Have tea first? .jpg

229. The fleeting moment of splendor

The players' attention is not on Huanlong's comparison of himself to a phoenix bathed in flames, but on the previous sentence.

Agent of joy?

After realizing this sentence, no matter domestic or foreign, public players or anchors, many people suddenly trembled.

Sao Sheng jumped up from the chair, and the face in the camera had eyes wide open, like dead fish eyes, which looked extremely funny and full of program effect.

Wo Ri! The person Huan Lu is talking about is Zi Shu, right? Is he really the messenger of joy?!

[Now Bofenbo is convinced, who dares to say that the person in the voice data of the adoptive father is not Aha? 】

[…Broken, I have some conspiracy theories. Aha once blew up the Star Dome Train, and Zi Shu is on the train now. Could he be…]

[You know conspiracy theories, but you can’t even think about it with your butt, okay? Zishu’s tone is that he wants to beat Aha to death, and you tell me that he is an envoy of joy who is neither happy nor happy? 】

[It is true that the adoptive father is a bit sinister, but comparing it to Sambo, who is also suspected of being an envoy, the difference is quite big. 】

[Is it possible that the Order of Joy not only refers to the Masked Fool, but also has forgotten the Mourning Actor in the Joy faction? 】

[The problem is that the word that came out of Huanhuang's mouth was the Fool. He also said that the Masked Fool could never be trusted. The Destruction Order wouldn't be able to misunderstand the identity of a being of the same level, right? 】

[Brother dei, do you believe in fantasy, or do you believe that my true identity is Qin Shihuang? V100 makes a comeback and will ensure you enjoy endless glory and wealth after dominating the world. 】


Sao Sheng did not expect, and neither did the players, that in the first stage of playing Huanhu, a lot of research and plot materials would be released, and the two versions of the game would be troubled.

There are so many foreshadowings about Zi Shu's past, but there are so few clues that there are not many curious people.

Recalling the information obtained from the first two versions, Sao Sheng dismissed the possibility that Zi Shu was the Masked Fool from his mind.

Iron guys, it's 90% true that my adoptive father is the Order of Joy, but the Masked Fool's faction has yet to be confirmed. When we didn't confirm it before, some details were easily overlooked. Now I just remembered it -

Don't you think that when we were in Belloberg, there was a plot line about the adoptive father, and Sambo rarely shared the same scene with him?

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned and fell into deep thought.

The memory of the plot that was separated by about two months is still very clear. After roughly recalling the plot, many people found that it was really the same thing.

Not to mention the time when Sambo was having a hard time with Zishu when he first arrived at Belloberg. Even when he got to the lower area, Sangbo seemed to be avoiding Zishu as much as possible, unwilling to stay with him for too long.

And what about the plot line where the space station missed Zi Shu?

Sambo was a very oily guy, and he was scheming against everyone but couldn't cure him. As a result, many people wanted to punch him, or go to Zishuxian to watch him lose his temper, vent their anger, and have fun.

[U1S1, Queshi, if Sangbo is afraid of Zishu, many things will be explained. 】

[Now I feel that my adoptive father is like a mourner, and he is also a very strong one. At least he is much stronger than Sambo so that he has no courage to provoke him. 】

[Whether she is a mourning actor or not is another matter. In terms of strength, she is definitely second to none. 】

[Then with the foster father here and Jing Yuan as the hunting envoy, why would Huan Lu dare to be so arrogant? 】

[Maybe... destruction and fertility are stronger than the joy of hunting? After all, Huan Hao has mastered both powers. 】

[Maybe happiness is stronger. Don’t underestimate Aha, the god of fun. The scar on Nanook’s chest seems to be left by Aha. What does this mean? 】

It doesn't make much sense to discuss the plot's combat power. Fertility is because of its immortality attribute and terrifying recovery ability. Strong must be strong. It's hard to say how happy it is.

Sao Sheng glanced at the barrage and thought:

Aha, as long as you have fun, a bug can get the strongest power given by Him. You never know how much He wants to give to the envoy, I think...

Among so many Star God factions, the strength gap between the Joy Envoys may be the largest. Aha is willing to throw bricks at the Mourning Actors without any achievements in looking for fun, so it's hard to say how happy Zi Shu is. How many Yubawa there are;

I think the power contained in Jianmu is no worse than that of the envoy. Since Huanhuang has control over these, he may not feel the threat or pressure from the two of them at all, so he doesn't take Jing Yuanyuan and his adoptive father seriously. , not too strange.”

[But... Zi Shu's five-star form seems to have nothing to do with the power of joy. He must have a trump card! 】

[In this episode of the Scale Abyss Realm, the adoptive father’s modeling form has returned to four stars. Let’s see if it will return to five stars in the future. 】

[Can’t wait to see Huanlong defeated, and Huanlong will definitely fail! 】

【So sure? 】

[Do you know what the halo of a protagonist is? Huanhu is the new boss of Zhou Dynasty. He will definitely fuck her down in the end. As for the process of fucking her, maybe the mole knows. 】

[Hello, I am the mole. Do you believe me when I say that there is no plot about the adoptive father in the deep beta and test servers? The confidentiality measures are in place. Until the 1.4 pool was exposed, there is still no up information about the adoptive father. 】

[Can’t believe it at all! 】

[If this is true, wouldn’t it be possible for Zishu to be launched only in version 2.0? NO——! 】

Players regretted that the game screen only had the dialogue of the characters, and no plot CG was played, so the characters’ expressions could not be seen. However, the rest of the train crew seemed to be very surprised by Huan Wu’s words.

March 7: The Masked Fool? Who is she talking about?


Walter: Ignore Huanwu's words, she is best at stirring up suspicion among people.

He knew that the person Huanlong was talking about was Zishu, but subconsciously he did not think that Zishu was the Masked Fool.

Even if he takes ten thousand steps back, even if he is - so what?

Ever since Zishu boarded the train and became a nameless passenger, everyone has seen Zishu's performance from the first pioneering journey of Yaliluo 6 to the end, and now to the current Xianzhou.

Most of the Masked Fools have a bad reputation. This is true, but they cannot kill everyone with one blow.

Zishu: Huanwu, these plants don't seem to be very good... You, like these fantasy flowers, are just a fleeting moment of splendor after birth. Oh no, you are not a bit gorgeous, and your behavior is rather stinky.

Huanlong laughed so hard that her chest trembled:

You little scoundrel is quite good at talking empty words. You are as strong as Fengshu. You have always been unable to covet the power of Jianmu. However, the little girl has obtained all the power in Jianmu. At the level of the Star God's Envoy, Huanhuang doesn’t think you can make much of a splash.”

Jing Yuan: I have never seen such a cowardly phoenix in flames. The phoenix can hide when faced with the attack of ants? If you tell me, don't laugh and kill a lot of people.

230.You continue to shoot fantasy

When clearing the first tube of Huanhu's blood, many players were amused by what Zishu and the two said.

Riding a face and making a big mockery belongs to him.

The BGM is amazing. It didn't sound as good as Wild Fire at first, but the atmosphere is so well captured.

As soon as Sao Sheng reached out to cover his headphones, he was shocked by the next scene.

Huanhu: To crush ants, there is nothing more suitable than a falling star.

I saw Huanwu raising his hand to the sky, summoning a dead star, including everyone in the team, and then exploded!

The lifelike performance special effects are so lifelike that no one dares to blink.

The Earth Explosion Star is so handsome, let me drop a turtle. Is this the strength of the Star God's Envoy? He can shatter stars with his bare hands.

[You Rakshasa is dead...]

Uh...ah? Damn it! Sao Sheng almost shook his glasses off, his face hurt, Fake, this Star Shattering move does a lot of damage. It seems that I still need to level up the Rakshasa's relic.

In Jianmu Cave, the real-time situation is naturally different from the player's in-game perspective.

When Huanhuang gathered the stars with his bare hands and wanted to destroy everyone, the divine king behind Jingyuan emitted thousands of golden light, and the brilliant array knife slashed a fierce arc high into the sky that seemed to be able to break through the heaven and earth, defeating the falling people. of dead stars.

Any star debris that comes into contact with the golden light will be quickly annihilated and dissipated.

Jing Yuan narrowed his eyes full of majesty and said coldly:

A little trick, Huanhu, if you only have this little three-legged cat skill after gaining the power of Jianmu, then this place will become the place where a great lord of annihilation died.


Huan Lu covered her mouth and smiled softly, her body gradually turned into deep purple, and the ever-blooming golden magical rich mysterious lotus had been replaced by the huge dark purple mysterious lotus of destruction.

The space that was originally filled with inexplicable vitality now exudes a strong aura of death, and the atmosphere is rendered as if you are in the underworld.

All the wounds the general left on the little girl healed in an instant. Forgive me for speaking frankly. Although there are cruel words, I think the general should listen to it...

Huanlu admired her beautiful green jade fingers and said with a smile:

With your level of attack, it's like you are tickling a little girl. Not only is it not painful, it is also very comfortable...

The Mysterious Lotus of Destruction bloomed all around, and the strange gray energy spread quickly.

Everyone's expressions darkened, and they realized that the vitality in their bodies was rapidly passing away. Zi Shu and Jing Yuan almost indiscriminately dispersed the strange gray energy invading their bodies.

Turn the formation into a talisman!

The seal in Zi Shu's hand changed, and the spiritual formation immediately shrank into several spiritual talismans, which were integrated into everyone's body.

Seeing that he had to resolve the illusion first, the worry in Jing Yuan's eyes disappeared, and the golden light that was about to be thrown out of his palm dimmed slightly.

I didn't expect that a fool like you would have such means, but it doesn't matter. Everything in the universe will end in destruction, including fertility, hunting, happiness...any destiny is no exception...

Thank you for saying such ignorant words. Zi Shu raised his eyebrows and said mockingly: Don't talk about sending you to see Marshal Hei, even if your master will probably never come back, there is no way to live.

Black handsome man?

Huanwu was slightly startled, and for a moment he didn't know who he was talking about.

But it doesn't matter, the verbal dispute is meaningless. She has already understood the method used by the Fool in the Engineering Department. She only wants to resist death by isolating energy?

Too naive.

I will not have a small fight with Mr. Dan Shichang to let you see what it means to truly control life and death, haha...

Before the words could be completely finished, the entire Jianmu space suddenly became dark, and even the golden light emitted by the Divine Lord was swallowed up and covered up, almost to the point where it was almost impossible to see the five fingers of the hand.

Huanhu held his palm gently, and the Xuanlian of Destruction all around shook, and wisps of invisible waves passed through everyone in an instant.

Just this time, some people's faces quickly became old, like an old man dying.


Zi Shu's pupils turned slightly, his thoughts flowing like lightning, and then without hesitation he launched one of his trump cards under normal strength.

Moving stars.

The mysterious formation unfolded, the power of cause and effect circulated, and all the costs were transferred to him.

All the life-devouring attacks were diverted, and those affected by the insidious move recovered, with fear and even horror in their eyes.

I'll deal with Huan Hu's dirty tricks, so don't worry about attacking. Zi Shu kept his tone calm.

Jing Yuan quickly glanced at Zi Shu and saw that the latter's handsome appearance was aging at a speed visible to the naked eye, so he understood that there was not much time left for them.

It's interesting to be able to influence cause and effect...but if this continues, it will be difficult for you to last even ten minutes. Huanlong chuckled.

Just as she had expected in advance, after gaining abundant power, the mere joy order could not defeat the ants. With a few tricks, it could make them run into chaos or lose the threat to protect their companions.

To put it bluntly, if he didn't want his companions to die, he could only stand there and let himself be slaughtered.

Jingyuan injected a golden light into Zishu's body to help him delay negative erosion, and then faced Huanhu without fear.

The hunting really showed its edge, and the overwhelming pressure surged towards Huanhui.

I don't know whether it was affected by the aura exuded by Jing Yuan or Shenjun, but March Qi's breathing became much faster.

Even Xing and Walter might not be much better without the blessing of multiple powers.

Xing! Don't attack Huanwu now! Zishu sent a message to her, Go deal with those purple flowers!


I'm coming too! Yang Shudanheng, I'll leave it to you to help the general! March 7 raised his pistol and took aim.

No March! Don't worry about those flowers, just keep shooting Huanlong!


Trust me! Do as I say! Zi Shu's voice was full of unquestionable confidence.

On March 71, he gritted his teeth, switched to fully automatic mode, pointed at Huanhu, pulled the trigger and refused to let go——

A series of strange jet-black tongues of fire erupted from the muzzle of the gun. Huan Huan's body was so huge that she didn't even need to aim to hit the target.

The bullet can penetrate Huanlong's body surface, but no matter how he shoots it, it is like shooting into the sea. No... shooting into the sea can make splashes, but there is no movement inside Huanlong's body.

March Qi knew that his strength was low, and even if he tried his best, he could not hurt Huan Lu even a hair.

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