March 7: ...Damn it! What is Huanlong doing?

Waiting for us. Zi Shu said softly.

Uh huh huh... I'm sorry, I almost forgot about you. I didn't expect you to return to Luofu so quickly. I have to say that it was beyond the little girl's expectation...

Huanlong seemed to be in a very good mood, and his tone was so kind as if he was entertaining an old friend.

General Luofu, dear benefactors, the little girl has finished dressing up and is waiting for your visit to witness the little girl's perfect new life!

Zi Shu raised the corner of his mouth slightly, but did not respond verbally to Huan Lu.

When he fell from heaven to hell in an instant, I wonder what kind of emotions and expressions this great lord of annihilation would have?

After walking some distance along the road, Zi Shu and Jing Yuan reached out their hands at the same time, blocking the path of everyone behind them.

At this moment, a strange breeze blew by, and the lotus tray not far away slowly rose into the sky, quickly merging with the yellow-green flames floating on it.

The outline of a huge illusory humanoid emerged from the space and gradually solidified into the shape of a coquettish woman. Her figure was enchanting and exuded inexplicable attraction.

Hey...she's so big... Lao Mu's eyes shone slightly, Don't get me wrong, Supervisor, I mean she has a big body and a big fan...

[The bird eats a lot of food, in multiple senses. 】

[Damn bad woman, give me back my beautiful fox lady! 】

[It’s okay to suddenly feel hazy...]

【ah? 】

I can't wait to see Defeat CG, but it's a pity that only Jing Yuan's trial is available here. I miss the five-star foster father and Dan Heng. Why are they not up to date? I feel that Tiesheng is incomplete without the foster father in the box.

[Is this the kind of defeat CG I think of? 】

[Any brothers want to watch Shenjun 】

【? 】


【1111111! 】

[Swift drawing, no, quick modeling, if you have that ability, brothers will never treat you badly! 】

[I took Zi Shu’s sword and got the double BUFFs of pioneering and hunting. I don’t know how much the combat effectiveness has increased. 】

[Most of it depends on Jing Yuanyuan. No matter how high his potential is, he is only a child who was born not long ago and needs time to settle. 】

[It’s to the point, after all, Huanhu is no better than Beloberg’s Cocolia, he’s an envoy! Or the Order of Destruction who has gained abundant power, I don’t even dare to imagine how difficult it would be. 】

Everyone, have you seen this beautiful body... The miracle of fertility is well-deserved.

Huanwu sat sideways on the ground, glanced at his body with great satisfaction, and said intoxicatedly:

Let me see what I can do with her.

Obviously Huanhu didn't release the breathless pressure, but facing her huge body, Yue Yue Qi and Xing found that it was a little difficult to even breathe.

The rich black lotus was born and bloomed, and the refreshing fragrance quickly filled the air. However, when smelling the smell, everyone felt like they were in a trance, which was very strange.

You can clearly feel the vitality radiating from those fertile mysterious lotuses.

Hmm...what a perfect body...both destruction and fertility, a cycle of life and death, very good, very good...

Huanlong chuckled and seemed to be in no hurry to use other attacks. He looked down at the people on the ground with a smile in his eyes.

Use this power that bestows immortality on the immortal boat to bring destruction to you!

Jing Yuan put away the emotions in his eyes and said solemnly: Huan Hu has seized the power in Jian Mu for his own use. Everyone, try your best to destroy the Huan Hua around you, and I will break her body.

After finishing speaking, Jingyuan's eyes were full of majesty, and golden light occupied his eye sockets. Dazzling light poured down from the sky, and a mighty spirit full of oppression appeared, holding a formation knife and slashing diagonally towards Huanhu.

...The general is really impatient. There is such a big battle, the little girl will be scared...

He spoke of fear, but Huanwu's actual actions showed no trace of fear. Facing the Shenjun's attack, he lightly flapped the fan in his hand upwards, blocking most of the attack.

The damage that is left after breaking through the defense and falling on the body will be repaired by the power of abundance in the next moment.

Seeing all this in his eyes, Jing Yuan's expression remained unchanged and his attacks became more fierce.


Zi Shu pinched out the formation seal, and the Qiansha Heart-Capturing Formation took shape. The black mist quietly swallowed up the white mist and quickly filled the entire battlefield.

Affected by the black mist, those vibrant and fertile Mysterious Lotus began to show signs of withering.

On March 7th, I fired several shots at the mysterious lotuses, almost killing one with two shots, and the effect was very good.

But soon she seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but look at the man with a sword not far away who was assisting in the battle.

Zishu! It seems you didn't replenish my magazine!

True Silver Wolf.jpg


228. Ants also want to bite the phoenix in flames to death?

...Infinite bullets, shoot as much as you want, that gun has a fully automatic mode.


After quickly destroying the nearby flowers, he couldn't find the target around March 7, so he turned his target to Huanhuang.

When the bullet entered his body, Huan Lu seemed to have no feeling at all. He just glanced at March Qi and ignored her.

There really is no feeling at all.

Ordinary backward thermal weapons would not cause the slightest trouble to her.

What a joke, let alone bullets, nuclear bombs are just fireworks.

Seeing that Guan Huanhu was too lazy to care about March 7 shooting her with a gun, Zi Shu's facial expression did not change, and the smile in his heart grew wider.

With the power of both fertility and destruction, Huanhuang is indeed qualified for expansion, but sometimes it is not a good habit to underestimate people too much...

Damn it, why doesn't it have any effect on her?!

Yes, it's just a mosquito bite. If there's no target on the ground, shoot her. Your other attack methods won't work anyway, Zi Shu said.

He didn't tell the whole story, that is, people are bitten by mosquitoes all the time, and there will always be times when they can't stand it.

When Xing held the Kauchen sword to chop flowers, she would destroy one flower with one sword strike, but she did not have the skills to wield a sword. In her spare time, she could only occasionally hit Huanlong's thighs and buttocks sitting on the ground with a few swords.

But it's a pity...the effect doesn't look much better than the damage caused by the gun on March 7th.

The scratched wound disappeared in less than 0.1 seconds. As for the black air permeating the surface of the Kaochen sword that invaded Huanhui's body, it seemed that it did not have the desired effect.

Xing changed his weapon with some disbelief. When he found that Huan Hu's skin could not be scratched, his face darkened and his expression was a little ugly.

What should I do? The gap is too big!

She temporarily retreated not far from Zishu and concentrated on gathering the flowers that kept growing.

There's no way we can get involved in a battle at the envoy level. If it weren't for the power of pioneering and hunting to protect us, we might not even be qualified to join the melee circle.

There is also the power of Zi Shu.

Walter's expression was grim, and he pointed at the abundant mysterious lotuses that seemed to be endless.

Those phantom flowers that bloom without roots and appear out of thin air may have touched the power of abundance and have the ability to recover themselves. Without Zi Shu's formation to suppress them, we wouldn't even be able to be gardeners.

...Even Uncle Yang found it difficult... March 7th swallowed.

In addition to pioneering and hunting, she knew very well that she also had the enhancement spells blessed by Zishu. Without these, facing the battle and aftermath between the envoys at such a close distance, she didn't dare to think whether she would still be able to stand and breathe.

The power of the Star God's envoy is so terrifying...

Seeing Jing Yuan and Dan Heng locked in a bitter battle, Zi Shu and Walter did not join the battle rashly.

The former was on guard against Huan Hu's unknown means, while the latter looked helpless.

Walter has even liberated the Star of Eden, and he can indeed cause harm to Phantom, but——


No matter who inflicted the injuries on Huan Hao, the healing speed will not exceed 0.5 seconds.

If you have a high EQ, the damage caused by most people is one-fifth of the damage caused by Jing Yuan. If you have a low EQ, the difference between 0.1 and 0.5 seconds is almost nonexistent.

Previously in the Engineering Department, they had already seen how difficult Fengshengxuanlu was.

And the Huanhu that robbed Jianmu's power in front of him was more than a thousand times stronger than the abundant Xuanlu?

Even so, there are no idiots here, or in other words, even if you know your behavior is stupid, you have to post it.

Everyone had no other choice but to keep attacking Huanlong to consume her power.

Even Jing Yuan didn't dare to be distracted. Huan Wu, who had obtained abundant power, seemed to be one of the strongest opponents he had ever encountered in his life. I'm afraid...he was not inferior to Su Su.

Just like when the Yunqi Army faced those tough undead creatures, without a way to curb their terrifying recovery ability, it would be a huge headache to kill them.

Haha... You are really overestimating your capabilities. You even want to destroy this noble body born of building wood.

Seeing that Jing Yuan and the others temporarily stopped their offensive, Huan Huan gracefully sat down again and looked down at everyone with a smile.

From Huanhu's point of view, you are as insignificant as ants now.

Huanlu suddenly waved the fan in his hand, and in an instant, a huge strong wind roared up. The lower plate of March 7 was unstable and was almost blown away. Fortunately, Quilt Book and Xingyan's quick hands caught it.

S-what a strong wind!

Be careful in March! Walter looked fearful and solemn, Don't stay too far away from us.

The ants working together can gnaw down prey countless times larger than themselves, but the majestic Lord of Extermination is afraid of destruction and robs the abundant power to become a body.

A sarcastic look appeared on Jing Yuan's face, and he said unceremoniously:

Huan Lu, I have to say that your success has opened my eyes, hahaha!

The general's ability to talk is much better than your ability to use your hands and feet.

With a move of Huan Lu's palm, branches surged out from the soles of everyone's feet without any warning, and instantly formed a cage to trap people inside. His big hand shot down everyone.

Try to break free from this prison.

As the golden light flashed, the branches of the wooden structure that trapped everyone broke, and Jing Yuan took off again, hovering in front of Shen Jun and staring at Huan Lu.

A mere vine can be cut off with one sword.

Haha, you are trying to be brave. I can distract you just by waving my hand. General, don't you think that coming in with a few burdens is equivalent to digging a hole for yourself?

Ha, Huanlu, it seems you don't understand the principle that a proud soldier will be defeated.


If you underestimate the mysterious messenger of joy and the star train on the ground, you will suffer a big loss.

Hmm, is that the agent of happiness that you rely on?

Huanhuang covered his mouth and chuckled, Then the general should also know that the Masked Fool can never be trusted. is true that ants can kill an elephant to death, but what if it is a phoenix bathed in fire soaring in the sky?

Before she succeeded, she had considered that Zi Shu might not be an ordinary masked fool, but had an 80% chance of being the messenger of joy.

In order to avoid unexpected changes, she activated the God Locking Tower to deal with it.

Even if the opponent can quickly return to Luofu, it will be useless, because by then... that is, not long ago, she has already successfully cultivated the supreme body, and it is difficult to find an opponent at this level.

Not to mention a little messenger of joy, as long as Aha is not here in person, two more will not be able to do anything to her.

Seeing that Huanhu was so swollen, Jingyuan didn't want to argue with her. As a hunting striker, he had more than just a few skills, and he would soon make her cry out in pain...

Although Zishu is just Wu Mingke's insurance, he can't stay out of it now——

Because all his companions are here.

The higher you stand, the broader the scenery you see. Huanlong's attitude of being at the top of the mountain but disdainful of seeing the distance will definitely pay the price.

Do you really think that with the extraordinary power of having two fates, you can run rampant in the world?

Low, low knowledge.

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