Not to mention Star Iron players, even those who have never played this game are affected by the sad atmosphere when they see the video content that has reached the top of the play list.

[…I’ve obviously never played this game, so why do I want to cry when I see this character falling down? 】

[It's music. He added music. It can't be the music composed by Master Mai Zhenhong. The style is similar. 】

[If it is this master, it would not be surprising...]

[The Death Songs of the Two Fairy Swords have been listened to emo once so far, and now I’m afraid there will be another one. 】

[Is this game called Star Dome Railway? Download it and give it a try...]

[Don’t go, it’s better to download Honkai Impact 3. This game is very sweet, no swords! 】

After a period of time of fermentation, keywords such as the plot of Star Dome Railway 1.2 have successfully become popular.

A large number of players who have never heard of Star Dome Railway, or have heard of it but have no interest in it, have downloaded and registered the game due to the hot topic, including many anchors.

It would be better to say that these anchors don't need anyone to be comfortable at all. Even those who broadcast e-sports can't help but be curious and can't resist the temptation of traffic and take the initiative to fall into the trap.

Before these streamers can play the 1.2 main line live, they must first be impacted by the Cocolia storyline.

But those players who have the habit of eating barbecue don’t care because——

Popular anchors, both at home and abroad, are uploading sliced ​​or cooked meat one after another.

Seeing oneself cry while being stabbed by a knife also made the anchors and live broadcast room viewers feel numb, and some people will have emotional identification with it.

Human happiness requires the satisfaction of current emotions, and this is why there are barbecue bloggers. If there is demand, there will naturally be production.

On the Pili Pili site, the slice of Mijia Games CV Mu Fei was the first to be uploaded.

[Mu Fei/Star Railway Live] Look how happy she is smiling (2)

The upload time was actually less than half an hour, but there were already thousands of comments on the barrage, and there were also many comments below.

[I almost couldn’t help laughing when I saw the title. 】

[Remember her smiling face now for the test later. 】

Anyone who has watched the plot knows that the atmosphere of the post-mortem discussion on the water boat is completely a smoke bomb thrown by the screenwriter.

First, it creates a light and cheerful look, and then it catches you off guard and hits you hard.

It doesn't matter if there is no foreshadowing or hint at all. By reviewing the entire plot process through the video, we can find that the foreshadowing was laid early on, that is, when Zi Shu gave Fu Xuan a talisman.

He said that he guaranteed that everyone would return safely, but he did not clearly say that he himself would return safely...

The second is the CG after the battle with the Phantom BOSS. When the Futian Jueling Formation is activated, the camera briefly shows Zi Shu’s face for half a second.

The face is dry and full of ravines...

No different from an old man who has been dead for a long time.

In CG cutscenes where the amount of information is refreshed extremely quickly, half a second is not enough to see what can be done and clearly understand what you want to express.

With the video paused, the details hidden behind it completely surfaced.

Similar to most players, Mu Fei didn't notice those details.

The sad melody at the beginning also made her suffer from PTSD, but she didn't realize it later. There was a powerful knife hidden in the music when she returned to Dandingsi by boat.

It will explode in two hours.jpg

240. Just one knife

When the strange folk tales told by Xing involved jokes, Mu Fei couldn't help but laugh while a question mark appeared in her head.

Coupled with the cheerful tone of March 7's follow-up talk about daily life, it will make people ignore what was wrong before.

Until Ji Zi dialed the communication and asked about Zi Shu's situation, and Yu Qi swore that he was fine, Mu Fei still had a warm smile on her face.

Unexpectedly, the camera suddenly flashed to reveal the protagonist whose expression changed drastically.

[Come, come, Lao Mi is coming with the stereo! 】

The next second the protagonist turned his head, it was a scene that made all the defense-breaking players want to hack the screenwriter to death.

Almost instantly, Mu Fei thought of a similar plot: Honkai Impact III, Wuliang Tower Princess, and the last lesson.

The music is so sad that it's hard to hold back tears, and even the composition of the picture of Zishu falling is very similar to the Wuliangta Jizi in the last lesson.

The difference is that Wuliangta Jizi only has countless viewers in front of the screen reaching out to her, while Zishu also has the protagonist Xingtie.

It just so happened that the protagonist reached out and missed Zi Shu by a hair's breadth, which became the trigger of the emotional explosion.

Mu Fei, who always showed her face during live broadcasts, was caught off guard by the plot. It didn't take long for her expression to freeze before she realized what had happened, and her eyes widened in disbelief.

Tears blurred his eyes, and it only took less than two seconds to change from a smiling face to a sad whimper and a low cry.

Mi Huhu, do you still have the heart? Uh-huh...

Mu Fei covered her mouth with both hands and sniffed dully, trying not to look too out of place.

...His past has a knife, his experience has a knife, and his personality has a knife. Why should he be knifed again now...

As she spoke, she couldn't bear it any longer, leaning on her chair and crying, but still unwilling to look away from the screen.

【乆乆乆乆乆乆! 】

[Look, boss, how happy is she smiling? 】

[M: Huh? 】

[Lao Mi: Isn’t it? Are you crying now? Really crying? I do not believe. 】

[How much I cried at that time, how happy I am now. 】

[Jiejie, Jiejie, the tears of a beautiful girl are so delicious...]

The protagonist grabs Zi Shu's arm and enters the transition, and all the scenes that have happened can be seen.

Seeing this, after learning that Zi Shu had experienced a similar incident earlier, not only Mu Fei felt her heart twitching slightly with pain, but also players who had watched and relived the plot many times couldn't help but have red eyes. .

[Damn it... there's sand in my eyes. 】

[How can anyone do a live broadcast wearing ten pieces of anti-armor? 】

[What's going on? I cried too...]

[Can you stop crying... The adoptive father knows what consequences he will face, but he still has no hesitation...]

[Tearful nuclear power ahead! 】

Against the background of music that makes people cry when listening to it, Zi Shu's back gradually disappears into the darkness, using his eyes as the transition medium, transitioning to a perspective of looking directly at the phantom.

The illusion in the field of vision is purple.

Any fool knows that Zi Shu saw everyone's future just when Huanhu entered the second stage, and then used his own way to forcefully reverse the ending.

Not many players can withstand this scene...

Mu Fei broke out into a howl that didn't sound like laughter, nor pain like crying. Her eyes were like floodgates opening, tears poured out freely, and her shoulders kept shaking as she sobbed.

I can't hold back my emotions. I really can't hold back my emotions.

【Only one knife! 】

【Fall down! 】

[The stamina is not that great, it’s just pinching, why should I bring trouble to myself? I frantically searched for the anchor’s reaction to the plot, and even a pack of tissues was exhausted. 】

[Breaking the Great Defense... The plot is obviously not novel, and can even be said to be a bit retro and old-fashioned, but it still makes people cry. 】

【乆乆乆! It's all Mi Huyou's fault! 】

[No matter how cliched the plot is, it can't stand up to the screenwriter's foreshadowing. Just choose the person who is best for you. 】

[Isn’t it? He is the adoptive father. In the plot, he is too nice to me. He is much better than the mother who cares about the children and does not care about raising them. Even outside the plot, if you play Simulated Universe and Chaos Memories, the adoptive father is currently the best. One of the most powerful survival aids. 】

The long barrage has been recognized by countless people. After all, it is a fact.

The mechanism of protecting Zishu is a bit supermodel in a high-pressure environment. After many people draw Rakshasa, only Natasha and the resident Jiege Bailu in the pool will be laid off, not Zishu.

It can be said that the reason why the players were fooled by the knife this time, and the reaction and stamina are exaggerated, are inseparable from the shaping within the plot and the intensity outside the plot.

The protagonist is the individual representative of the player and the source of emotional value feedback.

Ever since they met on the space station, everyone has seen how well Zishu has cared for the protagonist and the train crew, and they have also remembered it in their hearts.

How many people would dislike others being kind to them? Even if they don't have much affection for Zishu, they are definitely not indifferent or even disgusted.

Such a character is so cut by the screenwriter that unless he has a heart of stone, he will not be able to escape his emotions.

Movies, TV games, stories...the most profound are tragedies.

Sometimes everyone is happy, but it is often better to leave regrets and let people remember them firmly.

From the moment the protagonist leaps, countless people have completely immersed themselves in it.

The routine is not afraid of old age, but it is afraid of not being able to catch people's hearts.

Barbecue bloggers have been busy for more than ten hours, and they can't finish the constant stream of anchors' real-time reaction slices.

There are just too many.

Leaving aside domestic discussions, almost everyone abroad clicked on the replay of a female anchor, and even if she didn't cry, she would at least wail a few times.

Many elders even shed tears, among them Captain Beng San was the most deeply touched.

I thought that after experiencing the last lesson, the story of being here because of you, the eternal burning of fire and other plots, my heart has become as immovable as a mountain.

The knife in Feng Rao Xuan Lu failed to make them cry, but this one in Huan Hao did.

There are many people wearing makeup and red eyes.

Players who eat barbecue laugh at things but don't laugh at others. It seems that it's not that they are tearful, but that everyone is the same.

Two full days have passed, and the popularity has not been completely replaced by new hot spots on the Internet.

Whenever a new anchor experiences the plot, there will inevitably be a gathering of viewers who want to see their real-time reactions.

More and more people are attracted to the role of Zishu.

Merchants selling second-game peripherals never imagined that there would be a day when orders for peripherals for male characters would exceed those for female characters...

On the third day after the 1.2 version update, the official accounts of Star Rail's various channels finally uploaded two plot CGs, which together are as long as ten minutes.

Honkai Impact: Star Rail feature short film Sword Cut Karma

He looked back.

He cut off his past.

He follows his own will and position, implements his mottos, and implements himself.

In addition to the plot short film, the next thing to be uploaded is the music from the plot of delivering a sword after the battle.

Honkai: Star Rail drama song Cause and Destiny

The composer's signature in the introduction is not only Mi Huyou's music team, but also a person's name.

When they saw the words Mai Zhenhong, many players rested their elbows on the table and covered their faces with their palms in relief.

The swordsman also needs a peerless sword...

So cruel.

241. Emperor Gong will gather for seven days

Xianzhou Xuling, the headquarters of the Ten Kings Division.

Six figures sit opposite each other. Except for one of them who is a projected image, the others are all the original deity.

And in the first seat above the six people, there was a woman with a sassy face and a slim-fitting armor.

Xuan Quan, why can't you come in person?

Hearing this, the projection slightly lowered its head and said:

Marshal Xun Hua, there have been unstable factors in the star field where Fang Hu is located recently. We have not yet recovered from that battle. After discussing with the Six Imperial Guards, I need to personally guard Fang Hu and not leave.

Hua nodded slightly to express his understanding, looked around the crowd and said softly: Tell us what you think, Jingyuan, you go first.

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