But it doesn't matter, although that power can form a check and balance on the power of fertility, it is far from threatening the existence of the emissary level.

Huanwu comforted herself like this.

After all, no one dares to say that they absolutely understand this endless galaxy. It is not surprising that there are a few capable people and strangers.

They failed to use the abundant black deer to get rid of them. It seems that the plan in the near future needs to be prepared with more guarantees.

Hmm... If this person can cause an obstacle to her then, then she will use the rare item she obtained hundreds of years ago.

With that thing around, even the extremely difficult to deal with in history and the so-called immortal Fertility Order, Sui Hu, would have to surrender for a period of time.

Thinking of this, Huan Huan, whose thoughts were turning rapidly, put on a cloud-stopping expression and followed Master Gongshu.

Different from the time in Belloberg, Xing now understood that seeing Zi Shu face a desperate situation with her own eyes made her heart hurt so much.

Unknowingly, his weight in her heart had already become extremely heavy.

Fortunately... fortunately he was fine.

At the moment when she was also facing a life-and-death crisis, for some reason, something deep in her brain seemed to burst out.

Xing didn't know what it was, but she could vaguely feel that once that happened, maybe she would no longer be who she is now.

Wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes, Xing regained his composure and turned his gaze to the sword in Zi Shu's hand.

Your eyes...and this sword...

Through the sheath of the sword, one can detect an aura that is far more breathtaking than the Red Edge Sword.

...The subtle changes in my facial features involve events in the distant past. I'll tell you about it when I have time.

Zi Shu knew that it was not yet time to solve the mystery, so he raised the sword in his hand and said softly:

This sword has no name. It is proof that I woke up from a deep sleep after losing my direction and said goodbye to my past self. In short, I am still familiar with Zishu in everyone's mind. The power that makes you unfamiliar also belongs to me, but it involves When it comes to the past, I don’t want to use it easily.”

So that's it... Yue Qi suddenly realized and couldn't help but sigh: We always thought that Dan Heng had hidden power, but we didn't expect that the person who really has hidden power is Zi Shu.

March, have you noticed something? Xing's eyes turned to March 7.


Every time something comes out of your mouth, as long as a similar situation happens in the future, it will most likely become a reality. I'm thinking, are you the reincarnation or descendant of some star god?

March 7 suddenly choked up and didn't know where to start complaining.

It's all a coincidence!

Xing fell into deep thought, Why do I think it's not the case...

Walter looked at the huge withered flower bud under the furnace of creation, with lingering fear.

General Jingyuan said that Jianmu has incredible immortal powers. That deer looks like an ordinary life, but even if it is fatally injured, it can heal instantly. I finally understand why the Immortal Boat people follow the hunting and eradicate the abundance. Already…”

Once an immortal creation is allowed to spread, it will cause the entire world's ecosystem to completely collapse. No wonder the Immortal Boat people wander the universe with starships and never settle on a certain planet.

Mr. Yang is very insightful. Master Gongshu looked up at the silent Jianmu roots and sighed: It's a pity that eight thousand years ago, our ancestors who were medicine seekers couldn't see through the hidden dangers behind this;

Maybe some of them thought of it and refused the gift from the longevity plague ancestor. However, as a civilization, can it really resist the temptation of immortality?

Master Gongshu shook his head mockingly.

It's really ironic. The wise are buried under the spring, but the fools will live forever... Xianzhou regretted being bewitched by the richness, and finally decided to embark on a hunting journey. Maybe there is still room for redemption.

Listening to these words, Zi Shu felt silent in his heart.

Is the pharmacist evil?

No, He has never done anything to bring about past sins with His own hands. Even if He swallowed Xi, He could not help it.

Is the pharmacist good?

Not really, at least not in the eyes of most normal Xianzhou people.

The misdeeds of some rich people are spread all over the world, and countless civilizations have been ruined because of them.

Another example is Nanook, who is bent on destroying the entire civilization of the universe and has nothing to do with good. However, from his perspective and standpoint, what he does is just to implement himself, so how can he be wrong?

Right and wrong, good and evil, right and wrong are always based on one's position, there are no absolutes.

Thank you all for your help. I know you are going to Danding Division next.

The public transport master bowed his hands and saluted the train crew.

That place is adjacent to the cave where Jianmu is. Looking at the scene in front of you, it must be more dangerous there. I will continue to guide you. Please be more careful.

Thank you. Walter cupped his fists and said.

The battle of Xuanlu is over, but the player group is as lively as the Chinese New Year.

The number of hot topics related to Zishu has always been high. As soon as the five-star plot came out, it immediately broke the Internet in a very short period of time.

In addition, after the plot of Fenghuo Xuanlu ended, the main line of the 1.0 version of the server ended, which pushed the discussion to the peak.

Countless players denounced Mi Huyou for throwing out the Five-Star Book without any follow-up, and playing it out of context was a bastard.

197. Extraterrestrial satellite communications

At noon on the second day of the Player World, the official accounts of various media communities of Star Dome Railway released the standing drawings of the Five Stars Book.

#Interactive Lottery# #Honkai: Star Dome Railway#

Outer Space Satellite Communications

The Blesser of the World, Zishu, crosses the boundless sea and performs great good deeds in all realms. Millions of believers respect him as the Heavenly Man who protects the world. For us, the Heavenly Man is his incarnation and is also equal to our Lord.

——The third master of the Star Palace: Wen Renyu.

The only envoy under the Star God constellation has been born since ancient times, but both he and he have long been forgotten by this galaxy.

After waking up from a long sleep, Zishu bid farewell to the past that he did not want to touch and set foot on the boundless sea of ​​stars. But this time, his journey is no longer limited to a single word of kindness.

There are no taboos for those who have lost their faith.

No one knows where he will end up, and no one knows whether he will still implement His will on the way to find the unknown answer in his heart.

Chinese CV: Zi Shu

Japanese CV: Zishu

English CV: Zi Shu

Korean CV: Zishu

▉Forward the lottery:

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[Warm reminder: This character will not be UP for a limited time in version 1.1, so please stay tuned. ]

As soon as the post was posted, those who play games normally, those who specialize in making strategies, those who do research, those who are into light plots, people who have fun, and those who are crazy all couldn't wait to rush into the comment area to leave their footprints.

In addition, there is an endless stream of discussions. The page is refreshed every few seconds, and the number of comments almost doubles.

In just a few minutes, there were already more than 3,000 comments.

[There are five people, there are three perverts, and I can support all three of them. I won’t go through the program anymore and just start licking my husband’s handsome face! 】

[Jimei people, please pay attention to the etiquette in the comment area. You can generate electricity, but don’t ruin the news. 】

[Finally, some big news came out. The Blesser of the World is indeed not an entry related to the known star gods. 】

[His past is really related to the saint. Unfortunately, he still doesn’t know who the fallen star god is. WOC, I announce that Sao Sheng is a prophet. Many of the videos he posted not long ago match up! 】

[However, the most important thing is that there is no stone hammer. 】

[How is it possible that Shi Chui doesn't even believe who the Star God Zi Shu once believed in is, let alone how that Star God died. The theory that he was devoured by the Medicine Master is somewhat untenable. 】

[At least it is not without basis. After all, order is swallowed up by Tonghe. 】

[I really didn’t expect that Zi Shu used to be a good person, but now his behavior has changed drastically due to the death of the God of Faith. Thinking about the exclusive light cone picture in the plot, the fragility is getting worse. 】

【Distressed, ing. 】

[Everyone is paying attention to the character introduction. Has anyone noticed the CV column? Oh my god, it’s okay to get four salaries for one person! 】

[The dubbing teacher is also very good⑧, covering all three languages: Japanese, Korean, and English. The dubbing of a character in different languages ​​is by the same person. This is the first time for a Mi Fool game. 】

[It’s pretty good. Zi Shu has too many elements of Chinese culture. Foreigners’ understanding of the characters is not as profound as ours. It can also put an end to those debates about dubbing languages. 】

On the external Twitch live broadcast platform, Miss Niluli Sweetily is appreciating Zi Shu’s new paintings.

As a Chinese who is live-streaming on the Internet, her understanding of Zi Shu’s national style elements is much higher than that of foreigners.

Everyone who is familiar with Mi Huyou knows that the costumes of the characters they create are not too monotonous, but everyone can find that no matter whether it is a four-star or a five-star Zishu, the clothes are all in simple colors, which can be seen at a glance.

Simple does not mean monotonous. If you look carefully at the details on the vertical painting, it is not difficult to find that there are elements of Chinese Taoism, and it seems to have a bit more Buddhism, but I am not sure.

The background environment in the vertical painting is very meaningful. The road he passed has green grass and flowers in bloom, but on both sides, you can clearly see out-of-place dead grass and dead trees, which is extremely desolate.

If my guess is correct, this vertical painting is from a time when Zi Shu came to a certain world in the past and spared no effort to save the lives there and prevent them from suffering. The few pairs of skinny palms stretched out on the edge of the vertical painting should confirm my guess. .”

The artist is very good. The composition has a clear sense of layering. He uses the sense of contradiction to firmly catch the eye. He may also use the opposite meaning of the environment to illustrate Zishu's current stance.

In the past, he could do good deeds and save countless people regardless of the cost. There was a Star God behind him to guide his future direction, but that's gone now.

Based on the descriptions of some copywriting, I think that in the past, Zishu helped others without distinguishing whether they were good or evil. How can I describe this behavior and stance... It is itself full of controversy.

Through the plot and the four-star character information, we can draw an obvious conclusion. Zishu is no longer the do-gooder. He no longer helps others at will, nor does he pay any price to himself. Lanlan will collect payment from the person being helped;”

The four-star E skill is like this. If you want to gain something, you have to lose something. Even if you can recover part of your life and gain energy, you will lose a small part of your life every time you get hit.

In the plot, he only used a few big moves, and each time he was a member of the rescue team. Perhaps it also tells us from the side that he will only help people he recognizes for free, and will only bear the price for those who are worthy of help. .”

There are actually quite a few characters like this, and they can be seen in many works, but I have to say that Zi Shu was very successful in shaping the plot. Everyone likes him, right?

[I swear, this is the first time I look forward to a character’s UP pool being released soon, but unfortunately he cannot be released in version 1.1. 】

[Zishu is like the immortal master described in Chinese fantasy novels. As a Westerner, it is really amazing that he can meet my aesthetics in all aspects. 】

[The main plot of the server has ended, and I don’t know if there will be any plot related to him in the branch. I’m looking forward to it. 】

The branch plot is unclear, but there will definitely be a main plot in the next version. We haven't found the star core on the fairy boat yet, and we haven't found the mastermind behind it yet, Sweetily said.

[What if version 1.1 does not have the main line? 】

[Hey, guys in front of me, I don’t think you need to worry about this. If the new version doesn’t have a main storyline, wouldn’t it mean that this turn-based game is a mess? 】

[Don’t take advantage of the rising heat and choose the long grass. I don’t think Mi Hua is that stupid. 】

[Hahaha, I think so too. Oh, I hope there will be news about Zishu UP in version 1.2. 】

Players did not expect that version 1.1 really had no main storyline, and many people were stunned by this cool operation.

Fortunately, content such as developing levels, simulated universe, and the Garden of Oblivion can be gradually accessed, so the majority of the team will not worry about running out of content to play in the first two or three months.

198. Nine-nine returns to one

In different worlds, time passes at different speeds.

After Zishu and his party took a short rest, they said goodbye to Master Gongshu, spent some time arriving at the outskirts of Dandingsi, and walked through the secret passage.

Judging from what the public transport master explained, everyone understood why Jingyuan wanted them to pass by the construction company.

There are two reasons.

The first is that the three docks of Dandingsi were blocked by unknown forces shortly after the star core exploded, and they could only enter but not enter.

Based on his own experience when he came to Xianzhou and a brief analysis of Xing's encounter, Zi Shu targeted the target force at the Secret Legend of Medicine King.

There must be a mole within the Danding Division, and there is a high probability that the King of Medicine is secretly behind it.

It is speculated from this that when Jing Yuan handed the military talisman to Fu Xuan, he must have asked her to lead the army into Danding Division to quell the rebellion, find out the mastermind behind it, and prevent the entire Danding Division from falling.

Secondly, the train crew, as a surprise force, needed to hide in the dark, avoid the blocked main transportation hub lines, and sneak in through the path leading directly from the Engineering and Construction Department to the Danding Department.

Hmm... Let's solve the small troubles encountered in the construction department. Although Fengsao Xuanlu is far beyond the scope of small troubles...

As for Jing Yuan himself, he should be on Dan Heng's line.

Others may not know the reason for the delay in contacting Dan Heng, but Zi Shu knows it.

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