...Master Taibu, could you please make it simple and easy to understand? I can't understand the tone of the words.

What she means is that Yunqijun fell into the devil's shadow without any warning, and the culprit was the nearby alchemy furnace, or the white mist emanating from the alchemy furnace. Zi Shu explained.

Fu Xuan nodded and said solemnly:

The King of Medicine secretly taught that the mist that dispersed throughout the cave was mixed with the elixir that induces the demon's Yin body. Unless they can hold their breath and march, the Yunqi army will collapse without a fight;

Because no one knows when the comrades around them will fall into the demon body. Miss Xing also said before, what better way to undermine the morale of an army than suspicion?

Walter somewhat understood her plan and said:

You launched the first strong attack there earlier. The purpose was to provide cover for the follow-up and use the Cloud Cavalry to attract the enemy's attention so that we could extinguish the alchemy furnace and stop the smoke, right?

207. Come with me!

Fu Xuan tapped his chin.

Yao Wang Mi Chuan gave up a hundred years of lurking and chose to show up now, which shows that he is sure of victory. However, no matter how well-prepared he is, he will always come for the Yunqi Army. Your abilities and existence are unknown to Yao Wang Mi Chuan and there is no way for him to show up now. Be on guard.”

I suddenly thought of a blind spot. Xing thought: Your subtext is that we are not affected by the white mist, so why not let the Vigilantes or the Fox people try it?

You have misunderstood the demonic body. It is not a curse that is effective against humans. The reason why fox people cannot easily transform into the demonic body is because although they are immortal species, their life span is not infinite. The Vidyadhara casts away the old world by shedding his scales, and only becomes the demonic body. Personally speaking, immortal species are equal, but——

Speaking of this, the complexity on Fu Xuan's face flashed away and he said:

The people in Medicine King's secret message never expected that the general would dare to invite foreign aid, and certainly would not make preparations to deal with the short-lived species.

March 7 couldn't help but glance at Zi Shu, but he wasn't too worried.

The reason is naturally self-evident. Even he himself has forgotten his specific age. It is conceivable how long he has existed. Since he has not fallen into the devil's shadow, it means that there are better prevention methods, or there are no such side effects.

So is this what General Jing Yuan meant by the strange soldiers? Walter said thoughtfully.

I dare not speak nonsense.

Although Fu Xuan really wanted Jing Yuan to retire quickly so that he could succeed him as general, he also knew that he was far superior to him in terms of strategy.

It can only be said that the star core hunter's predictions are more accurate than my predictions. The future that Kafka wished for is coming true one by one.

But I don't really want to act on their predictions. Xing frowned; It feels uncomfortable, as if a thread is being pulled around my body, and I am at the mercy of whatever I do.

I don't want to be manipulated by others, but people don't walk alone on their destiny, without being fettered.

Fu Xuan turned his eyes and met Zi Shu's eyes.

Everyone's choices will not only build themselves up, but will also push those who travel with them forward. Taibu's accusation is to seek good fortune and avoid disaster. I don't want my own choices to lead Luofu to a bad future.

Zi Shu didn't know what Fu Xuan had experienced before, and the confusion in her eyes might be the reason why she persisted in that path.

So the implication is that we are the only ones capable of doing this at the moment, right?

Yes, you are also proficient in the art of divination, and you must know that everything I say is true. Fu Xuan nodded.

That's not necessary. I just calculated other aspects of the hexagram. Zi Shu rubbed his chin, his pupils turning slightly, I think you need to understand this hexagram.

Oh? Please tell me.

Are you sure you want me to say it here? Zi Shu looked strange.


Okay then, about the white silk on your legs appearing on me for no reason...

Stop! Come with me!

Fu Xuan's face turned red. Under the astonished gazes of everyone, he couldn't help but tighten Zi Shu's sleeves and pulled him aside in embarrassment.


Xing showed a puzzled look, and for the time being he couldn't figure out why Zishu would mention what happened in Taibusi on this occasion...

He must have understood that the situation was tense and time was running out, but he still deliberately mentioned what Fu Taibu didn't want to hear.

Could it be...that there is something that no one here can hear?

Thinking of this, Xing's eyes glanced at everyone subconsciously.

Walter, March, and Tingyun who followed...could it be her?

Seeing Zi Shu and Fu Xuan disappear from sight, Xing couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

But before she could think about it for too long, the two of them came back, but Fu Xuan's expression was somehow related to the word Huo Da.

No, is it true that Zi Shulai is teasing Fu Taibu in private?


So what should she do? She can't become smaller...

His eyes were wandering with some loss. Xing accidentally saw Tingyun shaking his folded fan and looking like he was having fun, and he actually felt a little upset.

Axing, I suddenly feel a little bit disillusioned...

March 7 came forward, his voice low.

In the past, no matter who would come to mind when talking about a cute pink-haired girl, it would definitely be me. Although Taibu is also very cute, the height difference between them looks too weird...

...Don't think too much, maybe things are not what you think. Xing shook off the messy thoughts.

Look at Fu Taibu's face turned red like that, how is it any different from a shy and angry little girl!

... Xing's eyes twitched.

When he wanted to say something, Fu Xuan coughed violently as if he had been choked. His breathing became rapid, his chest rose and fell slightly, but his complexion improved a lot.

Taibu, what are you... March Qi asked weakly.

Ahem, cough, cough...it's not too late to start practicing holding your breath now...

What are you holding your breath for...ah?

Xing twitched the corner of his mouth and said speechlessly:

You are afraid of falling into the devil's shadow emotionally. You don't look like anything is wrong. Compared with the Yunqi we saw something wrong with before, you are no different from a normal person.

It's still far away from the alchemy furnace. Although I don't understand pharmacology, I also know that talking about toxicity regardless of dosage is just an arm's length talk. Hmm... Even so, I'm still scared to death!

Star: o_o...

March 7: ( °Д °;)

Even if there is an awakening talisman, Zi Shu also said that this thing is not 100% preventive. I am still young and don't want to fall into the devil's body so quickly!

Xing: Then if you suddenly get sick now, wouldn't it be difficult for us to do?

My fortune will fluctuate between Dui and Qian. If you make a prompt decision, you will not be harmed by it, so don't talk too much to sway me!!

Fu Xuan put away the unnatural look on his face and said seriously: In short, I will try my best to maintain my sanity, and the rest depends on you. As long as the fog subsides, I will lead the army here immediately, and I will never let you fight alone. .”

Even you are scared to death, so are we too! March 7 said.

Don't worry, you won't... Well, let me give you some reassurance. Doctors believe that the demonic body is related to memory. Although the immortal species has an extremely long lifespan, the memory capacity will eventually be limited;

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and the threshold of emotions that Immortals can feel has continued to increase, and their memories have become thin and tired under the wear and tear of time, leaving only the most extreme and vivid deposits, which are almost certainly the remnants of painful and regretful memories. ,understand?

I still don't quite understand... Then according to what you said, it would be extremely safe for me to not be able to recall the past. Then I feel at ease. March 7th patted her chest.

No, you're confused. The cause of the devil's body is not memory, but the emotional threshold being sharpened to the point...forget it, just treat it as memory.

Fu Xuan's face was a little heavy and he said:

The end of the immortal species is that they no longer feel joy and happiness, and only the pain, regret, and sorrow that are engraved in the heart like scars are left. Under these extreme emotions, the human self begins to collapse. This is the beginning of the demon body.

208. Life and Death Talisman

Inexplicably, Zi Shu thought of the so-called wear and tear in Genshin Impact.

It's quite similar, but it doesn't have plants and armor all over its body.

Short-lived species don't have to worry about this. Are you guys at ease? Fu Xuan said.

March 7: Okay, but to be on the safe side, after we get there, we'd better put on the awakening talisman that Zi Shu gave us.

Then, if there is nothing to add, let's set off. Walter said.

On the way, March Qi could not help but be curious and gossipy, and asked Zi Shu and Fu Xuan what they said and did when they were alone, but Zi Shu made excuses to talk them away.

With a simple sentence of Don't leak the secret, March 7's little mouth was blocked, and she was very depressed.

Turning her attention away from Zi Shu, she smelled the fragrance coming from the side and seemed to remember something. She widened her eyes and said:

Wait! Miss Tingyun, why don't you go back! This place is very close to the alchemy furnace. Taibu said that fox people are also at risk of falling into the evil spirit!

Thank you for your concern, the little girl is fine~ Tingyun smiled lightly, Who told the general to order me to follow you? I don't dare to disobey the military order.

Human life is at stake. Miss Tingyun can return first, and we will explain to the general. Walter advised.

It's really not necessary, haha... This little girl has been sailing in the universe all year round. Despite her age, she actually only has more than ten years of experience. I'm afraid all my benefactors have lived longer than me.

After talking about this, several people stopped trying to persuade each other. After all, no normal person would make fun of his own life. Just have your own considerations.

Xing, March, you put this talisman on your weapon. Zi Shu made a move with his hand, and two black talismans floated in front of the two women.

Is it used to increase the lethality?

Xing took it curiously and took out the bat without thinking and put it on the surface. In less than two seconds, an unknown black mist appeared on the surface of the bat, but there was no special change in perception.

That's right. Zi Shu explained: There are some people in the Secret of Medicine King who are like the Blue Owl we met earlier and have very strong recovery abilities. This talisman can effectively restrain them.

It turns out it's a serious injury enchantment. If you change the game terms, I'll understand. A flash of realization flashed in Xing's eyes.

March 7: It's so magical.

You'll know if you try it. Now, look ahead. Zi Shu gestured to the beast shadows floating aimlessly a few hundred meters ahead, Try shooting an arrow.


The phaseless ice condensed into arrows. On March 7th, he drew his bow and aimed with squinted eyes, and suddenly released his fingers——

The sense of the Fertile Beast over there seemed to be weak, and it was hit by an arrow. The movement attracted the attention of the Fertile Spirit Beasts wandering around.

Except for Zi Shu, no one paid attention to the enemies who had been attracted for the time being. They all looked stunned.

When the fertile spiritual beast was hit by an arrow, it quickly turned into black energy and dissipated in just two seconds, leaving no body behind.

Wow, can this girl be so powerful?

Zi Shu lamented, It's a pity that it is difficult to make the Life and Death Talisman. Otherwise, it would be easier to equip Yun Qi to kill the Medicine King's Secret Master than to kill a chicken.

Behind the crowd, Huanhu's eyes narrowed slightly as he turned into a standing cloud, and a trace of curiosity arose in his heart again.

Easily killing abundant evil creatures is not a commendable skill, but——

It has never been seen before that humans with weak combat power can be given the ability to effortlessly kill rich and evil creatures using the same mediocre weapons.

In the wars in history when the Fengluo people invaded the Immortal Boat, if the immortal beings had been so easy to deal with, the Immortal Boat people would not have suffered countless casualties in those battles, and the price was heavy.

She couldn't see where the white-haired man's limit was. He didn't know his trump cards. She only knew that there seemed to be no threat to her senses, that's all.

That’s it, let’s observe for a while.

Anyway, like Jing Yuan, this group of people will eventually arrive at the Jianmu seal, and they will be dealt with together at that time.

As long as she can capture the abundant divine power and the power of destruction in the building, she will be able to create the most perfect and satisfying body in history...

Hehehehe... until then——

Whether it is the hunting general, the unknown guest on the Star Train, or the masked fool who does not know the details, they are no different from ants in front of her, and she can make everyone disappear in a snap of her fingers.

In another timeline, the player got the talisman called the Talisman of Life and Death given by Zi Shu. After clicking on the equipment in the backpack, he found that it was really fun to fight the monsters in the fairy boat.

The introductions are simple and crude.

The Talisman of Life and Death

[One of the many magical talismans in Zishu. When equipped, when it causes damage to enemies on the Xianzhou world map, it can remove the rebirth state on the enemy and cause a fatal effect. ]

Good guy, this is so comfortable. Who said that Xi'er was targeted when she arrived at Xianzhou, one by one with one knife, and there is no need to worry about the trigger of reappearance. Lao Mu's face was full of comfort.

[Although...it would be better to switch to a black tower. 】

[Correct, I just tried it. Even if it is a level 1 black tower, an E will clear the screen instantly. 】

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