That's not as good as Xinzi's book, just do whatever he tells you to do.

Seeing that Huan Lu was not in a hurry to neutralize Dan Heng's attack, and was completely too lazy to worry about March 7 shooting her, Zi Shu felt a little relieved, and his eyes were firmly fixed on the beautiful figure that kept flickering between the shattered Xuanlian.

Every time Xing disposes of a Mysterious Destruction Lotus and every time he reaches a certain location, the plan in his mind is one step closer to success.

Right, that is it…

Huan Hao forcefully slashed the god with a powerful blow, and the horrific wound that penetrated Xiang's shoulder to abdomen recovered instantly, and he chuckled nonchalantly:

General of the Immortal Boat, your meager strength seems to be difficult to survive this catastrophe...

Sister Ruan Mei?.jpg

231.There must be something that can help

Before Jing Yuan could say anything, waves of strange and demonic sounds sounded in his mind without any warning.

It's like chanting sutras or mantras, and people with weak willpower suddenly feel like their heads are about to explode.

Jingyuan's body stiffened for a moment, and without any nonsense, he answered Huanwu with the simplest and most direct action.

There was no need to help the people on the ground. He believed that Zi Shu could handle it. On the surface, he was the only one here who could fight Huanhu head-on. He must not be too distracted.

He knew very well that at this moment Huanlu could draw a steady stream of supplies from Jianmu, and he would definitely lose if he continued to use it up.

It is difficult to stop her from using some dirty tricks. If Zishu is not stronger than himself, it will be difficult to defeat Huanwu even if he joins forces with him with all his strength.

We need to find an opportunity to cut off the connection between Huanhu and Jianmu——

Jingyuan's thoughts circulated thousands of times in an instant, and he had a plan in his heart.

Only when Huanlong feels that victory is in hand and everything is a foregone conclusion is the best moment to give the opponent a fatal blow.

It seems that if you don’t want to take this risk, you have to take it.

After punching each other fiercely and Huanwu twice, Jingyuan turned around with the help of the huge thrust generated by the collision of imaginary energy, and inadvertently met the gaze of Zishu above.

For a moment, the two men seemed to understand what each other wanted to convey.

In the blind corner of Huanhu's vision, Jingyuan's eyes flickered quietly.

He must cooperate with Zi Shu and must not let Huanhu see any clues...


The gun in March Qi's hand had already fallen by his feet, and he covered his ears tightly with a look of pain on his face. Xing was not much better, but at least he could hold it back.

Uh heh heh...

Seeing that Jing Yuan had released all his strength in an instant and attacked him relentlessly, Huan Huan didn't care, instead he looked at the ground with a smile.

Fool, how can you resolve these tactics?

Zi Shu did not deliberately suppress Huan Hu's life-eating damage moves. The face of a young man who was originally twenty-six or seven years old has now approached the appearance of a mortal who naturally ages to forty-two or three, showing a bit of vicissitudes of life.

It's too early to be happy——

Zi Shu suddenly slapped the palm of his hand to the ground, and the dark magic circle covering half a mile in radius took shape in an instant, and a powerful black dragon rose from the center of the formation into the sky.

The Heaven-Swallowing Divine Dragon Formation!

The moment the formation was formed, Zishu shouted, Dan Heng!

Dan Heng reacted very quickly, leaped high into the air and waved his arms, and a black dragon that was no less solid than Zi Shu's formation flew out of his body.

The cloud roars angrily!

Two giant dragons, one black and one green, formed a strangulation formation and flew towards Huanhu. As soon as Jingyuan sensed the movement, he launched a powerful attack to repel Huanhu, perfectly providing a gap period that Huanhu could not avoid.

Seeing that he couldn't dodge, Huanwu took advantage of the situation and took advantage of the two people's combined attacks. He groaned and at the same time, his expression changed for the first time.

Oh? It turns out that this ancient formation, which even I have never heard of, can summon a giant dragon that has both spirit and form... The little girl has become a little curious about you...

Huan Lu shook his head slightly, and the light on the lotus flower tray behind his head flickered, using the power of abundance to heal the injury. He glanced at the book and Dan Heng in the air, with a thoughtful expression.

There is another person... Luofu Dragon Lord has existed in name only for a long time. I feel the pure aura of the immortal descendant from your attack. Are you the immortal dragon descendant of Luofu who mysteriously disappeared? Are you finally here to fulfill your duty of guarding Jianmu?

Originally, my attention was focused on Jing Yuan, and I thought that guy was a dragon master or elder from Luofu Chi Mingli.

But even if it’s Dragon Lord, so what?

She is not even afraid of the two envoys of Hunting Joy now, but she is still afraid of a mere immortal descendant?

When the joy order can no longer hold up, the ants on the Star Train will die of old age one after another, irreparably.

This——is the domineering power of the power of destruction after merging with fertility.

It would take a long time for the other immortal boats to support Luofu. She was not in a hurry and had time to play with the people here.

You are the witnesses of my dream. For this reason, I will try to be gentle and let you retain some dignity, instead of being as rude as Foe Feng Xing Xiao...

No one paid attention to Huanlong's taunting remarks.

Zi Shu cast a spell to temporarily deprive March Qi and Xing of their hearing, and then shared his own hearing with them, using this alternative method to resist the intrusion of the phantom magic sound.

You can't listen to that thing for too long. The rich Sanskrit sounds are mixed with the whispers of destruction. If the immortal ones listen to it for too long, they will 100% fall into the devil's shadow, while the short-lived ones will have their minds damaged and fall into madness.

The movement in his mind completely disappeared. Only then did March Qi loosen the hand that was tightly covering his head. He felt a lingering fear and wiped cold sweat from his forehead. His understanding of the terrifying strength of the Star God's Envoy was once again refreshed.

It was not enough to be protected by the power of pioneering and hunting. Without Zi Shu, she did not dare to think about whether she would still be alive at the end of this pioneering journey.

Xing glanced at Zi Shu, who had turned into a middle-aged uncle. Without saying a word, he clenched the Xochen Sword tightly, biting his silver teeth secretly and continued to swing at the mysterious destruction lotuses that were constantly being generated.

She didn't want to be a burden to everyone, there must be something she could do to help!

If you can't hurt Huanlong, you only need to unconditionally believe in the man who has saved you several times!

No fear of the unknown, no fear of life or death.

Ahhh! It's actually Dong language!

Hearing the familiar language suddenly excited me, I couldn't help but wait and listen quietly, and the more I listened, the more I became fascinated.

[Hou Li Crab, this cyber chanting makes my scalp numb! 】

[Is it a Dong song? It sounds very similar! 】

[Isn’t Aran from the Dong ethnic group in Guizhou? Aran, please say something, why is there no movement? 】

Ran Ran didn't speak until the cyber chanting section was completely over and returned to the starting point of the second stage BGM cycle. Then she came back to her senses and scanned the barrage, saying with certainty:

“If this wasn’t a great song from the Dong people, I would have swallowed up the monitor during the live broadcast!”

Huanhu: Fool, how can you resolve this method?

Zi Shu: It's too early to be happy - Dan Heng!

In the scene, Zi Shu snaps at the ground to summon a giant dragon. The camera rises as the black dragon rises, and the scene of Dan Heng summoning a blue dragon is frozen.

Countless people were stunned when they saw Shuanglong Danheng's lifelike expression beside him, and a field support icon appeared on the right edge.

[Cast Heaven-Swallowing Divine Dragon \u0026 Yun Yin Roar to attack Huan Ha. ]

Woc! My husband is such a handsome black dragon...Dan Heng Qinglong is also not bad, this performance is very handsome!

The first-class special effects of the performance, combined with the weird chanting again coming from the headphones, Ran Ran, who is from Guizhou, felt like she had an orgasm in her head and almost went to heaven.

【I surpass myself! Isn’t this so cool? ! 】

[This wave of double dragons is so good. Who can refuse the strongest legendary beast in our country? 】

Players did not expect that the Phantom BOSS battle would have the same venue support as the Cocolia BOSS battle, and they did not expect that this scene would be more eye-catching than the robot's big fist.

232. Killing you is enough before you fall.

Many Chinese people have a special feeling for dragons. Being able to see these in domestic games makes me happy no matter what.

I can’t wait to have some barbecue, and I really want to know how foreign players will react when they play here.

Unfortunately, due to the time difference, basically only countries in Asia such as Xiaoli and Xiaobangzi have anchors who can bake, but players are not in a hurry because they haven't finished the main plot yet.

Ranran's overall training level and krypton level are not low, and he has the protection of Rakshasa's double guardian book. He can get the second blood of Huanhu with one move.

Do you have a feeling that my plot is not as long as Cocolia's? It's almost the third stage and there's still no movement...and besides my husband, it's basically Jing Yuan who's fighting against Huanlong.

[Is it possible that the big one is still behind? Maybe later, I can get a glimpse of the imperial bow and start my hunting career? 】

[It’s okay to lie to my friends, but don’t lie to yourself. If there was such a big plot, it would definitely be mentioned in the preview live broadcast ten days ago. 】

[The third destiny is not that fast. Every time Genshin Impact enters a new country, there is only one more element. Iron here has two destiny paths when the server is launched. I guess the next destiny path will have to wait until 2.0? 】

[Actually, it is reasonable for the train crew to have less scenes in the Phantom BOSS battle. After all, they are Lingshi, and only the foster father and Jingyuan who are also Lingshi can compete head-on. 】

[The dialogue in the plot clearly states that the adoptive father cannot escape because he is protecting the train crew, and Jingyuan’s exclusive lines in the plot also clearly state that he is the main character in this plot. 】

[It’s quite normal. Wasn’t there the combat power party Lao Yang who was performing before? In fact, the combat power of Santengzi is nothing compared to Star Iron. If the commander who is good at combat power cannot completely destroy the Herrscher, then That's the strength of the battle. 】

[Correct, in fact, the combat strength of the train crew is quite obvious now. Unsurprisingly, Zi Shu is the deepest and strongest, followed by Long Danheng? As for Lao Yang Jizi and Ye, the poster present, most of them are comedians. 】

[You will know the follow-up plot after entering the third stage. Aran, hurry up, I have been squatting on the toilet for twenty minutes. If I don’t return to my post, I will be ganked by the leader! 】

[It’s very annoying that Mijia games always avoid weekend updates, so I can’t play them immediately without asking for leave. 】


Ran Ran didn't discuss it for too long, cleared the Huanhu blood bar and prepared to enter the third stage.

Jingyuan raised his sword and said with a hint of sarcasm:

Huanhui, although you regard us as ants, but you can fight with ants so back and forth, you can be called the first among the extermination kings.

Heh... General, do you want to see a few others again? Huanlong slapped his hand on the ground, his body gradually turned into a golden-black color, and his expression was slightly gloomy, I'm afraid... you won't have a chance!

Seeing this, Ran Ranle said: She's so anxious, she's so anxious that she even summoned the flowers from the previous two stages... Damn, this move does so much damage that it almost knocked me out, Jing Yuanyuan, in seconds!

[The BGM is crazy! 】

[A sense of victory, tragedy... With tears in his eyes, Jingyuan must be fighting for his life! 】

[The words he said to Fu Xuan after Dan Heng opened the sea were like entrusting the funeral affairs. He had been working hard, and he had made up his mind to go to Huan Wuqi with the determination to die. 】

[Laomi Pond opened early. If Jingyuan is upgraded in 1.3, the water flow will at least double! 】

Build a wooden cave.

At this time, everyone returned to the ground and gathered together to stare at Huanlong with fear on their faces.

Jing Yuan placed his palm on Zi Shu's back, and golden light enveloped him.

Can you take everyone away first? We can't continue, our vitality will be drained! Dan Heng frowned.

Zi Shu is now all white. Even though there are not many wrinkles on his face and traces of his youthful handsomeness are faintly visible, it cannot conceal the fact that he is aging.

We can't leave. Huanhu has already blocked the cave here.

His old voice was heart-wrenching to hear.

Everyone looked a little ugly and clenched their fists.

Everyone underestimates Huanhu...

March Qi's face was full of weakness, and it was the first time she felt so weak and unbearable.

In the worlds I have been to in the past, the enemies I have encountered are all dwarfed by Xianzhou and Huanhu, and there is no comparison.

Zishu, stop! Xing held Zishu's palm, his pretty face full of pleading.

It's okay, I can still hold on. Zi Shu shook his head stubbornly.

Giggle... The traces of amusement in Huanlong's eyes were not concealed, So what if you can still hold on for a while? When you fall, won't your companions still have to die?

Before I fall, it's enough to kill you. Zi Shu did not lose the battle.

Ah hahahaha, fool...

Huanlong smiled quite charmingly and shrugged her shoulders, as if she had heard some great joke.

How do you want to kill me? With you, the old man who has fallen into the wind, or with the insignificant Xianzhou General behind you? Or with the other ants?

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