Yes, but using my methods to destroy these things will cause some trouble in the future.

Is it difficult to solve? Xing's face became solemn.

The hexagrams fluctuate... How can I imitate what the fortune tellers say? In short, the results of the hexagrams tell me that it is not a big problem and it is not difficult to solve.

However, Zi Shu silently added in his heart: That was the prerequisite for including him.

It would be a lot of fun if he was eliminated.

But then again, if he hadn't been here from the beginning, there wouldn't have been any big trouble later on. After all, he was not a person who would be involved in the fate of the star. He was an unstable variable.

Xing was still very cautious, and asked Zi Shu whether the follow-up would go smoothly if he followed Master Gongshu's method. However, the results would still have twists and turns.

If that's the case, what's there to say?

Since Zi Shu has a way to destroy Jianmu branches, let's try it. Uncle Yang, what do you think? March 7 asked.

It's feasible, just follow Zi Shu's idea.

Master Gongshu didn't object when he saw this. He crossed his arms and looked at Zishu with a smile, not thinking that he had the ability to destroy the Jianmu branches.

Just kidding, that's Jianmu. The original relics left by the ancestor of longevity plague are not like those ingenious creations that can be destroyed with two lightning strikes.

Naturally, it is impossible for Zi Shu to induce thunder to split the branches of the building wood, nor is it possible to use the most straightforward method of using the power of the order, which would destroy the current plot logic.

If you want to use it, use the method that is most suitable for shaping: formation.

The prison formation is a formation that can isolate a space. All living beings entering and leaving the area within the formation must obtain his consent. With some modifications, this formation can even isolate special energy.

As long as the spread of the power of abundance is blocked, this area can be temporarily free from the intrusion of undead plants.

Okay, now even a hatchet can chop off those branches.

Hahahaha... little kid, you can't joke like that.

When Master Gongshu saw Zi Shu, he waved his hand casually, and something flew out of his palm and melted into the ground. How could he build wooden branches with just these incomprehensible movements?

Would you know if you try it? Walter, please do a gravity collapse on those things. Zi Shu smiled slightly.

Walter followed the instructions without thinking, but he didn't expect that he used too much force and squeezed the branches into powder. Half a minute passed without any follow-up, confirming that they could not be regenerated.

I'll know if it's there as soon as Zi Shu makes a move, then it's settled! March 7 blurted out.

Xing and Walter were a little ashamed, they had heard what they just said.

How is that possible! Master Gongshu was dumbfounded, Obviously even my great invention cannot easily destroy this tree branch...

This is called specialization in the art, although we don't know how Zi Shu can do it. March 7 said excitedly: Speaking of Master Gongshu, now that the branches are gone, can I activate the realm-changing screen?

Master Gongshu looked around at the instruments placed around him. He was embarrassed, but he could still distinguish the importance.

Ahem...that's enough. I'll do it now.

With Zi Shu taking action, the players compared the plots of different choices and found that omitting the decryption link was a shortcut.

[Hey guys, I discovered that Zishu is a level-skipping card officially left to players. 】

[This is not very good. To be honest, I was immersed in the plot and suddenly had to play decryption. It was like playing with glue and suddenly stopped. The experience was terrible. 】

[Fantastic metaphor, but skipping to decryption does make the plot more coherent. 】

Zi Shu: Let's go quickly. I have only temporarily blocked the penetration of the fertile power. Once the formation dissipates, the Jianmu branches will grow back.

Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!

The group of people used the scene-changing screen to teleport over short distances as Master Gongshu said. Dingyun or Huanwu, who was walking at the back, looked at Zishu with an extremely deep look.

Can directly block Jianmu's power...

It seems that this person cannot be kept, and we must find an opportunity to get rid of him in advance to avoid affecting future plans.

190. Fertile Black Deer

Not all the landscape-changing screens were entangled with wooden branches. Under the guidance of the public transport master, the group passed through various obstacles in the construction department and finally arrived near a stove.

Even from a distance, Zi Shu could sense the powerful seal on the surface of the stove. Even if he wanted to break it, he would have to use his hidden power and spend a lot of effort.

It seems that there is indeed something remarkable sealed inside.

Look! Jianmu's root system... March Qi pointed to the huge stove over there with a face full of surprise.

Master Gongshu's eyes darkened, What it is entangled with is the most precious treasure of the Gongzhuo Department: the Great Furnace of Good Fortune! Little children, please use your previous methods again to help me cut it off. Once its roots penetrate the Great Furnace, the consequences will be disastrous. !”

No, the fertility power of the main root system here is too strong, and it is difficult for my formation to exert its previous effect.

Zi Shu did not exaggerate, this was indeed a fact. Although the Prison Formation was powerful, it could not avoid the limitations of being an ordinary formation.

At first glance, this thing is related to an important plot passage in the main line. Of course, it cannot be easily solved by using hidden power.

Then you can only use my method. Quick, help me put these -

Be careful! Walter stopped in front of Master Gongshu and stared at the root system that entangled the entire creation oven, That thing is changing.

The ground trembled without warning, and the abundant energy, the color of which was like a golden ear of rice, flowed down the root system of the building tree, condensing into a huge bud that had not yet bloomed.

Under the gaze of everyone, the huge flower bud began to bloom, and a huge pressure was suddenly released along with the rich golden mist.

Under the thick fog, a strange deer-like creature walked out, raised its front hooves and stamped on the ground.

Watch out!

Zi Shu reacted very quickly, and the moment the deer raised his feet, he launched the moving star array.

Thick roots burst out from under everyone's feet. Except for Zishu, Walter and Xing, no one else could escape the attack.

Fortunately, most of the damage was transferred to Zi Shu. Master Gongshu looked at his thigh that had been pierced but felt no pain, and his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

What kind of monster is this?

Zhui Feng, Xiang Tian, ​​Mo Gu...

Zi Shu cast spells and blessings on everyone present one after another, and said solemnly: Master Gongshu, Miss Tingyun, this is dangerous, retreat quickly!

Well, be careful!

Master Gongshu was also someone who had seen big scenes. He quickly realized that he was not injured because of Zi Shu. He pulled out the leg that was pierced by the root system. He didn't care to marvel at the wound that healed quickly and left the platform where the Fortune Furnace was located at full speed.

Dear benefactors, that thing...

Stop that thing! If you're not good at fighting, why don't you run away?! Xing had already replaced his bat with a lance, and blazing fire ignited from the tip of the lance.

Tingyun followed Master Gongshu and ran all the way to the outermost edge of the platform before turning around, looking at the fertile black deer with a slightly fanatical look.

It is indeed a miracle. You can create life with your hands. This power is really amazing...

What? Master Gongshu didn't hear her murmur clearly.

Nothing, Master Gongshu, are you okay?

I don't know why...but I'm fine!

In the battlefield, Zi Shu maintained his seal and said in a deep voice: Leave your safety to me.


On March 7th, he drew his bow and nocked an arrow, Oh! This strange deer almost stabbed me through. I will never spare you!

Although Zi Shu was guarding them, they did not allow themselves to be attacked. They dodged ground attacks and quickly launched a counterattack.

Seeing Xing trying to get behind Xuan Lu but being repelled, Walter's eyes narrowed.

This thing is guarding Jianmu, Roots and Honglu!

Axing get out of the way and let me freeze her, hey-yeah!!

A large piece of six-phase ice creation fell from the sky and froze Xuanlu to a solid state. However, before the corners of March 7's mouth curled up, Xuanlu broke the ice and regained his freedom of movement.

Hmph. Walter's cane hit the ground hard, and the gravity that was enough to shatter the space enveloped Xuanlu.

But he didn't expect that the cracks that were squeezed out of Xuanlu's body would be restored to the original state in the next second.

At this time, a beam of fire penetrated Xuanlu, and violent flames exploded into the sky.

The flame gun in Xing's hand disappeared, replaced by a bat emitting blue light, which swung hard at Xuanlu's horns.

With just one blow, Xuanlu's left horn was abruptly broken off.

Nice star!

As soon as March Qi boasted, he saw Xuanlu's broken horn growing rapidly, and he was back to two seconds ago in the blink of an eye, and the subsequent words in his mouth suddenly turned into shock.

Huh? It's ridiculous that you can recover from any injury!

We can only retreat temporarily, follow me!

Walter immediately increased the influence of gravity to hinder Xuanlu's movements, and wanted to temporarily break away from the battle and consider the long term.

Their understanding of this black deer is basically zero, and they may face unknown dangers if they continue to fight.

Huan Wu, who had been observing the battle situation from the periphery, couldn't help but stop his secret movements when he saw the situation. His eyes flickered for an instant, and he suppressed his plan to take action.

Hum, I’ll let you live a little longer...

Quick! Zishu shouted: I have temporarily given everyone the ability to fly in the air for more than ten seconds. It is safer to evacuate from the air!

After several people quickly evacuated from the platform, Zi Shu dispersed the seal and retreated.

Fengsao Xuanlu did not choose to pursue, but returned to the flower bud and stood guard in front of the great furnace of creation like a door god.

Everyone looked at this scene from a distance, and their expressions were not very good.

Zishu, are you okay?!

Seeing him returning to the team, Xing quickly stepped forward to greet him.

No problem.

Oh my god, no wonder Xianzhou is so afraid of fertile creatures. This recovery ability is completely unreasonable! Yue Yueqi complained: Aren't all immortal species in Xianzhou like this?

No. Zi Shu's eyes flashed with a strange color, and he explained: The black deer should be a spiritual creature born by Jian Mu to guard it. It is closely connected to the root system. Most of the immortal boat beings are not so immortal. Immortal ability.”

March 7: If it's there, wouldn't it be difficult for us to move forward?


Zi Shu shook his head and said with certainty:

That thing must be drawing energy from certain places as a supply. Give me some time to locate it, and then temporarily seal those areas, which will definitely prevent the Xuanlu from recovering from his injuries.

I seem to have discovered something just now. Master Gongshu pondered: When the deer was recovering from its injuries, the roots of the huge building trees around it were shining. Is it possible that those things were providing supplies to it?

Try to see if you can destroy it. The flames of the flame gun in Xing's hand extinguished and pierced the ground heavily. There is no need to worry about accidental damage to the scene-changing screen as before. We can try more violent methods;

Don't let Zi Shu overwork himself. If he really can't destroy Jian Mu's spreading roots, then consider letting him take action.

Zi Shu's heart warmed slightly when he heard Xing's words.

191. When the team carries Zi Shu, the difficulty will increase

Then try my box streamer. It is very lethal under certain conditions. Regardless of the energy consumption issue, you only need to pay the price of moving your hands to adjust the position. I believe you are right.

That's according to what Master Gongshu said. Walter nodded, Next, wait for Zishu to locate the root system that transmits energy to Xuanlu, and then we will set off.

Those things were not difficult for Zi Shu to find, but they were located in different directions.

In order to avoid accidents at the Great Furnace of Creation, they didn't have much time. After finishing one place, they had to rush to the next place without stopping.

Fortunately, Zishu can apply various short-term spells to everyone, greatly improving efficiency. However, from the perspective of the player, these still return to the decryption of skipping lessons at the scene change screen.

But this time, with the foreshadowing of the previous public transport master, the decryption of the main line process is not so abrupt.

After spending some time to deal with the last root system of the building wood, Master Gongshu wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked up at the location of the Fortune Furnace.

It's done.

March 7 breathed a sigh of relief, Master Gongshu, you are just trying to cut the grass without eradicating the roots. In the end, you still have to rely on Zishu to set up formations to isolate the abundant power and help.

Well... there is nothing we can do about it. The energy supply is insufficient now. The streamer in the box can still work even when the energy is insufficient. It is already very powerful. Gongshu Shifu explained with shame.

March 7: Then this should be okay now, right?

That's right, but only the part that can supply Xuanlu is dealt with. The scope that Jianmu can affect is much larger than you think.

Zi Shu shook his head and continued:

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