It doesn't matter if everyone doesn't look at it, but when they look at it, they will be stunned.

Over there, Fu Xuan's previously exposed and delicate legs had been put on white stockings again, but he was lying on the ground with his eyes turned white, and a dark unknown liquid flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Not far away were scattered white cup fragments and liquid of the same color, which looked like food poisoning.

The moment the poisonous thing flashed through Jingyuan's mind, Zi Shu had already checked all the desserts in his inventory, and his face could not help but tremble violently.

Bad dish!

The milk tea that should have been stuffed into the cardboard box was accidentally stuffed into Himeko's special coffee...

Ahhhh - Master Taibu has been assassinated! Seal the scene quickly! Qingque couldn't help but scream.

No! She wasn't assassinated, she just ate - uh...

Halfway through his words, March 7 suddenly closed his mouth.

It seemed that it was really the same as being assassinated... Several people on the train crew looked at Zi Shu with inquiring eyes.

So, what's going on?

Jing Yuan was Luofu's general after all, and he had not lost his cool. Rather, he still had a high degree of trust in Zi Shu and did not believe that he had any motive to harm Fu Xuan.

Zi Shu sighed helplessly, took out another cup of special coffee prepared by Ji Zi herself, and handed it to Jing Yuan.

The general can identify the composition of this thing. With your understanding of Fu Taibu, you can understand the reason.

Seeing that the three people, including Walter, all looked unnatural, Jingyuan took the still steaming coffee and stared at it carefully.

To be honest, you can't tell much from the projection.

It's non-toxic, the taste should be bitter, and there's nothing special about it on the surface.

...It's special because it's very bitter.

Zi Shu sighed, leaned over and picked up Fu Xuan, and tapped her throat above her collarbone with his fingers.

Not everyone can bear this kind of coffee. My problem is that the apology items for Mr. Taibu were placed in the wrong place. To be honest, that coffee is one of the best... special drinks in our train.

Fu Xuan was forced to vomit out the coffee she drank. Zi Shu then picked up his sleeves and gently wiped away the coffee stains near the corners of her mouth.

She's okay, Miss Qingque, please give Taibu a hand. If nothing else happens, she will wake up within ten minutes.

Qingque took the Fu Xuan and bravely sniffed it near the corner of her mouth. The unique bitter smell of coffee penetrated her nose, instantly making her look embarrassed.

My dear, it's too bitter, isn't it? No wonder Master Taibu fainted. The medicinal tea she drank in the past was filled with sugar cubes. How could she drink this kind of coffee?

Zi Shu: ...

There is one less cream puff in the box. I think I thought that cup of coffee was also a dessert, but when I take a sip and feel something is wrong, can’t I spit it out immediately...

You can't just be angry and choose to vent your anger on the food and chew it hard, right?

Glancing at the area of ​​coffee stains on the ground from the corner of his eye, Zi Shu's mouth twitched slightly, confirming his guess.

Unexpectedly, Fu Xuan, as the person in charge of the Taifu Division, actually has such a...motivated side?

Aha, laugh so hard! Hee hee!

You better die laughing.

Zishu didn't want to kill Aha, he even wanted to give him a few punches, clean his sleeves with the water purification technique, and clean up the mess at the same time.

Qingque, I think you can endure hardships. Don't you want to try the taste? Xing raised his eyebrows at the girl in green.


Qing Que was stunned, and his eyes couldn't help but glance at the cup of coffee that exuded a terrifying smell in Jing Yuan's hand...

Taibu-sama pours it down after just one sip, should she try?

I'm afraid the outcome will be no better...but I'm really curious.

What do you think, Miss Qingque? Jing Yuan said with a smile.

...Then, I'll give it a try... Qingque was about to cry but had no tears. She originally wanted to decline, but why did she say yes instead?

Taking the cup of coffee from Jing Yuan's hand, she quickly glanced at the people around her, gritted her teeth for the last time, and took a sip as if she was dead.

In less than a second, Qingque's pupils trembled violently, he tilted his head involuntarily, opened his mouth and sprayed Tingyun in the face.

It's several times more painful than I imagined... Uh... I'm sorry, Miss Tingyun, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!

Next to him, Tingyun stood awkwardly, his whole face covered with dark coffee stains, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

With Tingyun's skills, it was generally impossible to avoid such a close distance. She wanted to hide but didn't dare.

182. After all, Aha will still dare next time

Brother Zishu, where did you buy this coffee? I'm sure there is no such terrible drink in Luofu...

Qing Que had a bitter look on his face and was extremely uncomfortable, and his eyes when he looked at Ting Yun were full of apologies.

This is a specialty of our Star Train. Zi Shu took the coffee back from Qing Que and drank it under the horrified gaze of everyone.

No matter what Jingyuan thinks, drinking it is equivalent to making a statement.


Ah this...

After knowing the taste of that thing, Qingque was shocked that Zishu could drink the entire cup of coffee without changing his expression.


Hey, I offended Lord Taibu in the first place, and now I've caused her embarrassment. I hope that Lord General can reconcile the situation... Zishu looked at Jingyuan and said sincerely.

I will. A smile flashed in Jing Yuan's eyes.

This troubled time should be more serious. Who knew that after discussing cooperation matters, so many episodes would happen?

Zishu, Miss Tingyun is a little miserable... Xing glanced at the fox woman beside him who was silently wiping her face with a handkerchief, Can you help her?

Of course you can.

After a cleansing spell, all the stains on Tingyun's body disappeared, but her clothes were soaked, outlining her beautiful curves.

I'm sorry, I made a mistake and there was something wrong with the technique. Let me blow dry Miss Tingyun.

An apology flashed across Zi Shu's face, his seals changed, but in his heart he was gloating about his misfortune as he cast a small storm technique.

A gust of wind swept Tingyun into it, instantly blowing away the water molecules on his clothes. It was just Tingyun's image...

Not to mention his disheveled hair, even a lot of hair on his tail was blown off, making him look even more embarrassed.

Walter probably didn't think there was much wrong, but Xing and March Qi, who had experienced Yaliluo's journey with Zi Shu, looked at him with a somewhat strange look.


Zishu was obviously not stable in Yaliluo, but when he arrived at Xianzhou, starting from being chased by Fu Taibu, he lost control of his spells one after another.

Could it be that the reason why she took off her white silk stockings before was because of a magical error?

No matter how many people present tried to make trouble, they never thought that Zi Shu's behavior toward Ting Yun was intentional, or to give it a more accurate name: fake Ting Yun.

Thanks to Sparrow God's spray, he had the prerequisites to use the topic.

The anger accumulated by Aha's evil deeds was first borne by the impostor.

After all, teaching Aha is equivalent to rewarding him, which really makes people feel angry and has no place to vent their anger. There is no need to use free sandbags in vain, and the other party cannot find faults and dare not find faults.

Zi Shu was indeed right. Even though Fake Tingyun was furious, he really didn't dare to explode.

How dare you, Jing Yuan's projection is right here, and besides, you still have to perform the whole act, and it's not even over yet.

Otherwise, she would definitely not take this breath, and would definitely turn all the chess pieces present into empty pawns, tortured to vent her hatred.

Zishu, right?

I remember you...

This is the first time for someone as noble as her to be humiliated like this.

When the final moment comes, Zi Shu must be trained into a dead dog, and finally processed into a virtual pawn and thrown into the furnace of war to be recast into a powerful anti-matter creature and serve Lord Nanook for life.

If I don't avenge this revenge, I, Huan Wu, will become the Great Lord of Destruction in vain!

Most of the people present did not expect that the fake Tingyun's true identity was actually the Order of Destruction who somehow managed to hide it from everyone.

Even though murderous intent surged deep in his heart, Huanhuang did not lose his grace and etiquette on the surface.

Not only did he find a way for himself with his smooth words, he also found a way for Zishu and Qingque, making it impossible for anyone to find any fault.

And this is also in line with Tingyun's all-round character in the hearts of Luofu people.

Dear benefactors, please come with me.

Miss Tingyun, here is a mirror and comb. March 7th took out the daily necessities he carried with him.

...Miss Yue Yue is so considerate, I would like to thank you in advance.

I really want to kill someone...

If it weren't for the fear of being discovered, Huan Lu would definitely break a tooth into pieces.

The group of people disappeared from sight, and at this time, Fu Xuan, who had been unconscious, finally woke up. After realizing what had happened before, his fierce eyes quickly scanned the surroundings.

However, not to mention Zishu, the train crew and others, even Jingyuan was gone, leaving only Qingque, who had been given instructions to look after her.

Seeing her fierce expression of wanting to peel off someone's skin, Qingque couldn't help but swallow secretly, and plucked up the courage to ask.

Master Taibu...are you okay...?

How could something happen to me? I'm off work! Fu Xuan waved his hands and left bitterly.

Wait a moment, Taibu-sama, your dessert...

Turning around and seeing the delicate paper box in Qingque's hand, Fu Xuan's eyes trembled vaguely, and he reached out to take the box unnaturally.

You didn't open it, did you?!

...No, no, no! I don't dare to peek into Master Taibu's privacy! Qingque waved his hands together, with an expression that said I was definitely not lying.

Forget about what you saw today, stay here for as long as you want. I allow you to go to work and fish for two days.

Master Taibu, I didn't see or hear anything today!

Very good... With a sharp look in his eyes, Fu Xuan quickened his pace and left as if running away.

Until Fu Xuan's back completely disappeared, Qing Que pressed his back against the wall as if he had been granted amnesty, patted his chest with his small hands and let out a heavy sigh.

What a scary Taibu-sama, even scarier than the expression on her face when she was caught fishing and playing cards... If there was a regret medicine that she could take, she would definitely choose to stay in Changletian's card shop until she gets off work!

At the Yuchen Inn, Zishu found a reasonable explanation and finally put today's events in order.

Fortunately, the main plot came to an end in advance, otherwise, Atong would have turned into an editing master and made crazy cuts.

Not to mention, his current situation is a bit like a camera for live streaming or watching movies and sports. He and the system have the right to decide what content can be seen by the audience.

Get out of here!

Don't be so angry, dear. Aha hung around in front of Zi Shu's face very desperately, as if you would hit me if you had the ability, After all, if Aha dares next time, I won't be happy if I get so angry.

My original God's prayer interface is here. Hurry up and activate it for me.

Zi Shu didn't want to reward him. Wouldn't rewarding him be the same as completely breaking his defense? Was Aha successfully playing tricks on him?

I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Mr. Lingshi, you have to know that it's hard to get good things just by humiliating counterfeiters.

Cut the nonsense!

When I was born, I even took off her white silk stockings twice, even her underwear.

Zishu admitted that he was anxious and wished he could wipe out Aha's inventory and make him look like a Sima.

There's really nothing I can do against you, so who wants Aha to pamper you? Let's draw the prize quickly.

[Obtain: Earth Jar Pocket Jar x1]

Zishu: O_o?

You are playing tricks again, right?

He reached in and took out a potion that was only as thick as his index finger, without any introduction.

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