Jing Yuan covered his head, his voice became lower and lower, his eyelids gradually drooped, and he fell to the side under everyone's frightened gaze.

With quick eyes and hands, Dan Heng caught him again and quickly detected his pulse, his face darkened slightly.

He was seriously injured and passed out due to exhaustion. Let's go back to Danding Division as soon as possible. As he said that, he carried Jing Yuan on his back and steered the boat into a boat. Everyone, come up quickly.

Be careful Zi Shu and hold my shoulders tightly. Xing carefully helped Zi Shu onto the water boat.

...I'm sorry for showing you the embarrassing side...

Who said that?! You are not embarrassed at all, you are the hero who saved Xianzhou!

Also my hero.

She added silently in her heart.

Pulling up the Kaochen sword at his feet, Xing finally jumped onto the water boat.

The blockade in the cave disappeared early with the departure of Huan Hu, and the water boat rushed out of the Jianmu Cave without any hindrance.

In order to prevent another accident in Jianmu, Dan Heng left a hasty seal and flew everyone towards Dandingsi at full speed.

The hunting revenge will surely come!

Okay! Anyone who offends my fairy boat will be punished no matter how far away he is! A general is a general. It is best to kill Huanwu within three days and let out a good breath of evil!

Ran Ran clenched her fists and gritted her teeth:

This abominable thing, Huanhu, not only killed everyone's wife Tingyun, but also caused my husband to lose an unknown amount of vitality. He was so weak that he became an old man. How long will it take to recover?

When he heard Jing Yuan say that Huan Lu was not dead, even though he had just expected it, he still couldn't help but feel angry in his heart.

The same goes for players, especially those who like Zishu.

Obviously the modeling of the elderly form is very exquisite, but no one is happy because it makes people uncomfortable to look at, and it is like this in order to protect everyone.

It’s hard to imagine that without him, how many of the people who defeated Huanhu would have left intact corpses in the end...

I'm afraid that except for Jing Yuan, everyone will have their vitality sucked out and become corpses like dead trees, right?

[Huan Hao is not dead, his life is too tenacious...]

[If she’s not dead, then she’s not dead. It would be too cheap for her to die like this. There will definitely be scenes of her being covered with gauze in the subsequent plot. Just wait. 】

[Ah ah ah, when will the adoptive father become better? A quick batch! TM is not so anxious to wait for his girlfriend to take a shower before her virginity graduation! 】

[The satellite updates released in version 1.0 are now in version 1.2, so it’s time to go to version 1.3, right? 】

[…Even if 1.3 is released, we still have to wait for more than forty days. It’s so long…Please punch me unconscious! 】

[While upping Zi Shu, it’s best to strike while the iron is hot and recreate Jing Yuan. Once this wave of plot is over, I like Zi Shu and Jing Yuan even more. I will definitely pick them! 】

After listening to Jing Yuan's explanation, those players who had not fully understood the plot twist finally understood why Jing Yuan was caught by Huan Wu and also understood Zi Shu's good intentions.

One was so scheming that his scalp went numb, and the other was so courageous that his scalp went numb.

This is the adoptive father! I knew that Huanlu would definitely see his identity as an envoy and would be wary of him, so he deliberately placed his trump card in the hands of me and March Qi...well, the two apparently weakest people.

The more Ran Ran talked, the more excited she became. She hugged Zi Shu with a life-size pillow and kept rubbing her cheeks.

Huanhuang's underwear was stripped off, and her husband predicted everything she was thinking, and she stepped step by step into the abyss of eternal damnation...

Ran Ran's eyes twitched when she saw some of the barrage's nitpicking, seemingly innocent.

Gan, I want to curse!

Can you please stop being such a slut? Can't you see how difficult Huanwu is? If Zishu and Jingyuan join forces to fight against Huanwu, who will protect the others?

I really want to dig out your brains, or throw you into the game, and then let Zishu leave you alone, and see if you will be drained by Huanhuang!

To put it bluntly, I, March 7, and Lao Yang should not have entered Jianmu Dongtian. It is because I am the protagonist that I have to go. Otherwise, can you have a sense of substitution?

Although I watched eight minutes of plot CG, after all, this is not a follow-up, but a game. The protagonist is ourselves.

With Zishu fully protecting everyone, I can become the key figure in activating the formation eye... Oh my god, no wonder Zishu has always given me the Chenchen Sword to use. Could it be that he had thought of this level a long time ago, so was he prepared for it?

[Taikoo Qimen Bagua Technique, boy! 】

[Quiet, everyone, listen to me. I want to say two words: Shumen! Who is in favor and who is against? 】

[I am against...those guys who are against Shumen! 】

【Book Gate! 】

March 7: General, open your eyes wide, don't fall asleep now! Hey! Wake up——

At this time, a burst of background music that sounded very emo replaced the original soothing BGM.

Coupled with the lines of March 7th, Chef Jingyuan's heart in the live broadcast room couldn't help but beat hard.

【Missan! ! ! ! 】

[The battle is over but the BGM is changed? Still in such a sad tone, something big happened! Mi Huyou is here carrying a stereo! 】

【? ? ? 】

[Lao Mi, what are you doing? Lao Mi, this is not Honkai Impact III. I advise you to be kind and stop it! 】

[Grass, don’t tell me that Jing Yuan is going to die or fall into the devil’s body! 】

At the same time, there were also some players who almost jumped. They heard a similar tune from the same lineage as Nightglow from the sad music.

Some pure music can make you depressed just by listening to it, such as Peach Blossom Island in Fairy Sword One and Xuejian Falling into the Mortal World in Fairy Sword Three.

The melody in the current music that makes people's noses sore is not weaker than Nightglow, nor is it weaker than those classic death songs.

Just the prelude has made countless players who are following the plot numb.

Do you dare to say that you are not planning to cause trouble when you play this kind of music?

Who believes it!

What's more, it's a game from the Mihuyou family, and the game name still has the word Hengkai in the prefix!

When the protagonist pulls out the sword and jumps onto the water boat, the screen fades to black, and when it lights up again, a new plot CG is entered. From here on, the sad music becomes louder.

[Hao Cao Cao, who is about to smash Mi Huliu’s stereo? ! If you don’t smash it, the consequences will be disastrous! 】

237.Did something happen to him?

A water boat passed over the ancient sea at high speed.

Don't worry, Fu Taibu. No one is in serious trouble, but General Jingyuan is seriously injured. Just arrange the doctors quickly. We can arrive in less than half an hour...

As if afraid of a false alarm, March 7 tilted his head and asked again:

Is it half an hour Dan Heng?


My partner confirmed that he will be able to return to Dandingsi within half an hour.

Very good, I will give the order now.

Fu Taibu, please don't hang up the communication yet! .”

On the other end of the communication, Fu Xuan tapped his chin.

Relax, have you considered that no one was injured except the general... How about Zishu...?

Xing turned his head to look and couldn't help biting his lower lip.

Even though he was already exhausted, he was still looking in his eyes to indicate that he was fine.

Zishu, do you have any needs, such as something that can relieve your condition? Xing asked.

Zi Shu smiled, trying his best to suppress his increasingly groggy consciousness, and tried to make his voice sound less hollow.

...No need, I just need to rest for a while.

Your voice... Fu Xuan was stunned, and deep worry suddenly appeared on his face, What's going on?

Zi Shu: It's a small matter. I guess Danding Division has a lot of things for you to worry about at this time, so let's talk about it first.

...I will personally wait for you at the ferry of Taizhen Danshi. Fu Xuan suppressed the inexplicable anxiety in his heart.

The communication was hung up, but the corners of his eyes were beating more and more violently, which seemed to imply that something bad was about to happen.

I couldn't help but make predictions, but there was nothing unusual about the predictions.

So weird…

The rebellion within the Danding Division has come to an end, and the remaining fish that have slipped through the net will be caught sooner or later. What unknown things are waiting for everyone?

Frowning his slender brows and wondering what to do, Fu Xuan lightly patted his forehead and quickly arranged the follow-up matters for secretly bringing everyone back.

After hanging up the communication with Fu Xuan, Xing clearly noticed that something was not right about Zi Shu.

Since most of Zi Shu's body was resting on her, she could clearly feel his heartbeat through the close contact between her back and his chest.

His heartbeat seems to be getting slower and slower...

Considering that the frequency was still within the normal range, Xing didn't think too much about it. He just thought it was because after the life-and-death battle, his tense spirit relaxed and his whole body gradually relaxed.

I gave...? What's wrong with you?

Just as she was about to say something, Xing suddenly found that the weight she was bearing increased. Zi Shuyi's whole head rested on her neck, and his slightly warm breath sprayed out.

A fleeting blush flashed across Xing's little face.

Such a close distance and posture...the nose is filled with the light scent of him that makes people smell comfortable and relaxed.

It's okay... I'm just feeling a little tired like the general... Zi Shu murmured.

Then you rest with me for a while, don't force yourself.

Before the general fell into coma, Xiao Sanyue told him not to fall asleep...Aren't you afraid that I won't be able to wake up after I fall asleep?

The teasing words made Xing's eyelids twitch and his body trembled.

Don't scare me...!

...Haha, let's play the game. Even if I fall asleep, I will definitely wake up. There are countless scenery waiting for us along the way. How can I not wake up? I have been sleeping for many years...

Well... Xing pondered for a moment, a smile appeared on his little face, How about I tell you a folk horror story, which I heard shortly after I came to Xianzhou.


It is rumored that hundreds of years ago, there was a family of foreigners who settled in Xianzhou in Changletian. They were short-lived. The couple's child reached the age of losing teeth, so they took him to the Dandingsi designated hospital to have his teeth extracted;

But the child was very scared. She was afraid that her teeth would never grow back again, so she refused to live or die;

Just when the child's parents were about to ask the doctor to give her general anesthesia, the doctor responsible for extracting the teeth scared the child and said: There is something evil in your teeth. If you don't pull it out in time, you will be trapped in the teeth while sleeping in the middle of the night. The evil spirit ate it and died miserably on the spot;”

This trick was very effective. The child was immediately frightened and shouted out of fear to the dentist sister, I don't want to die...guess what happened?

There was a hint of depth in Xing's tone.

It turned out that there was really a strange thing lodged in the child's teeth, which made the child disappear. Yunqi searched for several days and couldn't find the person. From then on, no one in any Dandingsi Medical Center dared to open such a thing casually. intimidation;

Although I don't know whether the rumors are true or not, if it happens in the near future, maybe we can act as detectives and reveal the unknown reasons behind it...

Zi Shu smiled, but before he spoke, March Qi, who had been pricking his ears in front, couldn't help but said,

Hey...what's wrong with you? You have to talk about this. It makes our skin crawl.

I just thought of it, didn't I?

It seemed that Xing had broken the silence inadvertently, or perhaps that the immortal boat had survived the disaster without any danger, and everyone felt relieved.

March 7 opened up the conversation, and the silver bell-like laughter added a bit of vitality to the dull atmosphere.

Time passed quietly, and according to the journey, we were about to arrive at the Taizhen Danshi Ferry.

Xing noticed that her phone was ringing, and when she took it out, she found that Ji Zi had contacted her. Because of her actions when she took out the phone, she found that Zi Shu had really fallen asleep at some point, her eyes were closed, and her old face looked extremely kind.

Knowing the rough and thrilling process of fighting against Phantom, even as an audience member who had no personal experience, Himeko couldn't help but sweat for everyone.

The dissatisfaction with the star core hunter in his heart became even stronger.

No matter what the opponent's purpose is, the process makes everyone half-step into the gate of hell. It is unimaginable how terrifying the Destruction Envoy who controls the power of abundance is.

In short, our pioneering journey has been successfully completed. March 7 came forward and said happily: I believe that it won't be long before the Jade Realm Gate in Luofu will be reopened, and then we can freely travel to and from the train. .”

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