[It's a pity that it's a plot special attack. It would be great if it could be used without restrictions. Even if it is useless on other maps, at least it can save a lot of time by hoeing the ground in Xianzhou to gain material credits. 】

[Maybe there will be a consumable version after the plot. After all, things like the Ink Bone Talisman, the Wind Chasing Talisman, and the Disguise Talisman all exist. 】

[I understand, it seems good to join the blind talisman gift pack that my adoptive father receives every day. 】

[Lao Mu took the initiative to find monsters and kill them, faster than the main line. I was just sneaking around at work and opening a small window to watch your live broadcast! 】

Why are you so anxious? Just go to the toilet and squat down. If you don't know how to get paid, you are in vain as a social animal. You have to worry about being caught when you fish secretly. The capitalists are squeezing you in exchange for luxury cars and villas. Why are you working so hard?

【? ? ? 】

[I’m red, where’s Ni Meng? 】

[Warning, warning! Who do you think is the little guy... Oh, sorry, I'm just kidding. 】

【You scold again? ! 】

It's not too shabby to get some materials by the way. After all, they will be used by later characters, such as the Five Star Book. Guess when he will become UP and what map materials he will eat?

[It can’t be the space station and Beloberg anyway. 】

[Whether you said it before is the same as not saying it...]

OK, we've collected all the monsters around here. Let's continue with the main line. By the way, do you guys think there's something wrong with Tingyun?

Lao Mu recalled Tingyun's previous performance and conversation, raised his lips and raised his eyes in thought:

Through the research on the suspension period of the main plot, everyone also knows that the immortal boat shows a desire for immortality, and the consequences are very serious, but Tingyun seems to really have the desire to obtain unlimited lifespan.

When he said this, many players and viewers were thoughtful.

It's indeed a bit strange. If we say that after fighting Fengsuanxuanlu, the private text messages were not so obvious——

Not long ago, after the Aldanding Division tortured the elusive followers of the King of Medicine, she had a conversation with Zingyun who suddenly changed her position on the map. What she said was too scary to contemplate.

[Remember, when choosing the third option in the dialogue with Dan Dingsi, she laughed and said that I am a person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. The other options are also intriguing. 】

And his speech is a bit tea-like or weird.


209. The cliché of not being a human being

Lao Mu just expressed his thoughts. Subconsciously, he did not doubt that Tingyun had any other identity. At best, he just thought that she was outside the dangerous line of the Immortal Boat Law.

Hey, what do you think will happen if I open this alchemy furnace?

[The furnace body began to vibrate, and smoke spewed out of the cooled pill furnace again. ]

March 7: Turn it off...turn it off! Ah Xing, why did you open the alchemy furnace that was originally closed?

Zi Shu: ...

Seeing the two copywritings at the bottom, Lao Mu couldn't help but feel happy and pressed F again.

[The talisman on the furnace is dim and the alchemy furnace is silent. You curiously place your hand on an ancient urn pattern. The furnace body begins to vibrate and smoke rises into the sky. ]

March 7: Hey, you did it on purpose?

Zi Shu: If you are curious, I will dismantle this thing and take it back for you to study. Now let's get down to business...

Xing: It's none of my business. My hand opened the alchemy furnace on its own for no apparent reason.

If the first two sentences were nothing, when the protagonist suddenly said a line with dubbing, Lao Mu couldn't help laughing.

I really didn't expect that we could make silly remarks and imply that we are mean while operating blindly.

He continued to play with the alchemy furnace, thinking that there would be no more voices, but to his surprise, Zi Shu said another sentence.

...Don't move. I'll check for you to see if your consciousness is occupied by an unknown existence...

What's more, I didn't expect that after Zi Shu said these words, he would achieve something.

[Why can’t I control this hand? ]

(Perform 3 extra operations in the plot.)

【Laughing to death! 】

【Hahahahahaha! 】

[If you don’t get the 5-star Qiong, you won’t get it for free. It’s okay to make money. The achievements in the instant happiness are a bit messy. 】

After confirming that nothing else would happen if he continued to be mean, Lao Mu smacked his lips, moved honestly towards the main line indicator, and processed all the alchemy furnaces to be closed according to the mission instructions.

Okay, it's done! March 7: Now the smoke is gone.

Fu Xuan: Okay...great! I will lead my army to join you right now!

Should I strangle you? Who is this?

Lao Mu's eyes straightened when he saw the mature NPC or monster on the screen holding a staff and floating with his eyes blindfolded.

Suddenly I found that the original demon is more powerful than many female characters. This bulging figure, tsk tsk... Oh, I'm sorry to be confused, it's the iron demon.

The leader of Medicine King's Secret: It doesn't matter, what is supposed to come will come after all.

At the rear, Fu Xuan moved very quickly. As soon as Zi Shu and his party arrived in front of the alchemy furnace, she led her army there. Apparently, she had been paying attention to the progress of the alchemy furnace's closure.

It's you, Danshu... Fu Xuan pursed his lips slightly.

Danshu: Master Dan has met Master Taibu... you don't seem surprised.

She is Danshu? She has become like this. Has she become an immortal? Old Mu said in astonishment.

[Don’t you think it looks familiar? The guardian and the cannibal are the same size monsters, but they have different models. 】

[It’s more astringent. You can watch My Little Pony tonight. 】

[No, buddy, please make some sauce? There are a lot of brothers in the live broadcast room, but if it doesn’t work, I will send out the learning materials I have browsed recently, so that everyone can sprint towards the great ocean of knowledge. 】

【ah? Is it true? Foster father? ! 】

[MIDV-519, SSIS951, CAWD439, SSIS-742, IPZZ-056, PPPD-849, PRED-290. 】

【woc! This turns me into a fanatical fan of Bo Shi Zun, and no one can stop me from learning knowledge! 】

[Take it easy. 】

[It has been verified that there is no forbidden knowledge about Cthulhu, so feel free to study. 】

【ah? ? ? What kind of quick book check? 】

Seeing an inexplicable wind suddenly appear in the live broadcast room, Lao Mu first calmly found the screenshot of the knowledge barrage and saved it, and then said righteously:

Stop, stop, stop. Isn't this forbidden knowledge? If you learn it, the live broadcast room will disappear. Just write it down and learn it in private later.

The King of Medicine's secret message must be hidden in the Alchemy Division. The general and I know it well, but we just can't grasp the clue and can't ask the Sixth Division for the crime. We have to wait for you to jump out on your own.

Fu Xuan made a gesture to stop the Yunqi army behind him who wanted to rush forward.

That's fine. Introducing the evil spirit of the star core into the fairy boat, reborn the tree, and tempting you to fall into the demonic body. The Ten Kings will deal with you one by one for these serious crimes.

Sin? If what I did is sinful, then the ancestors of the Immortal Boat will be as guilty as me. It was they who accepted the gift of abundance and transformed their descendants into immortal seeds.

Danshu laughed dumbly, spread his arms and asked:

The Medicine King's Secret Tradition is just walking on the path they have walked before, pursuing transcendence, what's the crime?

At that time, the mysterious roots of Jianmu covered the Luofu Immortal Boat, just like a living thing. Our clan is unrivaled in the sea of ​​stars. Everyone can attain the Tao and become an immortal, and can change freely!

The era when the miracle of fertility came to the nine immortal boats was so glorious and glorious, but what about now?

Speaking of this, Danshu's voice became a little louder.

What has the fairy boat become like now?! We are willing to be driven by the demon bow, and have been repeatedly succumbed to the rich people. The Ten Kings even forced us to give up our immortality...

Sigh, I don't blame you for being ignorant, because we were not born in the era when Jianmu first came down, and we were not able to witness the miracles at that time, but now, we still have a chance to restore the ancient system...

The eyes of everyone on the train crew narrowed slightly, and they tacitly chose to remain silent for the time being. They could just listen to the debate on the historical development within Xianzhou.

I was wondering what kind of lofty speech you would make in front of these two armies.

Fu Xuan chuckled softly, Emotions are still the same as those old sayings about pursuing power and no longer being human. The ancestors of Xianzhou fought with Emperor Gong, destroyed and abandoned buildings, and established the Ten Kings Division to demarcate life and death, just to live as humans again. Go down;

Immortal? There are no immortals on the Immortal Boat. There are no miracles of fertility or manipulation of life and death. What you have done is just the behavior of evildoers, just for your own selfish desires!

It's not enough to say nothing. Master Taibu, you have made a choice and voluntarily gave up your power... That is the stupidest choice.

Danshu waved his staff, and in the originally empty area around him, a large number of figures appeared without warning.

There are not only the esoteric believers of the Medicine King who have been transformed into demons, but also many transformed fertile spiritual beasts, roughly counting no less than thousands.

Taifu, let me show you what the immortals have done. King of Mercy Medicine, listen to my call!

Zi Shu was not surprised by this turn of events. The seal he had been holding for a long time was finally released.

The dark mist quietly covered the ground, hiding all the weird formation patterns.

Before the wary-looking Yunqi troops could trace the source of the black mist, they were surprised to find that the enemies who touched the black mist were visibly slowed down.

Yunqi teams 17 and 18 obey the order! Fu Xuan shouted loudly: Protect You Zishu and ensure that he can maintain the formation safely without interference!

210. It’s so embarrassing, Mr. Danshu.

Got the order!

Without any hesitation, the two teams broke away from the main force in a well-trained manner and surrounded Zi Shu who was maintaining the seal.

Now, all the Yunqi finally understood why General Jing Yuan would ask for such a helper.

They are not affected by the black mist, but the enemy's speed is extremely slow. Given the ebb and flow of one another, the advantage is not insignificant.

Yun Qi, who is over three hundred years old, obeys the order and activates the awakening talisman to kill the traitors and evil creatures in the fairy boat!

All the cloud riders let out inspiring battle roars. With the blessing of the Awakening Talisman, they carried out their inner obsession to protect the fairy boat and kill all the traitors to avenge their comrades, releasing an unstoppable momentum.

Soon, the Yunqi Army discovered that the vitality of the abundant evil creatures had become extremely fragile for some reason.

When you encountered those before, you had to put a lot of effort into killing them completely, but now you can kill them with one blow by piercing the fatal part!

No need to think about it, it must also be the handiwork of Mr. Zishu.

Come on - kill them all!

The morale of the Yunqi Army soared, and they formed an offensive formation and moved forward without fear of death.

Realizing the negative impact of the black mist under his feet on his body, Danshu's face darkened slightly. While using the technique to isolate himself from the black mist, he directed the Sunda Wind to whistle in the direction of Zishu.

Don't pretend that I don't exist.

Fu Xuan stepped forward to block the front of Yunqi's protective circle. With a wave of his hand, little starlight emerged, forcibly scattering the incoming Xunfeng attack.

Taibo Si has never been familiar with combat power. I didn't expect someone like you to appear in this generation of successors. I have to say that it is unexpected. Danshu said in surprise.

If you want to get angry and curse, just curse. I won't care.

Hahaha, let me show you what it means to truly achieve enlightenment and ascend to immortality, to control life and death at the flip of a finger!

A dark halo of light suddenly appeared on the top of the staff in Danshu's hand, and in a moment of silence, it quickly rose to the sky and exploded.

Xuan Qi eats the body, swallows the spirit and eats the life. People of the Medicine Prince, please transform into your most primitive appearance!

The sky darkened for a few seconds, and the circle of light exploded, releasing bursts of invisible waves that encompassed the entire battlefield in the blink of an eye.

Some of the Yunqi soldiers, whose bodies were penetrated by invisible waves, stiffened briefly, and then suddenly reversed their weapons and attacked their comrades.

Not long ago, a similar scene happened.

No, they don't have the awakening talisman!

Once again witnessing their comrades falling into the devil's shadow, many Yunqi soldiers' eyes were about to burst. However, they had no choice because they were on the battlefield.

How could this happen? They are obviously not even three hundred years old, why...

Even among the 17th and 18th teams of the Yunqi Army, some people showed signs of falling into the devil's shadow.

Uncle Yang in March! Quickly activate the awakening talisman on them!

Xing suddenly shouted, and the two of them suddenly trembled. Without thinking, they took out the awakening talisman given by Zi Shu and activated them all.

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