…Everyone’s expressions darkened.

Little ants, do you know why the general doesn't dare to attack again? It's because he found that if he doesn't help this fool, in a few minutes, there will be fewer lives in this space...


Please allow me, my little lady, to add fuel to your fire, haha...

Two different flowers bloom together, disturbing people's sanity and devouring their vitality.

The golden light in Jing Yuan's hand extinguished, he ducked in front of everyone and shook his big hand. The formation sword appeared and summoned the God Lord again. He swung the sword across the space of heaven and earth and slashed horizontally. It affected the illusion and destroyed all the Xuanlian on the ground in one fell swoop.

There's no need to use such stale tricks anymore!

All the Xuanlian were destroyed. Huanhu glanced at the injuries on his waist, and then looked at Zishu with a half-smile.

Taking advantage of the cover of Jingyuan's attack, Zishu and Danheng once again formed the black and blue double dragons, shuttled through space to reach the Jianmu Xuangen behind Huanlu, and continued to gnaw and tear at it.

What is desperate is that no matter what kind of attack the tree roots suffer, they remain motionless...

How could this happen? Dan Heng's mouth trembled.

It wasn't just the attacks from the two of them. Jing Yuan's strongest attack from the previous Shezhao Shenjun also hit Jianmu. Unexpectedly, the three attacks had no effect.

Hahahaha, the ant's near-death counterattack looks particularly tragic...

The wounds on Huanlong's body disappeared again, and he said sarcastically:

Without the blessing of destruction, you immortal boats cannot completely destroy Jianmu, let alone now?

She knew that several people could see that she could draw strength from Jianmu and repair her body, but she could still let them attack Jianmu at will, for the same reason as above.

These ants are really sick and seek medical treatment indiscriminately. Do they really think that the original artifacts left by the Star God can be destroyed at will?

Hahaha... I've had enough fun. In the next show, I will turn you all into empty pawns, let the power of destruction corrode your flesh and blood, and turn you into Lord Nanook's chess pieces!

Fireworks countdown? .jpg

233. Reversal, defeat Huanhu

Huan Hu shattered the two giant dragons into pieces with a wave of his arm, allowing water mist and black air to spread out in all directions.

You don't naively think that I was trying my best to play with you before, right? Haha...

Hearing the phantom laughter, everyone stiffened suddenly and found that no matter how hard they struggled, it was extremely difficult to move.

It's decided, let's start with this arrogant and arrogant Xianzhou General...!

A Xuanlian base was generated from the soles of Jingyuan's feet, lifting him off the ground to face the upside-down Xuanlian above.

Jingyuan's arms trembled with difficulty in an attempt to break away from the clutches of Huanhu, but before he could succeed, the two mysterious lotuses suddenly clasped together, and the violent concussive force knocked his weapon out of his hand, and then threw him to the ground like spitting out garbage.

Huan Lu took advantage of the situation to pursue him, and struck hard at Jing Yuan with his big hand. If the terrifying power contained in the strike was strong enough, Jing Yuan would probably lose his fighting ability completely even if he didn't die.

Zi Shu was the first to break through Huan Lu's mental control. The moment a strong suction force erupted from his palm to absorb Jing Yuan away, Huan Lu's palm made a huge pit on the ground.

The ground shook, and everyone who was standing fell down.

The restriction seemed to have weakened a bit at this moment, and the stronger people could barely stand up on their knees with their hands on the ground. They were choked by the thick dust and couldn't help but cough a few times.

At the end of the battle, Fool, you can save him once, but what about this time?

Huan Lu made a move with his palm, and a suction force came out from his palm to suck Jing Yuan into the air, and he leaned close to his face and stared at him meaningfully.

Hmm hehehe...

The strange yellow-green energy floated out of Huanwu's body and penetrated into Jingyuan's body. While corroding his flesh and blood, it also attacked his spiritual consciousness, intending to erase his personality.

I wonder if General Xianzhou is turned into a virtual pawn, will there be another civil strife in Luofu? Such destruction is more interesting...

In her eyes, everyone here is nothing more than fish on a chopping block.

Turning General Luofu into a virtual pawn and throwing it in front of all the Luofu people, imagining the expressions those people would show, the corner of Huanhuang's mouth curled up with an arc that sounded like the final winner was being pronounced.

it's over.

Not only did he get the body he dreamed of, he also perfectly staged a show of destruction, stabbing the heart of the powerful Immortal Boat Alliance in the galaxy.

She, the Lord of Extermination, Huan Wu, is the biggest winner in this show of destruction.

Hahahaha... Is there anything else you want to say finally, General of the Immortal Boat?

Jing Yuan raised his head, showing an extremely strange expression under Huan Hu's gaze.

Huan Lu's heart suddenly suddenly felt, and he almost instantly realized that something was wrong.

Unfortunately, before she could think deeply or take any action, Zi Shu, who was half-kneeling on the ground, made a fist and hammered the ground hard, and shouted:


Bursts of black mist emerged in this area without any warning, forming a long black sword that sank three feet into the ground, forming a huge formation base.

Use the dust to activate the formation eye!

Xing Meng raised her head and found that the formation eye was right in front of her. There seemed to be a force pulling her, urging her to stab the dust into the formation eye immediately, immediately, and without any delay.

Huan Hu's reaction was very, very fast, almost as soon as Zi Shu raised his hand, he wanted to kill him.

However, in her desperation, she ignored Jing Yuan, who was connected to her spiritual consciousness. The consciousness that was originally extremely weak suddenly became extremely powerful.

Suffering the impact of Jingyuan's consciousness, Huanhu's eyes suddenly became dull and lifeless, his hands involuntarily covered his head, and his face struggled in pain.

As the phantom consciousness was attacked, the restrictions on everyone immediately disappeared without a trace.

Xingfa used so much force that he jumped into the air. He held the dust tightly with both hands and used all his strength to stab it into the formation eye on the ground——

The Kaochen sword returned to its position, and all the long swords condensed from the black mist flew off the ground in unison, ready to go.

Black mist also appeared in some areas of Huanhu's body, forming conspicuous marks.

Seeing the positions of those marks, March Qi couldn't help but widen her eyes, as if her small mouth could fit a big egg into it.

Those places... weren't they the places where she had shot Zi Shu with her pistol?

Zi Shu's changing formation gesture gesture suddenly pointed at Huan Wu——

Futian Jueling Formation!

The long swords suspended in mid-air were pulled one after another, passing through the space in an instant, and piercing deeply into the location marked on the surface of Huan Hu's body.

Black lines extended from the hilt of the long sword, forming a mysterious and treacherous seal that completely blocked Huanlong from absorbing abundant power, and completely suppressed the abundant power in her body.

Quick! Crush the lotus behind Huanlong's head! It is the product of the fusion of Huanlong and Jianmu, and it is also the medium that absorbs and transforms Jianmu's power!

There was no need for Zi Shu to finish. The moment Xing Zai heard the news of the broken lotus, he jumped into the sky again, his body ignited with flames that reached the sky, he raised his flaming spear and gritted his teeth, his whole body turned into a line of fire.

The crisp sound of breaking resounded throughout the cave, and the lotus behind Huan Hu's head shattered into countless pieces, quickly burning into ashes when it touched the flames.


Huanlu couldn't help but groan. She was about to suppress Jingyuan's consciousness again. She never expected that the abundant power continuously transmitted from Jianmu would stop as abruptly as a duck's neck being strangled. .

Not only that, the abundant power in the body has also lost its induction and cannot be controlled.

Without the support of abundant power, Huanhuang could no longer defeat Jingyuan with only the power of destruction, and immediately fell into a disadvantage in this battle of consciousness.

Dan Heng! Right now -

The long-lost Shenjun appeared behind Huanlong. The sword in his hand pierced Huanlong's body without mercy, and the golden light suddenly bloomed and melted Huanlong's body.

At the same time, Dan Heng used magic to break the link between Jing Yuan and Huan Wu, preventing him from being melted by Shen Jun as well.

It can be said that Jingyuan is betting on his life. He is betting that Danheng can remember the relevant spells from Longzun Danfeng's period, betting that he can save him in time, and betting that Zishu and Xing can cut off the connection between Huanlong and Jianmu.

If there is a problem in any link, it will fall into an irreversible situation.

Fortunately, his bet was successful.

Seeing Huanlong's body dissipate, Jingyuan breathed a sigh of relief, closed his eyes and fell to the ground, and was caught by Dan Heng.

Zishu, how are you?!

Xing dropped his weapon, bowed and put his hand on his shoulder, with a look of worry on his face.

Nowadays, Zi Shu's skin is as dull as autumn leaves, covered with traces of time and mottled with vicissitudes of life, as if a candle in the wind will be extinguished at any time.

Zi Shu showed a gentle smile, but under his dignified appearance, the gentleness turned into kindness, and his body was a little rickety.

I'm fine...

A ray of divine consciousness quietly wrapped around the God Locking Tower and swept out from the Tianling Cap, without attracting anyone's attention.

Xing resisted the soreness in his eyes and used his own body as a pillar to support Zi Shu.

Not far away, Jing Yuan slowly stood up with Dan Heng's help.

Well done, General Patrolling. A ball of yellow-green flames descended from mid-air.

How to educate next? .jpg

234. You’re not going to issue a knife again, are you?

Player perspective.

After the Shenzhao Shenjun slashed two fertile black lotuses with one blow, during the follow-up battle of the third stage of fantasy, there was no sudden insertion of a field support CG like the second stage.

Ran Ran deliberately saved Jing Yuan's finishing move and kept it useless, and waited until Huan Hao's health dropped to 5% before activating it.

Give the main character of the plot some face. Let me, Jing Yuanyuan, kill her with one move!

[In line with the plot. 】

【Be particular about. 】

However, when he slashed down with the knife and found that Huanhu locked 1% of his health, Ranran couldn't help but pout.

Well, locking blood means that a plot kill is coming, but the one who is killed this time must be Huanhu.

The fans in the live broadcast room didn’t think much about it, and subconsciously thought so too.

After all, the three tubes of blood have been pumped out. It is impossible for Huanhu to gain any power to cause the small universe to explode. Can he let someone inject three more tubes?

There are three stages of deeply resonant music. Many people are infected by the emotions expressed in the music. It is like being immersed in the scene and watching the plot with full concentration.

No one could have imagined that the next CG episode would be close to eight minutes long, one-third of the length of a normal TV series.

The scene begins with the third stage of the transformation of the fantasy. After a short period of dullness, there is a fight scene that burns money.

There are all kinds of special effects, and many people think that they are not playing a mobile game, but watching anime.

【I am super! How much does this cost? 】

[Laomi is making a lot of money in Genshin Impact, and the funding for Star Iron is simply terrifying. 】

[On March 7, shooting Huanwu with a gun was a bit hilarious, but it’s hard to tell in the battle. Looking at the CG, Huanhu’s self-healing ability is outrageous, and even the wounds left by Shenjun can heal quickly. 】

[Both Ye and Sanyue feel that they are playing tricks on each other and cannot provide effective DPS. 】

[Didn’t Jing Yuanyuan say in the first stage that the train crew would be responsible for clearing flowers? Let him do it. 】

[The foster father still faithfully implements the auxiliary position. While opening the formation to add BUFF, he occasionally uses the sword to give Huanwu a few blows. 】

[It’s been two minutes since she was beaten, and Huanhu is still very active. Is it possible that so many people are beating her to make her scratchy? 】

[So you understand why I work as a gardener with a sword in hand, pruning lotus flowers everywhere, right? It’s not really about paddling, but it’s just that it’s hard for the Hunting Order to deal damage, and it’s useless to join them. 】

However, players quickly discovered a problem.

That is, there are too many flowers around Huanhui, more than ten times more than the maximum four in the character control battle.

The camera was shown to everyone one after another, and when it finally came to Zishu, the players discovered that his appearance had become much older than when he opened up Cocolia.

[It’s broken. Zishu is driving the Tranquility Star. It seems he can’t bear the price of the feedback from the envoy-level attack! 】

[You won’t be handed out knives again, right? 】

[No, although Huanwu seems fine for the time being, Jingyuan is also very powerful, obviously evenly matched. 】

Seeing Shenjun and Huanlu facing each other, Jingyuan suddenly ducked behind Zishu and pressed his back without saying a word. The players were immediately stunned.

In domestic film and television dramas, this posture usually has two possibilities, one is to suppress the injury, and the other is to transfer skills or power to prepare for the next combined attack.

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