Beautiful girl March, don't think too much.

Hey... I won't argue with you. Zi Shu, are you tired? Just tell me if you are tired and I will carry you.

No, why is walking so tiring...


From the player's perspective, after the Taibusi plot ends, the main mission requires returning to the Xingchahai Center to rest. Many players feel baffled by this.

Some people said there was nothing wrong with them, just like when they were in Belloberg.

People are not incorrigible, they need to rest.

Although it is unnecessary from a game perspective, it can only be said that the screenwriter is very rigorous and did not ignore these small details, thereby making the world view in the game more realistic.

However, after pressing F on the bed, players will know why the main plot requires people to sleep.

[Meanwhile, on the other side of Louvre…]

The scene shifted to Dan Heng's perspective. He was acting together with Su Shang Rakshasa. The conversation talked about the world view and the grievances and grievances regarding the Star God.

Later, we also talked about the Vidyadharas.

The plot party has always been sensitive to new vocabulary, but when it comes to the Vidyadharas, Dan Heng, who used to be dull, starts to talk about everything, without doubting anything.

But that's all just doubt. Even the closed beta players had only experienced the plot of Belloberg and didn't know how Fairy Boat would develop.

Fight monsters, talk about the world view, and meet the new character Xueyi, the judge of the Ten Kings. Her setting as a machine girl has caused some XP unique players to go crazy.

[Hou Li Crab, can Rakshasa even be cured by Ji Niang? 】

[Do you think it looks familiar to you? A similar scene seems to have happened somewhere? 】

【where? 】

[Lower area of ​​Beloberg... After the battle with Swaro, Zishu repaired Swaro. 】

[Sigh...Didn't someone on the forum discuss that Zishu was the envoy of the Order of Fertility? 】

[Yes, now Dan Heng said clearly that the power of Rakshasa is fertility. He can cure Xueyi, who is a mechanical body, and his adoptive father can also cure the robot Swaro. Do you understand what I mean? 】

[Where is the promised joy messenger, this...isn't this right? How about the worry in the voice? The pharmacist doesn't look like a star god who wants to have fun with him. 】

[Is it possible that he is both the messenger of joy and the messenger of fertility? 】

[Impossible, absolutely impossible. Don’t forget Zi Shu’s line about reversing cause and effect that triggered his talent. In addition to the previous plot of restoring the Taibusi Gate, his treatment method must be to reverse cause and effect. 】

[It makes sense...]

Players have different opinions on their speculations, but no matter what, if there is discussion, there will be heat, and if there is heat, the popularity will grow.

Zi Shu also did not expect that the original action of repairing the damaged Shivaro in the lower area would be related to the abilities of the characters in the subsequent plot.

After the players followed Xue Yi up the stairs, they were enjoying the plot. Unexpectedly, they entered the reading bar after the conversation ended and returned to the room where they slept before.

Ah Diu, Lao Mi, you are out of context and can’t house!

Seeing that the main mission says to gather at the entrance of the inn, the players have no choice.


When they saw the strange yet familiar young man standing in front of the door, almost everyone was stunned for a moment.

【Who is this? 】

[…Don’t you think he looks a lot like his adoptive father? They have the same clothes. Is he a junior brother or a biological brother? 】

[Why can’t it be his biological son? 】

[Unbelievable, if it was a son, wouldn’t the female cook be heartbroken? 】

No one will be taken away by one set.jpg

185.Don’t understand Aha so well, okay?

After learning that the boy in front of him was Zi Shu who had shrunk, the male players were fine, but countless female players exploded on the spot.

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--】

【Cute, cute, cute, cute! 】

[This is so healthy, I really want to hold him in my arms and rub him hard! 】

[That, although it’s a bit obscene... It would be great if Zi Shu consumes a lot of it every day, the boy form is really worth the XP... woo woo woo woo. 】

[Q: Does draining your husband dry count as consumption? 】

[Go alone and make a six. 】

[Mi Huyou actually modeled the young boy Zi Shu, does it mean that he will be different in the future? 】

【Probably! Mi Hua tricked me into asking for this. When can it be served? I can’t wait! ! 】

[…Am I the only one who prefers adult books? Although Xiao Xiao is cuter than Yanqing, he can’t be gentle with children…]

[In reality, I am submissive. In the game, I punch hard, and I just love cool boys. I imagine my big car being driven by a young boy...ah...ah~~~ I won’t talk anymore, let’s go to Nene! 】

【? ? ? ? 】

[Jimei guys, please take it easy. If we continue to generate electricity, Lao Mu’s live broadcast room will be gone. 】

[What did Ran Ran say next door? Are there any new illnesses? 】

[Yes, yes, but when I clicked in, the live broadcast room was already showed that it was being rectified. 】

[Le, how much electricity does this have to generate before the supervisor can catch it and kill it? 】

[emmm...It is said that Zizi was invited to study in Olive's three primary schools...]

[Nan Beng, this is too outrageous. You are worthy of being the originator of epilepsy. 】

In the Xingcha heading to the Engineering Department, Zi Shu, who was closing his eyes to rest, suddenly opened his eyes.

It was the last time that his popularity skyrocketed. His body became smaller and his improvement was so high that he jumped up several ranks.

With two more classes, his five-star character template can be unlocked.

Do you feel like you've taken off, Mr. Lingshi?

The mask of the strange smile jumped out and took credit proudly.

The rewards Aha gave you are so useful. Do you dare to say that Aha is not as useful as your system?

Can I understand that the so-called boiled water reward you drew yesterday was because you were careless on purpose? Zi Shu O.0 said.


Aha was born with a bokeh shadow and looked at Bochi's hand for a while.

Mr. Lingshi has always feared to speculate on Aha with the worst malice. Aha is so sad. Unfortunately, I am still trying to find benefits for Mr. Lingshi, but in the end I can't even hear a word of thanks from my lord. What happened to Aha It’s enough to be called a tragedy, isn’t it?”

Zi Shu showed his big eyes expression again, curled his lips and said with disdain:

Who would have thought that you would actually do serious things to benefit the envoy? What you said sounds nice, but in fact you are still looking for fun and want to see me embarrassed. In the end, it is self-defeating, so you can only show a look of 'I am all the same' I'm acting like this just for you, right?

Ah...Mr. Commander, please don't know Aha so! Don't change the subject! Just tell me if Aha has done something serious?!

Yes, yes, you did your job.

Too perfunctory, really perfunctory! Aha got angry and decided to ignore Mr. Order for 86,400 seconds!


Miss Tingyun, can I ask a question? In the quiet cabin, March 7 suddenly spoke.

Tingyun didn't even look back. He chuckled while steering the wheel: Miss Yue Yue, you don't have to be polite. If you have any questions, just ask. I will tell you everything I know.

I still don't understand why the general asked us to go through the Engineering Department instead of going directly to that department. Oh, Danding Department...why don't we go directly to meet there?

Tingyun: You all also know that Luofu is facing external and internal troubles. You are the special forces appointed by the General. Naturally, your actions need to be hidden from others. Something has gone wrong in the Engineering Department. The current internal chaos is very suitable for concealing your whereabouts to avoid the sight of traitors.

Hey, I finally heard it.

Xing slumped on his seat and said feebly:

It can only be said that Miss Tingyun understands high emotional intelligence. If it were me, the explanation for low emotional intelligence is that the engineering and manufacturing department has created a trap. It's time for us tool guys to come on stage to smooth things over.

Oh, it's true that the Engineering Department is in trouble, but with the good skills of our benefactors, it doesn't take much effort to solve those trivial matters. How can they be tool men?

...Axing has become smarter. As a senior, I am very pleased... March 7th laughed perfunctorily, half-rolling her eyes and said: Miss Tingyun is not even willing to refute. It seems to be true.

Oh, we are really miserable people. After this matter is over, if the general doesn't give us a small official of Xianzhou, it will really be a loss-making business.

Xing kept shaking his head, looked at each other with Sanyue Qi, and let out a sigh together.

The two reliable adult men behind him also sighed, but the difference was that they were sighing at the nonsensical conversation between the two girls.

Zi Shu Zi Shu, your body has become smaller, but your skills have not been damaged, right?

What do you want to say?

We are going to the Engineering Department this time. Is the hexagram good or bad?

Take some peace of mind, March. Zi Shu made a fortune and said, There is no danger in this trip. If nothing unexpected happens, there will be only a few twists and turns in the process.

...It's okay if you don't say it. If you say it like this, I think there will definitely be an accident...

Xing: Go, go, crow's mouth, the Zi Shu hexagram has always been very effective, but don't let your words and tricks ruin it.

Okay, I shut up...

Xingcha became quiet again and quickly flew towards Gongzao Si.

At the same time, in the Engineering Department.

Xue Yi took Dan Heng, Luo Sha and Su Shang to bid farewell to the stubborn craftsman Gong Shu Liang and arrived at Xuan Ji Ping.

The rebirth of Jianmu will inevitably lead to many disasters. The Yunqi Army will be nailed to the Danding Division adjacent to Jianmu and just go that way.

Xueyi operated the pilot compass to dispatch a starship, turned around and nodded to everyone, saying: Thank you for protecting me all the way. I will report this good deed to the ten kings. If I have the opportunity, I will definitely repay you.

After saying that, without giving anyone any time to speak, he boarded the star and left in the sky.

Seeing Xingcha disappear into the sky, Su Shang breathed a sigh of relief.

Okay, I finally did another good thing along the way. She said that the Yunqi Army is in Dandingsi. I plan to find a ship and return to the team right away. What do you say?


Dan Heng turned his head and looked at Jianmu, considering the possibility that his companions were there. After thinking about it, he said, Let's go together.

Hehe. Su Shang said with a cute smile: After walking all this way, you don't want to be separated from us, so let's go.

Then there's Miss Lao Sushang. Rakshasa smiled gently and tightened the coffin behind her body.

The three of them also dispatched a starship and boarded it one after another and left.

Dan Heng didn't know that when the Xingcha sailed out of the port, the companions he was looking for happened to be in a Xingcha that passed by...

This is definitely a must-blow.jpg

186. Five-star unlock

In Xuanji Ping, Zi Shu had just stepped out of the Xingcha. The surrounding scenes were stagnant, and time seemed to have fallen into absolute stillness.

He quickly remembered this familiar scene and turned his attention to the popularity panel of the system.

When the popularity reaches a milestone, the template of the five-star character is unlocked.

[Master, please set your character attributes and skills. The following is the reference data of the five-star character panel. You have already had relevant experience. Atong will not explain more. As for the background story, we will help you figure it out. 】

[Oh, by the way, don’t forget to redesign an outfit before taking relevant photos. 】

Does it have to be established now?

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