You don't have to feel it, it's just there. Xing couldn't help but said in surprise: If Cocolia had this power when we faced Yaliluo, I could easily take care of her by myself and make her confused.

While the two were sighing, only Walter fell silent.

Compared to the girls, he knew very well that Ji Zi must have given most of the power to protect the star train to them in the fairy boat.

It can be said that the Star Dome Train is at its weakest defensive power at this time, unless...

During the conversation on the train set, Fu Xuan did not interrupt. He happened to arrive at the dock not long after the communication was interrupted. It was such a coincidence that one couldn't help but suspect something.

Everyone, we are here. I have authorized you to enter the barrier and you are ready to go at any time.

Aren't you going? March 7 asked.

Fu Xuan: I don't know how many pawns of the Anti-Material Corps are still lurking on the Immortal Boat. The general has assigned me the responsibility of clearing out the rebellion in the Danding Division. I have to leave instructions first before I can quickly rush to the Scale Abyss Realm to join you all. !”

Today’s portion of Polygonatum odoratum.jpg

uh-huh? .jpg


214. A corner of the disaster thousands of years ago

Then Miss Tingyun...

Since she is an envoy sent by the Tianbo Division, it is obvious that there is indeed Tingyun in the Tianbo Division. Don't worry, her whereabouts will be investigated by the Yunqi Army. As for the Tingyun who appears next to us...

Fu Xuan frowned slightly, shook his head slowly and said:

As Mr. Walter said, the insidiousness and cruelty she displayed are precisely to disturb our minds. We must not fall into the trap.

Understood, let's leave as soon as possible! Xing urged.

Her behavior is no longer calm as before, she behaves a little taciturn and has a serious expression.

About the Linyuan Realm, let me quickly explain to you. It was originally a cave managed by the Mingchi Clan. It is said to be an ancient sea resort transplanted by envoys from the Mingchi's hometown;

Ever since Jianmu was severed in the war, its roots have been intertwined and have never truly died. The alliance proposed that Jianmu be sealed into the Abyss of Scales and handed over to the Dragon Lord of the Vidyadhara clan to watch over it for generations, with the intention of using the power of the Dragonborn. Curb construction;

Recalling the past information recorded in historical books, Fu Xuan looked at the endless sea.

It's been too long, and I don't know if the seal from back then is still there... Even if it is, I'm afraid it can't stop the ghostly King of Extermination.

Xing thought thoughtfully, remembering what Ji Zi said on the call just now: Dan Heng is not far from them, and is most likely also in Danding Division.

Could it be that he...

Have you contacted the general? Do you have his approximate coordinates? Walter asked.

I tried to contact him when I was on my way, but he only left one sentence, 'If you have an opportunity and something important, you must go to the Abyss Realm for an appointment.' In other words, you can only go in to find him. Here, take this.

Fu Xuan took out a jade omen in the shape of jewelry and handed it to Xing.

You can contact the general directly through this jade omen, but usually you can't contact him... Now the situation is urgent, it's better to have some means than none at all;

I did a hexagram not long ago, and the hexagrams fluctuated... This trip is destined to be dangerous, but if you can stick to your heart, you can often turn danger into safety. Immortal Boat - I'll leave it to you!

The situation has reached a critical moment. We can only believe in the general, Zi Shu, the strange soldiers in front of us, and believe that the fate of Xianzhou Luofu should not be cut off forever.


Xing nodded seriously, Stopping Huanhu is not just a matter of Xianzhou, it's also a matter of our starry train's unknown passengers. I will do my best even if the divination doesn't tell me anything.

Walter pushed the frame and said in a deep voice: Without further delay, let's set off.

The strange star field is unknown how far away from the Luofu Immortal Boat.

Zishu's face was a little gloomy, and he manifested the power of the order to smash the time rift with the power of no longer pure goodness, and escaped from the strange time cage.

Turning his hand, a strange small tower appeared on it. However, the surface of this small tower was full of cracks and it was obviously damaged.

Surprise or not, Mr. Commander, the special space prison artifact that you personally restored thousands of years ago was actually used on you, Le.

It's quite unexpected...she is really willing to do it.

Zi Shu didn't expect that the God Locking Tower would be in Huan Huang's hands.

What's more, he didn't expect that she was incredibly stable and looked like she had never won before. She was actually willing to use the long-distance teleportation function of this strange object to teleport him to the Dead Realm who didn't know how many light-years away.

According to the creator of the God Locking Tower himself, this function is generally only used by people who are far away from extreme danger.

To put it simply, the enemy who cannot be beaten is locked up and never seen again, or the future is long and the next time we meet, we must take revenge.

Zishu was sure that Huanwu didn't know that he was an envoy of the Star God, but the other party still gave him unimaginable treatment.

You must know that the God Locking Tower itself does not use long-distance jumps, but it is also a treasure and rare item that can trap the middle and low-level characters of the envoy level. Even the powerful Star God spokesperson, for them, the God Locking Tower cannot be called a trump card. Too much.

Hehe, is it unexpected again?

Aha, who had been a watcher for a long time, couldn't help but jump out and said with a smile:

I didn't expect that children who play the game of destruction would be so cautious, right? It seems that Xi's inheritance has been humiliated in your hands. It can't even be calculated at this level. It's a pity that even if Xi knows, he can't There is no way to lift the coffin board and anger him.

There's no need to say such sarcastic words to me, it's useless.

There is no expression on Zi Zhi's face, and his perception spreads rapidly among the stars without any attempt to hide it.

The flow rate of the space-time rift that we just fell into is more than five times that of the Immortal Boat System. Now there is no time to argue with Aha.

If the things Xi inherited could be used 100% by him, he would have ascended to the status of Star God long ago and let Aha have a good meal with his backhand.

Xi is one of the oldest star gods. Star gods such as Balance, Order, and Greed all have to show some respect when they meet him.

Theoretically speaking, it is impossible to have disputes in the path of the highest good, and it is impossible to die due to disputes.

Right now--

External forces cannot kill Xi like killing and breeding.

He who wanted to take charge of the most perfect destiny died, and the only way was for Him to be unable to bear the cause and effect and fall into self-destruction.

Or it may be devoured by a similar type of powerful destiny controller. Otherwise, no matter how many star gods come to attack, it will be in vain, and any attack will be limited and ineffective.

Order is dead, as for balance...

Zi Shu guessed that Hu must have noticed him, and most likely, like Aha, he had not forgotten everything in the past because of the complete disappearance of the concept of the perfect destiny.

The reason why he was not approached by the Arbitrator from the Mutual or Balanced Faction was most likely because he acted in a principled manner and did not touch unnecessary red lines.


The unforgettable images in distant memories were recalled in his mind. Zi Shu half-closed his eyes and suddenly said:

Lao Deng, I want to ask you something.

Aha will answer everything Mr. Lingshi~~

The disaster that year caused the death of several Star Gods one after another. Some Star Gods have not been heard from until now, and their lives and deaths are unknown. Is this a balanced operation, a prophecy of the end, or -

Hey, hey, it's hard to say. Such top-notch fun with sustainable development requires Mr. Shi to find the answer himself. He can only understand it, not explain it. Do you understand?

You can also say such things? Make people laugh.

There was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of Zi Shu's mouth. He identified the coordinates of the star sea where he was and put away his senses, hoping to travel through the void and return to Luofu as soon as possible.

As soon as the crack in the void appeared, he stopped and turned his head to look at the figure not far away.

Due to the perspective problem, for a moment, he thought he saw Xi'er.

Zi Shu narrowed his eyes, and with the help of the light of distant stars, he finally saw the other party's face clearly.

Her long dark purple hair was casually lengthened to her hips, and a long knife that was almost as tall as a human body's shoulders hung from her waist. She had a slim figure, a cold and plain face, and the strange purple right eye that was not covered by the long bangs was as quiet as water.

Who are you?

Wanderer, Huangquan.

Any advice?

Just passing by, no harm intended.

Scene 3: I can’t help myself.jpg

215. Have we met somewhere?


I have a request.

Oh? Zi Shu said calmly, It's our first time meeting you. Do you have anything to request?

In your opinion, my request may seem a little strange, but I still want to know...

Huang Quan raised his eyes slightly and his tone sounded extremely peaceful.

...Have we met somewhere? Please tell the truth.

Zi Shu narrowed his eyes slightly, If you have never changed your appearance and met me before, then I can tell you with certainty that this is the first time we have met.

The aura was so weird that it could even be said to be scary. If he had seen it before, there was no way he would not be impressed by it.

That's it...I'm sorry, I often forget some things. For this reason, I am used to using perception and feeling to capture something. Your immediate reaction tells me that you are not lying. Thank you for agreeing to my request and answering.

Speaking of this, Huang Quan's expression gradually became serious and he said in an uncertain tone:

To be honest, I seem to have seen you somewhere, it seems... in a similar sea of ​​stars.

It seems so close, yet so far away.

She couldn't remember.

I still have important matters to attend to, so I won't bother you with Miss Huang Quan. I'll see you again if we are destined.

As soon as the words fell, Zi Shu merged into the void, and his breath completely disappeared, as if he had never existed.

Looking at the direction in which Zi Shu disappeared, deep confusion flashed through Huang Quan's eyes. He glanced at the long knife hanging on his waist and let out a silent sigh before leaving, his back gradually disappearing into the vast sea of ​​stars.

In the void space, Zi's writing was as heavy as water and he began to make predictions, but unexpectedly, he was instantly met with a strong backlash. A trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and at the same time, his white hair began to fall off rapidly.

She...she actually——

Le, I didn't expect that Mr. Lingshi would encounter unexpected things several times in such a short period of time. Is there anything else? Come more, Aha loves to see.

...This is the first time I have seen her like that since I have memories.

Zishu didn't care that Aha was smiling happily. What he cared about was Huangquan. It turned out that there would be an envoy under him.

Unless fate deceives oneself, but the possibility is extremely low, only those beings directly related to the power of the Star God have such a terrifying mist of destiny.

The true cost of spying on things that should not be spied on would probably be the beginning of self-destruction for ordinary people.

From the first moment he met Huang Quan, he knew that he was no ordinary person.

There is no doubt that Huang Quan is the agent of a star god. His combat power is unknown, but it is certain——

Huang Quan was at least the same type of person as him. He was desperate to go crazy, and killing ten Huanhu and Jiying wouldn't even be enough to fill the gap between his teeth.

It is also very certain that the other party suddenly appeared at the perceived close point, omitting the process from far to near, which means that Huang Quan has the ability to reach him instantly.

It has nothing to do with fear, it is proof of strength.

Hey, Aha knows more. Please ask Aha, and Aha will tell you everything he knows. How about that?

So what if I know, so what if I don't know. Her existence is very special. It doesn't mean that I am afraid of her and need to take everything into consideration.

You don't believe this yourself. Oh my god, Mr. Lingshi, please give more consideration to Wu Mingke. You are not afraid, but their future will change due to today's negotiation between you and Huang Quan...

The brown-red mask jumped onto Zishu's shoulder and said:

Mr. Lingshi doesn't want to quit Wu Mingke. Then you will lose a way to find your own answers. Just like today, you can't guarantee that you will always be with your companions.

I said, my intuition has always been very accurate. No matter where our future encounters will lead, that's not a reason for you to have fun with me, you old Bideon.

It's so heartbreaking, woo woo woo, Aha is going to draw a circle and curse you...

Zi Shu: It's almost done.

I don’t know what happened to Xing and the others far away in Luofu now. Fortunately, I noticed something was wrong early and took countermeasures, so that they would not be in chaos.


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