He had no choice, nor could he hesitate or shrink.

224. All companions will return safely

Sao Sheng couldn't figure out the specific meaning of what Zi Shu said to Dan Heng. It seemed like he had given him an answer, but it didn't seem like he had.

And when I think about it carefully, it seems that what Zi Shu said is really what it is.

My scalp feels so itchy. I feel like I have to grow a brain. Forget it, I am not a philosophy or Taoist or Buddhist karma and destiny sect. The conversation is over. Let's continue with the main story.

No one thought that after experiencing an impressive plot not long ago, it would happen again.

Entering the CG cutscene, Dan Heng stretched out his hand forward, and the clear tenor BGM made everyone tremble.

The light in Dan Heng's palm became more and more dazzling, and the water in front of him began to surge more and more violently with the dazzling light.

Until the beam of light soared into the sky, the entire Xianlong Temple began to shake. Everyone was shocked to find that the seawater slowly separated to both sides, revealing the underwater world.

Paired with the Chinese BGM full of fate and tragedy, players who had drafted a version were once again shocked.

It seems that the interruption of the main line is more reason to discontinue the update. There is nothing to say about the quality in exchange for the useless production capacity, and the sincerity is enough.

Woc, a Chinese song! But why do you have to tear apart Xinhai's shoulders? Can such a powerful song be funny?

[God TM tears Xinhai’s shoulders apart, is Kong Er used by Jiang Zi? 】

[Lin Abyss Realm = Abyss Palace, right? 】

[It should be tearing, breaking up, and liberating. 】

[Oh my god, is this water special effect really shot? The picture is too exquisite! 】

[Funds are burning, it’s cool to open the sea! 】

[Lao Mi has done so many tricks, why didn’t he squeeze the tower to force King Aguru? This sea scene looks like, very similar...]

[The three-year period has come, welcome the return of the Dragon King! 】

Danhengniu's. Sao Sheng smacked his lips and drew back his attention.

[Is this the power of the Dragon Lord? He can move mountains and open seas with every move he makes. It is said that Jing Yuan, as an envoy, has to rely on Dan Heng’s Dragon Lord power. Doesn’t that mean that Dan Heng’s current strength is not weaker than that of the Star God’s envoy? 】

[...The angle is tricky, but except for the screenwriter, no one can answer it yet. 】

It's hard to say. There is very little information about the Star God's envoys recorded in all the game texts. I think there must be gaps between the envoys. For example, the intellectual Star God's envoys may not necessarily be good at combat effectiveness...

Sao Sheng analyzed: Everyone doesn't know much about Jing Yuan at the moment. Apart from some copywriting, he only has his combat skills. Shenjun's background story is not small;

There is even less information about the Vidyadhara Dragon Lord. He is a descendant of the Immortal Dragon, but who knows if the Dragon Lord was once an immortal envoy?

Sigh... Combat strength test is the most troublesome thing, and it can easily cause rhythm. Let's all give up discussing this for the time being.

Wow... what a majestic underwater building! March 7 was amazed.

Fu Xuan: Those buildings under the water...no wonder the classics record that the Linyuan Realm was once the location of the Ming-Child Dragon Palace. It is indeed true.

During the Sudden Rebellion, I was fortunate enough to be at its peak. I witnessed this wonderful scene. The mountains moved and the sea turned, and the palace and city were empty... The Ming Dynasty used the holy land of its homeland to imprison Jianmu. The Luofu Immortal Boat really owes them a lot.

A trace of nostalgia flashed across Jing Yuan's face, but he put it away the next moment, turned his body and said softly: Fu Qing.

I am here.

Fu Xuan took two steps forward, waiting for the next order.

You stay here and lead the Yunqi to guard this passage to avoid any trouble.

Jing Yuan... Fu Xuan couldn't help being startled, and blurted out with worry on his face: ... General, you want to go alone to deal with Huan Lu?!

It's not like I'm alone. Jing Yuan smiled and shook his head, looking at the unknown passenger on the Star Dome Train, There are also Wuming's friends traveling with us.

General! We are also willing to go with the general. Please don't leave me waiting!

Yes, General, although we are of low ability, the Yunqi Army has the responsibility of guarding the Immortal Boat. Why should we stay in the rear and let foreign travelers take risks for us?

General, if you don't mind, please let us clear the way for you!

Please give your approval, General!

General please approve——

Behind Fu Xuan, many cloud riders burst out with firm requests, their momentum surged into the clouds, and they fearlessly went to death.

Rejoicing flashed in his eyes, Jingyuan's eyes softened a little, and he objected: I know your intentions very well, but the opponent in front is not the evil creature of fertility... but the extermination king of the anti-matter army!

After passing this road, it will be the confrontation between Emperor Gong and Ancestor Jin. You have more important responsibilities. The Yunqi Army will obey orders -

Exuding the majesty of a general, Jing Yuan looked solemn and solemn, his eyes scanning the faces of all the Yunqi troops.

After I go deep into Jianmu, if the sea water returns to its original state, I will immediately evacuate and seal the cave again. All matters will be subject to Taifu's arrangements.

Got the order!

Fu Qing. Jing Yuan lowered his gaze to look at Fu Xuan and wrote lightly: If I cannot return, I will leave the important task of reporting the cause and effect to other immortal boats to you.

Fu Xuan clenched his fists tightly and his lips trembled unconsciously.

He is delivering...

The fairy boat has been sailing for more than eight thousand years. How could she not know how powerful the Star God's messenger is, let alone the agent of such a terrible Star God as Jin Miehu Ancestor...

It is true that she wants to be General Luofu, but she does not want to succeed in the same way as the previous general was martyred.

Fu Xuan took a deep breath, trying his best not to reveal the heaviness in his heart.

...I won't say anything like, 'Please come back in person to report on your duties.' I will definitely fulfill my mission as you ordered.

Ha, he's a bit like a general. Jing Yuan chuckled.

Fu Xuan was silent.

Jing Yuan looked at the train crew with a smile, and nodded gently after a moment. The mission and determination in his eyes were not ignored by anyone.

The group headed towards the Ancient Sea Dragon Palace.

Zi Shu was walking at the back, and when he saw that he was about to step onto the stairs going down, he noticed that his sleeve was being pulled from behind.

Lord Taibu?

...Zi Shu...

Fu Xuan's eyes flickered uneasily, and he wanted to say something, but he didn't know the right way to say it.

You want to ask me to be more considerate. Zi Shu did not look back.

She tapped her chin.

She didn't know if Jingyuan saw that Zishu was the representative of Changle Tianjun, but she knew that Zishu, as the messenger of joy, had the ability to help more and more.

But she also knows...if you want to get something, you have to pay a price.

Just like the disaster of Fang Huxian Zhou, the emperor's bow repelled the evil thing, but also took away her important things.

Even more, she took away her belief in fighting against fate.

From the moment her master died forever, she accepted her fate... She closed her eyes and exchanged the pain she had spent her whole life for knowledge, just to seek the answer.

Jing Yuan was kind to her, and she didn't want Jing Yuan to make the same mistake again.

Zi Shu didn't know the past carried by Fu Xuan, but there were some things that he could understand without having to explain them clearly.

Facing Shangxing's puzzled look back at him, Zishu smiled and turned around. After giving Fu Xuan a familiar talisman, he followed the others calmly.

When Luofu survives this calamity, it's time for you to open it. There will be gifts from me inside. Everyone will return safely, I promise.

Staring at Zi Shu's farther and farther back, the corners of Fu Xuan's eyes twitched a few times, he clenched the talisman and opened his mouth, but in the end he couldn't say what he wanted to say.

Be careful...


225. Ten thousand times more enjoyable than a snake

Everyone returned safely? Aha said with a playful smile: It's a little early to say this now...

Choice 1: Be killed by Huan Hao under everyone's gaze, and leave an opportunity that can help them defeat Huan Hao.

Reward: Number of draws*1, shining Trapezohedron, maybe you can use this to summon your succubus wife~~

Choice 2: Little Huanlong dares to do what he does best, enter Jianmu before everyone else, and have a 1V1 locker room battle with Huanlong...ah, no, let's have a crushing battle.

Reward: Obtain the attribute of Suiyang, which can be freely transformed into an incorporeal illusory life, and gain the illusive power of destruction.

Choice Three: Exhaust all your strength in the battle with Huanhu, tell everyone with a smile that you have overcome the difficulty, and die behind everyone when they all turn around and return home in triumph.

(...Everyone works together to defeat Huanhu, and finally let himself, who plays a key role, become the only one withered...Ah...ah~~I really want to see what kind of expression everyone will show then...Aha is looking forward to it so much …)”

Reward: Number of draws * 1, light cone That's the last ripple: When dying, the friendly party will receive a specific BUFF, which will reduce the sanity and double the attack power for ten minutes (only for targets whose strength is not as strong as the wearer).

Hehehehehe~ I'm looking forward to Mr. Lingshi's choice~ It's gone.

Zi Shu: ???????

Did I give you face?

Laughed angrily.

To what extent do you have to be a psychopath to have such a bad idea?

Aha's lower limit here has once again been refreshed.

God damn it, he just said that it had been a while since the last time he did something. He was not used to it after such a long interval. It turned out that he had a big problem waiting for him.

Although some of the choices did not conflict with his original plans, none of them went as planned.

Take the second one as an example, kill Huan Hu directly?

Come on, the plot has completely collapsed. Let alone the characterization, I am afraid that A Tong will only be able to show the players that the train crew is a transparent person. The highlights are all the original plot of Jing Yuan Danheng.

The consequences of a collapse would be serious, and the attributes of Suiyang's race and Huanhu's destructive power were of little use to him.

Unless your brain is so degenerated that a zombie would want to vomit if he smells it, then an idiot would choose the second option.

And what about one and three?

No matter what, he had to die once.

Whether he dies or not is a minor issue. The key question is how to explain resurrection?

It's just another place, this is the Immortal Boat. Once someone who died under the Star God's order and can be resurrected appears, no matter whether you are a foreigner or not, you have to go to the Ten Kings Division to be investigated and have a good drink.

At that time, I am afraid that the identity that is extremely inconsistent with Xianzhou cannot be hidden.

Aha, an old man, made it clear that watching the excitement was not a big deal, and wanted to reveal his hidden identity as the Envoy of the Order of Plenty.

Luofu’s previous general was killed by a certain fertility envoy. Now he suddenly learned that an abundance envoy appeared in the fairy boat, oh——

Not to mention Luofu, I am afraid that the other Seven Heavenly Generals of the Immortal Boat may send people to kill him.

He may not be afraid by then, but if he doesn't handle it well, the script set by the Star Core Hunter in Xianzhou will immediately fall apart, and all the good intentions will be in vain, and he will get nothing and make himself embarrassed.

You are really a trap. Could it be that you were the one who plotted against Xihe Taiyi back then?

I have long had conjectures that the existence of Taiyi will cause the universe to lose many possibilities, restrict the development of many destiny paths, and sooner or later it will become a thorn in the side.

As for Xi... He won't do any bad things, but he may do bad things with good intentions, and there are people who don't like him.

If you think about it carefully, if some existence wants to plot to kill Taiyi, it is very likely that a byd will become an accomplice for both sides to show off for fun, or simply decide to take sides.

Wow! Mr. Lingshi actually put such a big blame on Aha's head. This is a reward! This is an honor, the highest praise! Aha is ten thousand times more comfortable than a snake!


Zi Shu was too lazy to scold Aha and thought about choosing one or three.

On the way into the ancient sea palace ruins, Zi Shudu followed everyone quietly, talking little and not knowing what he was thinking.

After listening to Dan Heng's story about a bright mirage, Xing slowed down and walked closer to Zi Shu, curiously asking in a low voice:

Before coming down, what did Fu Taibu stop you and say?

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