The interstellar signal intermittent phenomenon must be related to the star core hunters.

Kafka appears on the train and leads everyone to Luofu. The logic of all actions must follow the script. The inability to get in touch with Dan Heng may be an indispensable part of the script.

Thinking of this, Zi Shu slowly raised his head and looked towards the sky, his sight seemed to penetrate the fairy boat cave and look towards the distant stars.

No one said that there are only two star core hunters entering the game. The fact that the third person is not in the fairy boat does not mean that he cannot participate in the script...

The mysterious aura carried by Kafka was very strange, and his intuition told Zi Shu that the aura might be related to the end.

But he has never seen the final Star God King, and his understanding of him only remains at the most basic information.

However, it doesn’t matter whether the Star Core Hunter is linked to The End.

What the star core hunter wants to accomplish is consistent with the answer he is looking for. To a certain extent, they are on the same side.

The script stipulates that Dan Heng must act alone, which means that his previous guess was established.

If you don't count yourself, Dan Heng played a very important role in the Luofu script.

Zi Shu fell into deep thought, and various clues began to merge in his mind.

Dan Heng was chased by Blade, who was a member of the Star Core Hunters and was caught on purpose in Luo Miao. Kafka then asked the train to change its jump, using the Star Core as a public reason and helping Blade take off the blame as a personal reason. Destination, this is the beginning, one.

Let Luofu connect with the train crew and owe favors. To put it bluntly, relying on Walter, Xing, and March Seven is not enough. Danheng is the key, and this is the second one.

The contact between Xing and Dan Heng has always been intermittent, but he can learn about Dan Heng's whereabouts every time. First, it was the news that he had arrived at Liuyundu, and then he actually arrived at the Engineering Department ahead of the development team. This was the third time.

Dan Heng could walk so fast and did not choose to look for people in other places. Presumably in his mind, going to Dandingsi was the most likely place to join the large army.

Based on this, it is inferred that Dan Heng may have received some clues, such as: the star core hunter disguised himself as a star and sent him some information.

Even the messages received by Xing from Dan Heng may have been forged by the hacker kid among the Xing Core Hunters.

According to the previous thinking, it can be deduced that both the Star Dome Train and Luofu forces were deliberately guided by the Star Core Hunter to the Danding Division, or in other words - the cave where Jianmu is located, this is the fourth.

Among the pioneering team, aside from the fact that he is separated inside and outside the script, Walter is the most powerful person on the surface.

But Walter's team did not act together with Jing Yuan, Luo Fu's strongest combat force. This shows that Walter's power can only be regarded as the icing on the cake for Luo Fu, and Dan Heng is the one who can help in times of trouble. This is five.

The star core induces the rebirth of Jianmu. The cave where Jianmu is located is adjacent to Dandingsi. This is six.

Dan Heng was once a member of Luofu Immortal Boat, and this is the seventh.

There are three races in the Immortal Boat Alliance. In addition to the local Immortal Boat people, there are also fox people and Mingzhi. According to the information provided by Tingyun, the Dragon Lord of the Mingzhu clan has sealed Jianmu in the past, which is eight.

When Tingyun left Luofu for the last time, the Mingzhu clan on Luofu had not established a contemporary Dragon Lord, which meant that the Dragon Lord who had sealed Jianmu was no longer there. This was the ninth time.

All in all, a certain answer came out.

Tingyun, do you know the name or title of Luofu's previous Dragon Lord? Zishu asked in his mind.

Returning to my benefactor, the name of the new Dragon Lord is Dan Feng, and his title is: Lord Yin Yue.

Zi Shu quietly made up his mind, and after a while the thoughtfulness in his eyes disappeared, replaced by a sudden realization.

I see…

The information we have is sufficient, and we are getting closer and closer to the truth of the incident. It is expected that the error in the result of this hexagram will not be too big.

With the confirmation of the hexagram results, everything is connected in series.

I have to say that Star Core Hunter is quite powerful, killing many birds with one stone and advancing the script.

Jing Yuan is even more powerful. With limited information, he can guess most of the secrets, including the plot of the star core hunter, the identity of the rebel party in Xianzhou who colluded with the outside world, and based on this, he took countermeasures and left behind.

He walked on the most dangerous side, leaving the other side to the pioneering team.

It can be said that the pioneering team is the bait on the surface: the bait to induce Dan Heng to return to the immortal boat.

Fu Xuan was supposed to be the one to protect the bait, but since he came uninvited, Jing Yuan asked Fu Xuan to rush to the dangerous front line, and by the way, Qi Bing became a real 'Qi Bing'.

As expected of General Luofu, he employs people appropriately and makes the best use of them. He also dares to trust unknown envoys. He is not lacking in skills and is full of courage.

Zi Shu didn't believe that as General Luofu, he wouldn't be able to detect his hints or the breath he deliberately released.

The closed eyes general of Shence Mansion is well-deserved.

Zi Shu laughed in his heart, not resenting Jing Yuan for scheming against him. After all, he took the initiative to get involved, right?

As everyone knows, Jing Yuan has a higher opinion of him.

As an outsider, he can see the crux of Luofu's crisis. He is worthy of being favored by the Star God.

If Jing Yuan knew that Zi Shu had already guessed Dan Heng's true identity, he would probably be even more amazed and admired.


What would Jingyuan think if he knew that the Star God currently eyeing Zishu was Happy Aha?

While Zi Shu was thinking, he reached the end of the short secret passage and looked down at the mess on the ground below.

There were corpses and weapons and armor everywhere, including those from the Cloud Cavalry Army and those from unknown beasts.

Hey...the battle is so fierce... March 7 took a breath.

Tingyun smiled strangely and said without leaving any trace: It seems that while we were delayed at the Construction Department, Lord Taibu had already set off for the expedition.

little fox.jpg

199. Wake up

It turns out that we were asked to work as a company because we didn't want to involve us in the front line. It seems that I misunderstood General Jingyuan. Xing suddenly said.

Hmm...General Jingyuan handed over the important task of commanding Yunqi to Fu Taibu. He must have known that she would act according to the results of the divination. Now it seems that the battle situation seems a bit unexpected... Walter mused.

March 7: Fortunately, the general didn't let us follow Yunqi... Fighting is really different from taking risks. There are corpses all over the ground... I, I can't bear to see such a big scene.

What did my benefactor say? Tingyun crossed his arms across his chest, and the words came out lightly like a normal conversation, This can't be considered a scene.

Huh? Isn't this a big scene? March 7 was stunned.

Hundreds of years ago, in order to rob Jianmu, a certain wealthy envoy led his army to Luofu, destroying almost half of the cave and killing every ten of the Yunqi army;

Such a past is not even history to the Immortals. It is not an exaggeration to call it yesterday...

Speaking of this, the corner of Tingyun's mouth curled up, Huh... compared to this, the situation in front of me is just a small fight.

Wow, how can you be so comforting! March 7 was a little frightened.

Xing's slender eyebrows were slightly clustered and she pursed her lips in silence. She always felt that Ting Yun was a little strange.

Even if the immortal boat people live long, they shouldn't have an indifferent and frivolous attitude towards such a tragic war, right?

They, the group of outsiders on the Star Train, felt a little uncomfortable when they saw the tragic situation in front of them, but Tingyun seemed to be a little too indifferent to the lives of the immortal boat.

Seeing the thoughtful look on the star, Zishu felt a little at ease.

It's good that she can realize that something is wrong, but she is afraid that trust will be unreserved, and there is nothing wrong with multiple minds.

Walter also felt that Tingyun was a little strange, but he didn't think much about it and said worriedly: I don't know whether Taibu will win or lose this battle.

Xing: Be conservative, one-on-one.

You thought it was a game, and there was a draw. March 7 said speechlessly: I think there are not many Yunqi soldiers who fell. This battle of Fu Taibu should be a good one.


not necessarily…

Zi Shu and Walter spoke at the same time, and they were startled. Then Walter motioned to the former to express his opinion first.

If we win, even if we don't have time to deal with the funeral affairs of our comrades, we should always leave a stronghold nearby to guard against the enemy setting up encirclement traps, but... I didn't sense any movement from the Yunqi Army within a three-mile radius.

It's about what I thought. If the march is successful, strongholds and troops will usually be left behind to provide support. Walter nodded and suggested: Look around, maybe you can find clues to the actions of the Cloud Cavalry Army.

No one had any objections to this, and Ting Yun didn't even care.


Zishu stopped his companions and took out a stack of pale golden talismans under everyone's puzzled gaze.

Judging from its thickness, a rough estimate is no less than 50 sheets.

I understand this, be prepared before taking action!

March 7th's eyes lit up at first, and then he said in confusion: But the enemy we have to face this time is no better than Yaliluo 6. Will things like the detonating talisman and the tear gas talisman work...

If you think about it, you will know that the golden talismans in Zi Shu's hand cannot be the ones in your mouth. Xing curled his lips.

This is the Awakening Talisman. I won't be able to explain its specific functions in a while. In short, if you encounter a fairy boatman who has not completely fallen into the demon body, you can activate one and try it on the opponent.

Zi Shu first handed the pile in his hand to Xing, then took out the same number of talismans and distributed them to the others.

If the opponent can still be saved, the talisman will be automatically attached to his forehead to exert its effect. If not, the talisman will spontaneously ignite and disappear after being attached.

Oh? A look of surprise appeared on Tingyun's face, and he looked deeply at Zishu, ...Mr. Zishu can actually cure chronic diseases?

Unfortunately, the Awakening Talisman has no effect in curing the root cause of the disease.

Zi Shu managed his expressions flawlessly and said softly:

Falling into the Demon Yin is the irreversible outcome of the Immortal Boat race. It can only use unknown means to induce the Demon Yin body of the Immortal Boat people in advance... Miss Tingyun seems to be very interested in this?

Of course, you must know that the Immortal Boat people have been sailing for more than 8,000 years. Ever since they gained immortality, the demonic body has always been an incurable and terminal disease. Once it attacks, it will completely lose its mind and be irreversible.

Tingyun picked up an awakening talisman and stared at it closely, and said quietly: If a certain kind of people on the immortal boat know that Mr. Zishu has such an ability... maybe danger will come to him.

Maybe. Zi Shu said noncommittally.

There is no shortage of people with ulterior motives. Since you have decided to sell more favors to Xianzhou and add some stability to the alliance between the two parties, you are not afraid of the so-called trouble.

Besides, how long can the secret biography of the King of Medicine, which is most likely to cause trouble, exist?

I'll try the effect first. Xing conveniently put one on his forehead.

The talisman is mini and does not block the view.


What's wrong with you? Jian Xing's face was dull, and Yue Qi didn't know why.

It's okay. Xing tore off the Awakening Talisman with a confused look on his face, How should I put it...I feel like I feel empty after putting this thing on.

What does it mean to be empty?

Don't ask Bao'er, just try it yourself and you will know. Xing quickly put away the awakening talisman in his hand.

March Qi was very curious and put a sticker on her head without thinking. The next second she showed the exact same expression as Xing had before, causing her to quickly tear off the talisman.

Wow, I finally understand what you mean. All four elements are empty. This... I have completely lost my worldly desires.

For a moment, she felt that her hobby of taking pictures was super unnecessary and she might as well throw away the camera.

Zishu, I think the name of the Awakening Talisman is not appropriate. It should be called the Opening Talisman. Can this weird effect save the demonic body?

Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, it depends on the individual. Zi Shu didn't explain too much, Take these talismans with you and then set off.

Stepping into the battlefield, the remaining chilling air and the smell of blood made March Qi uncomfortable, and he followed Zi Shu closely.

Xing stopped in front of a demon body corpse and looked through it under the horrified gaze of March 7, but found nothing.

It's so strange. Look, this man's several conspicuous wounds are slowly shrinking at a speed that can be seen with the naked eye.

Xing pointed at the blood marks on Mo Yin's neck and frowned:

There are obviously no vital signs, but this guy gives people the feeling that he is not completely dead.

Xing, get out of the way.

Ah good.

Out of trust, Xing subconsciously followed the instructions, but he didn't expect that Zi Shu would raise his hand and trigger a thick thunderbolt. With such a merciless attitude, the demon Yin body on the ground might be chopped into blackened flesh.

But he still didn't expect that the demon's Yin body, which had lost all vital signs, suddenly came to life, and suddenly rolled and narrowly avoided the thunder.

The thunder fell on the ground, creating a large pit.


March 7's eyes widened, Huh? Are you really not dead?

200. Oops, are you in a hurry?

The demon's Yin body, which avoided Zi Shu's attack, didn't seem to want to be entangled too much, so it got up and ran away.

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