Don't worry about them, Jizi Navigator, they will come back safely. Pam patted Jizi's calf.

...Haha, I'm borrowing the conductor's auspicious words.

Danding Division.

A dark train expanded from the sky above the cave, and Zi Shu stepped out of it.

Just as he was about to discern the direction, the breath that appeared in his perception made him stop involuntarily. His meaningful gaze fell to the ground, and his figure flashed.

I didn't expect to meet again, Mr. Zishu. Jingliu greeted calmly.

I didn't expect that. Zi Shu suddenly smiled and asked, Who is this gentleman?

I'm a merchant passing by here. Just call me Rakshasa.

Hongshang? The arc on Zishu's face quietly widened a little, and he said with deep meaning: Do you think the abundant power you carry can be hidden from me?

Hearing this, Rakshasa's eyes narrowed slightly and he also smiled in return.

There is no conflict between having abundant power in one's body and being a merchant in one's lower body.

But it's too coincidental right now, isn't it? There is an undercurrent surging in Dandingsi now. For those who can stay here leisurely to enjoy the sea breeze and are not afraid of being discovered and traced by the Yunqi Army, please forgive me and it is hard not to doubt that there is also you... Jingliu Miss.

The tone of the two people seemed to be chatting, without any anger, but there was a vague edge and strength in Zi Shu's words.

There have been speculations before about what role Jingliu played in Immortal Boat.

She will appear in the side line, which means she has an inseparable connection with the main line. As for the Rakshasa we met for the first time...

The existence is also quite special, and it actually involves an order that has been dead for thousands of's hard to say.

Jingliu asked coldly: What about your position, the unknown passenger of the Star Train? No, I should say - the happy fool.

After his superficial identity was seen through, Zishu pretended to be emotionally unstable and said calmly:

First of all, I am an unknown guest who pioneered, and secondly, I am a person walking on the path of happiness. I think my attitude is not complicated.

If you are worried about whether we are standing on the front line of destruction, Mr. Zishu can know our fate by observing us, right? Rakshasa said warmly.

Having that kind of ability does not mean that you are dependent on it. Zi Shu smiled faintly and said slowly: Besides, if there are people whose personalities are particularly heavy, how can their fate be easily predicted?

For example, if Huang Quan, whom I met not long ago, just wanted to know her origins and not too many other things, it would not be as simple as suffering a backlash.

It is true that there is a huge difference in personality between the two people in front of me and Huang Quan, but it is not to the point where they have to use such means to verify when they meet.

There are traces of many things, and a general conclusion can be drawn through reasoning.

The most important thing--

Before everyone's destiny reaches the predetermined end, whether the process remains unchanged is always a false proposition that has yet to find an answer. Just like the essence of life, even the Star God may not be able to give the answer.

The past can be glimpsed, but the future cannot be controlled.

This was the reason why Zi Shu felt that there was no need to use that method to confirm Rakshasa Jingliu's position. A straightforward question was more convenient and effective than covert methods in this situation.

However, Zishu heard another meaning from Rakshasa's words.

It’s not that you are not afraid of the shadows, but that you are confident that the past has been perfectly hidden.

...I can only say that I was underestimated.

Compared with the Masked Fool I met on my interstellar business trip, Mr. Zishu is really different. Rakshasa said.

Zi Shu asked with some interest: Are you praising me or hurting me?

Oh...I'm sorry, I'm not being rude, I just couldn't help but sigh. Rakshasa apologized, If you want to say it sincerely, Mr. Zishu has a bottom line, so it can be regarded as...praising?

Mr. Rakshasa is a straight white man.

You don't seem to be worried about the current safety of Wu Mingke's companions. Jingliu interjected quietly.

After all, General Jingyuan is here. Zi Shu narrowed his right eye for a moment and pointed out: You know his skills very well... don't you?

Jingliu pursed his thin lips slightly and fell into silence after hearing these words.

Zi Shu didn't care and continued:

Although I didn't give General Jingyuan any immediate help, I at least helped him straighten his vision and eliminate the confusing things in the doubts;

The general is a smart man. I can't say that if I stay here temporarily and don't show up in the Abyss, this is the situation he wants to see the most.

Since the general regards me as a surprise soldier, as the general who plans the overall situation, he is proud to know which pieces in the chess game must not be lost.

The hand that was gently wiping the surface of the coffin stopped at some point. Rakshasa stared at Zishu's eyes for a moment, then smiled and said:

It seems that Mr. Zishu has an idea of ​​the Xianzhou situation and its subsequent development trajectory. Then, you should know what role we play in this incident.

Are you going to declare a challenge to him? It’s interesting...

Under the gaze of the two of them, Zi Shu stretched out his left hand to clear away the fog of fate, and then retracted it into his sleeve robe in just a few seconds.

Rakshasa's expression remained unchanged, and he still had a warm smile on his face, How is it?

The ambition is not small.

Zi Shu did not hide the surprise in his eyes and shook his head slowly.

It's enough to stay here. Let's go to Xuling. As for how to get there and which road to take, I think you two can find the best shortcut.

As soon as these words came out, Rakshasa and Jingliu couldn't help but feel moved.

They realized that the man in front of them was far more mysterious and terrifying than they imagined.

Haha... Then thank you Mr. Zishu for pointing out the clear path.

I just want to know whether the day that you see as the end of fertility will become an established reality in the future. That's all. Farewell.

Really big.jpg

true white.jpg

218. Don’t get too involved and make it difficult for me.

Seeing Zishu disappear, Jingliu and others breathed a sigh of relief with complicated expressions.

Can you see his origin?

Maybe he doesn't have that qualification. Just as Mr. Zishu said, the existences in the universe have different weights. His personality is obviously far beyond you and me. Rakshasa shook his head.

What does entering this chess game mean to him...

Only he knows. I hope Huanhuang can still be alive after the incident... Yunqi's carpet search will arrive here soon, and it's time for us to leave.

At the Dragon Prayer Altar, the battle has become fierce.

Hehehe... Why, can't you use the heavy hand? The blade didn't care at all that his body was cut open by a flying sword, and sneered: Then, how can this kid let you go?


The worry in Dan Heng's brows disappeared in a flash.

I don't know what the current situation of Yue Yue Zishu and the others is. He must make a quick decision. It seems that he can only make Yan Qing incapacitated first.

The moment he noticed that the energy between heaven and earth began to fluctuate, Yanqing's face was filled with solemnity, and he without hesitation used the strongest attack he had learned not long ago.


All the flying swords merged in an instant, forming a cold giant sword in the sky that seemed to be able to cut through hundreds of miles of mountains.

The sword's power is ready, defeat the enemy!

Dan Heng's eyes narrowed, and he temporarily stopped performing the technique to dodge to the flank. The blade seemed to be a little slow to react, and it seemed that he didn't want to dodge in the first place. He raised his sword and faced the incoming attack.

In the blink of an eye, the battle circle was filled with cold air, and the biting ice spread rapidly on the ground, freezing the edge of the coast with more than ten feet of ice.

When the cold air in the center dissipated, Yanqing's face suddenly darkened.

He can still stand up? !

This sword... looks so familiar. Was that woman the one who taught you this? Blade wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said with a sinister smile, Then you will have no choice but to die!

Facing Basara's crazy attacks, Yanqing remained undaunted. The two men's figures kept flickering, and they fought for dozens of rounds in just a few breaths. They were indistinguishable.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that a young boy of no more than 10 years had such outstanding abilities.

Not far away, Dan Heng wanted to leave while the two were fighting, but unexpectedly, Yan Qing, who was entangled in the blade, quickly blocked him.

Seeing this, Dan Heng looked at Blade with cold eyes.

That guy... made it clear that he didn't want him to leave just like that. In this case——

I didn't want to get into a fight, but I have no other choice at the moment. I'm sorry.

As the words fell, an energy storm surged far more violently than before. Wave after wave of waves gathered at the soles of Dan Heng's feet, forming the body of a powerful blue dragon.

The Xiaolong appears and rises.

As the Yin-Yang Dragon Mysterious Pearl came out of his hand, the body of the blue dragon surged and circled from the soles of Yanqing's feet without any warning, swallowing him up instantly.

The pressure contained in the bursts of dragon roars is enough to make ordinary people breathless.

Yanqing summoned the flying swords to form a defensive sword formation, gritting his teeth to resist the breathtaking impact.

However, his energy consumption was too great. When his strongest blow was dodged by Dan Heng and then hit hard by the blade, he realized that the two people in front of him were much more troublesome than expected.

Now even if this blow can be blocked, it will be difficult for Dan Heng and the two to be left alone.

But so what?

As a Yunqi, he must not let the suspect who caused chaos in Xianzhou and injured the guards of You Prison leave, let alone Lord Yin Yue, who was recorded as a sinner who committed the ten evil crimes.

On the ground, Dan Heng easily detected Yanqing's current state. He changed his gestures and withdrew some of his strength. The remaining strength was enough to break through Yanqing's defense, causing him to temporarily lose his combat effectiveness.

This was enough. He just wanted to leave here quickly and go to the depths of the Scale Abyss to find his companions. want to leave now?

Seeing Dan Heng leaping in the water, the sword did not pursue him. Instead, he smiled coldly and wiped his sword across the neck of Yan Qing, who was temporarily in a weak state.

In Yanqing's current state, there is absolutely no chance of him parrying.

you dare?!

Dan Heng showed an angry look for the first time. He knew that the other party was using this to hold him back, but he still had to turn around and save him.

The other party was a madman, a madman suffering from a demonic body, and he did not dare to gamble.

Then let me show you whether I dare or not.


Seeing that Yan Qing, who had barely put up a parrying posture, was about to die on the spot, the terrifying power that was about to explode in Dan Heng's palm suddenly stagnated——

Don't get too involved and make it difficult for me...

The clear and clear voice of a young man came out, and a figure tore open the space. Two slender fingers stretched out and accurately grasped the Zhili sword.

The Zhili Sword hung just two inches from Yanqing's neck, and the young man could even feel the cold murderous intent contained in it.

Seeing the sudden turning point in the plot CG, and then seeing the camera move to show the face of the owner of the two fingers, Ran Ran couldn't help but shout excitedly.

Wuhu!!! Hubby, the king is back!

Ahhhhhh, Shuai made me cry. Just seeing those two fingers, I feel like my life has reached its peak and I have arrived in the most mysterious world of happiness!!

Nao Gong, Nao Gong, Nao Gong, suki suki suki! Stay suki!

[Zab Dodler, Qingshan Hospital beds are full. 】

【ohhhh! He is a hot man, everyone’s adoptive father! 】

【He always appears so promptly. 】

[Huh... Mi Huyou can do real-time CG. I just watched it and my heart was in my throat. I thought Yan Qing was really going to have his throat wiped. 】

[Not good at frontal combat, my god, who still remembers Zi Shu once said this? Now look at it, does it look like you are not good at fighting? 】

[Hold the blade with two fingers, tsk...]

[The adoptive father just doesn’t want to regain the power of the messenger easily, and he doesn’t want to recall the past, otherwise I doubt that Huanhu will be in trouble. 】

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