Jing Yuan looked at Dan Heng.

If he is still unwilling to help, then it will be impossible to force him after all. At that point, Luofu will have to rely on himself.

Xing and March Qi looked at each other, stepped forward and stretched out their hands to Zi Shu Danheng. The meaning was self-evident.

The power of development in the body is active, which becomes the foundation to support them in helping Luofu and the cornerstone of their development philosophy.

The unknown guests could be afraid or retreat, but at this moment, they didn't want to.

Come on, Zishu Danheng! March Qi said with a bright smile.

However, for a long time, Dan Heng didn't stretch out his hand. He looked at Zi Shu with Xing's eyes. He did the same, and the slender palm as green as green inside the sleeve robe showed no movement.

Dan Heng...

Zi Shu...

Hearing the confused and disappointed words of the two women, Jing Yuan was unable to close his eyes.

I won't force you, Dan Heng, and I respect your choice.

Dan Heng's face was expressionless, his eyes were lowered and he said coldly: I am not standing here as an unknown guest, because during this trip, I am at the mercy of others and have no freedom at all...

He was not stupid, he had figured out the star core hunter's plan long before Jing Yuan opened his mouth to explain.

At this point, Dan Heng raised his head and said resolutely: But I will fulfill my responsibility to Luofu as a descendant of Vidyadhara.

…Where are you, Zishu?

Xing pursed his lower lip, his eyes couldn't help but look at the Kaochen sword still in his hand, and thought about the reason.

He can't be at the mercy of the star core hunters, right?

Although I am standing here as an unknown guest, the person I am helping is always my fellow unknown guest.

Zi Shu looked as usual and said calmly:

The aid to Luofu is only based on the premise that everyone is involved in the game. If it were not for the star core hunter to plot the train, I would not be here. Therefore, fighting for this is not based on the same ideas as everyone. I am freer than Dan Heng. , but couldn’t reach out.”

This is the purpose of the Star Core Hunter.

He did not say these words to be pretentious, but truly adhered to these concepts.

Having accepted the causal chain of the inheritance of the Supreme Good to future generations, he will consistently practice the motto left by Xi, no longer be bound by the concept of the Supreme Good, and travel across the sea of ​​​​stars with the concept of 'self'.

Correspondingly, it can be regarded as receiving the blessing from the pharmacist, not suffering from future consequences, and feeling liberated and free.

The star core hunter does not count the train group. When the main line of Yaliluo comes to an end and heads to Thalia, it will not enter the secondary line.

The best they can do is to find Tingyun and send him back to Luofu. By the way, he reminds him that because Aha played with snake skin, there is a causal relationship: Luofu is targeted by the Lord of Destruction.

That's all.

Unless Luofu can pay a price that makes him willing to confront the Destruction Order, there is no need to discuss it.

Zi Shu... Xing was a little moved.

It turned out that he didn't refuse to help, but voluntarily extended a helping hand because everyone on the train crew was there, and helped in a roundabout way.

It sounded like it was going in a circle and made no sense, but Xing knew that the nature was completely different and involved personal principles.

It was vaguely visible from Belloberg's time, and he finally came to the conclusion——

Zi Shu, he always helps outsiders with the purpose of helping everyone on the train crew solve problems and tide over difficulties.

Isn't it the same as meeting him again in Luofu and working together until now?

The Xianzhou cultural sect has a similar origin to him, but it is not enough for him to feel a sense of belonging to Luofu and voluntarily lend a helping hand.

Outside the game screen, countless players had complicated expressions.

From God's perspective, they know more of Zi Shu's secrets. While they deeply understand why Zi Shu said what he said, they also feel sorry for him.

He obviously follows the creed that if you gain something, you must lose something. Anyone who wants help must pay a certain price, but he still helps the train group and the protagonist for free as always.

[I shed tears sincerely. All I can say is, you really didn’t call me foster father for nothing. 】

[People who don’t understand may think that the adoptive father is arrogant and pretentious, but considering his background story and experience, I can’t make any jokes. 】

[The adoptive father's position is already very clear. He is shaped into a contradictory body of chaos or neutrality and lawfulness, neither evil nor good. His code of conduct only respects family and not reason. 】

[I like him like this. The unprincipled kindness is like a medicine man. Maybe the selfless and kind Star God back then was like Fenghao who was hunted by the hunter, and died in the end...]

[Alternative ML, but even a man like me admits that this ML is delicious. 】

[+1, if you choose the female protagonist, it goes without saying. If you choose the male protagonist, you have a good brother who cares about you so much and ignores his own principles for you. Even if you don’t want to accept this, it will be difficult to refuse. 】

[Sigh... If Zi Shu had arrived in Luofu at the same time as everyone else, he might have been able to see through the illusion and save Ting Yun...]

[Anyway, the greatness of my adoptive father goes without saying, Shumen! 】

【Book Gate! 】

Jing Yuan and Fu Xuan didn't think too complicated about Zi Shu's words. They only knew that Zi Shu would not stand idly by and would lend a helping hand at critical moments. That was enough.

No matter what idea you hold to help Luofu, as long as you help, it is a favor to Luofu.

Good! March 7th patted her chest and cheered happily, You two men who understand justice well!

223. A false proposition with no fixed answer

The corner of Xing's mouth revealed a soft arc, and his eyes retracted from Zi Shu's eyes.

What's the general's next plan?

There is no clever plan. I can only gamble on Elder Mingchichi's partial scale-removing technique, and on Dan Heng's ability to regain Long Zun's memory...

Dragon Lord? Yue Yue was confused.

Jingyuan looked at the statue on the altar and sighed: Although Jianmu was cut off by the emperor's bow back then, there is still a little bit of the curse of longevity plague and ancestors. In order to seal it, Luofu asked the immortal dragon descendants to use their Strength makes it possible to tame the remains of building timber;”

Under the auspices of the ancient Dragon Lord, the Vidyadharas guided the water of the ancient sea to flood the cave in the Linyuan Realm, using it as a container to seal the buildings. In order to commemorate such a feat and sacrifice, the Immortal Boat Alliance erected a monument in the Linyuan Realm. In the Longda Temple, a statue of Vidyadhara remains.

Following Jingyuan's line of sight, March Qi's eyes kept flowing between the statue and Dan Heng.

It really looks like Dan Heng... Could it be that the man on the statue is... Dan Heng's brother?!


Jing Yuan couldn't help but smile faintly, shook his head and said, It's just a slight similarity. That was a long time ago. To put it bluntly, the images of Dragon Lords in the past are indeed very similar - well, except for this generation...

Now the successor of the Vidyadhara Dragon Lord is just a little kid who just took the name and did not inherit all the power. Do you understand now, Dan Heng...

After Dan Feng's death, there is no one left in Luofu's Vidyadhara clan who can do this. You, who once guarded Jianmu, should be able to open the way to Jianmu for us.

A flash of understanding flashed in Zi Shu's eyes.

Although he had expected it early, what Jing Yuan said perfectly confirmed his previous conjecture.

The star core hunter's plan is that simple, and the whole train set is just a cover.

If you don't include yourself, the only person who can really have a decisive influence is Dan Heng. Even if it is Xing, her role in this script is not important.

That's not okay.

The script process of Star Core Hunter is never static. As long as it is directed to the correct result, the process is allowed to change.

Thinking of this, Zi Shu smiled lightly.

The star must be important and must have enough participation in the plot. If the protagonist is marginalized, can he still be called the protagonist?

After the battle of Dan Dingsi, he helped the Yunqi army with the Awakening Talisman and provided assistance to the Immortal Boat. He has received enough space. To put it simply, the amount of plot is guaranteed, but the stars are not enough.

It needs to be no less than the contribution of the Battle of Cocolia. He cannot guarantee that Xing will get a glimpse of the patrol and play a key role, but he can use his own power to help Xing and create opportunities for Xing.

It's not difficult.

It is enough for Xing to be the key to blocking Huanwu from drawing power from Jianmu.

To be blunt, Huanlu's display of abundant power in front of him was flattering. If she had to serve the plot, she would never be able to draw even half of the abundant power from Jianmu.

Zi Shu has long understood that whether it is perfection, abundance, or happiness, he is not walking on his own path. It has been pioneered by predecessors and the upper limit has been locked.

The corresponding benefits and strength obtained through the increase in popularity in the plot are the correct path he needs to open up.

Dan Heng remained silent.

Seeing him like this, Jingyuan slowly walked to the edge of the altar and looked at the blue water under his feet, and heard a voice filled with anticipation.

The next step is up to you, Dan Heng. Until you regain Long Zun's memory, we can only wait here.

…I'll try.

Well, if you really don't have a clue, you can talk to your train friends. Sometimes if your current ties are involved, they might be able to give you some help. Jing Yuan sighed slightly.

Once upon a time, the bond between Yun Shang and Wu Xiao was indestructible, but now it has long since disappeared.

Dan Heng closed his eyes and fell into deep concentration. When the others saw this, they did not disturb him and spread out to observe the Xianlong Temple.

The murals carved on both sides attract the stars and March 7th, and they move towards that direction unconsciously.

A few minutes passed, and Dan Heng opened his eyes, looking thoughtful.

He glanced around and walked towards the nearest March 7th.


Have you remembered? March 71 said happily.


That's it. Why did you get off the train and come here suddenly? We obviously can't contact the train.

Dan Heng pursed his lips and said, I'm worried about your safety.

After all, that blade man can't be killed no matter how hard he kills...

Wow! I'm so touched!

Yue Yue Qijiao smiled and said: But with Xing and Uncle Yang here, why don't you worry, and we will also meet Zi Shu later. If we help along the way, we will soon become the heroes of Xianzhou.

... Dan Heng nodded silently, and there seemed to be a smile at the corner of his mouth, but it seemed to be an illusion.

March 7 didn't care about his poker face and said with a smile: Anyway, it's great that you can come. I hope you can remember those memories soon. Our mission in Xianzhou has not been completed yet.

Danheng turned and walked towards Xing.

Sensing his approach, Xing turned around and looked at him, but no one spoke.

Don't you have anything to ask me? Dan Heng was the first to hold back.

Xing shook her head, unwilling to disturb Dan Heng's thoughts. After all, when she didn't want to talk, no one could make her speak.

After turning to Walter, Jing Yuan, Fu Xuan, and Dan Heng, they finally looked at Zi Shu.

He stood under the dragon statue, staring at the words under the statue, as if thinking about something.

Here he comes.

Um... Zishu, I want to ask you a question.

you say.

Is it really impossible to completely cut off the cause and effect and destiny that entwine the past?

Hearing this, Zi Shu glanced at him and couldn't help but smile lightly.

This is a false proposition with no fixed answer. Once intelligent creatures intersect, invisible threads will link the two, and the two will then be connected to others, repeated over and over again, and eventually become entangled...

Some people can't cut off these threads in their lives, but some people can, so - this answer can only be found by you yourself, and you can make... choices.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zi Shu stopped talking, passed by Dan Heng and walked to Jing Yuan's side. He put his hands behind his back and looked at the tall root tree uprooted from the bottom of the sea, his eyes narrowed.

He couldn't help Dan Heng.

The chain of cause and effect involved in Dan Heng is so huge. The things left behind by each generation of Long Zun's personality are all related, so it must not be done rashly.

The Vidyadharas use the power of immortality to shed their eggs and be reborn. In the final analysis, they are still the same person. Even their souls are the same, with only personality differences.

Once the means are used to affect the cause and effect attached to Dan Heng and related to Dan Feng in the previous life, he will no longer be the current Dan Heng.

Dan Heng stared blankly at the Dragon Statue with a complicated expression on his face.

In the end, we still have to completely accept the majestic horn crown on the forehead and connect it with the cause and effect of the past, so that the remaining power of the previous life of Lord Drinking Moon can be fully revealed...

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