little bit. Yue Qi said emotionally: Seeing him like this every day now makes me anxious and lost...

Even Ji Zi and Uncle Yang are helpless. Telling us will only make us more troubled. With Zi Shu's character, he will naturally not say much.

...This big fool who silently takes on everything, alas...

March Qiqiong's nose twitched sourly, her eyes were red and she said:

...It would be great if I was also the envoy of the Star God, so that I could share his worries, instead of being unable to do anything but watch and be protected by him...

Believe him, and believe General Jing Yuan. Xing put down the wet towel, held Zi Shu's palm tightly, and stared at his face without blinking.

There were many speculations and even doubts about the identity of Zi Shu's envoy, but he still chose to keep it to himself.

What about joy, nothing else, even abundance?

She only knew that Zi Shu was her hero, someone who gave her hope after forgetting the past, and someone who gave her the warmth of a family member. This was enough, nothing else mattered.

I just hope he wakes up soon.

March Qi was simple-minded and didn't think as much as Xing thought. When she heard her mention Jing Yuan, she couldn't help but look out the window with her cheeks in hand.

I don't know if the progress is going well, General...

A few days ago, Jing Yuan, who had not yet completely recovered from his injury, set out for a mysterious place, saying that he was looking for a way to bring Zi Shu back to life. If everything goes well, that day will not be far away.

Hope it goes well.

Xing doesn't believe in God, but now she is willing to pray to a kind God to protect Jingyuan and ensure that everything goes well and that Zishu wakes up soon.

Aha, just forget about it, it doesn’t make sense.

There was a sound of footsteps coming from behind. March Qi turned his eyes to the door and said uncertainly: Could it be that the general is back?

It's not the general's footsteps...

Star shook his head.

Before she could explain, two figures appeared at the door curtain, opened it with their hands and walked into the house.

Xing, Xiao Sanyue.

It's Ji Zi and Uncle Yang, good evening. Are you done with the train? March 7 smiled and stepped forward, By the way, where is Dan Heng?

No matter how busy things are, they can't be as busy as our Star Train companions. Dan Heng has his own things to do, so he didn't come with us.

Ji Zi smiled and patted her head, looking at Zi Shu who was lying peacefully on the bed, a flash of loss flashed in her eyes, and she sighed.

Still haven't woken up...

I'm so afraid that Zi Shu will deceive everyone with white lies again... March Qi looked worried and said worriedly: At that time, he kept saying that he was fine, but it turned out...

Jizi didn't know how to comfort her words.

March 7th would think so because Zi Shu's current situation is really worrying. Logically speaking, even if a person is dead, his presence can still be felt in his mind.

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