Don't let him-

Before March 7th could finish speaking, several jet-black chains caught up with him in the air and tied him tightly.

let me go!

The demonic body let out a low roar, trying desperately to get out of control.

Stop struggling, there is no way you can break free from this chain of discipline with your strength. Zi Shu took two steps forward and said calmly: Tell me everything you know.

What's your explanation? I was lying on the ground pretending to be dead. That woman stabbed me with a stick, and I endured it. But I didn't expect you to want to strike me with lightning. You have to give me an explanation. Yes! the demonic body said angrily.

Let me explain?

Zi Shu breathed softly, and a vague mockery flashed in his eyes.

I have to say that you are pretty good at pretending to be dead. It seems you have done this a lot. The leader asked you to stay here on lookout. It's a pity that you met a group of uninvited guests like us...

Fuck you, I'm not secretly taught by the King of Medicine at all——!

The demonic body seemed to be choked. He couldn't finish his subsequent words and his body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

It seems that you realized that you didn't bring it upon yourself. Zi Shu looked at him and slowly shook his head.

You dare to deceive me?!

If you weren't stupid, your concentration was too weak, and you were afraid of death, could the simple word leader deceive you?

Even though the situation at the scene was wrong, Xing couldn't help but laugh.

As expected of the Pig Nose who was secretly taught by the King of Medicine, the group of people who tried to trick her into joining were also like this. They were simple-minded but extremely confident, and looked down upon others.

March 7: Why are you laughing?

I remember happy things.

What happy thing?

I dreamed last night that you fell into a pile of corpses and was so embarrassed that I took a photo of you.

I'm going to pinch you!

Xing Qingqing, familiar with the situation, grabbed the little hand that Yue Qi stretched towards her waist, and said sincerely: Aqi, you're kidding, we are good sisters. It's too late for me to pull you, how could you take the opportunity to take pictures.

March 7 pouted and said, I find you are getting more and more disdainful.

How can you taint the innocence of a beautiful girl out of thin air?


The two girls' estrangement did not affect Zi Shu's conversation over there. When Mo Yin Shen heard that he was being ridiculed in this way, he almost lost his mind completely out of anger.

How did you know that I was the secret agent of the King of Medicine?!

Daiyu Angelica 5 qian, Linyuan Tiandong 2 qian, Bo Yue Ancient Sea Dragon Scale Coral 3 qian, Cang Fuling 1 qian, Moyin Shen Bone Powder 1 tael, and grind it with Salvia miltiorrhiza bone glue and Gugenlong teardrops to make a pill...

Every time Zi Shu mentioned more medicinal materials and dosages, Mo Yin's body trembled more violently. did he...

You're wondering how I knew this prescription, right? Zi Shu took out a letter from his sleeve robe and waved it in front of Mo Yin Shen's eyes, Do you understand.

Seeing the code name above the letter, Lan Xiao felt as if he was struck by lightning. After a moment, he shouted excitedly, It turns out that the missing Huang Qi was killed by you! I will fucking kill you!!!

Oh, are you in a hurry?

Zi Shu was happy and said leisurely:

You know, when I tortured Huang Qi, he persisted for a long time. He finally died after saying the word Blue Xiao. It seems that Lan Xiao is you. Well, let me think about it...

You must be his old friend, right? I mean, who of you two is 1 and who is 0? I have no other meaning, I'm just curious.

I'm 0! How dare you kill my favorite Da Meng 1, you will die badly!

Oh? I didn't expect that you two are really in love. I just wanted to make some random remarks and have some fun with you, but didn't expect that the fun would come true?

Lan Xiao was stunned again, and after coming back to his senses, he said angrily, Hey, you deceived me again?!

Xing and March 7 couldn't stand it anymore. They slapped their foreheads and covered their eyes. Their expressions were complicated and they didn't know what to say.

Even Walter couldn't help but push up the frame of his glasses to hide his speechlessness.

I didn’t expect that some people on the fairy boat were having fun...

Tingyun stood aside and gently waved his folding fan, as if he was not surprised that Zi Shu would say those nonsensical words.

This is what suits him.

In her knowledge, there are many Masked Fools like this, and they are all happy.

There was once a death-seeking thing, and Xun Le found the body she temporarily lodged in, and eventually turned into a somewhat useful pawn.

There was a clown who performed well along the way, but there was no suitable opportunity to do anything yet. Let him dance around for a while.

Huang Qi was tortured terribly, and in the end he begged me to kill him. Do you also want to experience my torture package? Zi Shu said with a smile. devil...

Lan Xiao's lips trembled, and after the anger dissipated, only fear remained in his heart.

As farmers, they are not people who can easily reveal secrets. Otherwise, how could the secret tradition of the King of Medicine develop so far in Luofu secretly?

But the letter in front of me was written by Luluo to the person responsible for guiding the spread of Xuangen. He had personally handed it to Huangqi, so it was unmistakable.

Don't waste any more time. When I smelled the dust-returning elixir emanating from your body, I started the countdown for you.

Zi Shu took out the old alarm clock, turned it twice, and threw it at Lan Xiao's feet.

If you don't tell me what you know before the alarm goes off, your head will be moved.

No, no, no - I'm telling you! Lan Xiao immediately shouted, I'll tell you everything, can you let me go after I've said it?

If you satisfy me, I won't take your life. Remember not to play tricks, otherwise - Zi Shu put away the old-fashioned alarm clock.

Of course I wouldn't dare...

From what Lan Xiao said, everyone had a preliminary understanding of the war that took place in Dan Ding Division not long ago.

All the entry and exit ports controlled by Yao Wang Mi Chuan were raided by a large number of cloud cavalry troops. If the leader of Yao Wang Mi Chuan had not been fully prepared, the casualties would have been countless times worse than now.

Even so, Medicine King's Secret Succession was also losing ground, and most of the preventive measures taken in advance were ineffective, as if they had been foreseen and seen through long ago.

Lan Xiao didn't know the reason, but everyone in Zishu knew.

It seems that Fu Xuan didn't encounter too much trouble, but why didn't he leave someone to garrison him? The military strength wouldn't be so tense, right?

Unless——Lan Xiao has something else he hasn’t explained.

Next, it's time for me to verify the authenticity of your words.

Zi Shu raised his hand and threw out a mantra, and stuck it to Lan Xiao's throat.

How much more did you hide from us in what you said earlier?

Lan Xiao's eyes flickered, but before he could start, his mouth started to move involuntarily.

There is a kind of white mist filling the Aland Cauldron Division. I don't know where that mist comes from. I only know that it can induce the demonic body.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Xing and the others changed slightly, and they almost couldn't help but look at the extremely pale white mist around them.

Good for you! March Qi raised his eyebrows angrily, If it weren't for Zi Shu's ability to make people speak the truth, we would have almost been tricked to death by you!

201.Serious situation

You, you, you - are you from the Ten Kings Division or the Taibu Division?! Lan Xiao was extremely horrified.

In his seriousness, making people speak the truth is a method used by the Ten Kings and Taibo.

If you guess it wrong, you'll get a prize.

With a thought in his mind, Zi Shu drew a long sword and penetrated his elixir to cut off his vitality.

Seeing everyone's fear and worry, he waved his hand and offered reassurance, Don't worry too much, the effect of the mist on inducing the demonic body to attack should have no effect on us.

Are the Immortal Boatmen going on a special attack? Xing hesitated.

She did not forget that Zi Shu accidentally mentioned that he had been sleeping for over a thousand years.

Zi Shu nodded, That's pretty much what it means.

What about Miss Tingyun? March 7 asked worriedly.

Thank you for remembering me. Tingyun smiled sweetly, The older you are, the higher the possibility of falling into the devil's shadow. The lifespan of the fox people is far less than that of the immortal boat humans, so it is difficult for them to fall into the devil's shadow.

Oh, then we can rest assured. March 7 breathed a sigh of relief.

Xing pursed his lips slightly and stopped talking.

Don't worry about me. My immortality does not come from the blessing of abundance, and I am not troubled by evil spirits.

Zi Shu could tell that she was thinking about something, so he smiled slightly and said:

That guy Lan Xiao has absolutely no ability to resist my power of truth. You have heard what he just said. The mist can induce the people of the Immortal Boat to fall into the devil's shadow. This is no small matter;

Those who fall into the devil's shadow have their six worlds turned upside down, and their human relationships are completely ruined. There are many soldiers in the Yunqi Army who are over 500 or even 700 years old;

Imagine this situation within the Cloud Cavalry Army: when your comrades who fought alongside you not long ago give you a fatal blow without any warning, what will happen to the entire Cloud Cavalry Army?

Zi Shu's words made Xing feel chilled in his heart.

If you want to disintegrate an army, there is nothing faster than the destruction of mutual suspicion and trust within it...

No wonder you gave us the awakening talisman. Did you foresee the serious situation now? March 7 asked in shock.

It doesn't count. I didn't know the effect of those mists at first. The awakening talisman was prepared based on the known information about the Xianzhou people. I didn't expect it to be an accident. The situation is urgent. Let's move forward quickly. Shu took the lead.

The group of people moved forward with full vigilance and went deep into the Danding Division.

Look! There's someone there! March 7 suddenly shouted.

In fact, everyone saw it, and their speed gradually slowed down, stopping in front of the two people in front.

After running for so long, I finally saw someone alive. I would like to ask you... do you need help...

Speaking of the latter, March 7 realized that something was not right. The Cloud Knight soldiers looked like they needed help, and they all squatted on the ground, clutching their heads and wailing.

... The others saw more.

Zi Shu stepped forward without leaving a trace, half of his body blocking the front of March 7, staring at the woman from the Fox tribe wearing the uniform of a doctor from the Alchemy Department with a deep look in her eyes.

Hey, you are not Yunqi... What are you doing here? It's very dangerous.

There was a hint of frivolity in Luluo's tone, which made people frown unconsciously.

Walter said calmly: We were invited by the general for assistance. Where are the others?

Ha. Luluo snorted coldly and said sarcastically: He actually brought short-lived species here as reinforcements... Hehe, Jingyuan really has no one to use.

Hmph, you monster, I can tell at a glance that you are not human! Xing took out the bat without thinking, and the blue light flashed.

Run away! This guy is... The Cloud Knight soldier covering his head on the ground wailed in pain, The secret of the King of Medicine!

Xing was about to take action, but Zi Shu reached out to stop her temporarily.

Talkful. Luluo said with a strange look on her face: If I heal you, you will be one of us, so you won't let them escape, right?

Seven or eight strange-looking dog-like beasts walked out of the blind corner of the building and surrounded everyone.

Uh... uh... ah... hurry up...

The cloud knight soldiers began to show superficial symptoms such as the branches of the demonic body. Sharp black blades grew from the tips of their elbows, and their voices became more and more crazy.

Get out of here...I can't control myself anymore—

As soon as he finished speaking, the Cloud Knight soldier, who was about to turn into a demon, had already moved his body and attacked Zishu. However, before his attack could take effect, the dark chains tightly restrained him.

The lifespan of short-lived species is fleeting, so why risk your own death? Why did you come to Xianzhou? Do you want to live forever?

Luluo didn't care when she saw this. Surrounded by the strange beasts, she opened her arms and said enthusiastically:

If you want to live forever, you don't need to look at Jing Yuan's face. The Medicine King's secret message can give you what you want. Look at these fertile spiritual beasts. Even these beasts can have a greatly increased life span!

A person like you is neither a human nor a ghost? Xing curled his lips and said mockingly: Then let's not.

If you don't listen to good words, then go to hell!

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