Huanhu came prepared. Tingyun's identity had been stolen for more than two years. If she was not sure, she would not choose to launch the plan to destroy Luofu now.

Moreover, I seem to have overlooked one thing, Jingliu.

She wants to find the blade, why? Jingliu's swordsmanship is inherited from the same generation as Yanqing. She is inextricably linked to Luofu, but why has she never shown up again?

Unless, she is also waiting for the right time.

Are you waiting for Huanhu to show up...

No no no!

As soon as this idea came up, Zi Shu rejected it. It is true that Jingliu also carries the inexplicable aura of the unknown star god, but she does not seem to be here to solve Luofu's current crisis.

Jingliu must have other plans, it's impossible to say... It's something far more far-reaching than the desire to destroy Luofu.

Speed ​​up a little more...

Zi Shu manifested his past normal state, and his speed skyrocketed again.

In the Linyuan realm, pray to the dragon altar.

With a resolute face and a calm expression, Dan Heng stepped onto the altar and looked straight ahead at the long-awaited figure. He was not surprised that the other party would appear here.

You're here, hehe...hehehe...hahahaha——

The fragmented sword with many cracks flashed out, held tightly in the hand by the blade, eyes full of bloodthirsty staring at Dan Heng.

It's time to pay the price! The time has come!! Do you think you can escape like this?

Dan Heng looked gloomy and said coldly: I have told you and that woman many times, I am Dan Heng, and I have nothing to do with your past.

Dan Heng...hahahahaha... Ren looked up to the sky and laughed, pointing the Zhili sword directly at his face, Do you think that by changing to another appearance and another identity, the sins of the past can be wiped out?

I'm telling you, dream! haven't even experienced death. I want you to feel this pain...

Dan Heng didn't waste any time, silently holding on to the Cloud-Striking Spear, ready to penetrate the body of the haunting man in front of him again.

It was difficult to contact his companions, and the danger was unknown. He didn't have time to accompany the sword here to clear away his past life.

Dan Heng! I want you to know the pain of death!

The blade ejected, mercilessly wiping towards Dan Heng's neck.

Dan Heng looked calm and was about to counterattack when a young figure suddenly appeared from the flank and took the attack head-on, using the advantage of the surprise attack to temporarily force him back.

Oh, let him feel the pain of death? That won't work.

Yanqing danced a sword flower and said in a tone that sounded like a verdict: You can't kill anyone today, wanted criminal, because you have to come with me.

Jingyuan's follower... Ren slowly straightened up and said indifferently: Didn't Jingyuan teach you to judge the situation?

Yanqing's face darkened, and he didn't say anything nonsense. He turned his head and said to Dan Heng who was walking beside him: You should go further away. The sword will be blind later - Huh?

He was stunned for a moment, and a flash of thought flashed in his eyes.

You look a bit familiar...

Kanban girl.jpg

Ah Ruan~~?.jpg

216. There is a parking lot inside the hotel

Dan Heng's expression changed slightly and he shouted: Be careful!

As soon as he finished speaking, a cold and murderous aura came behind him.

He subconsciously turned around with his gun to parry the attack, and used his strength to turn around, but he was still distracted from communicating with Yan Qing and could not completely release the force.

Stop hiding, show your true self.

The blade's attack was accurate and cruel, breaking through Dan Heng's defense and giving him a vicious blow to the abdomen. Zhili Jian was about to slash down.


Yanqing intervened in the battlefield between the two, and used five swords to attack the blade together.

Yanqing's offensive blade was not difficult to deal with at all. He split the incoming flying swords in the most violent way, seizing the gap and throwing out the sword.

The strong wind that hurt his face blew past his ears, and Yanqing could even see the strange lines of damage on the sword's blade.

Fang Danheng was unable to dodge, but was pierced through the chest by a sword——

Seeing this scene, Yanqing's pupils trembled, he raised his sword and gritted his teeth and said: You...!!

How dare dare you commit murder in front of him!

Blade stepped forward without any scruples, with an evil smile on his lips, as if he was not afraid of being attacked by the angry Yan Qing.

Ha, boy, let me introduce you. The person behind you has committed the ten most evil crimes...

The sky suddenly turned dark, and the surrounding seawater surged and gathered violently without any warning.

Seeing this vision and feeling the movement behind him, Yanqing turned around involuntarily, with shock and confusion written on his face.

...the sinners who rebelled against the fairy boat, caused great chaos, and were banished for eternity——

The place where the seawater condensed into a ball suddenly exploded, and a green dragon rose into the sky, and then fell towards the gun-wielding figure suspended in the air.

Seeing this, Blade slowly spread his hands, his words filled with hatred and... inexplicable nostalgia.

Might-holding Dragon Lord, Drinking Moon Lord.

In mid-air, Dan Heng's ears slowly became pointed and long, and his short black hair had spread to his back. Above his forehead, a pair of majestic green dragon horns appeared.

Mysterious lotuses bloomed on the soles of his feet, and the Yin-Yang Dragon Mysterious Pearls floated smartly on his palms. He glanced back toward the ground and let out a cold snort.

How about it? Follower boy. Blade raised the Zili Sword on the ground and said with a smile without looking back: Do you think the only ones who sneak into the fairy boat are hunters?

Yanqing clenched his fists, and his body hung three feet from the ground. A cold air spread from the center of his body, leaving a layer of frost on the ground. The imperial envoy's flying sword began to emit bursts of bone-chilling cold temperatures.

In this case, we can only capture you and him together and leave it to the general to decide!

After adjusting his state to its peak, Yan Qing said in a cold voice:

I've heard of your bad reputation, Lord Yin Yue. I never thought that apart from the star core hunter, there would be a felon sneaking into the fairy boat...

I have no intention of provoking a dispute. I came to Xianzhou just to confirm the safety of my friends. Dan Heng explained with a calm expression.

It's not too late to say sophistry before entering the Nether Prison!

Get out of the way, I don't want to fight you.

Hmph, it's not up to you. Just keep your hands tied!

Yanqing's combo ended, and Ran Ran was stunned for a while looking at the man with the word plot written on the screen and the pattern of his ultimate move.

Woc! How come Dan does he also have hidden power?! Is March 7 the King of Yanling?

The barrage in the live broadcast room was flying, and aside from the few who had finished the plot to express their opinions, most of the players had their mouths twitching.

[Hou Li Crab, Dan Heng is really the Qinglong! 】

[Living in Bengbu, have you noticed a coincidence? 】

[Yaliluo was stabbed by Cocolia, he was stabbed when he changed to Zishu in Xianzhou, and now Dan Heng is stabbed again...]

[The screenwriter is really evil, what a coincidence, whoever is stabbed will awaken his hidden power! 】

【What kind of train rumor? 】

[There are six people and three people were stabbed. Who is the next person? 】

[Lao Yang was stabbed to death and did sit-ups. He probably didn’t have any hidden strength. It’s hard to say on March 7th. Sister Jizi...]

【Don't! Stop talking, I'm suffering from PTSD, please, can anyone delete my memory of playing Sanbengzi? 】

[Then poke at the waitress, let me do this job, hehehe...]

[By the way, something’s not right with Aran. Why isn’t she getting sick? Send it, send it quickly. If she doesn’t get sick, I will get sick. If I don’t have spiritual food, I will die! 】

Gan God Demon Gan God Demon?

Ran Ran pouted and said in displeasure:

My heart completely belongs to Zi Shu, and all my souls and souls have been taken away by him. Apart from Zi Shu, no man, no matter how good-looking, can make me gain weight for the third time in one day.

[Laughing, ask everyone, who would believe it? 】

[Classic Broadcast: So-and-so and I are like a parking lot and a hotel. I am the parking lot, he is the hotel, and there is a parking lot inside the hotel. 】

【unbelievable! I haven't seen Aran's illness since then, so I copied it. 】

[...Well, it seems that this disease is not caused by Aran, but by male ketone in Wuhu next door...]

Ran Ran couldn't help but be overjoyed when she saw this barrage.

As a leather-cover anchor who is characterized by power generation, she has to think hard about the heaven-defying quotes every day, thinking about her hairline and hair volume.

It’s great to have new materials delivered to your doorstep!

Yes, yes, yes, that's right. Zishu and I are like a parking lot and a hotel. I am the parking lot and he is the hotel. There is a parking lot inside the hotel. It's like a river, isn't it?

[It can be seen that Aran really has no interest in Yige Danheng. The sound of her swallowing hard when her adoptive father's five-star form appeared is still vivid in my memory. 】

[U1S1, the modeling of the male and female characters of Xingtie are both top-notch, but I personally think that the foster father is the most eye-catching, simple and not monotonous, and the temperament is very good, and it belongs to both men and women. 】

Isn't that right? The female fans in my live broadcast room must be the same as me. Their tastes and tastes have been spoiled by Zishu's husband. Let me ask him which of two, no, three! Three different forms of modeling he can't stand?

And didn't I say it in version 1.1? I'm already a pure recommender of Zishu!

【What? ! Aran still has female fans? I don't believe it unless I add a V to verify it. 】

[The abacus beads are beating. I heard the sound even on the moon. 】

[Yes, I am a female fan, but I prefer shounen books. Maybe this is shounen control. 】

[I prefer the five-star one, especially the five-star light cone vertical painting that is full of fragility, which makes me feel so distressed that I want to hug him and give him silent comfort. 】

The barrage was quite harmonious, and there was no quarrel because of the different XP.

Zi Shu finally left the plot temporarily, and everyone was quickly attracted by Wu Xing Dan Heng's skills.

When they saw that the ordinary Jiang Zishuai who had been strengthened three times turned out to be handsome, many people were shocked regardless of whether he should say it or not.

Sigh... Five Star Danheng is also an imaginary number. Good guy, how many imaginary numbers are there in the train? I can even imagine the future. Three imaginary number men on the train will form a team;

Wuxing Danheng is the main C at first glance, my husband is the debuff auxiliary, and Lao Yang is the pusher auxiliary C. It's a perfect match!

[Although... Lao Yang's output is very low if he doesn't use E. Long Dan's constant motion takes 3 points at a time. How can the combat skill points be taken up? I think this team with imaginary numbers can only be used for entertainment...]


217.The roles played by each

As the conflict in the Scale Abyss Realm progressed, Zishu finally arrived at the star field where the star train could be located, and used the boundary anchor to travel through space more quickly.

You're back?!

Realizing that Zishu was teleported back to the observation car through the boundary anchor, Jizi stood up quickly, ignoring Pam who was talking to him.

Before she could ask about the situation, Zi Shu took the lead and gave her a reassurance.

There was an accident, and the guy from Huanhuang sent him away through special means. Don't worry, everyone is fine.

The Lord of Extermination, Huan Xiang?

...Let's not talk about it for now. To be on the safe side, I have to return to Luofu immediately. No matter what the outcome of Luofu is, I will bring everyone back safely.

After the explanation, Zi Shu's figure disappeared from Ji Zi's eyes.

Ji Zi suppressed the worry deep in her eyes and took a deep breath.

Until now, she was still quite surprised that the Great Lord of Destruction dared to target Immortal Boat Luofu.

You must know that Luofu is just a member of the entire hunting alliance, and there is a much larger support behind him. No matter how weak the hunting Lan is among the Star Gods, he is one of the Star Gods that gives the most power to mortals. .

If he chooses to attack Xianzhou Luofu, even if Luofu is seriously injured or even crashes, Huanhu will pay the price for this move and will fight Xunhunting until death.

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