Ran Ran blinked blankly and suddenly slapped her thigh, Isn't he a character with no energy?!

She closed the interface and pressed the finishing move shortcut key again.

A half-length portrait flashed across the right side of the screen, and Zi Shu once again assumed a familiar pose, but this time there was only one plain white sword hovering around him.

Seeing this, players determined that the number of times his ultimate move can be used is related to the number under the avatar.

[Good guy, if the level is full, wouldn’t it be possible to fire 10 ultimate moves in a row? 】

[The question is how to save layers? 】

Don't worry, let me see what status my husband's ultimate move inflicts on those deer first.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you will be shocked when you look at it.

Her formation was Xi'er, the owner, Bronya, and Zishu, who was originally a four-star guardian.

The entire team does not have any negative abilities on non-defeated monsters, but now there are several negative effects on the information page of Fengrao Xuanlu.

Slowing down, defense reduction, resistance penetration, vulnerability... there is also a special negative called Shang Yao.

The first few are easy to understand. After seeing the effect of Shang Yao's comments, players who don't know much about the game are fine. Those who have experienced the closed beta are stunned on the spot.

Can't monsters get buffs when they are in the state of death?


Those monsters that can add BUFFs such as damage increase or damage reduction, wouldn't they kneel down and call Zi Shu on the spot when they see Zi Shu?

In addition, none of the other abnormal values ​​are lower than 12%. Individually, they may not be good, but when combined, it makes people sweat.

You should know that these negative debuffs not only do not display the number of rounds they last, but also clearly indicate that they cannot be purified and removed...

Doesn’t it mean that as long as the formation continues, negativity can last forever?


Just two words: Domineering!

[Lao Yang's susceptibility to damage was reduced to nothing... But with so many negative points, it seems that Wu Xingzi Shu still can't be a C. He is a supporting type of nothingness like Pella. 】

[The damage of the ultimate move just now was not very high, almost the same. 】

[The auxiliary is good, the main C is just a loser, only the human rights auxiliary can stand the test of time. 】

Take your time to express your deep appreciation for your husband. Now I want to take revenge! Ran Ran said fiercely.

[However, Zishu turned into nothingness, wouldn’t the team have no chance of survival again? 】

Ah... I don't think you need to worry. You can't think of planning such a big loophole. Let's do it!

Returning to fight BOSS, players quickly figured out how to stack Zishu's ultimate move: rely on teammates to defeat monsters, one layer at a time, but each teammate can only stack one layer per round.

In the early stage, the characters had little speed, and before they reached 5 levels, Ran Ran found that the health of the salted duck had bottomed out.

Just when she was murmuring in her heart, Si Xingzi Shu's avatar suddenly appeared in the action bar. It was an ancient forbidden technique that changed the world and restored the health of the whole team...

Don't worry, I'm here.


195. Tenth level ultimate move


Seeing that after the Four Stars book was opened, Ranran's avatar appeared behind the action bar of Fenggrao Xuanlu, Ranran started to tremble instantly, swept away her previous worries, and said boldly:

Translate, translate, what does TM's sense of security mean!

Come on, come on, beat me to death, please beat me to death. If you can beat me to death, I will immediately turn off the holster, turn on the camera, and stand on my head and scream in front of everyone in the live broadcast room!

[So angry, she’s pretending! 】

[What’s most annoying is that you can’t be struck by lightning just because you pretended to be. My adoptive father’s four-star ultimate move is thrown in the action bar to protect you. It’s also an automatic transmission that doesn’t require energy. I really don’t know how to die. 】

[If you don’t want to make trouble for the brothers in the live broadcast room, just say it straight away. There is no need to set up impossible flags. 】

Having said it all, we can't think of any more plans we can think of. There are still 4 floors left. I want to see what Zishu's ultimate move will look like at the full floor.

At this time, she also discovered that Zi Shu's own actions could also stack up.

If the team's support also attacks negative monsters, it means that it can stack 4 times in one round, which is not too slow.

After one round of action between the enemy and the enemy, the second four-star ultimate move was automatically activated to raise everyone's health. Ranran controlled Xi'er to hit an E, and the number under Zishu's avatar finally reached 10/10.

Come out, it's full of space!

Ranran suddenly pressed Zishu's ultimate move to put it into standby mode. Everyone discovered that there was an extra letter F shortcut icon next to the number 4 that represented the formation number above the ultimate move icon.

Black mist surrounded the icon, and a tutorial box popped up.

[When Zishu's finishing skill is full, you can directly cast [Shang Yao·Annihilation] through special shortcut keys]

Oh, it saves you the time of pressing the ultimate move 10 times. That's great. It's really thoughtful.

Tap the F key, and at original speed, the screen-dominating portrait of the Void Form Zishu pops up together with the voice of the final move. Ran Ran is so shocked that she almost jumps out of her chair.

In this dark night...

Oh my god! I'm too slow to take a screenshot... The screen recording team took the time to send me a portrait of Five-Star Husband. Let's take a look first... Hiss -

Before he finished speaking, Ran Ran was attracted by Zi Shu's new standby posture.

There was no long sword circling around him after the full level of ultimate moves. Instead, Zi Shu held a sheathed long sword in his hand.

From the outside of the sword hilt, it is difficult to see that it is similar to the plain white long sword of the E skill, but it is more refined.

He stood upright with his feet off the ground, holding a sword, and his long hair moved freely in the wind. The black mist surrounding his body was even thicker, and the area below his knees was even covered by the black mist.

Even the game screen became dark, and there seemed to be an unknown wailing sound coming from the black mist, filled with indescribable depression.

Handsome! Ranran pressed the space button.

The black mist on the soles of Zi Shu's feet suddenly enveloped the palm holding the sword hilt, a cold light flashed, and the sword blade was unsheathed——

He swung his sword forward at a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye. The sword's edge left thick and dark cracks in the void wherever it passed. The enemy in the center of the cracks had already fallen into a state of stasis.

The visual shock caused countless players to hold their breath involuntarily, and some even thought that their mobile phone or computer screen was broken, and the 3D feeling was full.

While the four thick black space cracks were frozen, Zi Shu slowly sheathed the long sword, murmuring in a low voice with emptiness, loneliness, and arrogance.

Falling into Naraku...

The sword blade was completely sheathed, and the screen exploded in space at the same time. The entire screen quickly faded to black, and then lit up again.

The place where the two fertile black deer originally stood, and the place where the branches grew beside them, are now empty...

With every movement of his hands and feet, the light wind and light clouds cut through the void, condemning the enemy to annihilation.

Each eye was stuck in the sea of ​​shock without blinking, and it was impossible to recover from the finishing move animation for a long time.

...Is this special performance really a performance that Eryou can produce... Ran Ran said to herself.

As the host of the live broadcast room, as soon as she opened her mouth, many viewers who were in a daze were startled.

【Gift crab! I thought that the special effects of Jing Yuan's ultimate move were unmatched in the world, but I didn't expect that there was anyone more eye-catching than him! 】

【Handsome yuppie! 】

【What kind of damage? The two deer were only in the first stage just now, but they drained two tubes of blood in a matter of seconds? 】

[You idiot, think about it and you will know that it was a special plot kill. How could it be normal damage? Even if it is normal damage, it cannot take away two tubes of blood in one move. 】

At this moment, the players seem not to realize the seriousness of the problem.

I also didn’t realize how scary the number of nuclear explosions in the video community was on the day when Zishu’s five-star form was up.

You can't directly take away two tubes of blood from a monster, but it's still okay to take away one tube...

[Just one sentence, when will it be served? 】

【Urgent, urgent, urgent, urgent! 】

[I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry. Let me be in a hurry. I am the king of hurry. 】

[According to information from ghosts in the test server, the UP character for version 1.1 has already been decided, including a quantum void assistant, so Zishu will not be UP in version 1.1. 】


[Although it’s not a good idea to give money to Missan, I’m really intrigued by the Five Star Book. If I can’t get such a handsome character with its special effects, B-levels, and so on, why would I want to play Star Iron! 】

[It’s not good that it didn’t UP in the 1.1 version. It’s best to UP it during the summer vacation, so that you can work at a summer job and get enough life! 】

[Good guy, I admire Jiang Zi for being self-sufficient. 】

With the elimination of the abundant Xuanlu, this ups and downs plot finally comes to an end.

The screen recording team in Ran Ran's live broadcast room has given her the vertical drawings she needs. Next, it is the special time.

Engineering Division.

From the time Zi Shu appeared to block the attack, to the formation of a formation to restrain Feng Rao Xuan Lu and kill him, the actual time consumed was only a moment.

Seeing the rich black deer all fall down and turn into golden leaves and disappear, Walter looked at Zi Shu blankly, and the crimson light ball in his palm slowly dispersed.

Xing Yuyueqi's expression was not much better, her mouth was slightly open and her expression was dull.

It wasn't until the black mist dissipated, Zi Shu turned around, and a familiar face came into view that Xing's palm involuntarily let go, letting the lance crash to the ground.

Zi Shu!!

She threw herself into Zi Shu's arms, hugging his back tightly with her arms, her shoulders twitching uncontrollably.

I almost... almost thought you...

Before Zi Shu could open his mouth to explain, another figure rushed towards him, crying so hard.

I'm sorry Zishu, it's all my fault. If I hadn't said anything on Xingcha, something would have happened... You wouldn't have been in such danger!

Zishu was almost knocked down by the two women, and Zishu was at a loss until he heard their whimpering, his face showed some tenderness, and he patted their backs gently.

Sorry for making you worry.

It's me who should apologize. I'm useless and my mind was controlled by that evil thing...

196. This is a very bad way to play out of context.

The three people hugging each other not far away saw deep self-blame flashing in Walter's eyes.

He underestimated the Fenghuang Xuanlu, and even more underestimated the miracles left by the Star God.

Once upon a time, he felt that the power of the Herrscher he controlled was omnipotent. It was not until he joined the Star Train and expanded his knowledge that he realized how naive his youthful thoughts were.

There are people outside the world, and there is heaven outside the world.

As a pioneer of the Star Dome Train, he could be so careless, causing everyone to face a life and death crisis.

If Zi Shu hadn't had a backup plan, even if he liberated the Star of Eden, casualties would still be inevitable.

Fortunately, Zi Shu is here... Walter breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

In the distance, Master Gongshu, who had been watching the battle from beginning to end, also put down his heart and ran towards the crowd with an excited expression.

But Tingyun, or rather Huanhu's face was not so good-looking, and there was a vague suspicion in his eyes.

how so…

The power used by Cai Zishu just now felt very strange to her. It was definitely the first time she had seen it.

It was 100% certain that it was not the power of the Star God's envoy, but it could ruthlessly obliterate the undead life formed by the manic and fertile power of the star core.

Although facing this kind of abundant life that formed spontaneously, she could also dispose of it with her fingers, but——

But Zi Shu over there, no matter how you look at it, he is an ordinary person!

Even if he is a masked fool, he is not an envoy, unless his true identity is Aha, the Lord of Joy, but how could Aha appear in such a situation to have fun?

Unexpectedly, the unstable factors that we once thought could be dealt with without any pressure with a little trick actually showed a more unstable side.

Even she, one of the Great Lords of Destruction, could not recognize where that power came from.

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