March Qi, who was confused about the situation for a while, became nervous and couldn't help but look at a Yunqi captain behind Fu Xuan.

Go over and ask. Fu Xuan didn't know the reason, so he took the lead and walked quickly that way.

As he got closer, he heard Xing's voice calling and asking. To be honest, the hatred in his voice was not difficult to detect.

Zi Shu looked calm and hugged his arms. He would treat Hongku's injuries wherever they were.

Healed and injured, injured and healed, the cycle starts over and over again.

Don't you yearn for the power of abundance? Hong Ku will also like the torture of being treated by the power of abundance.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Fu Xuan and his men walking towards him. Zi Shu turned his head and tapped his chin.

What's going on? Why were you violent to this person?

Fu Xuan frowned and stopped Xing's movements.

She could see at a glance that the person being beaten was a villain from King Yao's Secret Tradition, but Luofu had Luofu's rules. Not to mention that the Yunqi Army strictly prohibited the use of the death penalty. Even if it was used, there had to be a justifiable reason.

Master Taibu, you misunderstood. Xing put away the bat, spread his hands, and said with a natural expression: How can we torture people?


Fu Xuan's face darkened and he did not ask further questions, but looked at Zi Shu.

Taibu, Ah Xing was just loosening his bones. Zishu's expression remained normal, with a gentle smile on his face, That's our Star Train's unique healing method, not torture.

Find a suitable reason to stall me. The corner of Fu Xuan's mouth trembled.

Yes, Zishu, when we came back with Taibu, we saw Xing beating someone. It looked like he was not gentle. Why did he hit him? Yue Yueqi was confused, but recalled Xing's expression and couldn't help but feel scared.

This was the first time I saw an emotion linked to the four-character word ferocious hatred on her face...

How dare you, a cheap maid, hit me? You're finished!

After noticing that the attack on him disappeared and hearing Fu Xuan's voice again, Hongku jumped up from the ground in an instant, pointing at the star with a distorted expression.

It is a serious crime to torture a suspect privately in Luofu, not to mention that you are a foreigner. The suspect also has human rights. I request that she be appealed to the District Hengsi to punish her crime!

Xing picked his ears out of boredom, took out the bat with a flick of his wrist, and hit Hongkui's forehead hard again.

Ah——!! Hong Ku screamed and fell to the ground.

The crisp sound of skull cracking can be heard by anyone with a non-elderly hearing.

Fu Xuan and Captain Yunqi behind him were stunned for a moment when they saw this scene, obviously not expecting her to continue fighting.

Lord Taibu, Zishu is not lying. This is indeed a special healing method of our Star Train. Look at how energetic he is jumping around and yelling. How can he look injured?

The bat tapped the palm of his hand, and a look of amusement appeared on Star's face.

If I torture him, I must at least find out the extent of his injuries. This is the Alchemy Division, and there are many doctors. Tai Bu can send people over to check him. If he is injured, Xing is willing to act according to the rules of Luofu. If he wants to be punished, he will be fined. The punishment will be at your discretion.

Hearing this, Walter and March 7 looked at each other strangely, and chose to remain silent in a tacit understanding.

After all...Hongku did not look injured at all.

March Qi secretly guessed that Zi Shu had done something secretly, and the guy who could make him angry and beat someone up was definitely not innocent.

There are indeed no visible injuries on the suspect's body...

Dewei's mouth twitched slightly, with a ghostly expression on his face, and he looked at Yun Qi, who had been standing next to Xing.

Qingyi, are these two guests who came to help under the entrustment of the general to be executed privately as the prisoner said?

Report to the captain: It's nothing! Qingyi replied loudly: The drug king's secret prisoner Hong Ku is slandering this girl. He is telling lies with open eyes. It is really an extra crime!

Yes, I can testify.

Yun Qi, who was standing next to Zi Shu, said seriously with a straight face:

The prisoner previously claimed that his bones were injured and needed urgent treatment. Your distinguished guest was kind enough to help the prisoner relieve his pain. Unexpectedly, when he saw the Taibu return, he repaid his sins with evil and slapped him with blame. He deserves to be punished.

Hong Ku was so angry that his face turned red and black, and he couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of old blood. He immediately fell to the ground and kept spraying, as if the blood was free of charge.

No, the previous treatment hasn't been completed yet, Ah Xing! Zi Shu sucked a piece of rag from the ground, shot it out with a snap of his fingers and sealed his red mouth.

My, my, keep helping him!

Xing picked up the bat and smashed it against the frame, and another burst of shrill howls broke through the rags and echoed around the market.

Everyone just watched Xing beat Hong Ku hard for more than two minutes, until she stopped. The screaming Hong Ku was lying on the ground with a look of horror. He looked at Xing and Zi Shu, as if he had seen a ghost. .

He didn't understand why the pain on his body was so real, but the injuries healed instantly.

Even the leader does not possess such terrifying recovery ability...

Prisoners...prisoners also have human rights! Hong Hong stopped vomiting blood and stammered, If you do will get retribution for this!

Wrong. Xing stretched out his index finger and shook it from side to side, then curled his lips and said, Beasts talk about having human rights. This is really the most ridiculous thing in the world.


Steamed buns? I was kind enough to help you heal your injury, but it doesn't matter if you are ungrateful and bite me back. You are still a human being. What are you if you are not a beast?

Hongku was really choked up this time. Qi and blood were accumulated in his throat but could not be gushed out. He was so angry that his eyes went black and he fainted completely.

You are really a big beast, and you want to pretend to be dead and slander us. Don't bully people because they can't treat you without a medical license.

Zi Shu shook his head, and two silver needles appeared between his fingers, and he pricked them somewhere on the red and withered skin.

Ever since, Hongku, who had just fainted for two seconds, woke up again.

His vision was blank for a moment, but after he realized what had happened, his whole face started shaking like a sieve, and he couldn't say what he wanted to say.

In the end, he could only show a dejected expression as if he were mourning for his concubine, and he sat slumped on the ground in silence.

It’s jade.

Why isn't this world destroyed?

Seeing his desperate look, all the Qingyi Yunqi were relieved.

Normally you need to abide by the rules and regulations and I can't touch you, but if someone can skip these things and make people confused, that's sorry.

You girl is right, very right: talking about human rights as an animal is really the most ridiculous thing in the world.

206.The crux of the matter

Fu Xuan knew that this matter was probably related to Zi Shu, but he knew that there was nothing he could do about it, and it was not the time to waste time being distracted by such trivial matters.

Instructing Yun Qi to keep an eye on the suspect, he signaled the train crew to move elsewhere to talk.

Keep everyone waiting, I have found out the mystery of the Medicine King's secret transmission.

We've almost found out. Xing spread his hands, Just stop being so mysterious. I didn't know before we got here that you didn't tell Yunqijun about this.

Sorry, in order to prevent the secrets from leaking, only the general and I know about the secret information of the King of Medicine. As for you...

Fu Xuan raised his head, glanced at everyone, and stayed on Zi Shu for about two seconds.

Every member of the Star Train has special skills and is able to obtain a certain amount of information about the secrets of the King of Medicine. I am not surprised.

I didn't expect Fu Taibu to praise others.

...In short, the Medicine King's Secret is a secret organization that conspires to subvert the alliance. They have been lurking in the dark all year round. This time, the Star Core's troubles finally revealed their whereabouts, and this disaster also has an unusual relationship with them. .”

Walter: The war is not going well. Taibu took the lead and personally investigated the enemy's situation, which is admirable.

Then...that's nothing! The fortune tellers do the calculations themselves. Only by obtaining first-hand information can they get closer to the correct result...Wait a minute! Who said the war is going to be unfavorable?

Fu Xuan was suddenly startled and expressed his confusion slightly.

Master Taibu, we have also seen the garrison. With our cooperative relationship, there is no need to talk about the situation. If the war goes smoothly, Zi Shu won't have to worry so much. Xing sighed and clicked his tongue. Shake his head.

Marchs and wars have inevitably suffered casualties since ancient times. Compared with the results obtained, the heartbreaking sacrifices are not meaningless. Compared with the sacrifices...

Let's get straight to the point and talk about your plans. Zi Shu said softly, I guess you have already made a plan for the next step of action.

Well, I guess we will have something else to ask for when we set off again. Xing shrugged.

Fu Xuan was not embarrassed and said seriously: It seems that everyone is mentally prepared.

Oh, this is the first time I met your Master Yukong. She had something nice to say...

March 7 raised her voice and pretended to say:

This is Xianzhou's internal affairs, so I don't worry about you come in a blink of an eye, all the hard work has been given to us, and even the company doesn't know how to send people;

Let's guess what you are going to ask us to do this time. It won't be to lead the charge... Let's charge together with the Yunqi Army. If you don't go, I will be dizzy in the big scene!

March 7's head shook like a rattle.

Fu Xuan shook his head helplessly, Who said you should go to the battlefield...

No, no? Yanxi transfer ① group: 250828444

Jing Yuan has ordered that all of you are strange soldiers who came together by chance. You have been given the word qi. Just now, Yunqi's strong attack was to show the enemy that he is right. The time to use qi is now.

Zishu's voice star reminded: The white mist shrouding the Danding Division.

Xing understood and said: You are waiting for us because you want us to solve the weird white mist that the King of Medicine secretly produced from nowhere.

You already know the function of the white mist?! Fu Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

When we came to Danding Division, we met a spy from the King of Medicine's secrets. Zishu used some tricks, and we got a general idea from his mouth.

Speaking of this, Xing continued with a bad expression:

Inhaling that mist, Xianzhou people over three hundred years old have a high probability of falling into the devil's shadow. If it weren't for Yunqi's strict discipline, the military morale here would have been weakened by mutual suspicion. With this war situation, how can we talk about it? Profitable?

Hearing this, Dewei and his comrades beside him looked at each other in shock. Seeing Fu Xuan's silence, he couldn't help but plead in a low voice:

Girl, please speak softly. Most of my colleagues are unaware of the influence of the white mist. If the news spreads, the consequences will be disastrous.

Yes, Master Taibu is pretending to be relaxed just to prevent the soldiers from losing their morale. In fact, she is more heartbroken than anyone else and has made the sacrifice.

How old are you two? Xing suddenly asked.

This time it was Dewei's turn to remain silent. After a few seconds, they revealed the truth one after another.

I'm over five hundred...Captain Dulwich is five years older than me.

Aren't you afraid?

Afraid, very scared, but so what. We Yunqi put on this shirt and vowed to guard the immortal boat. Since we have been ordered to lead the army, we shoulder the responsibility that cannot be flinched or feared. Dewei smiled cheerfully.

In vain, Zishu gave Yunqi thousands of protective items for free. I admire the mentality of both of you. Xing said in awe.

Protective object?

Awakening Talisman, bring it with you.

Xing took out the talismans that Zishu had given to everyone before and distributed them to Dewei and Dewei respectively.

Affixing it to the forehead can stabilize the mind and prevent the impact of violent fluctuations in negative emotions. Although I don't quite understand why this works. The disease of your Immortal Boat Immortality Plant is really strange.

As soon as these words came out, not to mention Dewei and Fu Xuan, they were all stunned.

It is not that Xianzhou has no means of preventing falling into the demon body, but it is effective just by sticking a small talisman on the forehead, which has never been seen since ancient times.

Don't believe it? Xing asked.

No, I have a letter. Unexpectedly, Fu Xuan looked deeply at Zi Shu, Luofu will remember the great kindness of the train crew to help. Without further ado, everyone, please come with me.

She was not the kind of person to procrastinate, so she ordered Dewei to prepare Yunqi and motioned for everyone to follow her footsteps.

Walking out of the temporary garrison, we walked all the way down and stopped in front of an observation deck overlooking the sea in the distance.

Below, stands a huge and strange cauldron.

In the dawn, I feel lost in dreams, and the haze gathers and disperses around me.

Fu Xuan looked at the building emitting thick white mist from a distance and pointed, Everyone, have you seen that over there?

Tingyun: It's such a big alchemy furnace, it's still smoking.

This is the place where alchemists practiced immortality in ancient times. They built an alchemy furnace here to absorb the power of building materials and turn their fantasies into reality. Because the smoke in the furnace never goes out, it is named Yunxia Zifu.

March 7: The name is good.

Although the name is elegant, it is a dead place in the art of war. As long as the alchemy furnace is not extinguished and the clouds are lingering, we will be unable to make any progress.

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