The entire Engineering and Manufacturing Department is not small. There must be a lot of untreated root systems in places further away from the Great Furnace of Creation. It's just that Xuanlu cannot draw supplies from such a distance.

Walter: Will the roots be reborn?

Yes, as long as the duration of the Absolute Spirit Array ends, the abundant power will surge back.

Star: How much time do we have?

One hour.

It should be enough. Walter was waiting for this sentence, Then next-

Listen to the roar of the deer! Xing looked like his hands were itching unbearably.

That's a good use of the idiom, don't use it next time. March Qi rolled her eyes.

Okay, I'll use it next time.

March 7: (ˉ▽ˉ;)...

Not far away from returning to the furnace of creation, Master Gongshu looked over there and felt refreshed.

Everyone, have you seen the roots wrapped around the Great Furnace of Creation? They are all withered. This is great. Nothing can stop you!

I look forward to all of you benefactors showing off your skills. Tingyun covered his face with a fan and said with a sweet smile, My little lady wishes you all a triumphant return...

In this world, demons and gods are rising together. Although I have no intention of competing, I know the suffering of the fairy boat...

Xing took out the weapon from his chest, and his face showed a hint of vicissitudes of life, I just want to clean up this place and protect a corner of the work.

Hey, what you said is quite decent. I will give you a blessing now. You have been strengthened. Come on!

Flame Spear—Charge!

Ran Ran took a sip of water and couldn't wait to say: Let's go, brothers, follow me to hunt deer. If you can't regain blood this time, let's see how the Moon-Cutting Sun-Building Sun Master dies!

[God, the True Monarch of Cutting the Moon and Building the Yang, is here. 】

[U1S1 is quite similar, although he is a villain BOSS here. 】

[Brothers, if something happens, you will have to make a choice if you go back to fight Fengsuanxuanlu! 】

【ah? Xi Sui, I haven’t gotten off work yet. 】

[You will know when Aran reaches the mission location ahead. 】


Ran Ran didn't pay attention to the barrage, and when she arrived at the platform's boundary anchor position, she found that the game had switched to the formation screen, and a few lines of text appeared on the left side.

[We are about to enter a special plot. Different choices and different battle results will affect the subsequent development of the main line. ]

[The team must carry pioneers. ]

[When the team carries Zi Shu, the difficulty will increase. ]

What the hell?

After reading a few lines, he slowly moved his eyes to look at the trial sub-book given by the system at the top of the character bar, unable to figure out what it was about.

Why bring my husband into the formation to make the BOSS battle more difficult? Have you ever experienced water friends in the live broadcast room without him? Please tell me a little about the drama. Just chat with me privately. No. It ruins the gaming experience for everyone else.”

[Is there really no pig-nosed person here who dislikes spoilers? There were already people watching the live broadcast even when he wasn't playing. There was no need for Aran to stack up his armor to this extent. 】

[Qingshi, does anyone know who can tell me directly through the barrage? I'm very curious. 】

[I just finished the plot by myself to see Aran’s reaction. I simply finished it without a book. Master Gongshu talked about some settings, and then Tingyun sent you a private message with some strange text messages. That’s it. 】

... Just so ordinary, nothing special? Aran asked.

[Really not, I was also playing while watching the live broadcast, and it was just less than two minutes. 】

Ran Ran didn't ask any more, after all, she was the one focusing on the main plot.

OK, then I'll take the book with me. I want to see what it's like. If you're past the plot, don't give me any spoilers. Please, everyone.

The speed of the players who started the server to get through the main line is actually quite different, but there are still players who have completed the plot line with the book first, and they are very excited.

If you want to have a good viewing experience with this kind of exciting plot, you must not know it in advance and it cannot be spoiled, so no one will come to the live broadcast room to talk about it.

Ran Ran compiled the team and click to start adjusting.

Kill the brothers.

[Brothers cannot escape death. 】

[The brothers were beheaded again. 】

Using various secret skills to start the battle, Ran Ran Xi'er was faster. She opened E and slashed Xuan Lu a few times and immediately realized something was wrong.

Let me go, why only a few hundred damage?!

The rich black deer with two blood tubes can only take down less than 3% of its health in one attack. This is an E with an increase. Even at level 1, it has a 40% damage bonus!

When Fenggrao Xuanlu summoned a branch and gave Zishu a hammer, she realized that not only was the damage done to Xuanlu, it was like scratching an itch, but it was also very painful. Even if Zishu was hit by the hardest one, his health bar would suddenly drop. one third.

If Zishu E hadn't been able to recover a certain percentage of lost blood regardless of the round, it would have been difficult for another nanny to resist.

In a sense, he is a special life-saving milk that can never restore teammates to full health, and also takes into account energy recovery.

A tug-of-war, right? Come on, let's see how durable you can be.

Although there was a big gap in damage between the enemy and ourselves, Ran Ran's training was still able to keep up, and there was no attrition in a short period of time. It took several minutes to scrape off half of the blood of Feng Rao Xuan Deer.

In front of the great furnace of creation.

The battle has already heated up, but Zi Shu still did not participate directly, and was mainly responsible for blessing his companions with spells.

The powerful supply of Fengshengxuanlu was cut off. Although it could not recover from its injuries in seconds, it was still difficult for Xinghe March 7.

As for seems like he is not doing his best.


192. Evil thing! Give him back!

Ever since the battle began, a vague sense of foreboding has always lingered in my mind.

It was like, something big was about to happen.

Zi Shu did not ignore Ji Tingyun who was far away from the battle circle, and never relaxed his vigilance towards her. However, the other party had always been honest, and even when he was in Taibosi, he made him a little embarrassed, he did not show any flaws.

Even Tingyun himself couldn't help but recognize the perfection of the other party's disguised identity after knowing this.

At present, through hexagrams, we still can't get much useful information.

The farther away the date of an event is, the more difficult it is to calculate accurately, and vice versa.

Sometimes it is often necessary to wait until an event is about to occur before the calculation can be calculated with an accuracy of more than 80%, but by then it is too late to take countermeasures.

He guessed that the fate involved in Fake Tingyun might be of this troublesome type.

And this means that it is not yet time for the mastermind to overturn the table.

Which Lord of Extermination is he...

Jiying had been beaten in the Belloberg plot. It was absolutely impossible that when this guy saw him, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to run fast enough with only two legs.

In order to save face, Jiying would definitely not be able to expose the original incident, so it can be ruled out.

Foehn, Iron Tomb, Xingxiao, and the weaker Huanhu... who are they?

It's a pity that the original deduction using the power of Silent Shadow did not figure out the temperament of all the Lords of Extinction. Otherwise, it is impossible to guess who is behind it now.

I'll see if you can restore this pair of corners this time!

While Zishu was thinking secretly, Xing fell from the sky and smashed the antlers of Fengyuan Xuanlu. He used his strength to dexterously spin his body and stepped on Xuanlu's back, using his strength to return to the ground for the second time.

Well done, but you are the horn-breaking madman.

If you see something protruding from the enemy, don't you want to destroy it? Besides, it shouldn't be able to use its horns to perform long-range attacks now, right? Xing shook his palms that were numb from the shock.

The horns of this evil thing are actually harder than last time. Is it possible that it is in a stronger state than when we first saw it?

We would like to... but it's damning. Liuxiang Bing can't do anything about it. Instead, this girl seems to be standing by to cheer her up.

Why don't you just put on your cheerleading uniform and pick up the bouquet to cheer us up.

Hey, you guy actually looks down on this girl...

Nothing, isn't it for your safety? You know how much I dote on you in March.

Hey~~ It's so disgusting. Don't rely on You Zishu and this girl to give you double protection to talk nonsense in battle!

It's not a big problem, and Uncle Yang's gravity is suppressing it, so that stupid deer moves very slowly. Xing put the bat on his shoulder, looking for the next attack position.

Walter’s face was serious and he maintained his usual mature acting style.

The cane's horizontal strokes formed several invisible attacks across the void, cutting off the branches of the building trees growing on the ground, and destroying the limbs of the Fenghuo Xuanlu.

Star, give it the final blow.

Zishu is going to be strengthened. Watch me knock it to pieces with a stick!

Okay. Zi Shu smiled dumbly, and casually used a physical strengthening technique to penetrate into Xing's body.

Fengsao Xuanlu lost all its limbs and could not move. After eating such a hammer, several cracks appeared in an instant on its forehead.

Send you on your way! Xing gave it two more sticks.

This time, Fengsheng Xuanlu's body stiffened for a moment, and suddenly exploded into a rich golden mist.


Xing casually threw the bat back into his own small space, clapped his hands and brushed his bangs, turned around and walked back carelessly.

When the battle ended, everyone felt relieved.

However, something unexpected happened suddenly——

Zishu's expression suddenly changed. At this moment, he felt that all the spirit formations he had set up to block the power of abundance had been cracked down uniformly.

Before he could think deeply, the golden mist seeped into the ground, and dense tree roots emerged from the ground, entangling the people on the platform at an extremely terrifying speed.

Zi Shu reacted the fastest and subconsciously wanted to merge into the void and head outside the platform. However, the next moment he realized that his companions might not be able to escape.

Everyone, be careful! The fertility power in this area has suddenly surged!

Walter was unable to easily destroy the root system of the building wood this time. It almost returned to its original state the moment it was broken. His legs were entangled and he could not easily break free from control.

What's even worse is that March 7 suddenly raised his long bow and attacked him.

Little March?!

She was hit by a mental control attack! Zi Shu had no time to help her out, and without hesitation began to use the forbidden technique of control, Move... uh——

Before the forbidden technique was completed, Zi Shu understood everything when he saw the flame-burning spear penetrating from his chest.

Move, turn...the world!

In an instant, everything on this platform fell into a state of stillness. After a brief silence, time began to rewind rapidly, returning to the moment when Xing killed the abundant black deer.

It was at this moment that all three of them were wrapped in a soft force and thrown outward.

After doing this, before Zishu could take any measures against himself, the stamens of the flower buds bloomed again under the furnace of creation at some unknown time, and the stamens stretched out, binding him tightly and retracting——

The buds gathered together, and he disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Zi Shu——!!!

Xing's face turned pale. She understood what had just happened, and her sharp voice even had a bit of sadness.

She doesn’t want to—she doesn’t want to!

But his body refused to obey, and he raised his lance with both hands to stab him in the back, stabbing him to the core...

Evil creature! Give him back!!

Xing's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and his whole body was filled with flames. His eyes were red as he glanced towards the flower buds. Unexpectedly, the golden mist spread from the ground and formed the familiar fertile black deer...

And still - both ends!

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