What the hell?

Hehe, boiled water!

Zi Shu broke open the seal, raised his head and sighed.

Guess you only have 3 hours to live.jpg

183. Taibu comes to the door

So what about plain water? At least it can replenish water for the body, rather than a waste product that cannot provide any effect.

After placing several barriers in the room, Zi Shuxing went to the bed and summoned Tingyun's body, and returned the silent consciousness in her Tai Chi Quyu.

Fortunately, her consciousness reached the limit early and fell into a deep sleep. Otherwise, when she encountered something like Fu Xuan's, she would have to take the initiative to turn off vision sharing.

Mr. Commander, I have a——

No, you didn't. Disappear immediately. I don't want to see you for the time being.

Okay, okay, Aha, I'll get off work at the speed of light! Aha said happily, and the funny face before disappearing had a lot of elements of watching a show.

There was only one bed in the inn room. After Zi Shu simply washed up and felt sleepy, he fell asleep on the sofa.

Strangely, the sleepiness seems to be a little too strong. Obviously, I usually don't have such a strong desire to sleep.

The next morning.

In fact, strictly speaking, there is no so-called climate change in Xianzhou. The alternation of day and night is just simulated using special means.

Zi Shu opened his eyes and woke up, feeling that the back of his head was as comfortable as pillowing on delicate warm jade, and his hands seemed to be holding something furry.

Uh... It seems to be a tail.

Afterwards, he realized that he was resting on Tingyun's legs. Zi Shu tilted his head slightly, and a peaceful face came into view.

Good morning...my benefactor.


Zi Shu let go of his hand at the right time. He sat up and found something was not right, so he stretched out his palm to take a look.


My dear friend, I woke up half an hour ago. When I saw you sleeping on the sofa, you looked like this...

Tingyun's pretty face flashed with hesitation, but she still asked: After the little girl fell into a deep sleep yesterday, what happened to her benefactor?

Something happened. Zi Shu sucked the mirror not far away into his hand.

Looking at myself in the mirror, who is no better than Yanqing and looks more immature, I don't know what to say for a moment.

The culprit was the one I smoked yesterday, and when I drank it, it was the same as plain water.

Now we know the effect.

To put it simply, it means rejuvenation, turning the body into the appearance of a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy. It lasts for a period of time and cannot be lifted in advance.

Other than that, it has no effect at all.

Perhaps the only effect is that it is a real transformation. No matter who looks at it, it is a teenager, and it will never be thought that it was transformed by disguise means such as disguise.

Aha is not good at anything, but he can do weird things easily and never do the same thing again.

Aha heard someone calling me in a trance. Let me ask you, are you Aha's Master?

No, but I am your brother Wang Qidan.

Why Wang Qi... Wow! Mr. Lingshi actually turned around and scolded Aha, and Aha was angry!

Then what? Zishu looked calm and accurately threw the mirror back to its original position.

What do you mean, this reward is very useful to Mr. Lingshi, okay?!

Aha gushed: Aren't you trying to improve your popularity among the players outside the wall? With your current appearance, Aha dares to say - kill them all!

I hope so. Zi Shu was noncommittal.

People who play second games do have different XPs. Putting aside the focus of men and women, body type preferences do exist.

A trace of nervousness flashed across Tingyun's face, and he said caringly: Is it okay?

It's okay. I helped Fu Taibu repair the Qionguan Formation last night. The means used were too great. Just rest for a while.

Hearing this, Zingyun breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't talk about my problem, how do you feel? Zi Shu asked softly: The technique of letting the consciousness leave the body has not been used for a long time. If you feel uncomfortable in your body, you must tell me in time.

I tend to get sleepy when I share the view with my benefactor, but the rest of the situation is fine. However, my benefactor's Tai Chi Quyu seems to be able to warm up my consciousness, and sleeping in it can relieve me a lot.

Well, unless something special happens, I won't enable vision sharing.

It's fine if my benefactor makes the decision. I'll leave it to you, little girl. Tingyun smiled charmingly.

After another spell was used to place Tingyun properly, there was a knock on the door.

Zi Shu opened the door without much thought, only to find that the person standing outside the door was not a fellow train crew member, but Fu Xuan.

Lord Taibu...


Fu Xuan was stunned. At first she saw a handsome young man opening the door and thought she was knocking on the wrong door. It wasn't until she recognized it through his breath that she realized that the young man in front of her was the villain who caused her great embarrassment last night!

How did you become like this?

Even if the Vidyadharas were reborn as eggs, they would not be able to grow so fast.

She could tell that Zi Shu's appearance was not disguised, but that his body had actually become smaller.

Well, something went wrong while studying the time travel formation, so I returned to my childhood form.

Fu Xuan raised his slender eyebrows and did not hesitate to expose him, Your eyes are shining brightly, you are lying.

Okay, actually, it was because the base of the Qiongguan Formation that was restarted last night consumed too much, and it automatically became the most labor-saving form, huh? You seem to believe it?

Unexpectedly, Zi Shu still gave a reason casually, but Fu Xuan did not show any doubtful expression this time.

Xin, I can see that your current condition is not good. Compared with last night... hmm, it's far worse.

Zi Shu: ...

It seems that Fu Xuan regarded the consumption of his forbidden technique to pacify Tingyun as repairing the Qionguan Formation...

It's self-defeating, but that's okay.

He did not ignore the change in Fu Xuan's expression. When he opened the door, he could vaguely see a bit of embarrassment in his eyes, but now there was a bit more trust.

Ahem...what happened last night is my problem. I hope Master Taibu won't take it to heart. I -

I don't...don't want to hold you responsible. Let's stop here. I came to see you for other matters.

After finishing his words, Fu Xuan showed an extremely nervous expression, and would forcefully hold back when he wanted to speak.

Then thank you, Master Taibu. Please come in and talk.

Zi Shu turned sideways to welcome her in, walked to the sofa and took out some sweet pastries and drinks.

I'm here to beg you, as long as you agree... Fu Xuan gritted his teeth, What happened last night, and the incident where you stole my pantyhose before... can be treated as if they never happened, and I can even promise you. Any requests!”

Zi Shu paused and narrowed his eyes, Then what if I don't agree?

I will continue to beg you...the previous matters will still be wiped out!

Master Taibu, please don't make any demands on your lips. If I want you to betray Xianzhou, what should you do?

Fu Xuan bit his lower lip and shook his head slowly, ...I am impulsive. As long as it does not violate moral requirements, I will obey you.

You want to know whether fate can be changed, and you want to find the answer yourself, right? Zi Shu's expression calmed down.


Okay. Zi Shu agreed simply, I will teach you the lost part of divination.

Fu Xuan supported the table with both hands, leaned forward and asked excitedly: What's the price?!

You will know the price in the future - but I have an additional request: if you find the answer in the future, please tell me.

184.Who is this?

Fu Xuan was stunned.

that's it?

That's all. In this galaxy, you are not the only one looking for the answer to this question. Zi Shuruo pointed out.

Are you looking for it too... Fu Xuan whispered.

Zishu smiled slightly but did not answer, It's almost time. According to the agreement with the general last night, our star train should set off for the Engineering and Construction Department, and Lord Taibu should also dispatch Yunqi to the Danding Department.

Okay, I promise you, if I get the answer in the future, I will tell you. Also... don't call me Master Taibu anymore. You are my future mentor. It's inappropriate.

After saying this, Fu Xuan Yingying bowed her head and bowed politely, then turned around and said goodbye without any hesitation.

Zi Shu watched her leave quietly without saying anything.

Only by seeing through cause and effect can you know your destiny.

Although the Observation Formation has limitations, its observed results are fundamentally different from the predetermined fate.

Peeping into the future is an act against nature. Even if there is no need to pay the price for a while, the price will come sooner or later in the future. I hope that in the future, Fu Xuan will not lose his heart because of this...

This is why he doesn't need Fu Xuan to do anything, because she is destined to bear her own price.

Outside the Yuchen Inn.

Xing stared blankly at the handsome young man who was barely up to his shoulders, not knowing what to think for a moment.

March 7 was not much better either. After confirming that the handsome boy in front of him was indeed Zi Shu, he subconsciously picked up the camera and clicked the shutter button.

Wow! Lai Zi Shu, Eggplant!

Zi Shu sighed helplessly and reluctantly curled up the corner of his mouth.

Hey... the smile is so unnatural, it's just for taking a photo...

I say Ah Qi, in order to prevent us from becoming tool people, Zishu chose to suffer on his own. He spent a lot of effort to restart the Qiongguan Formation. Just take a nostalgic photo and ask people to smile naturally. That's too much!

Xing stretched out his index finger and pointed March 7 on his forehead.

Ke Zishu looks really good like this. I have never seen such a handsome young man! March 7 muttered.

Xiao Sanyue, business matters. Walter shook his head slightly, looked at Zi Shu and asked with concern: How are you feeling? If you feel uncomfortable, we can go to the Engineering Department. You stay and rest, don't force it.

It's not like I haven't experienced excessive consumption before. Compared with the time in Yaliluo, this situation now is nothing. Zi Shu waved his hand nonchalantly.

However, the temperament and maturity revealed in his words and deeds under this appearance are strange no matter how you look at them, and you have the feeling of a child pretending to be old-fashioned.

Then let's set off. Miss Tingyun is already waiting for us at the pier. Walter pushed up his glasses out of habit.

Start with the new map. Xing snapped his fingers.

What's the new map? You treat Fairy Boat as a game, right? Speaking of Zishu, why are your clothes getting smaller now that you've become smaller?


Zi Shu was a little unexpected when he heard the tricky question on March 7, and a black line appeared on his head.

Oh, you're so stupid. Xing looked at an idiot, Zishu can even restore damaged things, can't he just change the size of clothes and so on?

Ah...how can a normal person think about this?

It turns out that Mr. Walter and I are not normal people.

Huh? I feel so bored if I don't make fun of you for a day. I see you want to be beaten again!

What do you mean by sarcasm? I'm praising your brilliant mind. Xing grinned.

But why do I feel that there is something in your words, or do you seem to be scolding me secretly?

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