[Yes, just in case you need it. Don’t worry, your plot progress will not be affected until you create the five-star character. 】

[Moreover, when the created characters will go online and become players' own machines, you won't need to worry about it in a short period of time. 】

Zi Shu nodded and scanned the information.

Hunting, protection, destruction, intelligence, harmony, nothingness, and abundance, there are a total of seven destiny attributes that players can currently possess.

The division of labor among the various destiny paths of the Star Dome Railway is relatively clear, but he has long understood a truth.

A solid auxiliary and a smooth main C.

After careful consideration, he decided not to become a pure output character this time. Although he would be able to control the effects of the character skills created with similar or even stronger effects, but——

He does not need stronger normal strength. Normal strength currently mostly serves the plot. As long as his popularity is getting higher and higher, his strength will not stagnate, and the cost-effectiveness of sustainable development will be higher.

I just glanced at the popularity mileage ladder and saw that the five-star character template rewards were not just this one.

There is ample time.

Hunting, destruction, and intelligence are directly removed. There are already four-star templates for preservation and will not be considered. As for the abundance of the same survival position...

Looking at the card pool arrangements for the next three versions of the game, he slowly shook his head.

In the future version, two survival characters will be released. If survival characters were released this time, not only would they have to compete with those few, but they would also have to compete with the four-star themselves. It would not be worthwhile.

Then, the scope is reduced to only harmony and nothingness.

Basically, Tongxiong mainly assists teammates and provides output as a supplement. Most of them even have no output.

Nihility is the opposite. There are those that mainly use negative status to weaken the enemy, and there are also those that mainly use output, supplemented by some negligible negative effects.

That’s it.

After referring to the only three void characters currently in the game, Walter, Pella, and Sambo, Zishu had an idea.

Destiny: Nothingness

Attribute: imaginary number

Even though he is active in the real Star Dome Railway world, his understanding of the game is no lower than any other player.

The reason why he chose imaginary numbers is because the effect of the properties of imaginary numbers can match the ideas in his mind.

In order not to conflict with the output track of existing and future characters, Zishu tried to choose defense as the main attribute.

At first, I thought that defense power was exclusive to the Cunhu Life Path and could not be chosen, but I didn't expect that it was possible.

After finalizing the main income attributes, the next step is the personal basic panel. I had experience in doing these before and it took less than two minutes to complete.

Base health: 1245

Basic attack power: 283

Basic defense: 799

Speed: 100

Hatred: 100

Energy limit: 0

Faction: Star Train

The three foundations are as biased as ever, achieving an alternative balance.

Novel gameplay is also a way to increase popularity. He wants to design himself as the first five-star character without energy and to perform finishing moves in a special way.

After tinkering for a while, the new template took the prototype of 0-star soul full-level data——

Role introduction:

Zi Shu is the normal state during the period when the Star God Envoy has died.

When power is no longer used on the path of faith, no one knows what the end point is waiting for him.

[Basic attack]

birth and death

Causes imaginary attribute damage equal to 125% of Zishu's defense to the designated enemy.

[Combat Skill]

Thousand Evil Heart-Taking Array

Expand [Thousand Evil Heart-Captivating Formation], which lasts for 2 rounds. Zishu reduces the number of continuous rounds by 1 at the beginning of each round.

Enemy targets entering the formation have a 100% basic probability of falling into the following negative states at the same time, and cannot be lifted or purified.

[Slash]: Increase the damage received by 20%, [Through the Heart]: Reduce defense power by 20%, [Destroy Soul]: Reduce all attribute resistance by 20%.

In addition, the target will receive a toughening attack that ignores weakness attributes, and the damage is equivalent to 325% of Zishu's defense. Before the start of each subsequent round of action, the target will receive imaginary attribute damage equal to 65% of defense.

[Finishing move]

Shang Yao·Chasing the Soul

When our target uses normal attacks, combat skills, additional attacks, and finishing moves on enemies that are in a negative state, Zishu will gain 1 layer of [Soul Chasing], which can be stacked up to 10 times. Each friendly target can be stacked up to 1 layer in a single round.

When possessing [Chasing Soul], Zi Shu can consume 1 layer to activate the finishing move, causing imaginary attribute damage equal to 100% of the defense power to the designated enemy on the field, and has a 100% basic probability of being granted the [Shang Yao] status.

The enemy target trapped in [Shang Yao] cannot obtain any buff status, which lasts for 3 rounds. If there is already a buff status, one will be removed at random.

If you continue to consume layers of [Chasing Soul] after activating the finishing move, each layer will add imaginary attribute damage equal to 100% of the defense power.

When 10 layers are consumed at one time, Zi Shu will cast [Shang Yao·Annihilation]:

Forcibly destroys the toughness bar of all targets on the field, and after releasing the enemy's [Shang Yao] state, it will cause imaginary attribute damage of 1000% defense power. Enemy targets with a maximum health value less than 10% will be killed directly.



When our unit attacks an enemy trapped in [Shang Yao], the negative state will be released in advance, and the damage of this attack will be increased by 20%, without affecting the secondary grant of [Shang Yao].

[Secret Skill]


After using the secret skill, at the beginning of the next battle, Zishu will gain 2 layers of [Soul Chasing] and automatically activate the [Thousand Evil Heart-Captivating Formation].

Extra ability 1

[no words]

The combat skill duration is increased by 1 round.

Extra ability 2


Combat skills and finishing moves increase the base probability of enemy targets falling into negative states by 30%.

Extra ability 3


When the enemy target in the [Shang Yao] state continues to act, there will be a 100% fixed probability of being in a deceleration state for 1 round, the action will be delayed by 25% and the speed will be reduced by 20%, and the damage it will take before the next action will be increased by 20%. .

Overviewing this template that could pass the review, Zi Shu nodded with satisfaction.

Can assist and fight.

The finishing move is accumulated based on the number of teammates' attacks. It can be placed in a single layer, or it can be stacked for a long time to achieve a large number.

Numerical games are mostly played by those who are willing to pay for a large number of nuclear explosions. It can be regarded as an extra charge for the ultimate move. It takes a long time to stack 10 layers. The damage is very high, right?

Then there are the attributes of the trace branch, this is simple.

Total: 35% defense power, 14.4% imaginary attribute damage increase, 9.3% critical hit rate.

Send the book cover again, it will be saved after bombing.jpg

187. As long as your master is not destined to die

After the subsequent star soul attributes and voice are also solved, time will resume flowing.

The five-star character passed the review, and as expected, all the designed abilities were under control, or... it was similar to the feeling of recalling the lost past.

Many people gathered in Xuanjiping, chatting and discussing, and there was a vague illusion that this place was a busy city.

In Xianzhou, the Engineering Department is the workshop responsible for developing strange mechanical mechanisms. The people here are either craftsmen who work hard to invent and innovate, or they are assembly line workers.

The latter is okay, but the former has a lot to tinker with, and it's almost traditional to poke holes in it every now and then.

Either the Dongtian Pavilion was transformed out of thin air, or there was a riot of technical dolls or something. In addition, due to the double erosion of the star core and the building wood, not many people know what is inside.

Everyone descended from Xingcha one after another, scanning the surrounding area.

Huh? Tingyun said in surprise: There are a lot of people gathered here. It seems that Luofu is closed today and is not allowed to start construction. This construction company's cave has been shut down since the star core eroded. Why don't these people take the ride? Where is Xingcha going to the safe zone?

Xing couldn't help but was speechless, You don't even know what the locals are saying, and it's even less likely for us outsiders to know.

March 7: Perhaps those in the Engineering Department are more devoted to their jobs. Think about the diviners in the Taibu Department. There is no difference without comparison...

Qing Que, who was being tortured by Fu Xuan, sneezed hard this time.

After all, it is work, and you have to live by it. Walter sighed: In the adult world, haha, there is no such thing as easy.

Uncle Yang, your tone is like someone who has been here before...

Speak out what you feel, speak out what you feel.

The road to pioneering is not easy. Xing put his elbow on March Qixiang's shoulder and raised the corner of his mouth, Look at us coming to Luofu. Besides running around, we still have to run around. It's really tiring.

Uncle Yang was speaking out of emotion. If you say this, it's called hypocrisy. Yue Qi said speechlessly.

While everyone was still chatting, Zi Shu had already collected almost the contents of the conversations of the people nearby.

Let's go, talk to someone about the situation inside, and then we'll enter the Engineering Department. Zi Shu talked about business.

March 7: Should we act separately, or together?

Zi Shu looked at Xing.

[Let’s work separately, it’s more efficient. 】

[Is it possible that Zi Shu already has a goal and does not need to separate? 】

Players found that two different choices will also have small branches.

If you choose to split up, you have to ask the surrounding NPCs one by one. If you choose the second option, the task indicator will be marked directly on someone's head.

Halfway through the journey, Zishu will explain the reason for looking for that person.

The man looked around, his eyes full of anxiety and expectation. The reason for the anxiety must be that he is worried about something. The reason for the expectation is that he hopes someone can save him. He guesses that someone important is still in the Engineering Department and has not come out. Urgent need of Yunqi Army rescue.

...Half of the surrounding Yunqi army can't be seen. Xing shook his head.

Since General Jingyuan gave the military talisman to Taibu, he trusts her to arrange the whereabouts of the Yunqi Army.

Zi Shu said clearly:

We are not familiar with the Engineering Department...Miss Tingyun doesn't look familiar either. In order to avoid taking detours after entering, it is better to ask for a map from a staff member who is familiar with this place.

Zishu is Zishu, with meticulous observation and thoughtful consideration. March 7 praised.

After a while, everyone walked up to the target and got straight to the point and roughly explained their purpose and plans.

Unexpectedly, the guy named Ah Wei in front of him didn't believe it immediately. After talking for a while, he was allowed to speak and tell him the general situation inside the Engineering Department.

Star Train does good deeds without leaving a name. We will keep an eye on your master, Master Gongshu, right?

Yes, please take this jade talisman. The information about the main road of the Engineering and Construction Department is in this jade sign.

Ah Wei took out an object that looked like a jade square plate from his pocket, and a jade omen that looked like a miniature version of the Star Cha engine wheel.

If you find the master, please bring him out safely! If there is something wrong with him -

Don't worry, young man, your master is safe...

The worried tone made Walter feel unbearable, so he opened his mouth to comfort him, never thinking that Ah Wei's next words almost choked him.

——Our group of people will not be able to graduate this year, nor will they be able to become teachers...

Uh... Walter's mouth twitched slightly.

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