212. Zi Shu’s explanation

Alchemy Division, Taizhen Alchemy Room.

Because Zishu was teleported away, the formation that could significantly weaken the enemy was scattered.

Before Huanhuang left, he transformed all the demonic bodies into virtual soldiers of the legion, which contained a lot of troublesome things, which made the Yunqi Army suffer a lot.

If it weren't for Fu Xuan and Walter who still had enough resources to support the surrounding battlefields, I'm afraid the casualties of the Yunqi Army would have been many times greater than they are now.

After finally clearing all the enemies, March 7 gasped for breath, sat down on the ground and wiped his forehead.

This... this... so Miss Tingyun who is traveling with us is from the legion?

There is no doubt, accept the reality in March. I thought something was wrong with her before, but now it turns out to be true.

Xing's eyebrows were twisted into the character Chuan. Even though he had confidence in Zi Shu's ability, he couldn't help but worry about him.

After all... that was the Order of Destruction, probably the strongest enemy she had ever encountered.

March 7: Is the fire coming out of her body Huanhuan? And Miss Zingyun's body... where did her body go?

have no idea.

I found this. Fu Xuan stepped forward and suddenly took out something, You were all attracted by the fire coming out of her body earlier, and you didn't notice this thing left behind after Tingyun's body disappeared.

This is... Xing frowned and said, Tingyun's fan.

The fan is left, but the body is not...Uncle Yang, you are well-informed. What happened just now? Where is Zishu? Is he in danger now?

That flame calls itself the Lord of Extinction. I have heard the name Huanhuang from other unknown guests.

Walter was silent for a moment and said in a low tone:

She is one of the seven great kings under Nanook. She loves the self-destruction of mortals. Many creatures have been lured into the abyss of eternal destruction by her...

You mean that the girl from Tianbo Division has been bewitched by him and has become a pawn of the legion? Fu Xuan raised his eyes and asked.

I don't think so. Walter shook his head slightly, Huan Wu loves the destruction of both spiritual and material aspects, and the collapse of the mind leads to the death of the body, but...

Tingyun's speech and behavior do not seem to be bewitched or manipulated. If she is not the original Tingyun, it is more likely to be a phantom transformation.

Xing's face didn't look good, So Zingyun, she...

Uncle Yang means that the real Tingyun is still alive? March 7 asked.

I'm sorry for March, I can't give a definite answer. Where is the original Tingyun and when was he replaced? With the body dissipated, we have no way to find out.

Walter sighed and gave his own opinion.

This is just my personal conjecture and... hope. If that is Tingyun's body, then why would Huanhu go to all the trouble to destroy the evidence? Wouldn't throwing the body in front of the old friend be more in line with her aesthetics of destruction?

Everyone was lost in thought, tapping their chins unconsciously.

Star: The behavior is really weird...

I believe this is Huanlong's purpose, to plunge us into confusion and suspicion, and completely fall into her vicious scheme.

No wonder the Medicine King's secret story started a rebellion. It turned out that she secretly colluded with the Legion Lord. She disguised herself as a fairy boat person and sent the star core into Luofu to destroy us...

After this incident, Fu Xuan finally figured out the previous doubts, strange hexagrams, Zi Shu's hints and back-up plans.

The purpose of saying those words before was not only to give a hidden reminder to let her be careful of the second layer of internal troubles, but also to act like a masked fool to show Huanlong, in order to make her relax her vigilance.

I just didn't expect... Huanlong would choose to move Zishu away before taking action. It was really not like a move that a great king of annihilation should take.

Could it be that Zi Shu had done something before, or had shown some power that made even Huanhu feel afraid?

Where is Zi Shu? Yue Yue Qi's pupils trembled slightly and her lips trembled slightly, Will he be okay?

He...should be fine.

Walter was equally worried, but he was still calm and spoke to reassure everyone:

Earlier on the way to Dandingsi to join Taibu, Zishu quietly told me his thoughts. He spoke with a definite tone about the mastermind behind the scenes, which was the Lord of the Legion of Destruction. But who was it? One does not know;”

However, based on his actions along the way, I think he should have known about it. He had guessed that it might be Huan Huan or other princes whose methods were not so straightforward. He might even... have known that Tingyun was transferred. .”

Ah? March 7th said blankly, Did he arrive so early?

I'm afraid it's not that simple. The fate of the Star God's envoy is unpredictable. He must have confirmed it step by step through other clues. Hmm... just like that guy Jing Yuan.

Fu Taibu, you seem to know something. Xing stared at her with a burning gaze, Zishu provoked you to be alone with him earlier. I guess it was not because it was so superficial to talk about conflicting private matters.

When it comes to this, there is really no need to hide it from you anymore.

Fu Xuan nodded cheerfully, turned his palm over, and there was a pure white talisman on it, and then he threw it out, turning it into an illusory image.

This is what he gave me. He said that if he encounters an accident and is not in Dandingsi, he will take it out.

It was Zi Shu in the image, and a familiar voice sounded.

Everyone, if you can see this video, it means that I have temporarily left everyone for some reason;

I made many guesses along the way, and before going to the fairy boat, I encountered a causal line related to Luofu somewhere. I knew early on that the person targeting Luofu must be an extermination king;

The enemy is in the dark, and we are in the light. It is a safer choice to wait and see what happens and wait for the enemy to reveal his own tricks. For the sake of everyone's safety, we have not mentioned it to everyone for the time being.

My intuition has always been very accurate. I had several ominous premonitions during my time in Dandingsi. At that time, I understood that I might have been targeted by the real mastermind, so I prepared backup plans in advance;

Based on the known information about the Lord of Extinction provided by Walter, I think there is a 70% chance of Huanhu. I paid a huge price to acquire the Huanhu species. There is a high probability that it is a member of the Suiyang clan and belongs to the bodiless Huanhu species. Creatures;”

If Huanhu appears, it means that my conjecture is established. She has two purposes for targeting Luofu Xianzhou. It is just incidental to make Luofu fall into self-destruction. The real intention must be Jianmu;

The building wood contains extremely pure plasticity and abundant power. As an envoy, she can easily transform and fuse the power of the owner to create a new body that can accommodate the envoy's personality.

No matter whether the fairy boat falls into self-destruction due to the evil evil, she can turn the Luofu fairy boat into a real purgatory after obtaining the body with the terrifying power of destruction and fertility.

I have already given a hint to General Jingyuan, please quickly go to the cave where Jianmu is: the Linyuan Realm.

213. Jizi Contact

If something happens to me, please be sure to meet up with the general before I return. Remember -

The Star God's envoy is extremely powerful, and his combat power far exceeds expectations. Without the protection of his fellow envoys, ordinary people are simply not qualified to play against them. They must not act recklessly;

Finally, don't worry about me too much, I'll be fine.

At this point, the image ends.

[The foster father really... doesn’t need to go through the procedures! 】

[Cry, cry for me! 】

[That’s awesome. It’s a perfect plan. Hey, everyone is asking, is it possible that he is the real Immortal Boat Taibu Sitabu? 】

[Basically impossible... right? 】

In the camera, Lao Mu holds the back of his head with his hands, leans on the chair and stares at the screen in a daze.

Regardless of whether he was doing a show effect or not, fans in the live broadcast room felt that his current expression was very suitable for the occasion.


So much information washed over us in just a few minutes.

Really numb.

[I’m guessing, even if the adoptive father is rumored to be away, even Tingyun’s wife is a fake? 】

【My Miss Fox Lady, no——】

[On this day, Mijia game players finally remembered the fear of being controlled by a knife. Just a self-made character can be cut with a knife. 】

[It is unacceptable to kill someone so quickly, and this... death is too casual, right? ! 】

[What can be done when encountering an envoy of the Destruction Order? An envoy like Tingyun does not have much strength in the first place. She cannot resist even if she wants to. 】

[The main reason is that the death is worthless. I came here from Santengzi. If a girl dies there, I can send thousands of blades to Mi Huyou. Now you tell me that Tingyun may be dead. I don’t have any emotions except question marks on my head. ! 】

[The bird food feels sloppy. When the characters such as Aunt Jizi and Alicia in Santengzi cry, the rhythm of the Internet is swallowed up. Looking back at Zingyun, it is really a bit hasty...]

[Don’t worry, there’s no body. I’m not sure Tingyun is still alive. I just don’t know when he was subcontracted and where he was hidden. 】

[I hope I’m not dead. To be honest, it’s a bit uncomfortable to die like this. 】

No wonder she didn't send any text messages even though she drew Tingyun. Damn, is there a possibility that the Tingyun we met when we boarded the fairy boat was fake from beginning to end?

The more Lao Mu talked, the more certain he was about his inner thoughts, and continued:

Based on the fact that the drawn character will send you messages for a few days, I think the real Tingyun must not know me yet, so she is most likely still alive. Now hurry up and follow the plot. Maybe after finishing the fight against Huanhu, Then we can get the news about Zhen Tingyun!

Danding Division.

Xing and the others looked at each other, and while letting go of the suspended stone, they all saw urgency in each other's eyes.

Unexpectedly, the situation became so urgent without them realizing it, and they had no time to waste.

Fu Xuan was the first to make a move and said calmly:

Dewei, you stay here to deal with post-war matters, count the casualties, and capture the remnants of the Medicine King's secrets hidden in Danding Division.

Take orders!

As for you, follow me to the dock immediately. There is a barrier in the Cave Sky Scale Abyss where Jianmu is.

Fu Xuan temporarily put away the broken folding fan in his hand, turned around and took steps towards the dock.

In normal times, there is no such barrier. Jianmu's rebirth has just been activated. Without special permission, ordinary people cannot enter through normal means.

With the guidance left by Zishu, the three people on the Star Train followed closely.

Not long after walking, Walter noticed that the emergency communicator of the Star Dome Train was ringing. He thought it was Zi Shu calling and answered the call without thinking.

We can get through, Walter, how are you doing now?

Walter didn't expect that the voice coming from the other end of the communication was Ji Zi. He was distracted for about half a second and summed up the situation quickly and concisely in a deep voice.

Not good. The Order of Destruction makes Huanhu appear, intending to seize the true artifact of the Star God above Luofu. We are about to stop it at this time.

Star Dome Train, observation carriage.

Ji Zi looked at the rather spectacular Jade Realm Gate outside the window and murmured: Is it really as Zi Shu said... Have you met up yet?

Walter: They reunited, but separated not long ago. He was probably teleported away by Huanhui using special means. Can you locate his coordinates on the train?

Hearing this, Xing and March 7 both pricked up their ears, and a trace of nervousness flashed in their eyes.

...unable to locate.

The three people frowned slightly. Although they were disappointed, they also felt that it was reasonable.

How could the means used by the Star God Order be ordinary?

There was silence on the other end of the communication. Ji Zi thought that a few people were worried about Zi Shu, so she comforted him:

Believe me, Zi Shu, he has a mysterious past. Even when he knew that the mastermind behind the crisis in Luofu might be the Great Lord of Extermination, he still went to Luofu without hesitation. His strength must not be weaker than that of the envoy;

In addition, I have located Dan Heng. He is not far from you, but the coordinate signal is only for a moment. Have you met him?

Walter: Not yet.

So... Let's stop here first. Ji Zi dismissed the thoughts in her eyes and said resolutely: The power of development will help you. Your opponent is the Star God's envoy, so you must be extremely careful in your actions.

Jizi didn't say much, but everyone knew that she, who was sitting on the train, was probably the one who worried everyone the most.

This can be seen from the time she opened the communication before. Presumably, she has almost never given up contacting everyone who has not heard from anyone.

Don't worry, we are measured.

Protect Xing, protect Little March, please Val...

Before Ji Zi finished speaking, the originally smooth signal was interrupted again, as if there was a mysterious black hand in the dark controlling everything.

Before the three of them had time to wonder, they felt a familiar force pouring out of their limbs.

It is the power of development.

The power that could only be sensed a little at first has become extremely abundant at this moment, and it feels like you can reach the stars with just one hand.

Wow, we have never felt so good. We feel confident that we can kill a large group of legion soldiers with just a wave of our hands.

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