The Void Breaks the Boundary!

Walter launched attacks with a gloomy expression, but those attacks on Xuan Lu were not painful at all, and he recovered instantly.

The power of abundance is far stronger than before, now it's bad!

Do you have to use that power? But that will affect...

Uncle Yang! Save Zishu quickly!

March 7's lips trembled violently, and she could hardly believe the facts in front of her. But the facts were right in front of her. Zi Shu, who seemed to be omnipotent in the past, was actually...

On the other side, Ran Ran failed to destroy the fruit in time in the second stage, and was charged up by Fengsheng Xuanlu's ultimate move Megalodon Touch, and the group was wiped out in one move!

Wocao! What kind of harm is caused by batch eight?!

She almost jumped out of her chair. Just now, everyone's health was above 70%!

It's too difficult, I'll just play on easy difficulty.

Ran Ran was a little frustrated and wanted to start over, but found that the originally blacked out screen lit up again and entered the real-time CG of the plot.


At first, she and many viewers in the live broadcast room didn't understand why, and a few thought it was a plot kill. But when they saw the protagonist stabbing Zi Shu's body with a gun, every word jumped up in their heads.


193. Five-star form


Ran Ran's sudden high-pitched roar almost broke the eardrums of the audience in the live broadcast room.

Isn't he a star core spirit? How come he is so easily controlled by the anger of the branches?!

The next scene made her cover her mouth involuntarily, and her eyes were flooded with mist.

Even though he was fatally wounded by his trusted companion, Zishu still tried his best to help everyone out of the siege, but left himself alone.

Ugh... you idiot... why don't you save yourself?!

Why did I forget that the prefix of Star Iron is Honkai Impact? You can shoot daggers at your own characters! Are you suffering from any psychological trauma? Do you feel uncomfortable unless you kill some people?!

Originally, Gua Sha was wiped out by a wave of people in a long time, but it was far less emotional than the CG cutscene brought to her.

Putting aside the show effect of epilepsy, she also really likes the character Zi Shu. The character art, plot, and tension make her like it all-around.

Not only Ranran, but also the audience in the live broadcast room who didn't know the plot were also stunned, especially those who had played Santengzi.

Yeah...why did you forget that the prefix of Star Railway is Honkai?

I don’t know how many people have died, including the self-portrait characters. They were all shaken by the ingenious plot and ridiculous copywriting in the early days of Xingtie, so much so that I forgot the time when I cursed Mi Huu for being unintentional.

No way?

Zi Shu not only has many secrets that have not been revealed, but also involves a larger world view. He shouldn't die completely like that, right?

Not many people commented on the barrage, and many people were caught up in the sudden changes in the plot.

With the high-end CG and the immersive and excellent voice acting of the characters, I have the urge to rush in and save Zishu.

But everyone knows that they cannot enter the world in the game and can only place their hopes on the carriers that represent themselves, that is, the male and female protagonists.

In Belloberg, the protagonist's emotional roar when he drew his lance conquered countless people.

But now, the protagonist, who has no dubbing most of the time in the plot and whose writing is very disdainful, roars angrily to save his son. The dubbing is so perfect that one even wonders whether Mr. CV was dubbed in the recording studio. The director tortured him so that he could be so expressive.

It's all my fault. If Zishu hadn't been allowed to repair the Qionguan Formation in Taibusi, he wouldn't have fallen into a weakened state and wouldn't have been unable to dodge fatal attacks...

In the screen, Xing's charge was blocked by two black deer, and the powerful attack knocked her upside down. A special effect of glass breaking appeared on the screen, indicating that the battle would begin again.

Come on, kill this broken deer and rescue Zi Shu!

Behind the virtual image, Ran Ran's choking voice moved many viewers in the live broadcast room.

【rush! 】

【It’s so tender! 】

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

After reentering the battle, everyone discovered that there were only three characters left, and the man who was originally protecting everyone had disappeared.

He was swallowed up by the strange flower behind Fengsao Xuanlu, and his life and death are unknown...

The team lost its survival position, and there was no second possibility for the outcome of the battle. The three characters died one after another within a few rounds.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or a deliberate arrangement of the plot, but the protagonist had only 1 drop of blood left after taking an attack in the last round, and he didn't take another hit until the other two people cleared their health bars.

Finally, it was the protagonist's turn to act again, but everyone knew that it was useless.

Once the protagonist's turn has passed, Fenghuo Xuanlu will never let go of the remaining optional targets, but——

Many players did not expect that the screen would go dark again and enter a CG cutscene.

A scene of a fierce fight lasting about ten seconds was shown, with close-ups of everyone present during the period, including Master Gongshu and Tingyun who looked sad outside the battle circle.

A scene that instantly made people nervous reappeared. The wooden branches that Zi Shukai had previously rescued spread all over the ground, imprisoning everyone again.

It still broke as soon as it was cut, but it still recovered immediately and couldn't break free at all.


Xing looked up to the sky and roared furiously. Fireworks exploded from the center of his body, instantly melting away large branches of nearby buildings and giving his companions a short chance to take action.

The camera showed Walter, and Beng San players saw a scene that made them sit up in shock while dying of illness.

A crimson ball of light appeared above Walter's palm, and a wisp of darkness spread rapidly from inside.

Star of Eden! Zero rated power...

Just when the player thought that Lao Yang would no longer let go and would use all his strength to resolve the crisis, the screen returned to Xing. From the front with her as the main perspective, a sharp and deadly root tore through the air and stabbed towards her head.

The speed was so fast that it was too late for Xing to raise his gun to defend, and the fatal root was reflected in his pupils.

The screen seemed to slow down ten times at this moment, giving all players time to react and understand the plot.

Just when all the people with their hearts in their throats thought they were inevitable, a plain white long sword lingering with black energy tore open a crack in the space, and instantly arrived in front of Xing to stop the attack——

The roots hit the plain white sword, and then quickly turned into ashes and scattered under the shocked gazes of everyone.

After blocking the fatal attack, the sword rose into the air.

The screen moves upward along the long sword, gradually zooming in to cover the entire screen. The sword flies away from the camera and is replaced by a face that is unparalleledly handsome and has an unruffled expression.

Seeing this impressive face, the players couldn't help but hold their breath, and their heartbeats skipped half a beat.

It was Zi Shu who was swallowed up by the abundant buds before!

At this time, he had returned to his youthful appearance. Apart from the changes in his clothes, the darkness in his originally gray-to-black pupils had also been removed.

Get into formation.

The words that were filled with indifference fell, and the plain white sword trembled violently with the sword hand drawn by the slender five fingers. It split into five parts and fell towards the ground, encompassing the entire platform of the Great Furnace of Creation.

Looking down from a high angle, five long swords were half a foot into the ground, surrounded by black mist, outlining a mysterious formation.

Once the formation was formed, the black mist spread quickly and completely covered the surface of the earth. All the tree branches that came into contact with the black mist withered instantly. The bodies of the two fertile black deer were also entangled in the black mist, and their momentum quickly became sluggish.

From the plain white sword taking over the screen, to disappearing and transforming into Zi Shu's face, to Zi Shu forming a mysterious formation with his fingers, it only took three seconds.

The game screen of the players was paused in Zishu's formation posture. The screen cracked three times and returned to the battlefield.

Seeing Zi Shu's avatar changing, his demeanor changing, and his ultimate move icon also changing, the players couldn't recover from that glimpse of the formation animation for a long time.

It wasn't until Ran Ran inadvertently pressed Zi Shu's finishing move that turned into a plot state, and saw the half-body painting on the left side of the screen flickering, that the audience in the live broadcast room completely exploded.

194.Excited players

【Fuck! The adoptive father is back! 】

[He has other forms... He really does! 】

[That pose just now was so cool! 】

[Now he's even more handsome and good at cutting. What's going on with the two swords whirling around him? 】

[Holy shit, shit… it’s changed, it’s not the previous four-star protector, it seems to have become an output type! 】

The players stared intently at the live broadcast. Zi Shu, who was in standby mode for his finishing move, was holding a sword in his hand, his feet were floating off the ground, and two plain white swords were circling around him, like the most loyal courtiers.

There is a number 2/10 below the avatar. No one knows what it means yet.

The battlefield is surrounded by black mist, which outlines a somewhat strange and desolate feeling. However, each player is more excited than the other.

[Five-star adoptive father! Do you need to say that Duoduo is no longer a guardian? ! 】

[Aran, don't be in a daze, attack quickly! 】

[The attack indicator of the ultimate move only contains one monster. Is the five-star foster father a hunter? 】


Ran Ran's reaction nerves finally returned to normal, and she expressed her thoughts without knowing whether to laugh or cry for more than half a minute, before choosing a target for Zi Shu to attack.

Deer and Stinky Deer, if you dare to attack my wife, you will be rewarded now!

The sound of her fingers clicking the mouse could be heard clearly in the entire live broadcast room.

Zishu's sword technique suddenly changed, and a long sword broke away from its circling trajectory and flew towards a fertile black deer, sinking deep into its body.

Those with better eyesight saw the word Shang Yao appearing next to Feng Lao Xuan Lu's body when the long sword hit him.

Ran Ran has never had the experience of meeting Zi Shu for the first time on a space station, but she has reviewed other people's videos many times and has a deep understanding of what players want to see.

After Fengrao Xuanlu completes his continuous actions, he immediately opens the battle information interface.

Unfortunately, Zi Shu's skill information is full of question marks like last time, and only the icon and name can be seen for the time being.

Birth and Death, Thousand Evil Heart-Captivating Formations, Shang Yao·Chasing Souls, Disorder, Wu Lan...

Ranran murmured the name of the skill and moved her eyes to the fate icon in the corner of the details bar:


Clicking on the light cone page, I found that the light cone Zi Shu was wearing was also a picture of himself. I don’t know where he was looking from the side view, with his palms facing up on his chest, and a drop of clear tears hanging between his chin and palms.

A strong sense of brokenness hits the face, and people with strong empathy skills are immediately worried.

Nothingness is nothingness with the attribute of imaginary numbers, not hunting!

Although the details of skills and light cone attributes cannot be seen, the five stars under the light cone are enough for players to confirm that the Void Form Zishu is 100% a five-star character.

On the barrage, many people have already used 6+5 to explode.

My family, have you seen that my five-star husband is even more handsome? I thought he would be invincible in his four-star form, but I didn't expect that I am still young... I won't talk about my family, let's lick him!

A series of heaven-defying sucking and licking sounds penetrated the ears like a demonic sound, causing the viewers in the live broadcast room to twitch at the corners of their mouths and eyes.

No one doubted that if she had shown her face, she would have probably cracked the screen.

But then again...Wuxing Zishu's modeling, art, etc. are indeed very good.

Compared with the gray ancient clothes before, this one is now in black and white. White accounts for about 80%, and the remaining black is on the edges of the clothes, sleeves, etc.

The surprising thing is that the black ones move slowly, as if they are conscious.

On the whole, if Tai Chi Bagua is used to describe Si Xing's clothes, then this outfit can be described as ink style.

The most astonishing thing is the extra golden mark on the forehead, which adds a sense of sacrosanct dignity to the originally handsome face.

This appearance and temperament are a huge killer weapon for countless women who have the feelings of ancient handsome men.

Just like Fei Peng or Xu Changqing in Fairy Sword, most normal men view these male characters positively.

After sending the call for a while, Ran Ran clicked on Zishu's information details page again, and found an even more shocking information, that is——

What is shown under the icon of Zishu's finishing move is 1/10, not tens/hundreds.

As we all know, Natasha has the lowest finishing skill level in Xingtie at present, with only 90 points, and the other characters have more than 100 points. Zishu's special situation is confusing.

It seemed to be 2/10 before. Is it because I used a big move?

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