Fortunately, they held one or two hundred Awakening Talismans. In just a few seconds, everyone in the two teams had an extra talisman on their forehead.

Seeing that some of the soldiers who had signs of falling into the devil's shadow stopped mutating, and their minds became clear again, they felt a little relieved.

This is…

Frowning his slender brows and thinking for a moment, Fu Xuan's eyes froze involuntarily, and he said in disbelief: A strange magic that once enriched the people?!

Evil magic? It's ridiculous. That's a real gift. Awakening the power after experiencing the gift of abundance, that's what we should look like! Danshu said enthusiastically.

Madman! Madman!

Fu Xuan gritted his silver teeth and said nothing nonsense. The purple light on his forehead flashed, and he changed his hand seals to actively launch an offensive.

I'm going to help.

Xing picked up the bat and dodged to join the battle circle, focusing on attacking the fatal parts of his body.

Danshu didn't pay much attention to Xing at first, and just concentrated on dealing with Fu Xuan's attack. Unexpectedly, an inexplicable pull of gravity appeared behind him, which instantly made him feel like he was carrying a huge weight.

Monster, take a stick from my old star!

Seeing Xing leaping high, holding a weapon with both hands and hitting his head, Danshu subconsciously wanted to hide, but due to the influence of gravity, the attack that could have been dodged was severely damaged.

The pain in his head was as if it had been torn apart. Although the power of abundance quickly repaired the injury, the pain caused was impressive enough.

In this case, don't blame me for not caring about our humble friendship!

Danshu's expression was ferocious, and this time the invisible wave spread out from the top of the staff, instantly penetrating everyone nearby.

Unlike before, Fu Xuan was in a trance for just half a breath, and the violent emotions that wanted to turn this place into a purgatory on earth surged out from deep in his heart.


Zi Shu's soft drink echoed deep in the minds of everyone nearby, instantly dispelling those negative emotions.

Conscious of the strange mood swings just now, Xing and Fu Xuan's expressions darkened.

This crazy many unknown tricks does she have?

When Danshu saw that his trump card had little effect, he was stunned for a moment. After regaining consciousness, he stared at a certain place. There was the location of Zishu who was surrounded and guarded by the Yunqi Army.

What is the origin of that man? Not only can he set up such a terrifying formation, but he can also use methods to stabilize his consciousness while being distracted?

Use my sword.

Zi Shu summoned his five-star weapon and shuttled across the battlefield, hovering in front of Xing.


Xing also knew how lethal Zi Shu's nameless long sword was to the rich and evil creatures. The aura that Dan Shu gave people now was like tens of thousands of demonic bodies gathered together, so he was most afraid of the power of this sword.

This is indeed the case. Danshu's forearm was only scratched by the plain white sword, and the black energy on the surface of the sword penetrated along the wound, making it impossible to recover from the injury.

The terrifying effect that made the Blessed Abundance's mind tremble, finally caused a flash of fear to appear on Danshu's face.

It's too's better to get out of the battle first...

With a fleeting thought in his mind, Danshu forcibly broke away from the gravity influence exerted by Walter, and his whole body rose into the air from the ground.

However, just less than three feet away from the ground, the dark chains broke through the space and wrapped around his limbs. It was obvious that he had been waiting for a long time.

Danshu never expected to be intercepted by such unexpected means, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not break free of the chains.

There were four chains in total, each wrapped around Danshu's limbs, and the ends turned into spikes and were driven deep into the ground.

Xing raised his head and saw that Danshu was like a bird whose feet were tightly tied with ropes. No matter how hard he struggled, it was all in vain.

Ha, you are really embarrassed, Lord Danshu.

Danshu's face turned livid when he heard the teasing from the ground, but he didn't want to pay attention to it. He tried various means to break the iron chain, but unfortunately...

Get off!

Fu Xuan twisted his fingers backwards and grabbed the chain with a strong force, pulling Danshu out of mid-air and slamming him to the floor.

Before Danshu, who stood up quickly, could react, Xingyi sword pierced her abdomen and said coldly:

I advise you to calm down, otherwise your elixir will be pierced.

211. Phantom appears

Player perspective.

After slowly clearing the Danshu blood skin, seeing the screen turn black, he immediately waited expectantly for the plot CG.

Most of the plot after the fight between the two sides has been restored. When seeing Danshu being tied up with chains, Ran Ran suddenly expressed a tone of jealousy.

Fannai, why am I not the one tied up with chains?

【? ? ? 】

[So, you are brave? 】

[Imagine yourself being hung up and penetrated, right? 】

What do you mean by imagining yourself being hung up and slandered? I never said that. At most, I just want to be whipped by Zi Shu with a chain.

【mussel. 】

The CG soon showed the scene of Xing Yijian piercing Danshu, and the attention of the audience in the live broadcast room was immediately attracted.

[Guigui, is this close-up available for 12+ viewers? 】

[Why is there no blood? The stomach was stabbed and there was no blood. It is not scientific at all! 】

[Nitian Aran doesn’t dare to say that he will stab himself with a sword this time, right? 】

What? Zishu wants to stab me with a sword? Ran Ran was shocked, and then let out a silly laugh and said: Is there such a good thing? Hurry and stab me until my eyes turn white and my hands turn white... Hehe...

[Super management: Please be careful with your words. 】

Gan God Demon? Is it wrong to want to die in the hands of your husband? Isn't it normal that the supervisor can't understand Chinese? You were stabbed by a sword until your eyes turned white in pain, and your limbs don't obey the command of your brain?

The Supervisor is new here, and he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood when he heard this.

He finally understood why his previous predecessors chose to leave... A guy who is so good at challenging live broadcast civility regulations is not an ordinary person to resist.

Danshu looked at his abdomen with dull eyes and said in disbelief: This sword can actually suppress the power of abundance...

Xing: Be honest, or I'll send you on your way.

Danshu: Why... why is this so? She clearly said that... the arrival of Jianmu... will bring an immortal immortal body - the person who gave us the star core... said so...

The camera showed Zi Shu at this time, and his face turned gloomy: Xing, come back to me.

Xing was unequivocal, drew his sword and retreated, not worried that Danshu could break free from Zi Shu's chains and run away.

Let's hear what this desperate guy has to say.

Huan Hao... The Medicine King's secret message has done it... Lord Annihilation should also fulfill his promise... Hurry! It's now!

The moment he heard the word Huanhu, Zi Shu did not hesitate to take unknown measures. However, at this moment, a jet-black light pillar shot up from under his feet without any warning.

The light beam went away as quickly as it came. When the light beam completely disappeared, Zi Shu who was standing there was gone.

Xing was stunned, and pointed at Danshu with the plain white sword in his clasped hand. When he saw the position or person Danshu was looking at, his heart suddenly suddenly jumped.

Could it be said that... stop the cloud...

Seeing this scene, Ran Ran was dumbfounded and couldn't figure out what the fuss was about.

Lord of Extermination?!

Walter's eyes suddenly became serious, and he couldn't think about why Zi Shu suddenly disappeared for the moment, and immediately pulled March 7 and Xing back to his side.

Fu Xuan was also startled at first, then seemed to remember something, forced himself to calm down, folded his arms and glanced to the side and behind with alert eyes.

The character shots were quickly switched, and when the final pause was on Tingyun, countless players felt that their whole being was not good.

【? ? ? 】

【ah? 】

【I am Cao! Zingyun, you...? 】

[Why did the adoptive father suddenly disappear? Who has the ability to take him...]

【Isn’t it amazing? 】

[How could it be possible? It must have been moved elsewhere by some means. 】

Not long after, a large barrage of question marks floated across the live broadcast room.

Ran Ran's eyes widened and she said in disbelief: Isn't it Te Miao? Ting Yun is a mole?! If you don't believe it, it might be Dan Shu who is instigating discord and slandering people!

Many players and viewers are unwilling to believe that the beautiful and country-style fox girl who has always been a benefactor along the way and makes people feel comfortable is the biggest mole.

However, the next scene could not tolerate their disbelief.

Tsk, tsk, why do you force me to take action personally? This goes against my aesthetics of destruction...little pawn.

Tingyun's tone was weird, and the camera even focused on her.

Hey, that's all. It seems that to break the fairy boat from the inside, we have to use other methods...

She walked towards Danshu as if there was no one around. After Xing calmed down, he stared at him with a gloomy expression, and the hand holding Zishu's weapon trembled slightly for a moment.

Don't be impulsive...

I want to observe it for a while longer, huh...

Tingyun stretched out his index finger and gently pushed Danshu's chin. In an instant, strange purple fireworks rose from the surface of the surrounding demonic bodies, including Danshu himself.

Waves of screams were heard, and a monster familiar to the train crew was born from the purple fireworks.

Since you have received the gift of abundance, you should be able to withstand the blessing of destruction, right?

As soon as he finished speaking, the sullen Tingyun in the camera twisted his neck to the right at a 90° angle, which shocked many players.

【Healthy, sunny, positive and progressive! 】

【12+ games, jpg】

【Pinch it! ! Scared me! 】

Miss Zingyun!

March 7 wanted to step forward anxiously, but Xing who was following behind grabbed her arm: Don't be impulsive!

Tingyun fell to the ground, a strange green-yellow flame floated out of her body, and her body quickly disappeared, leaving only one thing in place.

Dear benefactors, please allow me to introduce you again——

No, I'm really convinced by the screenwriter! Is it so exciting in version 1.2?!

In another live broadcast room, Lao Mu’s expression stopped and he yelled:

Who did the adoptive father offend? Why do you keep watching him to cause trouble? First, Xuanlu came with a train pass to poke out the five stars, and now I don't know who made him disappear, so... it can't be Jiang Zi's fault;

But having said that, this fake Tingyun's voice is so good that my brother couldn't help but stand up.

【? 】

[Have you started? 】

I am the Great Lord of Annihilation, Huan Wu. I am here to make this immortal boat fall apart and destroy itself.

Miss Tingyun is...the exterminator of the legion?! March 7: W-what on earth is going on?!

Xing asked with a cold tone: How are you doing with Zi Shu?

Huanhu: Hmm hehehe... I don't like Foehn Feng's straight-forward aesthetics of destruction. It just teleports him to a dangerous place extremely far away from the fairy boat.


Fu Xuan: Calm down, everyone! The enemy is in front of you, so don't mess up your position!

You are very lucky. It is not Foehn or Xingxiao who is eyeing the fairy boat. Well, I don't like to cause destruction with my own hands...

Huanlong chuckled and said:

It's a pity that the general insists on asking me to appear on stage, so Huanlong has no choice but to show off. Ha... It's time to go to the appointment. Please allow me to take my leave first. I hope you can have fun with these actors.

After defeating the monsters, he didn’t hear Huan Lu’s follow-up words. Lao Mu’s face was twisted and he said unhappily:

Gan, it turns out that Tingyun's weird behavior in the plot was really a naked hint!

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