What is the current situation of graduate students in a certain era? After Bi She has done a good job, the tutor is gone, right?

Fortunately, the memory of the dead cannot attack the people here.

Walter thought so, but Zi Shu didn't. He had actually experienced something similar to Ah Wei's current situation, but it was too mind-numbing.

Don't worry, little brother, as long as your master doesn't commit suicide, we will bring him out.

Ah? What? Ah Wei was stunned.

Nothing... Do you have a photo of your master?



It really doesn't happen... The appearance of the Xianzhou people when they grow up will not change until they fall into the devil's shadow. Ordinary people don't need such things as photos, just like the general...

No, no, let's go. Zi Shu was not interested in listening to A Wei's talk.

Under the puzzled gazes of everyone in Xuanjiping, several people opened the closed valves and went deep into the engineering department.

The star core promoted the rebirth of the building wood. As this thing grew, the erosion became more serious. In the distance, an unknown large building was entangled with thick roots.

The surrounding buildings were not much better. Countless roots emerged from the ground, blocking many passages and making the surrounding area a mess.

Getting around in a place like this is quite troublesome.

Forget it, from time to time a few ingenious creatures appeared to attack them. Although they could not cause harm to everyone, they still hindered their forward speed to some extent.

Why are the numbers increasing, and we have destroyed so many ingenious creations? After the incident is over, the Engineering Department will not ask us for compensation, right?

No matter how big the matter is, it will be recorded in the general's account. Xing twirled the bat and said casually: Anyway, he is the one who asked us to come here to work as coolies. What's wrong with smashing things? Besides, we are just self-defense.

Is that true...eh? Is there someone surrounded by ingenious creations on the bridge passage in front? Go and help! March 7 trotted with his bow in hand, his steps a little hasty.

Hey, slow down!

Getting closer, March 7 discovered that the man on the bridge was not surrounded, but was standing behind the ingenious creation with an unkind look on his face.


The construction industry is an important place. The thieves retreat, quickly, quickly, retreat~ Yeah, yeah, yeah!

The man standing behind several technical creations seemed to be an opera enthusiast, and his tone of voice brought back memories of the two men on the train crew.

Where do you put this piece of flying roaring Changbanpo?

Band-Aid God of War.jpg

188. Feeling worse than Zi Shu… Yi Lei

Just as Zi Shu was about to ask the other party's identity, one of the Dark Cloud Golden Toads suddenly attacked, but was stopped by Star Eyes and Quick Hands, who quickly summoned a lance.

What are you doing, want to fight? Xingmei's face darkened.

How can anyone meet someone and start a new life without saying a word?

Hmph, you guys, don't come over here. If you take one step forward, don't blame me for being rude!

Hey, hey, you should listen to our explanation! March 7 stepped forward, We are not bad -

Whoa? How dare you! What's the explanation? It's just passing by, careless, and the door is left open. This is just an excuse to fool people!

The man in red blocking the road looked like he had seen through everything, and said with certainty:

Today, there was a sudden disaster in the company. I expected someone to cause trouble, and it was just as I expected! I can't count on security, so I'll let you all have a taste of the power of this clever trick. Come on!

Star: O.o?

Hey, I think you old man wants to suffer——

Suddenly, there were several loud noises in the sky, and several lightning bolts roared down, accurately locking on the heads of those ingenious creatures, blasting them into gray-black products with smoke coming out of their bodies.

When the man in red, whose eardrums were swollen by the loud noise, came to his senses, he could not help but be stunned when he saw the bodyguards in front of him who had all turned into scraps.

My cleverness...my cleverness...!!

Under the gaze of everyone with twitching eyes, the man in red ran to the smoking product with an expression as if he was mourning for his concubine, and burst into tears.

Nongyun Golden Toad, Dengzhi Arowana, what's wrong with you! Stand up quickly, I will teach you and raise you like my own flesh and blood...

Touching the Dengshi Arowana and being shocked by the remaining thunder elemental power on the surface, the man stood up and said angrily:

You just do it, why did you destroy these little things that accompany me to pieces? Pay it to me!

March 7 stood next to Zi Shu and saw him dispersing the erected seals. He looked at the man in red with his hands on his hips and said, It's you who didn't listen to the explanation. We came to save people and you didn't say anything. Just fight...

Xing looked at the man in red carefully and frowned, If I don't destroy these machines, will I destroy you?

...You... The man in red almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Zi Shu rubbed his chin and asked uncertainly: Do you know Master Gongshu, or are you the one?

Yo? You little baby actually knows my name?

Master Gongshu immediately changed his expression and said happily: I didn't expect that Gongshu Liang, the most skillful master of gold and iron, would be so well-known?

[Living in Bengbu, Little Doll]

[The people of Xianzhou fell into the devil's body in about a thousand years, which is equivalent to death. They actually called Zishu, a person who has lived for at least a thousand years, a little doll, happy. 】

[Calm down, I don’t know, but this NPC is quite interesting. He speaks with a dramatic accent. 】

It turns out you are Master Gongshu. Walter breathed a sigh of relief, We were entrusted by General Jingyuan and Fu Taibu to go to Danding Division, so we passed by here and wanted to ask Master Gongshu to show us the way.

With that said, Walter took out the token given by Jing Yuan.

Oh? Are you people sent by the general?

After seeing the token, Master Gongshu's doubts disappeared and his expression changed again.

A misunderstanding, a misunderstanding! That's all, those gadgets are broken when they break.


March 7: ???

Fine and Flesh and Bad Things

You are indeed a lover of opera, your face-changing speed is really amazing.

But, I really can't help. This Gongzhuo Department is occupied by an evil wood spirit who doesn't know where it came from. Even the most precious treasure in the department, the Great Furnace of Fortune, was stolen by the wood spirit.

Master Gongshu frowned and said:

That monster is incredible. It can make Si Li's ingenuity suddenly circle around it as if it has a will. Anyone who goes up to it will probably die in vain.

Huh? Death?

Xing curled his lips and put away the guy who was eating, walked to Zi Shu's side and made an introduction gesture.

Not only can this person summon thunder, but he can also use dozens of swords to kill enemies at the same time. If those machines are of this level, with all due respect——

It's not as good as Zi Shu's thunder!

What actually happened in the Engineering Department was not very different from the player's perspective. Hearing that the protagonist actually spoke at this time, I was immediately happy.

[I feel inferior to Zi Shu... Yi Lei. 】

[Oh my God, please continue to check the mental state of Star Iron Copywriter. Forget about other jokes, why are you even playing the jokes about your sister’s game? 】

[The animation cutscene of the scene where Zi Shu summons thunder and lightning, but I want to criticize MiHoYo here: Why doesn’t the Zi Shu in our hands do this? 】

[Each character only has a few skills, please understand, jpg. 】

Master Gongshu's eyes twitched, and he quickly changed his words, Don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet, but after much thought, I can't just leave like this. After all, the furnace is sealed...

What's sealed? March 7 asked.

We must not sit idly by and ignore the great monster that has been sealed away! It is our duty to protect the safety of the fairy boat! Master Gongshu said with great righteousness.

Xing sighed, spread his hands and said with a bored expression: The development mission should be a bit new.

Since General Jingyuan invites you here, he must have a deep meaning. He is here to resolve the crisis situation of the Gongzao Division. I can help you pass the Gongzao Division, but you also have to help me. Come on, come on. , this compartment, please~~

It's easy to talk, but can you please stop communicating in an opera accent? We're not on stage and it sounds weird.

The little kid really doesn't understand appreciation.


Everyone arrived at a platform extending outside. Master Gongshu pointed at the strange creation entangled in the branches and sighed:

Look, this is the unfinished mechanism of the Engineering and Construction Department. It's thanks to me that I asked my disciples to move this thing out and debug it. When the wood spirits invaded the Engineering and Construction Department, the apprentices were able to escape.

What's the use? March 7 asked.

It should be coordinate transmission. Zi Shu said softly: I feel some space power from it.

This little brother has good eyesight. You have all seen the Jade Realm Gate of Xianzhou when you came here. This realm-changing screen has the same effect as the Jade Realm Gate. It can combine the coordinates of two spaces in a way that I can't make up... Ahem, outsiders Connected in ways that are incomprehensible.”

Oh, I understand what you said, a portal, right? Since you have this thing, why do you Xingzhou people sit on the Xingcha? Xing asked.

It can indeed be said that apart from the short transmission distance and high energy consumption of the Realm Changing Painting Screen, this treasure can be completely replaced by Xingcha! Master Gongshu said regretfully.

Tingyun: Thank you to the masters of the Engineering and Manufacturing Department for your noble support. Fortunately, these shortcomings have left Tianbo Company in shame.

( ̄△ ̄;) March 7: Isn't that completely impossible? It's far worse than the anchoring of the realm we have developed.

Xing: It's normal. Don't think about the requirements for using the realm anchor. Even I can't use it alone.

Hey, if I can't do it, then you can't do it either.

You won't be able to get out of bed like this.jpg

189. Jump level card

Xing didn't want to argue with Sanyue Qi at this time and asked, So how should I use this thing?

Well...you should know from the entangled branches on the surface that it is temporarily unusable. Master Gongshu posed, raised his brows, and signaled everyone to ask him more questions.

Thank you, master, for telling me the truth. I will tell the general that this road is blocked, so I'll take my leave! Xing clasped his hands in fists, as if he was about to turn around and leave.

Wait, wait! Master Gongshu was anxious and hurriedly tried to dissuade him, Young man, don't underestimate the Gongzao Division. The general is far away and can't help you, but I can!

It's just a few broken branches, Uncle Yang, can you tear these things off? March 7 asked.

Let me try.

Walter touched the ground lightly with his cane, and the branches wrapped around the scene-changing screen were immediately pulled by strong gravity and cracked inch by inch.

Seeing this, March 7's eyes lit up.

Well, Uncle Yang will know if there are any as soon as he makes a move, so why don't we do...ah?

Before he finished speaking, the broken branches began to recover quickly, and new branches grew out underneath.

Walter repeated his old tricks, and after several times he found that the ordinary method didn't work.

No, these branches contain powerful fertility power, which cannot be dealt with by ordinary means. And I don't know much about fertility power. Let's see what methods the locals have.

After all, it is something that extends from the root system of the building wood. How can it be a miracle given by the medicine master himself?

If this wood spirit can be easily subdued, why does the Engineering Department need to worry about the general? Master Gongshu shook his head and said proudly: But for me, as long as there are enough manpower, this wood spirit is no problem. Come on, let me show you A big baby!”

As he said that, he took out a lot of instruments and equipment from somewhere and set them up nearby.

This is a device code-named [Streaming Light in the Box]. It was originally a weapon commissioned by the Yunqi Army. It is extremely powerful, except... uh...

The distance is too short and it consumes too much energy? Walter pushed up his glasses.

Conservation of physical properties means that whatever you have advantages will have disadvantages, hey, but it is definitely enough to treat this wood spirit that blindly sneaked into the construction department.

The Gongshu master kept explaining to everyone the operating principle of this thing, such as height, distance, docking accuracy, etc., and everyone was so excited to hear it.

[Just know that there are absolutely few people who don’t understand the secret link, that’s all, accept your fate. 】

[Zishu's expression is a little strange. He seems to have other ideas? 】

A selection box pops up in the lower right corner of the screen. In this case, choosing the second option is almost a unified operation for all players in the server.

It's so troublesome. Time waits for no one. Zishu, can you destroy these branches?

Kanxing asked herself, and Zi Shu, who was worried about the plot, made a divination with his bare hands, and gave her a choice after figuring out the general direction of the subsequent plot.

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