Yun Qi, who was stationed nearby, didn't question the two of them much. He thought that like the previous Yun Qi soldiers, he had already received Fu Xuan's instructions.

Xing Huan looked inside and thought for a moment, then rode toward the clouds under a pillar. Before he even got close to him, the sound of shock and fear reached his ears.

I don't want that...don't...

Xing's slender eyebrows were slightly furrowed, What's wrong with you?

Yun Qi looked up, then looked back and smiled miserably: Old men who have served for three hundred years have turned into... that kind of inhuman appearance! Just a little bit, just a little bit I will...

Have Yun Qi, who is over three hundred years old, suddenly fallen into the devil's shadow? Zi Shu asked softly.

Yes, I am 299 years old this year, and I am just a little bit... just a little bit like that. I will become like that, a monster that stabs my colleagues with deadly weapons in my hands, and is neither human nor ghost!

Calm down, otherwise today's encounter will become a lingering shadow for you. Even if you are fine now, it will be a hurdle that you can't overcome when you think about it in the future. Xing advised.

Calm down... how can you be calm... I killed him with my own hands... with my own hands... with my own hands!

He once saved my life and was my best confidant, but I had to kill him!! Yun Qi suddenly roared, then looked sad, Why wasn't I the one who fell into the devil's shadow...hehe...


Xing shook his head helplessly and took out the Awakening Talisman.

If you don't want to fall into the devil's shadow and want to feel better now, just put this talisman on your forehead.

After stuffing it into her calloused hands, she motioned for Zi Shu to leave.

From time to time, you can see some people coming from unknown places in the market, temporarily settling under the protection of Yunqi. Passing a corner, I heard two voices talking.

This is different from the battles we fought before, Captain... even my comrades may be enemies this time...

As a Yunqi, I know what to do if my comrade falls into the demon body. Don't forget the training you have received.

But, but, this shouldn't be the case. We haven't reached the age yet. We haven't reached the age of the devil's body yet. We are only three hundred years old...

Okay, I have seen relevant records in the Five Classics of Yunqi: People who come into contact with the ancestors of longevity plague will instantly fall into the devil's shadow. But I didn't expect that the organization of the Secret Legend of Medicine King actually exists and is around us.

I, I, I don't know how many people will be in our team next...

Hearing this, Zi Shu was silent, and under Xing's somewhat surprised gaze, he took out a wooden box exuding fresh sandalwood and walked out of the corner.

There are 10,000 talismans here that I have cast a spell on. Give them to the soldiers in your army who are over 300 years old. Put them on their foreheads for temporary protection.

His sudden appearance made the two Yunqi who were communicating with him instantly alert. After seeing his appearance, they were startled for a moment, then looked at each other, and then hesitantly reached out to take the wooden box.

May I ask what the temporary bail without worry sir means...

Although Fu Xuan said that he and his companions could be trusted, Fu Xuan did not say too much after all. In the current chaotic situation, as a Yunqi, he should be alert enough to the unknown.

Of course, Zi Shu understood their worries and explained: There is no need to worry about being induced into the demonic body by unnatural means. Remember, each awakening talisman can only be effective for 72 hours.

After saying that, regardless of whether they believed it or not, they turned around and left without any hesitation.

Have you handed over all the awakening symbols? Xing couldn't help but asked curiously.

That's 10,000 long will it take?

Well, that person just now is the captain of a certain Cloud Cavalry team, just give it to him. The Awakening Talisman was made to prevent similar situations, so don't feel bad.

Oh. Xing was no longer confused.

After wandering around the area again, I found that many Yunqi troops already knew about the existence of King Yao's secrets, and even captured many rebels in Dandingsi.

This made Xing Hao stunned for a while.

Previously, she thought that Fu Xuan would definitely tell Yun Qi the purpose of his trip, but no one knew that before all the Yun Qi set off, they didn't know that they were going to fight the people who were secretly taught by the King of Medicine.

Is it true that as Tingyun said... Fu Xuan miscalculated and missed this?

Look at Zishu over there. There is a Xianzhou man who is being detained by Yun Qi. He must be the guy from the secret biography of Medicine King. Let's go over and ask.

Fu Xuan had confessed in advance that he was really helpful. After almost all Yunqi recognized Zi Shu, whether they trusted him or not, they at least no longer blocked the two from approaching the detained suspect.

It's okay to question the suspect, but we have to listen to the whole process. This part of the confession must also be recorded. It's a business matter. I hope you two understand. Yun Qi, the guard, said.

Hehe, I finally have someone to talk to.

Hong Ku, the captured Yao King secret disciple, showed an expression that he had finally found a way to kill his boring time.

Being escorted by these stern-faced and silent Yunqi...hehe, it's so boring~

204. Beat to death

It's boring, isn't it? I can give you a lesson with a stick first.

Xing's face looked unkind, and he clasped his fingers together to find a bat in his hand.

Previously, the people from the Medicine King's Secret Secret Service tried to trick her, and there was even a woman named Danshu who tricked her into taking weird pills.

She has been unhappy with the guys at Medicine King's Secret for a long, long time.

What? You, a foreigner, still want to hit me?

Hongku was not frightened and said nonchalantly:

Then you educate me. I don't know how to deal with business affairs, Master Yunqi, so you are not allowed to lynching me.

The expressions of several Yunqi sank, and a bit of dissatisfaction flashed in their eyes. The damn bastards just understood that they obeyed the rules.

You don't seem to be worried about your fate at all.

We have the gift of the Merciful Medicine King and our lifespan is as long as the sky. What do we have to worry about?

Do you know the Star Core? Xing asked bluntly.

If she hadn't been afraid of hurting her companions, she would have given this guy a good beating just now.

That glowing seed? Hahahahaha. Hongku laughed and said, I've seen it before. It's so beautiful. When you look inside, there are voices inside that can talk...

Xing frowned.

She thought of the star core on Yalilo 6.

The leader said that with this thing, we can inject new life into Jianmu, hehe, I didn't believe it at first...

Hong Ku looked intoxicated, raised his head and continued enthusiastically:

We have thought of so many ways and spent several lifetimes, but there is no sign of Jianmu coming back to life, but now look -

Hehe, only the power of the Star God can reproduce miracles. That's right, that's right! The great Medicine King Fengrou!

Have you seen Jianmu's rebirth? Have you seen it? Hee hee, how magnificent! In the age of divine descent that even immortals cannot recall, Medicine King Fengrao gave Jianmu to the Luofu Immortal Boat;

With this sacred tree, human beings have achieved countless miracles. The soil is resting, the trees are free of trouble, and the body is at ease...

Xing sullenly interjected and asked, I know Xirang, what are the last two?

Mu Wuhuang is a sacred tree in the legend of Xianzhou that can suppress evil and exorcise ghosts. Zizui Yingshen generally refers to Yingshen, one of the three bodies of the Buddha, followed by Dharmakaya and Baoshen.

Zishu put it on his back with one hand and explained calmly: You can also say that the self-responsive body is a manifestation of the body that adapts to the different situations and needs of the three realms and six realms. Have you read the novel? It is understood to be the seventy-two magical powers.

Hey, you, a foreigner, know a lot about this!

Hongku's eyes lit up, and there was appreciation in them, but the next second they turned into hatred, and he gritted his teeth and said:

I can only regret that the demon bow destroyed everything! Confusing right and wrong, it erased all the achievements of the King of Medicine. But it won't be long before we can return to the prosperity of the age of the gods!

It seems that it will take dark to wake you up from your daydream. Xing curled his lips.

You don't believe it? Hee hee... Hongku changed his expression again, On your way here, you should have seen the strange beasts fighting with us Medicine King followers, right? It was just a small gift from Jianmu...

Yun Qi, who was closest to him, couldn't stand listening anymore and shouted: Shut up, you nonsense rats, Yun Qi's army will uproot you in no time.

Xing asked the key, The Yun Qijun who fell into the demon body without any warning was your fault, right?

What a joke? What a joke! What a big joke!

Hongku looked up to the sky and laughed, and said loudly and righteously:

We have cured our compatriots! How painful it is to be trapped in weak flesh and blood, but we have given our compatriots equal justice. Needless to say, our greatness!

Oh, yes, you don't understand. What do you short-lived people know about the devil's body? Fart! That is the second life given by the King of Medicine! Eliminate ego, achieve immortal body, and live a free life!

Brother, I see the desire for power in your eyes. It seems that you also understand the great achievements of Medicine King. This life is short, isn't it? Hehe... I can, I can let you...

As soon as these words came out, the nearby Cloud Cavalry soldiers, who were holding weapons tightly, began to make rattling sounds from their limbs and joints, accompanied by several penetrating teeth grinding sounds.

Don't be deceived by his sweet words! Lishu's nearest Cloud Knight soldier reminded nervously.

Just teasing him, Master Jun... Hongku laughed mockingly, Hehe, without the blessing of abundance, you short-lived species cannot bear this change.


I really want to kill him right now!

Some of the Cloud Knight soldiers almost broke their teeth.

Xing, take action and beat him to death. Zi Shu said coldly.

Xing's eyes suddenly burst into two beams of red light, and he took out the bat again without even thinking, and when the Yunqijun wanted to stop it but seemed to be deliberately slow, they swung it hard on Hong Ku's face.

When they saw the position of Xing's attack, even if the Yunqi army wanted to immediately tear the thing in front of them into pieces, they still chose to abide by the rules and go against their hearts to stand up and stop her.

Even if he is an Immortal, he will die if he is fatally injured. It would be too easy for this bastard to die like this.

Hong Ku screamed in pain, but before Yun Qi came forward, he found that the right side of his face that had been swollen by a stick instantly recovered to its original state.


Are the believers of the Medicine King’s Secret Tradition almost as resilient as those of the Abundant Creatures? !

It's so durable, then I'll feel relieved...

Xing Yin grinned sadly and looked at Yun Qijun beside him.

Now, no one from the Yunqi army spoke, and many even looked away temporarily.

The Cloud Knight soldier closest to Xing opened his left eye and closed his right eye expressionlessly.

What is being conveyed is self-evident...

I heard that you have a second life given by the Medicine King...don't let me down...

Xing gently stroked the bat, with a sudden surge of violence in his eyes, targeting the most painful spot for a human being to be beaten.

Suddenly, the ghosts cried and howled, attracting the attention of many people nearby.

The star core can talk, right?

It took a few lifetimes to cultivate, right?

The age of the coming of gods, right?

You're kidding us, right?

Let the star core promote Jianmu's rebirth, right?!

Xing's every word contained more and more negative emotions. Hong Ku was so miserable that her whole body was bowed like a shrimp and her hands were holding her head. She still didn't have any strength in her attack.

Especially in the last sentence, anyone can hear the hatred contained in it.

It was the star core that prompted Jianmu to resurrect, and she almost said goodbye to Zishu in the Gongzao Division.

The mood that feels like the sky is falling, and the heart that seems to be broken into powder are all thanks to the guys from the Secret Medicine King!

Unexpectedly, Hongku would dare to touch her nose and face, and show off in front of her how great the King of Medicine's secret was to resurrect Jianmu...

It's really like a tiger pulling out his beard and seeking death...

Zi Shu said that if you can fight, you can fight to death, so there is no need to worry about anything.

Today I must beat this sword tomb sandbag into a dead dog!

205.Animals are not worthy of talking about human rights

A gray-haired beauty was holding a bat and viciously beat a man in front of Yun Qijun. It was difficult for people to notice her.

Some of the Yunqi on guard wanted to go over and ask about the situation, but when they saw a pink figure appear, they gave up the idea.

Looking in the direction where the scream came from, Walter was immediately stunned.

Isn't that Xing and Zi Shu?

Why did Ah Xing hit someone in front of the Yunqi Army? It's over, he will be arrested!

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