The guy in front of you with the ID name Help you is a teammate, and the guy who helps you a few times is from Nantong. Don't you covet my husband's good looks?

[Zabu Dodel, although I think he is his adoptive father, he is not Lu Bu. 】

[Online Nantong Boyile, Nantong generally doesn't like the foster father's mouth. On the contrary, it is the food of rotten girls and idiots, don't you think so, Aran? 】

[That is, we don’t call him foster father because he is handsome, treats his children well, not to mention provides tickets, materials, and remains of his choice. He also has a full sense of security and security, do you understand? 】

Your ID makes me feel very insecure. I'm so unfaithful...Look at the Ferris wheel that comes with your return key. You have such a good ID, it's so unique!

[What about moral integrity? 】

[New here? Are you talking about these two words with Aran? Do you understand the value of having three supervisors choose to resign one after another because they couldn't bear it? 】

Ranran turned her attention away from the barrage, turned off the camera, and talked to Zishu.

I'm curious why she almost ordered my arrest when we helped Fu Taibu restart the formation?

[Yes, this pink-haired dwarf wants to burn down the river and destroy the bridge, that’s too much! 】

[No...I want to ask if there is any talisman that can resist the magic of speaking spirits...]

Pink-haired dwarf? You're laughing so hard! Ran Ran suddenly burst into laughter, The writing is a little weird.

She chose the first one. If she said she wasn't curious about the reason, it would be a lie.

How should I put it? To put it simply, I added some materials to this Qionguan array and optimized the link control and portability between the array base and the array center...

In addition, I was trying to operate the Qionguan Formation, and she happened to catch me trying to experience the function. The first thought in my mind was naturally that we wanted to do bad things, so I can understand Fu Xuan's mood.

[The eating guy who can actually improve the fairy boat, Bullfrog. 】

[Have you completely understood the Qiongguan Formation? 】

[Can you still run the Qionguan Formation now? I have a bold idea! 】

It's not appropriate to say that it's completely understood. It's better to say that this formation has no secrets in my eyes... You can understand that the technical advice that Luofu Taibo received from Bo Shizun is one of the knowledge I have.

[Hey, are you the one who provided this technology to Bo Shi Zun? 】

[Big... Boss, I want to learn this again, is it okay? 】

If you can't learn it, how can you learn it?

Ran Ran moved the mouse to the option and clicked, and got an unexpected, yet reasonable answer.

In a broad sense - not really. Most of the technologies of this Immortal Ship Taibusi are derived from the lineage inherited from me. Although future generations cannot fully understand the wisdom of their predecessors, at least they are not To dishonor what He left behind...


Not only Ranran, but also many players in the entire live broadcast room straightened their bodies instantly.

In the Star Iron worldview, only Star God can be called him.

175.Character Story·2

【Him? 】

...Go and ask Kafka quickly. Now is not the time to learn about my past. If you delay any longer, something might happen.

After the words fell, no matter how he continued to talk to Zishu, he would repeat these words.

Ran Ran and the players were a little disappointed, thinking that they could finally know who the star god Zi Shu once believed in, but it still didn't work.

When she walked to Kafka and was about to click F to interact, Ranran suddenly thought of something. She quickly opened the character list and clicked on Zishu's personal information to enter the character story.

This time, she discovered that the character story content that had not been unlocked even when the character reached level 40 was finally revealed.

It was actually hidden until the story of Xianzhou was unlocked... Let me see my husband's past!

[Character Story·2]

This planet is hopeless...

We are too late after all. Let's start scanning. Maybe there is still civilization left.

It was activated just now...Civilization has also been destroyed, but - there is still a breath of life!

Are you sure there's only one?

Sure, come on, come with me!

On a broken planet with a countdown to self-destruction, two Blessing Star messengers arrived inside a laboratory deep underground.

It is simply a miracle that such a small baby can survive the disaster of an asteroid impact...

The two rotting corpses next to him are probably his parents. From this point of view, he is lucky, but also unfortunate.

With pity and intolerance in his eyes, the messenger opened the special protective device and picked up the baby.

Take him to the Garden of Eden for placement.

I'll leave it to you. I'll go back to the Star Palace to report back to the palace master.

Just as the two envoys were about to leave, pure white light broke through the clouds and poured down from the sky. A figure in pure white clothes arrived. Wherever the light shined, life burst out, and green and flowers emerged and grew from the soil. , bloom.

I have met the benefactor!

The messengers knelt sincerely on their faces filled with the most devout faith, and there were tears that they would never regret in their lives.

Leave this child...please leave it to me...

His voice sounds deep in everyone's heart, so kind and refreshing, as if hearing His voice can redeem the painful past.

Your name is... Zishu.

The copywriting of only a few hundred words caused a stir in the player community.

Countless plot parties and even ordinary players are hotly discussing the key information that appears in the second story of Zishu.

His life experience has been revealed. He was an orphan of a civilization that was destroyed by natural disasters. He was found by a certain star god's messenger, and finally the star god personally handled the follow-up.

[I’m so stupid, Zi Shu must have been raised by the Star God, right? This card is too big! 】

[Messenger of the Star, Star Palace...I am sure it is a text message that was not available in the three closed tests. 】

[Is the star god that my adoptive father once believed in called the benefactor? Why can’t I find the star god entry in the think tank, but there is a record of the pure and beautiful star god Idrila who also died. 】

[It seems unreliable to look for it based on the Star God entry. Order and immortality are also not recorded. 】

[As soon as I mentioned think tank, I opened it and looked at it again. There is something new! The number displayed by the Star God icon has changed to 16/17! 】

【Me Cao? ! 】

Seeing the eye-catching message on the barrage, Ran Ran also opened the think tank to check, and found that it was true.

Unfortunately, players who had high expectations still came away disappointed.

???,? ? ?

It is known that there are no longer 16 Star Gods, but the name of the extra one is still a question mark, no matter the name of the destiny or the name of the owner.

Click on the question mark column, and it will display Complete? on the right. ? ? Unlocked after the mission, it's just a little bit of information... Wait a minute——

Players who were disappointed found that in the related entries below, there was the Star Messenger and the Star Palace mentioned in the second story of the book.

[Messenger of the Star -? ? ? ]

Those who have been redeemed, there is no need to be grateful. Without His selflessness, you and I would not be where we are today. Let go of the past and believe in Him sincerely...

——Zhongli Zhenshui, Messenger of the Blessed Star

Most of the Blessing Star Messengers have painful pasts. After being redeemed, they spontaneously established the Star Palace to locate suffering and pain, traveling through thousands of worlds to provide selfless relief, thereby promoting the virtues of ██████.

The messengers carry out His will and provide aid regardless of good or evil.

No matter how difficult the problem is, no matter whether you ask the messengers for help or not, they will spare no effort and will never ask for any reward afterwards.

[Star Palace -? ? ? ]

Don't try to harm the Star Palace, and don't have evil thoughts against the messengers of the Blessing Star. They are all saints who have been protected. Any ill intentions will disappear without a trace under that power.

——A soldier who ended ten years of disability

There are four mysterious palace masters in the Star Palace, all of whom can locate disasters and sufferings in the endless galaxy.

The palace master will not only send envoys to places where help is needed, but he will also not stay out of the situation.

Countless people are curious about what they intend for their charity without asking for anything in return, but the answers they get will never change.

The well-known textual researcher UP Sao Sheng kept scratching his hair, looking through the text books collected in the game, and staring at the screen without blinking.

However, after looking through all the texts, I could not find any relevant information mentioned in the character stories of Zishu.

Hidden too deeply.

However, just reading the story of Zishu's character is not without gain. At least, we can learn that the star god he once believed in, himself and the messengers of the Blessing Star, all act according to the creed of doing good deeds and only leaving a name without expecting anything in return.

Not wanting to repay... Sao Sheng suddenly had a flash of inspiration——

Fertility Medicine Man!

Like, so similar.

A bold guess that could not be verified took shape in his mind:

The star gods currently confirmed to have died include Order Taiyi, and he was also the only star god who could die with a stone hammer, and was devoured by Tonghe Xipei.

According to the theory of destiny, the pharmacist is also doing similar things. Is it possible that the star god Zi Shu once believed in also died of being devoured?

It's a pity that there is no evidence to support it... Oh, forget it, it's just speculation anyway. At most, just put on a few layers of armor to prevent someone from writing history books.

Sao Sheng opened his notepad and started writing copy, preparing to publish an issue of research on Zi Shu's past.

Not long after the server was launched, Zishu, as an airborne character, was already as popular as the older characters who had entered the game earlier. He was deeply loved by players in all aspects.

Those who work in self-media, regardless of whether they have their own principles, must pay close attention to real-time traffic.

In fact, many players have already shared their speculations.

Among them, there are also people who happened to mention the word perfection. When the plot is gradually unlocked with the version, these people learn that they guessed it correctly, and they may become bragging rights in the community.

176. All have hidden powers

After talking to Zishu, Xing walked to Kafka to seek answers to his confused heart.

Kafka spoke softly, The Star Core Rebellion in Immortal Boat is not directly related to us, but if you stand from Elio's perspective, then you cannot say that the Star Core Hunters are innocent;

“We had foreseen all this, but we did nothing about it…until the right time came to engage in it;”

The reason why Fu Taibu is so surprised is because she discovered three facts. First, the star core hunters are not the enemies of Xianzhou. You already know this, although... you still don't believe it...

2. There was someone else who brought the star core into the fairy boat and started it. There were both internal and external troubles. The traitors inside Luofu and the enemies from the outside wanted to subvert the fairy boat. Taibu was in a hurry to find the general. Presumably It’s to inform you about this.”

Xing's slender eyebrows furrowed, thinking about the authenticity of Kafka's words.

Since she has the mental protection spell cast by Zi Shu, she is not worried about her mind being manipulated or confused.

Kafka didn't care about Xing's suspicion and continued to think about himself: But Taibu only knows so much, because Elio didn't tell me the key information either;

He foresaw that Taibo Si would use the Qiongguan Formation on me. In order to prevent accidents, I only knew what the Immortal Boat Alliance should know. As for the third fact...

I'm afraid the Immortal Boat Alliance can't even dream of it... Haha, that is: if the Star Core Hunter is not the initiator of all this, then why are Ah Ren and I here? It's for - you.

you are lying.

Xing stared closely at Kafka's eyes, trying to find something in them. Unfortunately, the emotions in Kafka's eyes were always like calm lake water, without ripples.

It sounds absurd, right? I can understand if Fu Taibu doesn't believe it, but Qiongguanzhen won't lie, so the answer is so interesting: the star core hunter appeared here, Ah Ren was arrested, and I was introduced to this poor place. The purpose of observing the formation is to bring you, the star train, into the fairy boat.

It's that simple?

Xing slowly shook his head and questioned:

I don't think you have any reservations about me. Although I don't know how much power the Star Dome Train has hidden, but - with my ability, how much impact can I have on the situation of the Immortal Boat Alliance?

You are a smart man. You should know the style of Wu Mingke, especially those who spend time with you day and night. You know their temperament very well...

Kafka added thoughtfully:

The Star Dome Train is a whole, and there is no one person who can stay out of it... Since you mentioned the hidden power, let me tell you by the way, all members of the train crew, including you, have their own hidden power...


Not far away, Zi Shu retracted his attention from the conversation between Xing and Kafka.

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