Whether it was what Kafka told Xing at the beginning or the information he later revealed, he already knew it.

Qiong Guanzhen was isolated by a protective formation, so he might be able to find the time to deduce the identity of the fake Tingyun, but the conclusion...

My benefactor, is there any result?

There is, but not much. Zi Shu fell into deep thought, It is assumed that Tingyun does not have the command-level aura on his body, but has the smell of the Destruction Legion, and his condition is a bit weird, but I can't tell for a while.

Although the little girl's position is not a high position, she is always in the sight of the Six Emperors of Xianzhou.

Tingyun was not surprised.

If I were the envoy of the Destruction Order, I would not choose to do it myself. It would increase the risk of being discovered. The enemy is hiding and it is normal for the benefactor to not be able to find a clue.

General Jingyuan must have realized that there is a Star God Order behind the conspiracy, but it is up to him whether he can realize that the other party is the Destruction Order. Even if he knows, it will not be of much use.

The mastermind behind the scenes could not be found for the time being, and Zi Shu was not in a hurry. He knew that the other party would jump out on his own sooner or later.

If it was really that simple, Jing Yuan would have already told Fu Xuan to bring a star core into Luofu and figure out the initiator of the chaos and the traitors who wanted to overthrow the Luofu people's collusion. Why bother with all the twists and turns?

Hexagrams are not omnipotent, and usually can only roughly grasp the rough context of events, development direction, final results, etc.

If it involves too much, it will be extremely difficult to get any useful information, and it is essentially a poor view based on big data algorithms, and the limitations will be even greater.

Except for Aha, who tends to do whatever he wants and gives power, it is not easy for anyone to become a messenger of the Star God Order. It is unrealistic to rely on ordinary hexagrams to find people.

Just protect the safety of your companions, and for the rest, wait and see what happens.

Just like now——

Zishu raised his lowered gaze and looked at the huge withered plant in the distance that exuded familiar power - Jianmu.

He sensed that Jianmu's power was reviving at an extremely fast speed.

The earth trembled slightly, and the trees that had been dormant for a long time began to grow again. Buildings in large areas swayed, and countless immortal boat people couldn't help but look in the direction of the abnormal movement.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. Once you look at it, the puzzled expression immediately turns into horror.

That's... Jianmu!

what happened?

Kafka broke free from the restraints on his body and slowly walked towards the edge of the poor viewing formation.

Xing's face darkened when he saw this, and he chased her without thinking, but was blocked by a man in black who suddenly appeared with a sword. He had to stop and took out his weapon with a vigilant expression.

Let's go Ah Ren, there are still two places to go.

Kafka stood on the edge of the poor viewing formation and glanced back, then turned around and fell downwards with arms spread out.

Blade saw no sign of action, so he retracted his sword and followed closely.

March Qi, who was attracted by the news of Jianmu's revival, came to his senses and found that Kafka had run away, with a trace of nervousness flashing in his eyes.

Kafka ran away?! Damn it! How can I explain to that fortune teller now?

If she didn't lie to me, we shouldn't have to explain anything... Xing shook his head and stuffed the bat back into his chest.

...Hey! March 7 looked at her worriedly, You won't be brainwashed by her spirit-talking skills, right?

You are overthinking. With the protection of Zishu, the Spiritual Speaking Technique will not work on me. Moreover, I can also feel that Kafka did not use the Spiritual Speaking Technique on me.

Leave the Qionguan Formation first. Zi Shu stepped forward, We have to go find Fu Taibu and General Jing Yuan.

Well, I think so too. Miss Tingyun should still be waiting outside. Fu Taibu must have left instructions before leaving, asking her to lead the way. Walter said.

The two women nodded without objection.

After walking out of the Qionguan Array, Tingyun stood on the edge of the high platform guardrail more than a hundred meters away from the entrance, looking up at Jianmu.

Miss Tingyun. March 7 called out from a distance.

My benefactors have all been reckoned with.

That's the half of dead wood that Qing Que showed us, why did it suddenly grow? March 7 asked in confusion.

Ah... Wonderful, so wonderful! Tingyun said with a touch of enthusiasm that is difficult to detect in his tone: I am so lucky, not many people in my lifetime can see such a spectacle!

Beware of fools and scams.jpg

Today's jailer.jpg

177. Jingyuan’s plan

Xing: Who has the ability to apply strong fertilizer to that giant tree?

It's not difficult to apply fertilizer. What's difficult is the fertilizer, which is the star core. Zi Shu said.

Walter: Such abnormal energy must be the core of a star.

Uncle Yang means...the reason why Jianmu grows is because of the star core? March 7 speculated.

Yes, the star core that Xianzhou Yunqi is searching for is probably the culprit of this phenomenon!

Then let's go quickly to find the star core near that tree. There are two people who can seal the star core. Are we still afraid that the small star core will turn the world upside down?

March 7th had an idea, but was met with helplessness from the two grown men and Xing looking at the little fool.

Ah Qi, I'm not telling you, even I know that the tree must be connected to the cave sky, and it is 100% guarded.

Xing curled his lips and shook his head, showing an expression that looked like he was worrying about the IQ of a silly child.

Without the approval and guidance of the local high-ranking people, it would be more difficult to get close than to reach the sky, unless you have wings and can fly over.

I...that's what I mean, of course. We have to go to General Jingyuan and Fu Taibu first... March 7 coughed dryly.

If Zishu hadn't reminded everyone to find the general and Taibu before, you might have been——

Oh, now is it time to turn the topic to me? Let's set off quickly. Miss Tingyun, please continue to lead the way!

Taipusi, the office of teaching affairs.

Fu Xuan frowned and said uncertainly: Unless Kafka deceived Qiong Guan Zhen.

Don't panic, Qing Fu. I believe Qiong Guanzhen won't lie. The Kafka logic you described is very reliable. It just adds a piece to the puzzle for me.

What is the puzzle the general is talking about?

With this news, I knew that there must be foreign enemies and internal troubles in Luofu. The star core cannot appear out of thin air. Someone must use some means to mix it into the fairy boat. As for the internal troubles, it must be a hidden evil that claims to be a rich people. Organization, the secret biography of the King of Medicine.”

Kafka and... At this point, Jing Yuan paused, Kafka's facts just support my conjecture.

Fu Xuan keenly caught the pause in his speech and asked: With what?

It's nothing. It's just a side view provided by someone who is right with what I guessed. What he wanted to remind me is exactly what I just said.

You... Fu Xuan wanted to say something but held back.

He already knew about his feelings, but he was still kept in the dark. Why did he stupidly put in so much effort to activate the Poor View Formation to predict Kafka?

General, when did you think of it?

There are conjectures when the star core appears.

Jing Yuan chuckled and said: The Immortal Boat is protected by the Emperor Gong Si Ming. If it weren't for the command of another star god, how could it have been able to sneak into Luofu without me knowing about it? So there must be foreign enemies;

The star core is eroding everywhere, but it bypasses the two major secrets of Shence Mansion and Nether Prison. It is obvious that there is an ulterior motive. With such a plan, the enemy must have mastered the internal intelligence of Luofu, so internal trouble will arise;

It's not difficult to understand these two points. What's difficult is how to confirm the accuracy of these guesses...

Speaking of this, Jing Yuan recalled the chess game he played with Zi Shu not long ago in his mind.

The Star Core Hunter is not the person behind the scenes. I understood this when I saw that guy. But why he came and why he attracted the Star Dome Train, I have never been able to find this piece of the puzzle.

Especially for a figure like Yin Lai Zi Shu, how much benefit does it have to drive him to help Luofu?

Others may not know it, but as a hunting commander, he knows one thing very well——

Zishu is definitely the envoy of a certain star god.

As for why there is no suspicion that it was Zi Shu who mixed the star core into the immortal boat, the reason is even simpler. The power he carries to open up his destiny cannot be deceived.

In the distant past, the Star Dome Train had contacts with the Immortal Boat Alliance. Although there was no substantial friendship, one could still see Wumingke's style.

Furthermore...if the star cores were caused by people from the Star Vault Train behind the scenes, why would the star core hunters bother to send them into the fairy boat to make the fairy boat owe a favor?

The news brought by Fu Qing has put this piece of the puzzle together. Haha, the star core hunter is really interesting. The purpose of taking such a big detour is to connect the fairy boat and the train. Who would have thought?

Seeing Jing Yuan's leisurely expression, Fu Xuan pointed to the distance and said in a deep voice: General, don't take your time now, Jian Mu's place...

There is no need to bother looking for it. It was caused by the star core. The traitors threw it into the cave where Jianmu was, causing Jianmu to grow again. As expected, it was the secret work of King Yao. They finally couldn't help but take action.

...At this point, a crisis is also a turning point. Once you know where the problem is, everything will be easier to solve.

Fu Xuan pondered for a moment and noticed that Jing Yuan's eyes were always on her. She twitched the corner of her mouth as she thought of something.

You want me to give you advice again?

Yes, I knew Fu Qing would have a countermeasure. Jing Yuan said with a smile.

Fu Xuan rubbed his snow-white chin and said: In my opinion, the most important thing now is to summon the Yunqi Army and rush to the cave where Jianmu is rooted to pull out the star core evil spirit and stop its rebirth.

Well... Fu Qing's insight must be the fastest way to solve the problem, but - the smile on Jing Yuan's face was a little thicker, but sometimes the fastest is not necessarily the best. Guess, I knew about the star core. Why are you standing still?

Lead the snake out of the hole, kill... Thinking from another angle, Fu Xuan quickly figured out the reason, stopped what he said and stared at Jing Yuan displeased, General.

How? Jing Yuan smiled.

You bad guy!

Hahaha, you have to remove the roots and wait a little longer.

Seeing the way Fu Xuan wanted to curse but couldn't think of the rude words, Jing Yuan couldn't help but grin.

The King of Medicine secretly chooses to take action at this time, which shows that Yun Qi has already controlled the overall situation. The traitors can no longer keep their composure. Now that the master is well-known, it is suitable to catch them all in one fell swoop.

That's what I said, but just waiting like this is in vain. If something unexpected happens, how can the general afford the loss?! Fu Xuan spoke a little faster.

Fu Qing, Fu Qing, I still have a useless army.

Jingyuan looked at the entrance of the teaching hall, where Tingyun was leading the train crew in.

It's the right time to employ people, and since the Star Core Hunters are willing to let the train form an alliance with us, Jing Yuan is welcome.

Meeting Jing Yuan's smiling eyes, Xing stepped forward as if resigned to his fate, and said feebly: General, is he going to order us again?

March 7 was used to it, resentful, tired, and helpless, I knew that as soon as the general smiled, we would be dispatched.

My fault is that I have extra expectations for the general.

Fu Xuan covered his forehead helplessly. He couldn't stand it any longer. He raised his head and looked at Jing Yuan, Okay! This special force has been used so frequently. We don't have anyone on Luofu who can use it!

178. Private conversation with Fu Xuan

Jing Yuan remained silent and stared back with a smile.

Why...are you staring at me? Fu Xuan looked uncomfortable with his big eyes, I also want to remind the general that Jianmu's location is a secret among secrets, and it should not be accessible to foreigners -

There is a violation system, right? I also want to remind Fu Qing that there are fairy boats and then there are regulations. In times of crisis, if the regulations are suitable, use them, and if they are not suitable, just throw them away.

That's right. Xing put his hands on his hips and raised the corners of his mouth, making a slight arc, Rules are meant to be broken.

Miss Xing is really a close friend. Jing Yuan said with a smile: So next, I have to make a decision that goes against the rules, ah, maybe more than one, haha, it's really fun to think about it.

Fu Xuan: (O_o)?

Qing Fu, I will hand over the military talisman to you, and you will control the Yunqi army and coordinate outside the Dandingsi Cave near Jianmu.

Me? Fu Xuan pointed at his nose with wide eyes, You want me to lead the troops?

Haven't you always wanted to try what it would be like to be a general?

You usually don't let me, but suddenly...

As if he had thought of a certain possibility, Fu Xuan's expression quickly became solemn, even serious, I understand, I'll do as you say.

After hearing what he wanted to hear, Jing Yuan smiled and looked at the train crew, looked at Zi Shu, then spread his hands and said:

Everyone in the train group, I now openly invite you to join the operation of sealing the star core. Fu Qing will deploy the Yunqi, and I would like to ask you to take the first step the next day, take the shortcut to the Engineering Department, and then meet up with Fu Qing.

The unpaid labor ends here. Xing curled his lips.

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