General, you should know the habit of reincarnation and rebirth of the Ming Dynasty. The water of the ancient sea has washed away Dan Feng's sins. The person who stood here with you is no longer there.

Dan Heng raised his eyes, looked at the statue on the altar in the distance, and said silently:

I am Dan Heng. Whether that Dan Feng is a hero or a sinner, it has nothing to do with me... I have shouldered his punishment and accepted eternal exile. I have no complaints, but when the general looks at me, please be sure to abandon it. A shadow of the past.”

“Bringing up old stories is like muddying a pool of water, only causing displeasure.”

Jingyuan sighed:

It's probably your appearance...or maybe it's the dragon horns and the vaguely dragon-like temperament. It always allows me to connect you with my old friend.

…I already said——

Yes, you said it, so what? Jing Yuan interrupted Dan Heng's words, tilted his head slightly and asked: If you could change other people's attitude towards you with just one sentence, there wouldn't be so many disputes in the world. .”

Danheng was silent.

If you want me to stop treating you as Dan Feng, you can do one thing for me.

Jing Yuan said seriously:

As Dan Feng, do me one last favor. When this is over, I will let him die and revoke your banishment order. From now on, I can guarantee that at least above Luofu, you will no longer be anyone's shadow.

What Dan Feng can do, I may not be able to do.

You must do it, otherwise all your promises will not count. If you are to blame, blame your previous life. If he hadn't done that bastard thing back then, and if the power of dragon transformation could be passed down completely, I wouldn't have to force you at all.

Zi Shu listened quietly to the conversation between the two, and ignored the noisy strange smile mask in his ears without leaving any trace.

Stop barking. I'll have a lot of free time when my main story is over. I'll let you eat your fill by then.

Old Bidden, who usually lets it be when it's not an important occasion, now wants to have fun with someone's past that is full of trauma and full of regrets?

There is no limit to being able to read the air but deliberately pretending to be stupid.

I want to see Mr. Lingshi being stepped on and pinched on the face by his little white feet~ Is this appropriate?

??? Zi Shu: You have a problem.

That's fine too, Hisi!

I'll count down to three for you and disappear immediately, one!

Hmph, hum - ah! Cunning and shameless Mr. Lingshi...

Jing Yuan looked closely into Dan Heng's eyes, unaware that the person half a step behind him had just finished a conversation with a star god who gave countless beings headaches.

I just said that you and I standing here today are different. Dan Feng is not here, only Dan Heng, and I - I am already General Luofu. Even if I am reluctant, I still have to do some things.

Dan Heng had nothing to say.

He understood that both he and Jing Yuan were unable to control themselves.

Jingyuan spread his hands, Let's talk about some happy topics, such as the friends you made on the train. Now they must be stuck in the Xianlong Temple. Don't you want to see them soon?

...Let's go. Dan Heng also understood that it was useless to question those meaningless words.

On the way to the Hsien Loong Temple, there are still many remains of the creations of the Legion of Destruction that have not yet dissipated. A quick look shows that they have experienced a great war not long ago.

Not only was Zishu curious about Dan Heng's past, many players were also curious, even to the point of scratching their heads.

Damn it, the screenwriter dug holes into every character, but was so slow to fill them in!


221. Dust

It's hard to imagine that Dan Heng was a repeat offender in Luofu in his previous life. Zi Shu shook his head, General, just say what you want. I don't need to know. I only know that he is now a member of the Star Train. That is enough.

Hearing this, Jing Yuan couldn't help but smile. He could naturally hear the implication behind Zi Shu's words.

Even if Zi Shu didn't say anything, he wouldn't be able to kill the person in front of him with his sword now and bring out his past crimes and put them on Dan Heng's head.

Dan Feng did commit a serious crime at the beginning, and the Ten Kings insisted on destroying him. As for Mingchichi, half of them agreed and half opposed, haha, because the dragon transformation inheritance was only half completed. The Mingchichi elders hated him, but they didn't Dare to kill him;

In order to give an explanation to the Ten Kings and the Tianbo Division, under pressure, the Ming-Dragon Masters still performed the forced scale-removing technique on Dan Feng. However, they deliberately left a flaw, haha...

They thought they could hide it from the Ten Kings. Hmm, it was a wishful thinking, but paper cannot cover the fire.

I see.

Zi Shu suddenly realized that he had a rough understanding of Dan Heng's past or previous life, but he didn't know what serious crime he had committed.

I'll talk about the details later when I have a chance. From inside the Xianlong Temple, I sensed the aura of the Legion's minions. Jing Yuan smiled lightly and said, It seems that the order of destruction left behind many actors.

Dan Heng's expression slightly condensed and he said in a deep voice: Go over and help.

He turned into a dragon shadow and shuttled around like lightning, leaving Zi Shu and the two behind him in an instant.

The two of them were not in a hurry. One made a seal, and the other thought about it, and they were both using their own methods to help the battle from a distance.

With the help of Zishu and the others, the legion soldiers who occupied the Xianlong Temple fell down and disappeared in pieces like ears of wheat being harvested.

Before the others could ask about the identity of the familiar Vidyadhara man, the laughter from behind made everyone stiffen.

Everyone is progressing very quickly.

Looking back, I saw two tall and tall figures slowly ascending the altar. Who could it be if it wasn't Zi Shu Jingyuan?

Zi Shu! March 7 was excited, Great! You're okay!

Xing was also very excited, but he quickly calmed down his eccentric expression and completely let go of the heavy stone in his heart.

Walter reached out and pushed the frame, and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Just be fine...

Fu Xuan was also excited when he saw Jing Yuan, and hurried forward to report the battle situation and situation.

Sorry for making everyone worried.

Zi Shu smiled and stepped forward. Seeing Xing hand over his weapon, he smiled and said, You seem to be very comfortable with it. I didn't reject you even when I was away.

Rejected? Xing Yi was startled.

In a sense... Well, how should I put it? You can compare it to a rare weapon that is bound to an individual in the game. Generally speaking, if the owner is not nearby, it will not exert its power.

Is this so...

Zi Shu's weapon does not exclude him, does it mean that he is a special existence to him?

Xing stroked the surface of the plain white sword, feeling unexpectedly but also a little happy.

I found that it is also very powerful against the legion's evil objects. It is much easier than my bat and lance.

Of course... Zi Shu said silently in his heart.

It was a magical weapon that could carry the power of an envoy. From a special perspective, it was like a part of his body. It was strange that it was not easy to cut down legion pawns and evil objects.

Give it a name.

Why don't you want to name yourself? Xing asked curiously.

Although it was born when I cut off the cause and effect of my past life, it is a proof, but it is also connected to the past that I don't want to touch...

Then let's call it Qie Chen, how about it?

haha okay.

Zishu doesn't care whether Xing's name sounds nice or not. The meaning of this sword to him is existence and freedom, which is different for Xing. There is nothing wrong with letting her take the lead in this part of the plot, and she can even kill two birds with one stone.

The popularity growth reminder that pops up in the system message is a good proof of this.

To give players a sense of immersion, a sense of immersive participation is indispensable. Even if the players actually have no choice, the words are spoken by the protagonist who represents them.

It's like an item you named yourself, it has some special emotion inside it.

[Unexpectedly, a weapon has many related plots, and the names are all chosen by me. Hey, do you think the Jie Chen Sword will be given to me by Zi Shu in the future and become one of my weapons? 】

[It’s hard to say, there is no precedent for giving self-made character weapons to the protagonist. 】

[Does Fire Lord’s gun count? 】

[Don’t count, that gun is the representation of Beloberg’s will to protect. Strictly speaking, it is not a weapon of the character. As for the bat, I guess Heita has even forgotten that she has collected the weapons of Kevin’s ancestor. . 】

[The weapon of the ancestor of God TM Kevin...]

[It is true that it is not explicitly stated, but among the rare objects in the Black Tower Collection Room, there is a broken sword that will appear with different text when talking to Jizi. It is just that it is clearly related to Jizi of Wuliang Tower. I don’t think it is a coincidence. 】

[Easter eggs, Easter eggs, after all, Teyvat Wind Wings have them. 】

[Ah ah ah, I really want to know the complete past of my adoptive father, ants are crawling! 】

[There is no point in being anxious. Let’s talk about the recently popular story of the Five Heroes on the Cloud, whether Rakshasa is an isomer of Alto, what crimes Dan Heng has committed, and Kama’s love for her children... The pit Lao Mi dug is still there Less? 】

[Just wait and fill it out. 】

[Hey, there’s no time to wait in the Year of the Monkey, the Year of the Horse, the Year of the Horse, and I’m looking forward to it every day…]

Players don't know that in the next version of the simulated universe permanent gameplay Locust Plague, there will be plot text and gameplay linked to Zishu. Of course, that is all a story later.

Xing and March 7 recovered from the excitement of Zi Shu's return, and only then did they notice the familiar person next to them again.

Knowing that he actually had hidden power, March Qi couldn't help but cover her mouth with a look of shock.

No wonder it feels familiar, it turns out he is really Dan Heng!

Okay, friends, let's put the old things aside for now.

Although he knew it was not good to do so, Jing Yuan still had to stand up and interrupt them.

When you arrived in Luofu, you said that the train group was here to solve the star core disaster. At that time, Jing Yuan did not dare to agree because he suspected that the star core hunters had other agendas. Now that I see it, I am overly worried;

The Star Core Hunter does have an agenda, haha. She sent you here to deliberately amplify the situation so that you can fight side by side with Xianzhou. As of now, your sincerity is beyond doubt. Luofu owes you a debt of gratitude. I shouldn’t have asked for anything more, but…”

Jing Yuan sighed softly and said helplessly:

As Fu Qing said, the appearance of Huanhuan has made the situation no longer controllable. As General Luofu, I have to borrow Dan Heng's power, and I also ask for your full help...

Although the biggest variable and insurance is Zi Shu... But if no one else is around, Zi Shu will not take the initiative to fall into the muddy water.

Jing Yuan saw this very clearly, and could naturally see some of it in Zi Shu's acting style.

222. No longer bound by the ideal of perfection

Maybe even the star core hunters didn't expect that in addition to attracting Dan Heng, they would also attract such a mysterious and scheming unknown guest.

Even if the crisis in Luofu has nothing to do with the Star Core, I will not sit idly by and ignore it based on my personality, but my wishes alone cannot represent the Star Dome Train;

Walter glanced at Xing, March Qi and Zi Shu.

Explore, understand, establish, and connect, the pioneering creed pursued by the train group is nothing more than these eight words. The journey is difficult and dangerous, and it is difficult to implement them to reach the sky;

Fear, danger, enemies, death...Many obstacles lie on the journey. Only a handful of unknown guests can go on. Whether they move forward or leave, the destination of the unknown guests should be chosen by themselves...

It's like casting a vote with your own hands on the train when deciding your destination.

At what Walter said, Jing Yuan and Fu Xuan both nodded slightly.

They understand.

Although the pioneering Unknown Guests have a good reputation, everyone knows that the Star God behind them has passed away.

Even if the mission path remains, the power within it can be obtained by unknown guests who embark on the path of pioneering, but it is no longer in its heyday.

When facing an enemy like the Order of Destruction, understanding the gap and making rational judgments is the right answer.

Jingyuan would not be surprised if the train crew refused, except for one person——

Dan Heng.

He is the key to Luofu getting through the crisis at the minimum cost. Without him, it would be extremely difficult to enter the cave where Jianmu's seal is located.

Even if he goes in and successfully repels Huanwu, Jianmu's seal will still be an extremely difficult problem without the presence of the Vidyadhara Dragon Lord.

Therefore, the most mysterious Zi Shu can be left alone, but Dan Heng must be dealt with.

The inheritance of transforming dragons was not left intact, which caused the strength of the Vidyadhara clan above Luofu to be greatly reduced. As the beginning of the disaster that year, he could not stay out of it.


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