Is he finally going to use his ultimate move?

However, when they heard what Dan Heng said, everyone felt bad and jumped up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

Can you take everyone away first? We can't continue, the life force will be drained!

We can't get away, Huanlong has already sealed off the cave here.

The old man-like voice of Zi Shu raised the bad feeling in the players' hearts to another level again.

If it's okay now, then the next few conversations will really make people twitch at the corners of their eyes.

Little ants, do you know why the general doesn't dare to attack again? It's because he found that if he doesn't help this fool, in a few minutes, there will be fewer lives in this space...

In particular, Huanhuang's passage makes players understand that the length of the plot in real battles is much greater than what they see and hear during battles.

This conversation is inaudible at all stages, and only the CG of this plot exists.

【It’s life-eating! It must be life-consuming, and the adoptive father may be bearing the negative price for everyone! 】

[I asked why he has become so old. Fortunately, Mi Huyou didn't come over with a stereo, otherwise I wouldn't be able to sit still. 】

The CG is still going on. Later, when I saw that Zi Shu Danheng teamed up to destroy Jianmu to no avail, and when Huan Wuyan got violent and hurt people, and easily took advantage of Jing Yuan, Ran Ran was okay, and Jing Yuan in the live broadcast room The chef lived in Bengbu.

Among them, those who have played Honkai Impact 3 had the biggest reaction.

I'll give you a chance to fool around and be a human being!

Huanhu: I wonder if General Xianzhou is turned into a virtual pawn, will there be another civil strife in Luofu? Such destruction is more interesting... Hahahaha... Is there anything else you want to say in the end, General Xianzhou? ?」

At this time, the camera showed Zi Shu, and the players finally got to see his true face, and they couldn't help but clench their hearts.

He has become even older than before...

There was no time to think more, Zi Shu shouted to the protagonist, which brought everyone back from their distracted thoughts.

Star——! Use the dust to activate the formation eye!

The dazzling special effects were so impressive that they couldn't help but ignore Zi Shu's condition for the moment and focus on his next actions.

A very small number of people with good eyesight and understanding understand why the protagonist wants to use Zi Shu's sword to clean the lotus.

Every time the Kao Chen Sword is swung, a few wisps of black energy will be left where the flowers withered.

The black energy was Zi Shu's hidden backhand. Once the formation came out, the hidden black energy turned into a long black sword.

Futian Jueling Formation!

The densely packed black swords were aimed at Huanlong. Seeing the dark marks on Huanlong's body, he also understood why March 7th kept shooting at Huanlong.

It turns out that Huanlu had planned a plot early in the morning and took advantage of her looking down on everyone to dig a sinkhole.

This is the first time I heard the name Futian Jueling Array, but it is not the first time. The effect of the Jueling Array was already known during the plot of Gongzaosi, and it can isolate the power of abundance.

Now that the name has a B character, do you still need to think about its function? Anyone who is not very bright will definitely guess that it is for Huanhu.

Sure enough, the next plot perfectly matched the players' expectations.

Quick! Crush the lotus flower behind Huanhuang's head! It is the product of the fusion of Huanhuanhuang and Jianmu, and it is also the medium that absorbs and transforms Jianmu's power!

Fire Spear—Charge!

What a handsome man! What a damn handsome charge! Mamma Mia, it's twice as handsome as our own performance when we opened the train. Who said that train crews can only be marginalized people when they play fantasy? Get out of the train and talk. !”

Ran Ran's eyes widened and she was very excited.

I declare that Xingtie's father is the most handsome man in Laomi Games!

Ka Ma coaxes her to sleep.jpg

235. Then you have to remember it carefully.

When the protagonist successfully breaks the lotus, Jing Yuan's shout comes from the left channel, and the camera that was originally on the protagonist cuts away instantly.

Dan Heng! Right now——!

Ah? Jingyuan is accused of being moved by Shenjun? Why can't my Jingyuan and Shenjun still run away?

Ranran's words were also the first thing that came to mind for many players, and they couldn't help but roll their eyes.

I'm used to it. After all, Zi Shu in the plot is very capable, doesn't the player only have a few skills?

[Shenjun: Who do you think did the damage? 】

【Help! Divine Lord, Divine Lord: Leave Jing Yuanyuan! 】

[Justice’s sneak attack, explode the fantasy, great! 】

[The BGM seems to be Fei Guang, why is it released here? Could it be that Jing Yuan...]

Seeing Dan Heng catch Jing Yuan who fell, and then the protagonist holding up the elderly Zi Shu, Ran Ran let out a long sigh of relief.

I finally killed Huanlong. It was so spicy that no one was sacrificed.

[Father: Everyone will return safely, I promise. 】

[On why Shumen is a god, the sense of security given by his adoptive father is 100%. As long as he does not fall, no one will die! 】

[If I read correctly, it was Jing Yuan who Dan Heng hit with his javelin just now? Why attack him? 】

[Maybe help Jing Yuan to control the control. It seems that during the Yunwu period, Dan Feng was half-assed and supportive on the battlefield...]

Well done, hunting general, but all I lost was a casually crafted body, and how long can you hold on... The day of immortal boat's destruction is coming.

Ha... Jing Yuan motioned for everyone not to support him, and slowly stood up, with a cold expression on his face, Tell the legion that the revenge of the hunter will surely come!

After saying this, he used his backhand to extinguish the flame that represented the will of the phantom.

Uh heh heh heh...

Huanhu left a lingering laughter, and the breath completely disappeared in this cave, and could no longer be sensed.

In the star field several light-years away from the Luofu Immortal Boat, a ball of yellow-green flames quickly shuttled through the cracks in the void, as if for fear of some wild beast behind it.

Huanlong was in a very bad mood now, and he had the urge to imitate Foehn Feng and wreak havoc on several worlds.

Otherwise, I don’t know when the suffocation in my heart will subside.

No matter how much she feels sorry for her perfect body, she can't show it in front of the enemy.

She has taken away countless bodies, but those bodies can never last forever.

In addition, as a member of the Suiyang clan, she undoubtedly has higher demands on the quality of her body.

No matter how powerful it is, no one can withstand the person of the Destruction Messenger. At a certain time, it will turn into ashes and disappear without a trace, just like burning firewood.

She longs for a body that can last forever, no longer afraid of destruction, and wants to achieve that dream.

Only the abundant power of immortality could satisfy her, and she did succeed, but it didn't take long before she was ruined by the happy fool.

That weird and terrifying formation was able to suppress even the entire main root system of Jianmu...

Without the support of abundant power, she was left with only her own strength. How could she defeat the combined efforts of the two Star God envoys?

In the future, I’m afraid there will be no chance of obtaining a perfect body that will last forever...

And the culprit of all this——

Zishu...I'm staying with you——!!

She hated that white-haired man so much that she wished she could turn him into an empty pawn with consciousness and torture him day and night!

Then you have to remember it carefully.

The soft words that suddenly sounded behind him made his hair stand on end. If he had a body, the hairs on his body would have stood on end, and the chill would reach the sky.

Before she could take any measures, she was enveloped in a jet-black beam of light, and a unique and domineering teleportation power erupted.

The next moment, Huanwu found himself in an absolutely dark space, with his vision and perception completely useless.

God Locking Tower?! Huan Lu let out a sharp and horrified cry.

How could she not be surprised?

When Zishu used the God Locking Tower, he knew that he would lose this rare object. Even if the people inside could come out, they would definitely destroy the God Locking Tower.

But now, for some reason, Zi Shu, who appeared behind her, actually used the God Locking Tower on her...

How did the other party escape?

Because my strength is far beyond your imagination, because thousands of years ago, the God Locking Tower was damaged once, and I repaired it...

What do you want to do?! Huanlong forced herself to calm down.

As Suiyang, not everyone has the ability to kill her.

It's nothing, I just want to throw you into the area where IX is.

...That's...virtual...stop now——

As the messenger of destruction, Huanwu actually let out a scream filled with fear.

But before she could finish speaking, Zi Shu activated the jump function of the God Locking Tower and threw it to the set coordinate point.

The little pawn of destruction, if you like to play the God-locking Tower, then you can have enough of it.

If being glanced at by the Void Star God at such a close distance caused the destroyer to become a self-destroyer, it would be so much fun, killing two birds with one stone.

Okay, okay, okay, last time I sent those people from the Annihilation Gang there but nothing happened. This time I threw a small envoy away, Aha can finally have something to look forward to, hehehe~~

The brown and red mask jumped out of the gift box and floated up and down happily.

Mr. Lingshi, you have done a good job. Aha never skimps on good employees who work hard and achieve great results. They should be rewarded!

[System reminder: It is detected that the power of joy in the owner's body increases by 20%. 】

Zi Shu's expression remained unchanged, he slowly closed his eyes and allowed his illusory body to gradually disappear.

I'm going to sleep for a while. I've done what I promised you. Let's find fun with others.

Sleep peacefully, Aha will definitely take good care of Mr. Lingshi's body, and will never let you be defiled by a lousy woman. Oh, by the way, I will also write down the number of draws for you, and the light cones will also be distributed to good employees. Pack your backpack~

[Get light cone: That's the last ripple]

Zi Shu: ...

Suddenly he regretted saying those unnecessary words, and then the next step was the moment when Xiaofa took a stab at him.

Regardless, it was a real death.

Build a wooden cave.

March 7 looked at Zishu and the others worriedly, Zishu, general...are you okay?

Don't worry, I promised Fu Taibu that I would take everyone back, so nothing will happen. Zi Shu smiled.

Although the old voice was full of fatigue, it still soothed everyone's uneasy hearts.

I can still hold on. Jing Yuan patted his forehead and said with a forced smile: Huan Lu's preparations far exceeded expectations. Fortunately, you are here.

March 7: The general just...

Thanks to Zishu for preventing Huanyuan from continuously absorbing the power of abundance and allowing Miss Xing to find the opportunity to crush the medium through which she transforms her power, I dared to take risks and let Huanlong connect to my consciousness.

236. Mi Huyou came carrying a stereo

It is not difficult to tell from the voice that Jing Yuan is currently quite weak.

Thankfully, the tacit understanding between Dan Heng and me in the past has not disappeared, and he gave me the right shot to cut off the close connection between me and Huan Lu...

That's it! Yue Qi suddenly realized, Dan Heng frightened me when he stabbed you with a gun...

Xing held Zi Shu's withered wrist and felt distressed, and asked with a bad expression: Is that thing Huan Lu... still alive?

It's a pity. Jing Yuan shook his head, The order of destruction will not be destroyed easily.

Walter mused: ...Huanhuang will not be able to make trouble in a short time, and there is no need to worry about it getting involved in Jianmu again. It's just that the work of sealing the star core will take some time...

Let Fu Qing worry about these things. I just feel...a little sleepy...

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