A chilling ferocity suddenly appeared on Luluo's face. With a gesture of his hand, the fertile spirit beasts around him opened their bloody mouths and roared towards him.

This time, without waiting for Zi Shu and Xing to take action, Walter sullenly controlled gravity to crush the fertile spiritual beasts, including the green radish, into puddles of rotten flesh.

However, Walter's eyes twitched when he discovered that the flesh and blood of Green Luo, which had long since lost its human form, was still squirming and trying to reassemble.

Such a tenacious vitality, doesn't even this count as hitting the gate of life?

That guy has developed an inner elixir. If the inner elixir is not destroyed, he will not be completely dead.

Zi Shu smiled faintly and formed a sword gesture. The plain white sword appeared out of thin air and fell from the sky. It stabbed into the rotten flesh with precision. There was no movement from then on.

After doing this, he looked at the Cloud Knight soldier who was bound by chains next to him, and with a flick of his finger, he put the Awakening Talisman on his forehead.

There's no need to waste time on me. I've been transformed by that guy. It won't be long before...you guys should go quickly. If you go forward, you can meet the Taibo people...

Yun Qi's weak voice made everyone on the train crew feel uncomfortable.

let's go.

Zi Shu didn't say anything more. With a move of his hand, the chains slipped back into his sleeves and disappeared.

Until he could no longer look back and saw Yun Qi who had fallen into the devil's shadow, March Qi said in a low voice, Is he really hopeless...

This is the limitation of the Awakening Talisman. Not anyone who falls into the devil's shadow can be saved. Zi Shu said calmly: If his will is strong enough, there is a 70% chance of surviving this disaster.


The secret message of the King of Medicine that has been dormant for a long time has actually appeared at this juncture, and we have encountered it twice in succession. I wonder if the fortune-teller has not considered this.

Speaking of this, Tingyun seemed a little worried and said: My benefactor, you must be careful. The King of Medicine secretly believes in the longevity plague and harms the ancestor Medicine Master, and is the close enemy of Xianzhou;

For thousands of years, the Alliance has been trying to eradicate this secret organization, but has never been able to do so. It must not be an accident that they chose to be born at this moment.


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202.Ominous premonition

Be careful, benefactor, don't be seduced by the words of this impostor. In Taiji Quyu, the real Tingyun reminded Zi Shu, She must have another agenda when she says these things.

Well, I have an idea. Zi Shu said there was no need to worry.

Xing's eyes were alert to the movements around him, and he said without looking back:

Since I came to Xianzhou, the people who met the secret disciples of the King of Medicine along the way have only this kind of virtue. I think they are just a group of poor people who are being used. The masterminds behind the scenes? Isn't it because they are just being kicked out of their legs and are not self-conscious? Know.

I feel the same way. Walter thought.

You don't have to feel it. The secret of the King of Medicine is deliberately exposed and used by ignorant fools who intend to subvert the fairy boat. Zi Shu affirmed.

As soon as he opened his mouth, several people had no doubts. They put aside their doubts about the Medicine King's secrets and turned to think about the real mastermind.

The atmosphere in the team fell silent, and no one said anything for the time being as they concentrated on their journey.

More and more corpses of fertile spiritual beasts were found along the way. These evil things fell to the ground, making people unable to feel the breath of life.

It's just that some tiny buds are blooming under its body, which is terrifying to think about.

In addition, there are some scattered remains of soldiers wearing cloud cavalry armor. If you have enough eyesight, it is not difficult to find that the sword marks left on their bodies are all from their own weapons.

The real reason for death can be imagined.

Seeing this, Zi Shu once again felt inexplicably ominous.

The last time I felt uneasy was at Fenggrao Xuanlu, where Jianmu's power suddenly exploded, causing Fenggrao Xuanlu to become increasingly difficult to deal with the nearby roots.

And this time...

By making hexagrams with bare hands, the hexagram images are no longer obscure and difficult to understand, and the future trend can be foreseen more clearly: bad luck.

The evil aspect is not directed at any companion, but at himself.

In other words, the mastermind finally noticed him and paid more attention to him?

Zi Shu fell into deep thought.

Are there any similarities before the two ominous premonitions come...

The most outstanding thing I did before the last crisis was to isolate the power of fertility and prevent the branches of Jianmu from extending - yes, prevent fertility!

Zi Shu had an idea.

As an envoy who was not used to using abundant power, he subconsciously ignored how difficult it would be if this power was used in an evil way.

Isolating the power of abundance may sound like nothing, but it is Jianmu. The miracles left by the medicine master are far beyond the power of ordinary people who embark on the path of abundance.

But this time there was an ominous premonition, because what happened after arriving at Danding Division was all related to the secret biography of the King of Medicine.

Is the appearance of the Awakening Talisman linked to unknown cause and effect...

Although this thing is very effective in preventing the Immortal Boat Immortal Seed from falling into the demonic yin, there are no similar drugs that can suppress the demonic yin in the local area.

For example, the unique secret recipe passed down from Xianzhou Yaoqing, Wanshou Qingqing Dan.

Once taken, love and desire will be eliminated until the end of life.

But there is no end to the lifespan of the Immortal Boat people. The effect of the Wanshou Wuqing Dan can be used to its extreme for short-lived species, but for long-lived species, it is just a temporary relief.

The Awakening Talisman has a similar effect to the Wanshou Qingqing Dan. The difference is that it works faster and does not really deprive people of their emotions.

Refresh your mind, keep your mind as rational as possible, and focus on protecting yourself from the impact of negative emotions.

Logically speaking, even if this kind of thing is scarce, it can replace the Wanshou Wuqing Dan, which is a banned drug in the Alchemy Division, and it will not be involved in changing the gears of destiny.


Whose interests have been shaken by the Awakening Talisman?

And even if this conflict of interest exists, it definitely does not originate from Dan Dingsi.

Then there is only one answer.

At this moment, Walter's eyes flashed with awe for a moment, and then returned to nature in the next moment, as if he had never had any emotional fluctuations before.

Lord of Destruction...you mean the mastermind behind the Immortal Boat is related to the Legion of Destruction?

Yes, I have been sleeping for too long, and I don't know the destructive styles of each extermination king.


The two men communicated silently in their hearts, walking continuously through the messy battlefield. Suddenly, a weak and painful groan came from the flank, attracting everyone's attention.

Go and see!

In a narrow blind corner, a Cloud Knight soldier wearing armor sat paralyzed with his back in the same familiar posture of covering his head.

Seeing that there were no symptoms of the demon body on the opponent's body, Xing immediately activated an awakening talisman.

Noticing the chaotic footsteps and the unknown object sticking to his forehead, Yun Qi raised his head, his eyes filled with pain full of vigilance.

Seeing that most of them were wearing foreign clothes, his eyes were a little less wary.

Then she felt that the thing on her forehead was emitting an inexplicable power, which quickly calmed the emotions in her mind.

At this point, the Cloud Knight soldier's face became slightly relaxed.

Blessed by the Emperor's Gong, you are not the ones who are secretly taught by the King of Medicine...

You're injured! Don't move around yet, let's see if there's anything we can do to make you feel better.

March 7 groped around in her belongings, hurriedly digging out medicine that could promote wound healing, and slowly dripped it into her mouth.

Um...this medicine is effective on ordinary humans. I don't know if it will be useful on immortal species...

Although these medicines come from the medical department of the Black Tower Space Station and are like miracle medicine to the ordinary world with backward technology, in a developed area like Xianzhou, March 7th is not sure.

But she didn't expect that in just a few breaths, the injured Yun Qi stood up with his body strong, and it seemed that the medicine was extremely effective.

You... thank you, I feel much better...

Where are Fu Taibu and Yunqi's troops? Do you know where they are? Xing asked.

My name is Qin Yue, and I'm ashamed to say it. On the way to Yunqi's expedition against the Danding Division, I suddenly had a pain in my head and lost consciousness. When I woke up, there was no one alive around me. I was also seriously injured and had difficulty moving. I had to find We have to rest here for a while.”

Qin Yue glanced around and saw Zi Shuhou behind Xing, and all doubts in her eyes disappeared.

Before setting off, Taibu had told him that if he met a handsome white-haired man in gray clothes with a Tai Chi jade hanging from his waist, he could be trusted regardless of his appearance. The team he was in was invited by the general for assistance.

You are the guests invited by the general. Fortunately, I met you. Our planned garrison location is not far ahead. Please follow me.

Out of caution, Xing tilted his head to look at Zi Shu, wanting to know if there was anything wrong with Yun Qi in front of him. He felt relieved when he saw that his chin was barely detectable.

Do you need me to hold you up?

Thank you for your kindness, girl. Thanks to the potion just now, I can move freely.

Well, don't force yourself. Xing said a little worried.

For these soldiers who fought loyally for Xianzhou, she still had some respect in her heart, and she would help if she could.

With Qin Yue leading the way, everyone quickly arrived at the medical market where the army was temporarily stationed, and quickly passed the customs inspection.

Taibu explained that Yunqi will not be able to advance without a few of them. Please wait in the formation for a while. We will wait until Master Taibu returns before making any decisions.


Zi Shu walked at the back, staring at the fake Tingyun's back without any trace, his eyes narrowed.

That guy's aura is getting weirder and weirder...

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203.Everyone is in danger

Zi Shu couldn't help but think, is it possible that this fake Ting Yun is the messenger of destruction behind the scenes?

Just because Fake Tingyun has not been able to detect the command-level aura on his body does not mean that he can completely eliminate that possibility.

The universe is very, very big.

It is normal for there to be many weird abilities or objects, and there are many of them that even the Star God has never seen or cannot see through.

Who knows if the other party possesses extremely powerful means of concealing aura?

Have to guard against it.

Everyone entered the temporary garrison and glanced at it.

Two words: chaos and weirdness.

Logically speaking, even in the rest area, the Yunqi Army should not be so scattered into a small group in the east and a small group in the west, leaving aside the ones standing guard, and there are still some alone in some corners.

The atmosphere makes people feel slightly depressed.

Many people's faces were like those of fishermen who had to prepare to go out to sea in a dark sky and a roaring sea breeze. They were worried because they had no idea what future they were about to face.

Even - gloomy.

Zi Shu saw an emotion called suspicion in the eyes of no fewer than dozens of Yunqi troops.

Suspicion of colleagues.

The weird mist created by the King of Medicine’s secret works after all...

The Yunqi Army is stationed here and is holding back. It seems that the situation is not optimistic. Taibu is not here. Let's ask the Yunqi in the camp. Walter mused.

Then, my benefactors might as well take a look around first, while the little girl finds a place to rest. Tingyun said with a smile.

The four people on the train crew looked at each other, then separated and walked to different places in pairs, looking for the target of conversation.

Xing and Zishu walked side by side, their eyes constantly scanning the vicinity. Not long after, they stopped in front of a temporary settlement point for the wounded.

Many Yunqi soldiers were lying on stretchers, with various wounds on their bodies, from weapons and from many animal bites.

There were only a few Danding Division doctors busy going back and forth between the stretchers, and it was obvious that manpower was very scarce.

A hint of pity flashed across Xing's face, but he didn't want to ask Zi Shu for help.

He is not everyone’s savior and has no obligation to do so.

Go in and take a look?


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