I didn't expect that even General Luofu was injured and unconscious. As for Zi Shu, you don't seem to have said anything about his condition. Ji Zi was keenly aware that something was wrong.

The voices of Xing, Yue Qi, Walter and Dan Heng were all heard, but only Zi Shu was not heard.

Did something happen to him?!

Ji Zi's sudden change of tone made everyone tense up and quickly explained.

It's okay, it's okay, he was exhausted and fell asleep!

March 7 smiled sweetly at the other end of the communication: Jizi, don't you know him well? He never lies to everyone. He will definitely recover completely after taking a while.

Xing rolled his eyes at her, and as soon as he said these two words, he suddenly remembered something that frightened her——

Zi Shu's breathing and heartbeat...unconsciously, it seemed as if they had been silent for dozens of seconds...

Before her expression changed drastically and she turned her head, she noticed that the arm on her shoulders gradually loosened, and an old figure fell backwards.


Ranran live broadcast room.

The emo music in the latest cutscene CG did not last long, and naturally switched to a more soothing and peaceful rhythm in about half a minute.

As soon as the music changed, the players who were worried about the knives being issued breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

Old Bideng from Missang actually made a false shot, which made everyone worry in vain.

The liaison conversations between characters are basically after-the-fact discussions. If this happens in the general game plot, it most likely means that the plot has reached the end and may end at any time.

Originally, the players thought so too, but there were too many dubbings that could not stand up to the protagonist, more than the total number of people who had spoken before the server was launched.

There are no dialogue options for the player to choose, all natural dialogue.

Now no one is making fun of the fact that the CV of the protagonist of Mijia games can't make any money at all, right?

[Laughing, I can only say that the dubbing is good. Please tell me more. Who said that adding more dubbing to the protagonist would affect the sense of immersion? To be honest, I don’t feel it at all. 】

[Don’t understand the seniors’ way of washing the floor. 】

[Looking at that group from a psychological point of view, they like to play devil’s advocate in everything and believe that everything they say is right. They have reasons to refute what others say. They are very typical antagonistic personalities. Most of them are people who did not receive enough attention from their original families and grew up. The queen is just trying to gain other people's attention by making excuses. 】

[If you say that, the senior will break the defense and take the seat. 】

【happy. 】

When the plot dialogue came to the part where Zi Shuwen fell asleep and could not wake up, Ran Ran's originally relaxed spirit suddenly tightened.

Star: Don't scare me...!

Zi Shu: Haha...just a joke.

Another feint? Ran Ran rolled her eyes.

The background music is okay, nothing out of the ordinary, just a false alarm.


Those who truly understand music and understand the emotions expressed in music will feel as if their hearts are being clenched and their breathing will stop for several seconds.

Rice is cheating! ! What do you want to do? !

Who can tell them why the soothing and peaceful background music contains a sound that represents sorrow and sorrow, and the sound of the cave flute that makes people cry like they are complaining?

This bottom note is hidden in the most obvious melody, and it is basically impossible for people who have not studied music theory to hear it.

Music often represents silent emotional expression. Music in film, television dramas and game works needs to be used in conjunction with plot scenes, and must be adapted so that people can listen comfortably and not violate the harmony.

But now that Jingyuan and the entire train crew are alive and well, everyone should be happy, but there is such an abnormal foreshadowing...

There must be a ghost!

Just when players who have studied music theory are about to hear something, the protagonist starts to talk about the folk story, and the sound of the dongxiao hidden in the melody completely disappears.

Instead, there is a pleasant and melodious synthetic sound, with smooth transitions and a natural sound.

What is even more eye-catching are the folk stories.

Those players who have never played Honkai Impact 3 are lucky, but the heads of veteran captains are already filled with question marks.

Misan, are you talking about gods and demons?

How many old lady jokes are there that you haven’t played before?

That... although it was a bit rude, I couldn't help but laugh out loud. Damn it, the screenwriter responsible for this plot must be the one responsible for the voice copy and character design of Genshin Seno, right?

[Don’t say it yet, it’s really possible. 】

[Pado felt very embarrassed and even wanted to call the police. 】

Next, the copywriter didn't play any more jokes. March 7's energetic voice made the players forget their previous nervousness.

Until Jizi contacted me.

In short, our pioneering journey has been successfully completed. I believe that it will not be long before the Jade Realm Gate in Luofu will be reopened, and then we can freely travel to and from the train.

Ji Zi: I didn't expect that even General Luofu was injured and unconscious. As for Zi Shu, you don't seem to have said anything about his condition. Did something happen to him?!

March 7: It's okay, it's okay, he was exhausted and fell asleep! Jizi, don't you know him well? He never lies to everyone. He will definitely recover after taking a while.

When the conversation disappeared for a while, the sad melody that almost made some players jump up reappeared, and was slowly replacing the original melodiousness.

When people who don't understand music theory would notice that something is wrong with the music atmosphere, the camera suddenly shows the protagonist's face.

It seems that after hearing March 7th's words, the protagonist's expression suddenly froze, and the close-up of the pupils contracting violently was particularly obvious, and he was trembling constantly.

At this moment, the melody of the dongxiao disappeared, leaving only pure string music that was hard to hear. However, this did not prevent a very few outstanding people in the music field from hearing the prelude of something big happening.

The camera followed the protagonist's head tilt, and a scene that shocked all players emerged——

The scene was slowed down several times, and Zi Shu let go of the protagonist's arm and fell over the edge of the boat towards the deep sea.

Everyone was slow to react, their expressions changed drastically, and when they wanted to catch Zi Shu, the nearest protagonist was just a hair’s breadth away from Zi Shu’s arm...

S/he failed to catch Zi Shu.

In the plot scene without unnecessary noise, as this scene appeared, the long-hidden sad background music was like a volcanic eruption, breaking through the players' eardrums without warning.

The endless feeling of loneliness is overwhelming, as if you are the only one falling into the abyss. It is so sad that it makes people heart-wrenching. It is so sad that people with strong empathy ability will have their eyes filled with water mist in an instant.

Zi Shu——!!!

As the protagonist's screams filled with fear and helplessness resounded, all the musical instruments emitted a mournful sound, which was so sad that the listeners were heartbroken.

Especially the more emotional female players could not hold back the tears and covered their mouths to prevent themselves from crying.

No matter how stupid you are, you can understand that Zi Shu is not as fine as he said.

He was clearly exhausted... but he still pretended to be indifferent, so as not to worry anyone.

Why are you so stupid? !

The voice acting of the protagonist, especially the heroine, is poignant and poignant, which perfectly captures the player's sense of immersion and makes them jump towards Zishu to catch him.

At the same time, the Xuechen sword that had been standing quietly in the water boat trembled violently and turned into a flash of light and flew away.

Xing finally grabbed Zi Shu and hugged him into his arms, but they were about to fall into the sea, and neither Walter nor Dan Heng had time to help.

At the critical moment, Xing Chen's sword was pressed against Xing's back, emitting a soft force that lifted the two of them up and brought them back to the water boat.

This scene cannot be seen from the player's perspective. The scene ends just when the protagonist successfully grabs Zi Shu's arm.

The sad music didn't stop, and the scene turned to an extremely unfamiliar scene.

Seeing the familiar figure rescuing people in distress, no one needed any explanation. Everyone knew that it happened before Zishu was in deep sleep.

Soon, a clip was played of Zi Shu's appearance getting older because he helped others and paid the price.

How familiar it looks?

As if a trick of fate, the fragments that happened thousands of years ago reappeared today.

Immediately afterwards, there was a scene of young Zishu standing in front of a screen similar to that of a projection screen.

On the screen, everyone in the train group had lost their vitality and turned into withered corpses under Huanhu's contemptuous eyes.

239. Space comedy game

Everyone can see that this is the future of another causal line: a future without Zishu's interference.

He did not hesitate to cut off the projection screen with a sword, telling everyone his choice in the language of the camera.

It was precisely because he bore all the costs that such a future did not become a reality, but——

He is the only one who cannot escape the price...

Can't escape.

The music that felt like the sky was about to collapse came to an end, and the scene returned to the BOSS battle in Jianmu Cave. Zishu slowly opened his eyes and looked directly at the hazy scene in the second stage.

At this point, CG is completely over.

However, players who couldn't wait to know what happened next never expected that a small frame would appear in the center of the screen.


If you want to know what happened next time, please wait for the breakdown.

Countless players and countless anchors made similar roars when they saw this scene.

Foolish!!! I'm going to kill your mother!

Screenwriter, you deserve to die, even if I send you a thousand or ten thousand blades - it’s not enough!

Cutting the story quickly to leave suspense, it's like watching an exciting action movie that makes people's blood boil. When Jarvan is about to start to use Dragon Crash, the next second will give you Never gonna give you up.

What is not good to learn from is to learn from those dog writers who like to break out of chapters when writing online articles.

You took off your pants and you showed me this?

I took out the tissue and you gave it to me...well, the tissue can be used for other things.

The power-loving anchor could only cry, and the entire live broadcast room seemed to be filled with an infectious virus. Some people could barely hold back their emotions while watching the plot, but after hearing Ran Ran's crying for a long time, one after another some people couldn't hold it in anymore.

Humans are social creatures, and emotions are contagious.

【Can’t help but be spicy! Exploded with Misan! 】

[I heard that Star Railroad is a space comedy game, but do you call this a comedy? 】

[Worima watched the live broadcast as if she had been slapped with a soft knife. What kind of psychological trauma did the screenwriter suffer to create such a plot? ! 】

Some players did not believe that the follow-up to the plot of version 1.2 would have to wait until the next version, so they browsed all the current regional maps to look for relevant clues.

But unfortunately, I couldn't find what I was looking for.

Finally, when I returned to the observation compartment of the train, the familiar figure no longer sat on the chair where I received my blind talisman every day.

After talking to Pam, she discovered that she could receive the daily blind talisman left by Zishu from her.

At this point, the players have truly and completely broken through the defense.

Different space stations and Bellobergs can find their own characters on the map. At present, except Tianbosi, who can see Yu Kong, no one else in Xianzhou can be seen, let alone inquire about the follow-up of the Huanhu battle.

Who would have expected that a turn-based game with a lot of jokes and sometimes weird plots would have its own character killed by a knife in the main line of the third version of the server?

Even in Honkai Impact 3 many years ago, important characters did not die so early.

After the intense emotional impact of the first kill in the plot, many players became more sober, guessing that Zi Shu would never die like this.

It's very simple. He still has a five-star form that hasn't been released yet. He can't be dead when he goes up for the first time in the future, right?

That is truly unprecedented and far ahead.

For a new game that has just started, the popularity of version 1.2 has not dropped much compared to the launch of the server. By the time the main force has passed the main line, the relevant hot spots have directly smashed the top of the hot search list in the mainstream community.

A huge amount of heat was boiling, and Mi Huyou was naturally smiling. However, downstairs of the company headquarters, there were people gritting their teeth and giving consistent looks inside from time to time.

It was an uncontrollable desire to kill someone.

The clerk at the front desk on the first floor was so frightened that he wondered if the IP department was responsible for the game. He brought out another big bag and was relieved to learn the details of current affairs.

It's true that it was a trap, but at least it wasn't a black and red type of trap.

The official account will not upload the CG of the cutscenes in the game so quickly, but the actual recorded videos are already overwhelming.

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