[No doubt, it is. Otherwise, why would he default to the four-star form? 】

On the screen, click on the dialog box to enter the next scene.

Zi Shu twisted his fingers lightly, twisting the Zhili sword 90°, and flicked the sword with the back of his fingers to repel the blade.

I will be troubled if you do this. If there is something wrong with this young man, I won't be able to explain it to the general.

What surprised the players was that the person Zishu looked at when he spoke was Kafka, not Blade.

Okay Aren, listen to me, stop it. Kafka snapped his fingers and stepped forward with a smile, Otherwise, how could you show up?

Zi Shu helplessly shrugged and touched Yan Qing's head.

Do I have to go through this cutscene in your script?

I can't help it, who gave the order to Elio? Kafka showed a charming smile, Besides... wasn't there a big shot who came early, but hid in the dark to watch the battle between Aren and the two of them?

Before the players could think about who Kafka was talking about, a familiar hearty laughter came from the right channel.

a ha ha ha…

A tall figure wearing armor appeared, smiling and walking slowly towards the crowd.

Who is this familiar face if it’s not Jing Yuan?

219. He has a demon body

Ah, Jing Yuan is here! Ran Ran was stunned for a moment.

When Jing Yuan approached, the six people in the camera were in the same frame for the first time, but the atmosphere seemed a bit strange.

Zi Shu stood in front of Yan Qing, Jing Yuan stood next to Zi Shu, Dan Heng flanked Jing Yuan, and finally the two star core hunters opposite, Blade and Kafka.

There are many comments in the live broadcast room, and people have already begun to claim their husbands and wives...

The most people claim adoptive fathers. Every time Zi Shu appears, it brings not only changes in the situation, but also a full sense of peace of mind, no matter four stars or five stars.

[Did anyone notice what Zi Shu just said? He seemed to be talking to our mother. They know each other? 】

[...I don’t know. Putting aside the fact that they are clinging to their biological mother and adoptive father, they have little interaction in the current plot. The interrogation of Taibo was their first official meeting. 】

[Then what to say now? Zi Shu said that if Yan Qing had something bad that he couldn't explain to Jing Yuan, his tone was not like a chance meeting. 】

[Have you forgotten your adoptive father’s abilities? Maybe I can figure it out for you with just one hexagram with my bare hands? 】

Blade put down the hand that was covering his forehead, his eyes that had been filled with madness returned to clarity, and he looked forward with unclear emotions.


Yanqing finally came to his senses from a series of unexpected events and said happily: General! Teacher Zishu!

Jing Yuan did not answer, but looked at Xiang Ren with a smile, and then turned to Dan Heng, who was showing the state of the Dragon Lord, suppressing the few strands of sadness and nostalgia that were about to overflow deep in his eyes.

You two, please don't go back to Xianzhou, but there are always embarrassing situations. If you miss us as old friends, you should inform me earlier.

Humph, I've finished what I want to do. Blade said coldly.

Well, it's over. Jing Yuan didn't care and looked at Kafka with a smile, You have done a small favor for Xianzhou. I am very grateful. Take him away. This time I can pretend that I didn't see him.

Hearing this, Yanqing's eyes widened with confusion on his face.

General?! I...

Don't be impatient young man, your general has a deep meaning. Zi Shu patted Yan Qing's shoulder, a smile flashed from the corner of his eyes.

The extremely fast expression changes were well reproduced by the camera performance, and the players couldn't help but be stunned.

What is the foster father laughing at? Why is Yanqing so embarrassed?

After all, in version 1.1, everyone also learned about the story of Zishu when he came to Xianzhou from Yanqing's companion mission. The people he met were Yanqing and Jingliu, so they knew why Yanqing appeared here.

This plot doesn't exist in the main plot, and you might be completely confused if you don't do the companion mission.

It is also through this plot that players know Yanqing's character or personality, which is... quite interesting.

No, according to UP Sao Sheng's live broadcast room, the barrage was full of joy.

[There are five people, Yanqing, you will suffer under the hands of three people. 】

[Laughing, is it possible that there are four people? Jingyuan is his master. When the master teaches his disciple skills, will he be frustrated less often? 】

[Not five? Did you forget that time with your adoptive father? 】

[Bengbu is here. Lao Ma wants to hit everyone he sees, but in the end he can't beat anyone. This contrast is too real. 】

[Don’t look at who Yanqing is beating. Each one is heavier than the last. Even Yunshang Wuxiao, his adoptive father was once an envoy of the Star God! Yanqing is still a child. Even if he is a genius, it is normal to be defeated. 】

[I don’t understand, I’d like to ask, who is Lao Ma? 】

[Yanqing’s surname is Ma, well, probably, maybe, maybe...]

[Tsk, tsk, tsk, look at this aggrieved little expression. He received a severe beating from Brother Diandao and Xiao Qinglong. In the end, the general wanted to let him go. Even his adoptive father asked him to calm down. 】

[When are the words that Zishu and Jingyuan said while playing chess released? How come it feels like they have already taken control of the situation? 】

Sao Sheng did not rush forward with the plot. He paused and said with certainty:

Even if he is not in control of the overall situation, at least he is confident in his heart. You must know that when Zi Shu came to Xianzhou, he already knew that the Destruction Order was behind it. The previous plot of Dan Ding Division confirmed this;

According to my guess, Zi Shu probably hinted something to Jing Yuan through the chess game when he was playing chess with him. General Shen Ce Mansion has his eyes closed. How could he not be able to hear the sounds of the outer strings of his words with a smart-brained character? ?”

Perhaps Jing Yuan was hiding aside to watch Yan Qing's weakness on purpose. He wanted to use the help of an old friend to cure his arrogant temperament of eager for quick success and doing things without careful consideration;

After all, we were once part of Yun Shang Wu Xiao. Jing Yuan should know that his old friend would not kill his apprentice.

【What do you say about that blade? If he didn't have murderous intentions, there would be no need for the adoptive father to come out, right? 】

Ah...he has a demon body, and sometimes he becomes unconscious, maybe...

【屮! 】

[I actually think it’s reasonable. 】

[Le, I am mentally ill, so it is not illegal to kill someone and I have a reasonable explanation? What is the blameless closed loop? 】

[Understood, Brother Dian Dao just said that he has finished what he wants to do, which is to carry out the train pass and reveal Dan Heng's identity as the Dragon Master. 】

[Congratulations on discovering the truth. 】

【It’s too much...】

Kafka left with the blade, and Yanqing watched the two disappear, feeling puzzled but not daring to ask.

Looking up at Zi Shu, nothing could be seen except the curve of the corner of his mouth that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

Letting the star core hunter leave, Jing Yuan turned around and said hello.

Long time no see...old friend.

I'm not him. Dan Heng responded coldly, turning a blind eye to the complex emotions on Jing Yuan's face.


Jingyuan was not surprised by his reaction.

Dan Heng walked up to Zi Shu and showed a caring expression that Jing Yuan couldn't help but recall.

Why are you here... By the way, how are Xing and the other three?!

He made up his mind to go to Luofu, but he knew that Zi Shu had left the train early to attend to personal matters, so he unexpectedly saw him here.

They're all fine.

Zi Shu smiled softly to reassure Dan Heng, then turned his head and looked at Jing Yuan, seeming to be pointing out something:

General, I still can't let go of my old friend. I thought you would be where you should be at this moment.

Hahaha... In the words of a star core hunter, this is also part of the script. Her ability to endure it shows that both you and I still have some spare time.

A general with closed eyes is a general with closed eyes. If you are able to keep your composure, I have to express my admiration.

No, no, since we have invited everyone from Star Train to join the game, Jing Yuan has taken it seriously and will not neglect safety. Jing Yuan said with a smile.

Zi Shu took these confident words for granted. What he said just now was not because Jing Yuan did not act tacitly.

As the general of the Luofu Immortal Boat, one of the Seven Heavenly Generals of the Imperial Gong, and the hunting envoy, if he did not have that confidence in his own territory, the position of general would have been replaced long ago.

Their exchange focused on a riddle, and even Dan Heng was stunned, showing an expression similar to Yan Qing's.

These two people...have they reached some consensus a long time ago?

March Wife is cute.jpg

220. Past events

General, we have reached this point. There is no need for Qi soldiers to hide in the dark. Huanhuang can't help but show up, which means that you and I should move a little slower.

Yeah, wait a minute... If it weren't for you, the situation in Luofu would have been a lot worse. Most of the Yunqi troops who went to Danding Division for the expedition are fine. Jing Yuan will keep this in mind and would like to thank you in advance.

Zi Shu smiled faintly and tilted his head to give Dan Heng a look.

Let's go, join the general with everyone, and solve the current trouble.

Huanhuang... turns out to be the Great Lord of Extermination!

Yeah. Zi Shu looked towards the direction where the sea and the sky meet, and murmured: That guy...maybe he's done, and he's waiting for us leisurely...

Yan Qing, you go back to the garrison of Dan Ding Division first. You can't participate in what's going to happen next, Jing Yuan explained.


Although Yanqing is young, he can still distinguish the importance. Moreover, the battle with Dan Hengren and the two just poured a basin of cold water on him, making him realize that his strength is not enough to solve the general's problems.

I finally understood why Zishu told him that the first day he met Zishu, a true master always has the heart of a disciple...

General, Teacher Zishu, please drink...Yuejun, Yanqing will leave.

Dan Heng remembered everyone, and after transforming into the form of a dragon king, he used his ability to control water and waves, and took Zi Shu and the two of them towards places they did not want to touch in their memories.

A familiar scene... There was a war at sea, and you led us to cooperate to defeat the enemy... Jing Yuan said with emotion.

Dan Heng remained silent and did not want to answer.

Zi Shu became interested and said with a smile: It seems that when the general was young and fighting in all directions, he also had a good story.

Haha, the general's status is only temporary. Just call me Jingyuan. Although you and I have no previous friendship, you were able to help Luofu even though you knew that your opponent was powerful. You are both affectionate and reasonable. This is what you call me, General. Even Jingyuan can’t afford it.”

Jing Yuan glanced at Dan Heng's back and said with a smile:

Let's not talk about the youthful and frivolous things for now. If Jing Yuan is still here after the epidemic, and you are interested, we can play chess and discuss it in detail.

The General's words are so heavy... No one knows what kind of monster will be created after the power of destruction is fused with the power of abundance...

Zi Shu sighed softly: Frankly speaking, if my companions were not trapped in the situation and unable to escape, I would never and would not want to take the initiative to get involved.

Ahahahaha, could it be in the script of Star Core Hunter...

Well, you guessed it right, without me.

But you're still here in Luofu, and that's enough.

Hearing these two people laughing and talking calmly, there was no hint of nervousness before the approaching enemy in their words and deeds. Maybe it was the trust in the past, or maybe it was the trust now... The worry in Dan Heng's heart disappeared a lot.

Let's not talk about Jing Yuan for the moment. He has not known Zi Shu for a long time, but in some aspects, he has many similarities with Jing Yuan in his previous life memory.

Control the overall situation while talking and laughing, making no omissions and planning...

Dan Heng's speed was very fast. After a while, the waves subsided, and a magnificent altar full of traces of time appeared in his field of vision.

Seeing the familiar scenery, Jing Yuan felt a trace of nostalgia on his face.

...Hsien Loong Temple, do you still remember this place?

Dan Heng: ...

The Bo Yue Ancient Sea is a unique and wonderful place. The scenery of this Linyuan Realm is the same as the last time I witnessed it with my own eyes. It has not changed, but you and I standing here now are different...

Jing Yuan couldn't help but laugh at himself:

It can be seen that even the immortal seed with a physical body cannot be equal to the heaven and the earth.

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