I understand, I understand, doesn't Jing Yuan know how to repay his kindness? Things are happening in a hurry now. When the disaster subsides, I will definitely talk to you about repayment.

Star turned to look at his companion.

Zi Shu and Walter both nodded in unison, saying that there was nothing wrong. As for March 7, they had just been mentally prepared, and they would not say anything more.

I have never thought about repayment or non-repayment. The unknown guest travels all over the world, and this is what he does in the first place.

He is the general of Xianzhou after all. Xingyou clasped his fists in a decent manner, imitating the tone of voice of some Xianzhou women and said: This little girl admires such magnanimity.

Jing Yuan: Ah hahaha, as for guiding the guests, I still need to trouble Miss Tingyun for a while.

Tingyun: ...This is also the little girl's duty, and she is bound to do it.

If you have any questions, Jingyuan will try his best to answer them. I have ordered people to prepare a place for you to stay. If you have no questions, please go to the Yuchen Inn in the center of Xingchahai to rest.

General, you won't send someone to arrest us while we're sleeping, right?

Why did Miss Yuyue say this? You are all distinguished guests of Luofu's Immortal Boat. Jingyuan has no reason and will never do such a thing. Jingyuan chuckled and shook his head.

It's okay, it's okay. She just has a criminal record. Once she was bitten by a snake, she was afraid of the well rope for ten years. I really have a lot of questions that I beg the general to answer. Xing stepped forward.

Seeing Jing Yuan signaling Xing to move aside, Fu Xuan withdrew his peripheral vision from Zi Shu, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

Now that the business is settled, it's time to give an explanation for Zi Shu's ability to control the Qongguan Formation.

Lord Taibu, could you please take a moment to talk?

Zi Shu had long since noticed that Fu Xuan had been staring at him, and he also saw that it was not easy for her to speak due to the current relationship between the two parties, so he mentioned it first.

[Warm reminder: The main plot has come to an end for the time being, and the follow-up plot will start at: Meet tomorrow. 】

Go, Fu Qing. Jing Yuan also noticed that there seemed to be something fishy between the two of them.

However, I can guess that Zi Shu must have done something unexpected in Taibo Division, which made Fu Qing feel uneasy.

Maybe... it has something to do with the Qionguan Formation.

Mr. Zishu, come with me. Fu Xuan stepped forward, swung his twin ponytails and walked towards the outside of the teaching hall.

Arriving at a deserted corner, Fu Xuan conveniently set up a barrier to isolate the movement. Then he turned around and looked directly at Zishu's face, and an ancient saying flashed through his mind.

It is not that you praise the king when you meet others, but you are also crazy, chivalrous and gentle.

This was her first impression when she saw Zi Shu.

Another example is Zhuo Zhuo Chun Yue Liu. Just looking at him makes people feel good. He has such an aura that it is really difficult to associate him with evil people.

Master Taibu is staring at me like this, is there something wrong with my face? Zi Shu said with a smile.

Only then did Fu Xuan realize that he was actually looking at a man who was a foreigner and lost consciousness. He coughed dryly to cover up his embarrassment and got straight to the point.

Now you can tell me why you can control Taibo Si's Qionguan Formation. This is Taibu Si's diviner talent... What is your relationship with Ruoyue? Fu Xuan seemed to have thought of something and changed his mind temporarily.


Zi Shu searched for this name in his memory, but had no impression.

I don't know Lord Taibu...

It's better to call me Fu Xuan. Your Excellency can't bear this sound.

Zi Shu was speechless, shook his head slightly and said: The source of my ability has nothing to do with your Xianzhou Alliance. The reason why you can run your Qiongguan Formation is because -

Before Zi Shu could continue, a recording suddenly sounded, distracting the two of them.

Speaking of Qingque, I heard that Taibusi's cave was also hit by a disaster...Why do you still have the heart to play cards here for so long?

Hey, it's such a big deal. Even if Taibu's sky falls, Taibu will still be holding her up. Although she is not tall enough, her ability is as strong as the sky.

Zi Shu: ???

Aha, who has killed a thousand swords, is so impatient to release Qingque’s classic quotes to remind himself not to forget another promise?

Then don't blame him for being unjust!

And from the bottom of Fu Xuan’s heart: (? ̄ Pan ̄)

You're such a green bird, you're just taking a break from your busy schedule behind your back, and you dare to speak ill of your boss!

In the teaching hall, Qingque, who was forced to work overtime, shivered for no reason and involuntarily turned around and looked behind him.

I didn’t see the terrifying petite figure engraved in my mind…

She is obviously working diligently at the moment, which is really strange...

I'm not just playing around...this is called fishing and working at the same time—

As Fu Xuan watched with twitching eyes, Zi Shu silently took out his mobile phone from his sleeve robe and cut off the recording. He seemed to have accidentally picked up something extra and dropped it to the ground with a clang.

Fu Xuan took a look and found that it was a mask. Sensing the aura on the mask, she was stunned.

Zi Shu bent his fingers, and the suction force erupted from his palm, sucking the mask into his palm, and threw it back together with the phone.

I'm sorry, the phone is recording and playing automatically. It's because I'm not strict in my discipline.

This is...the aura of a happy destiny, and...it even belongs to Lord Chang Letian?!

Fu Xuan's little face was filled with astonishment. He quickly stepped forward and grabbed Zi Shu's hand, and started to perform divination with his left hand.

Steamed buns, you little pink-haired dwarf also want to trick Aha into glancing at you? No, you're too boring!

Grass! .jpg

179. Patriarch

The strange and shrill words rang out from the bottom of his heart. Fu Xuan couldn't help but let go and his eyes widened. His chest rose and fell slightly, and he looked up at Zi Shu, whose expression was full of innocence.

He actually——

Are you the envoy of Lord Chang Letian?!

Lord Taibu, you know, please enjoy those things. I couldn't help it a lot, and it was all Aha's fault. Zi Shu put the pot back on Aha's head without any courtesy.

Aha: Mr. Lingshi's way of blaming the blame is still so interesting. Why do you want to make Aha feel boring by pretending to reveal your identity? Le, you are too young.

So the recording just now was... fabricated by Chang Le Tianjun? Fu Xuan asked.

Oh, that's not true. I was playing cards with Qingque, and she did say those things.

Fu Xuan: ...

walk slowly.

But now is not the time to cause trouble for Qingque...

Although I think it is unlikely, I would like to confirm again whether the star core in Luofu is related to you, or is it someone from the Happy Faction who is causing trouble behind it?

Of course there is no connection.

Zi Shu denied it without thinking.

I admit that some members of the Happy Faction will do whatever it takes to satisfy their selfish desires, but they also have a certain temperament and are at odds with the Immortal Boat Alliance. I don't think any of those guys are stupid enough to want to be prey.

Then what is the purpose of your appearance in Luofu? Fu Xuan pressed forward step by step.

In her impression, some people in the Happy camp are both good and evil, always acting as they please. This style even includes the Master of Happy's destiny.

On the surface, Chang Le Tianjun has never done any heinous and cruel things, but some of the incidents he caused for pleasure make it difficult for people to respect him as Siming.

Master Taibu, if you care, you will be confused. Don't you and the general already know the reason why I came to Luofu?

Zishu said calmly: I am an ordinary unknown passenger on the Star Train. Becoming the messenger of joy is an unintentional accident. Or as you said, it is all Aha's good deeds. Do you believe it?

I believe it 70%. Fu Xuan also said simply, After all, I know that there is a group of anti-happy actors in the happy camp.

Why is it only 70%?

70% of it is because your train crew helped Luofu.

Then what's the remaining three percent?

...Because you are not a fairy boat person, but you can control Taibo Si's Qionguan Formation. Is this also the knowledge imparted by Chang Le Tianjun?

No. Zi Shu opened his hand and thought, and a miniature formation was running in his palm, Master Taibu, please use your spiritual sense to observe it. I wonder if you can recognize its principle or effect?

Fu Xuan's eyes froze when he saw the familiar Bagua elements on his palm, so he closed his eyes and concentrated, touching the surface of the formation with his spiritual consciousness.

From this miniature formation, she felt a force related to cause and effect.

Opening his eyes, Fu Xuan seemed to have opened the door to a new world, and looked at Zi Shu with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

Can I try the effect of this formation?

Okay. Zi Shu flicked his palm, expanded the moving star array and appeared under Fu Xuan's feet.

Fu Xuan's fingertips turned into knives, and without hesitation, he cut across his arm, leaving a blood mark. The slight pain was nothing to mention. She stared at the wound closely, and found that the wound quickly recovered as before in the next second.

What a powerful formation.

Allow me to make some improvements. Zishu changed the seal, and the formation base began to change and reorganize, and it transformed into another effect in the blink of an eye, Master Taibu, please take another look.

This this--!

Within two seconds of Fu Xuan's spiritual consciousness coming into contact with the formation, his eyes widened, filled with disbelief and a bit of horror.

It turns out that he has the ability to predict the future fortune by observing the array!

Not only is it exactly the same, it is even more precise and powerful!

Are you familiar? Zi Shu waved his hand to disperse the formation.

Familiar to the core... Fu Xuan murmured, and the next second she couldn't help but ask, So what happened, you are... you were, no, no, I should say, what is your past relationship with the Xianzhou Alliance? ?”

The Qionguan Formation laid out by Zi Shu has a more powerful foresight ability, and does not need the technical support of Yuzhao. To describe it in exaggerated and concise terms——

With this formation, he alone can be equal to the entire Taibusi!

So...what's the price? Fu Xuan asked quickly.

She didn't believe in this ability, and it didn't cost anything to use it.

Let me keep this a secret. Zi Shu smiled slightly, Now, Lord Taibu should have thought of some possibility. I can tell you clearly that your guess is not wrong.

Unbelievable...unbelievable... Fu Xuan's lips trembled slightly, and his heart was extremely turbulent.

She did not expect that the technical support she received from Bo Shizun was directly related to Zi Shu's ability or knowledge.

And the most important point - no matter how you look at Zi Shu's abilities, they all come from orthodox sources.

Your Xianzhou Alliance's understanding of Tai Chi, Bagua, Qi Men Dun Jia and other knowledge, as well as the records and applications of various formations and spells, all come from the ancient inheritance that has long been lost in the world.

But why does the historical record of Xianzhou say that this knowledge was invented by our ancestors? Fu Xuan was confused.

Because history has been distorted. Zi Shu said in a complicated tone, I don't want to mention that period of history.


There is no point anymore.

But I want to know... the correct history should not be buried!

The Immortal Boat Alliance once visited the Medicine Master as medicine envoys to seek immortality, but you have lost most of the historical records before the Immortal Boat set sail. Perhaps during that period, your ancestors were favored by ancient beings.

Fu Xuan was stunned.

What happened in such a long time ago is just like what Zishu said, and the records that have been handed down to this day have long become legends.

Yes... No one can prove its authenticity, so what's the point of knowing it?

Can you reveal where the inheritance is? This knowledge is extremely important to Xianzhou... to me...! Fu Xuan walked up to Zi Shu, raised his head and stared into his eyes, I can pay any price!

No wonder there was an urge to get in touch with him, get closer to him and learn more about him.

It turns out that he holds the origin of the knowledge of the Immortal Boat Divination School. In terms of nature, he can be said to be the founder of the Taidivination Division of the entire Immortal Boat Alliance.

She has been studying divination since she was a child, and has been studying the flexibility of fate, but she has never been able to answer the question of whether fate can be changed.

She once had a debate with people about this, but now, she is the only one who can put an end to the debate.

This is also the answer she most wants to get as a diviner. Only by finding the answer herself can she comfort that person's spirit in heaven.

Zi Shu slowly shook his head, That person is gone a long time ago. If nothing unexpected happens, I am the last one who has mastered all his knowledge and still remembers him...

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